Heroes of Hammerwatch II Message Board  STATUS: ON HOLD - This game is currently patching very frequently and/or is early access with few downloads. It is counter-productive to continue updating the trainer under these circumstances. When the title becomes more stable and/or is out of early access, it will be re-evaluated for an updated trainer. Trainer updates for this game may still be released intermittently while in this status depending on our current workload.

Our Heroes of Hammerwatch II Trainer is now available for version B116 net_testing and supports STEAM. Our Heroes of Hammerwatch II message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Heroes of Hammerwatch II Trainer
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  Heroes of Hammerwatch II Trainer

  • Site Support
    Send a message to DragonStryder
    DragonStryder posted on Jan 18, 2025 9:44:31 AM - Report post

    Heroes of Hammerwatch II by cheathappens.com

    Activating this trainer
    If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
    Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
    Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.

    Trainer Options
    # Cheats
    NumPad1: Toggle Developer Cheats

    # Gameplay
    NumPad2: Game Speed

    The developers have removed the cheat commands in the release version of the game. To use this trainer and console commands, you will need to do the following.

    In STEAM, click LIBRARY, then find Heroes of Hammerwatch II game in the list.

    Right click it, then select PROPERTIES, then select BETAS, then select:

    net_testing - public testing of network.

    Steam will download that version of the game.

    The trainer will then work for that version of the game.

    In some cases your current character will be loaded. In other cases you may have to start a new character.

    Toggle Developer Cheats:
    Toggle Option ON
    Press ` to open CONSOLE

    To allow cheats to work in cosole, next:


    e_cheats 1

    then type

    cs_show_menu 1

    Then you can type in your cheats

    Example Cheats:

    cht_god 1
    cht_plr_free_mana_cost 1
    cht_plr_free_stamina_cost 1
    cht_noclip 1
    dbg_cht_ignore_equipment_requirements 1






    Get more trainers and updates at www.cheathappens.com

    [Edited by moderator DragonStryder, 1/24/2025 11:14:28 AM]
    CheatHappens Lead Help Desk & Support Engineer.
    CheatHappens Trainer Monkeys Project Lead.
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to Demonless
    TIER 7
    Demonless posted on Jan 19, 2025 6:02:22 AM - Report post
    Not sure where to post this but the command:
    cht_spawn_trinket #
    will drop that number of trinkets. They are all common. Not sure of the command for higher quality trinkets.
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to malongdik
    malongdik posted on Jan 19, 2025 7:44:39 AM - Report post
    Thanks a lot!

    Just wanted to add these other helpful console commands:

    cht_give_material gold [quantity]
    cht_give_material all [quantity]
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to jeremy77777
    jeremy77777 posted on Jan 19, 2025 9:26:36 PM - Report post
    Additional Codes

    g_scale Changes the scaling of the game. The default for a 16:9 resolution would have a game scale of 4.
    g_timescale Affects the game speed.
    cht_change_weather Change the current weather, options are fair windy rain_2 rain_3 snow_1 snow_2
    cht_clear_flags Clears all currently set flags - will probably break your save
    cht_clear_inventory Clears all inventory items, including key items
    cht_clear_skills Resets all skill point allocations
    cht_explore_level Uncovers the entire map
    cht_finish_quest will mark the specified quest as completed
    cht_give_item will give the amount of the specified item
    cht_give_and_equip_item will give and equip the specified item
    cht_give_experience grants the specified amount of experience
    cht_give_gold grants the specified amount of gold
    cht_give_health grants the specified amount of health
    cht_give_mana grants the specified amount of mana
    cht_give_many_equipment 0 = random gives many equipment with the specified parameters
    cht_give_random_equipment gives the specified amount of random equipment
    cht_give_tier grants the specified tier, apprentice, adept, expert, master
    cht_give_uniques grants many unique items with the specified parameters, and tags.
    cht_god Toggles godmode.
    cht_killall Will kill all enemies on the current level
    cht_levelup Will level your character up by the specified amount of levels.
    cht_list_all_items Will print all items and ids in the game to the console/log
    cht_list_flags Lists all currently set flags
    cht_list_quests Lists all quests and their IDs
    cht_noclip Toggles noclip
    cht_play_music Plays specified track.
    cht_play_ambience Plays specified track.
    cht_plr_hidden when true, hides the character on screen
    cht_plr_level_progress Sets the character to the specified level, with the correct tier and key items for that level as well as a random selection of level appropriate gear
    cht_refil_potions Refills your potions
    cht_revive Revivies you
    cht_set_flag Can be used to set/unset a flag
    cht_show_tailor Opens the Tailor UI to chance character colors
    cht_solve_quest Marks the specified quest as solved
    cht_start_quest Starts the specified Quest
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to malongdik
    malongdik posted on Jan 20, 2025 7:59:35 AM - Report post
    I tried a lot of these and nothing happens. The console prints "No such cvar: [foo]"
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to smillson
    TIER 7
    smillson posted on Jan 20, 2025 9:02:32 AM - Report post
    Activate trainer
    Toggle Developer Cheats
    Press ~

    e_cheats 1
    cs_show_menu 1

    You'll find the log in the logs folder under the Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 folder, the latest log will show these items. You can open it while in the game.

    Spawn Equipment on the Ground
    Example: cht_spawn_specific_equipment mainhand_wand_ice_02

    Fills inventory with random Trinkets
    Example: This will give 10 Epic Trinkets
    cht_fill_trinkets 0 0 0 10 0

    Spawn a Trinket on the Ground
    Example: cht_spawn_specific_trinket apothecarys_flask'

    amulet_health 30 health amu life
    amulet_mana 30 mana amu life
    apothecarys_antidote 30 poison apoth supp
    apothecarys_tincture buff w/potion apoth supp
    book_attacks 20 attack tombs of power
    book_experience 20% exp gain
    book_spells 20 sp power tombs of power
    crest_courage 5% dam crests valor
    focus_crystal_lesser 2.5% spell crit
    gambeson 20 armor soldiers uniform
    gemstone_fire 20 fire/10 pen infulsed gemstones
    gemstone_ice 20 ice/10 pen infulsed gemstones
    gemstone_lightning 20 lit/10 pen infulsed gemstones
    gemstone_poison 20 poi/10 pen infulsed gemstones
    hallowed_bone 10% undead holy relics
    life_stone 2% life/kill midas
    mana_stone 2% mana/kill midas
    markhams_purse 1% gold Mark Master
    protective_charm -5% dam taken
    ring_health 0.5 health rings
    ring_mana 0.5 mana rings
    ring_rejuvenation 0.3 both rings
    ring_resistances 10 res RR
    ring_speed 5% move
    traders_coin 25% gold
    whetstone_lesser 2.5% wep crit

    amulet_vigor_greater 50 heath / mana amu life
    apothecarys_flask 1 potion charge apoth supp
    belt_brute 10% health/dam
    blackjack 30 dam dash
    caltrops 25 dam dash
    chain_undershirt 40 arm soldiers uniform
    crest_triumph 20% dam elites crests valor
    dragon_claw 25% crit damag dragon
    drums 2 sec buff minstril
    flute 10% spell conf minstril
    focus_crystal 5% spell crit
    girdle_might 10% weapon soldiers uniform
    headhunter_contract 10% dam elites
    iron_pick 25% iron scavangers
    maggot_gland 4 sec dam Critters
    markhams_stone 2% wood Mark Master
    pendant_prowess 10% spell
    rabbits_foot 5% evasion
    ring_rejuvenation_greater 1 H/M rings
    ring_resistances_greater 25 res RR
    ring_speed_greater 5% mv/10% wp
    sanctified_water buff w/potion holy relics
    scroll_magic_missile 30 mana
    searing_torch spell 2s cooldown `
    skull_talisman 5% stun
    spider_web 3 sec web Critters
    spiked_pauldrons 15 arm/reflect soldiers uniform
    stone_chisel 25% stone scavangers
    talisman_feather extra dash
    throwing_stars 4th weapon
    torc_alactiy 15% wep speed
    whetstone 5% wep crit
    wicked_hooks crit stack bleed
    wood_axe 25% wood scavangers

    apothecarys_sickle 1% pot charg apoth supp
    assassin_mask dedection reduc
    cauldron 30 fire dam
    chaos_orb 30 spell dam random
    closed_circuit 5 lit wep dama
    codex_power 40 wep spell po tombs of power
    coiled_serpent 5 poi weap dam critters
    crest_victory 20 dam boss crests valor
    crowning_achievement 20 spell wep power
    dragon_scale_blue 50 ice armor dragon
    dragon_scale_red 50 fire armor dragon
    ectoplasm 5 ice wepon
    fiddle 20% silence minstril
    fire_salts 5 fire weap
    kyras_quiver random dam
    lantern shines w/blind holy relics
    mana_crystallizer 50 mana pickup
    markhams_amulet 3 H/M per trink Mark Master
    markhams_mace 2 attp pow trink Mark Master
    markhams_wand 2 spell pow trink Mark Master
    moonstone_pendant block 50 dam
    sacred_cross -20 shadow holy relics
    scroll_dashing 50 mana
    scroll_earth 100 mana
    scroll_meteor 75 mana
    spider_egg 5 spiders
    thunderbird_feather 1 dash charge

    arctic_step 15 ice dam
    dragon_heart 200 health dragon
    elemental_prism 3 spell buff
    hourglass spell cooldown 50%
    orb_of_restoration heal mana spent
    parry_medal 50% parry soldiers uniform
    phoenix_feather 1 potion charge
    scroll_hellfire 100 mana buff

    decaying_hand 3% wep power
    pickled_eye 3% spel power
    bent_knife 3% wep crit

    [Edited by smillson, 1/20/2025 2:01:27 PM]
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to malongdik
    malongdik posted on Jan 20, 2025 5:22:00 PM - Report post
    This worked until today. Now I keep getting the message "Cheats are disabled in non-modded games now" and "Variable [foo] can only be modified with e_cheats turned on"

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Start game through Steam. (App ID: 619820, Build ID: 17043364)
    2. Start Aurora. Press Activate Trainer. Hear "trainer activated"
    3. Switch Toggle Developer Cheats on
    4. In game console, type e_cheats 1
    5. Get the error: "Cheats are disabled in non-modded games"
  • Lead Moderator
    Send a message to Nook
    Nook posted on Jan 20, 2025 5:23:42 PM - Report post
    originally posted by malongdik

    This worked until today. Now I keep getting the message "Cheats are disabled in non-modded games now" and "Variable [foo] can only be modified with e_cheats turned on"

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Start game through Steam. (App ID: 619820, Build ID: 17043364)
    2. Start Aurora. Press Activate Trainer. Hear "trainer activated"
    3. Switch Toggle Developer Cheats on
    4. In game console, type e_cheats 1
    5. Get the error: "Cheats are disabled in non-modded games"

    What are the steps to replicate this issue?
    Does your game version match the trainer version?
    Are there any special instructions that need to be followed?
    if the Instructions say to place a launcher in the game files have you replaced the launcher file?
    Are you running Aurora as admin? Not doing that can cause issues for a lot of trainers.
    Did you extract Aurora as opposed to just running it?
    Have you reinstalled/verified the game files?
    Have you restarted your computer before trying the trainer again?
    Have you set the anti-virus exclusions for Aurora?
    Are you running the newest version of Aurora?
    Have you followed the readme instructions?
    Are you opening the game from a supported launcher?
    Are you running the newest version of the trainer?
    Are you playing a beta version of the game?
    Are you using mods?
    Could you provide a save file?
    Are you able to get the error message/issue on a new save?

    Baby's first loan officer | Lead Forum Moderator | Trainer Monkey Vice-Captain
    Here are the Forum Rules, Please Read Them: https://www.cheathappens.com/show_board2.asp?headID=144968&titleID=8463
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