Hello, I have more information on the issue with the latest version of the AC. A crash happens only if I click out of M25, and use another app on my desktop, for example, and then click back into M25. Hope this helps.
Then don't do that. Problem solved.
this trainer work on ea app😅
It is made for Steam.
To submit a request for a new distribution platform, please use our trainer requests system. Once at least 5 people request the same distribution, it will be available for funding. Please do NOT use the trainer option request system to request new platforms as they will be denied. Premium members at any level may request a new distribution as long as it’s done through the normal request system.
Well , I was just trying to give the makers of the AC some information that I learned, as people often need to do other things while the game is running. But I appreciate the "smart" answer. Now I am off to cancel my membership.
[Edited by buhbooh, 9/10/2024 12:55:27 PM]
No problem, let me know if you need any help with that.
Well , I was just trying to give the makers of the AC some information that I learned, as people often need to do other things while the game is running. But I appreciate the "smart" answer. Now I am off to cancel my membership.
[Edited by buhbooh, 9/10/2024 12:55:27 PM]
Instead of being a reactive person, which causes US to be reactive, you could have simply waited for us to update the trainer, which takes a LOT OF WORK AND TIME TO GET AROUND THESE AC, since the game UPDATED YESTERDAY.. and you would be enjoying the new trainer.
Also note that because there are "issues" the complicate or make your gaming experience not as "ideal" (i.e. you may not be able to do this or that or you may have to play the game a certain way or follow some instructions to keep the game from crashing, etc. , due to the AC) doesn't mean we haven't spent hours and hours to try and help with those situations. We don't have unlimited time to put into just ONE TITLE either. With that said, at least for now, with the current game version, these random crashes should be at a minimum with the latest trainer I spent hours reversing the game and updating for you.
I don't know if this reply is "smart" or being taken as "combative", but members here often forget that it's not some trivial or simple task to work on these games. Go look and see how many trainers there are for Madden 25. There is a reason for that.
Last, people who are trying to cheat ONLINE or using trainers or mods ONLINE, you are the reason these anticheats exist. YOU are the reason they keep updating the AC and create all these issues that we have to deal with. You are a scourge to gaming, and so don't be surprised when many games or franchises become unmoddable or don't have trainers, as you ruin the experience for others in PVP environments. SHAME ON YOU. If this statement doesn't apply to you, then don't apply it to you. If it does, I mean every word of it.