I have tried the currency hack and able to get currency when i enter the next room. I turned off the option after. After i died, i went back to the staging area.
However, the area where you use to upgrade your skills using contraband becomes empty and cannot upgrade and causes the game and trainer to crash. The other upgrade areas didn't have any problems.
Also note that I am using the EPIC Games store version, not steam as it was free.
[Edited by MindlessManiac, 1/2/2025 4:28:55 PM]
the epic version of the game isn't supported
To submit a request for a new distribution platform, please use our trainer requests system. Once at least 5 people request the same distribution, it will be available for funding. Please do NOT use the trainer option request system to request new platforms as they will be denied. Premium members at any level may request a new distribution as long as it’s done through the normal request system.
Actually, i have tried this using the steam version and the result are the same.
Once you died or completed the level and head back to the main area, if you try to upgrade your skills it crashes and its like the picture attached.
Please use the update notification system to report a game patch, update or to report that the trainer may not be working with the latest version of the game. If 3 or more reports have been filed, consider BOOSTING the priority of this title for a faster turnaround on the updated trainer.