Couldn't get the Gamepass version to work either. I have the Steam version as well and that one runs just fine. Now, am not exactly "tech savvy" but I think the problem is that the Gamepass version hasn't been updated. Mine says v1.0.6.0 (no updates available) while the Steam version has a mention of a patch on 02/19/2024 to v1.1.1. I've uninstalled and installed the Gamepass version to "force" an update and nothing. I have no idea how to know which version the trainer is running but am guessing the versions of Steam and Gamepass aren't the same.
I would suggest putting in an update request so the trainer maker can look into the issue
Please use the update notification system to report a game patch, update or to report that the trainer may not be working with the latest version of the game. If 3 or more reports have been filed, consider BOOSTING the priority of this title for a faster turnaround on the updated trainer.
Just fyi. I did put in a request but after reinstalling Aurora, FFVI, then trying some other things I found on the boards, a new information popped up when trying to load the trainer. Just didnt know if I should do another request with this different information or put it here. Please dont get mad. Figured it might help if anyone knows a way around this.19:15:13: FINAL FANTASY VI Pixel Remaster, 10-10-2025 (STEAM/WINDOWSSTORE/XBOXGAMEPASS), Last modified: 01/10/2025 11:43:02
19:15:27: Successfully attached to FINAL FANTASY VI
19:15:27: Target process is an UWP process which might not allow IPC. While injecting the mono pipe may success, establishing connection might fail.19:15:29: Collect Selected Character, Script error in line 4: Cannot find aob for 'Selected_Character'
Make sure you have Aurora in a not synced location, such as documents, desktop or downloads.
Make sure you have exclusions for Aurora
Make sure Aurora is running as admin