Our The Long Dark Trainer is now available for version 2.39 149246 / 2.34 148285 U / 2.12 148383 and supports STEAM, EPIC STORE, WINDOWS STORE.
Our The Long Dark message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Shwez posted on Sep 28, 2014 9:18:33 PM - Report post
It's just a flag.
When you inspect an item it turn into "1". If you change it to "0" while inspecting, it just stop you from picking up or dropping the item.
[Edited by Shwez, 9/28/2014 9:19:06 PM]
[Edited by Shwez, 9/28/2014 9:19:28 PM]
Valok223 posted on Oct 08, 2014 10:15:17 PM - Report post
Amazing work as always CH .
Small request. Would it be possible to add an option to edit items on the inventory? (Unless there is already said option and I can't find it on that huge list)
I wanted to get infinite ammo just to see how long I could survive by just hunting!
Kenki posted on Oct 29, 2014 9:05:03 PM - Report post
The game just received a major update with a new area but it also broke the trainer. If you need the exe file from steam for a trainer update then I can send it to you.
heidithejoe posted on Oct 30, 2014 12:48:27 PM - Report post
Trainer doesn't seem to be working with the newest version
borre643 posted on Oct 30, 2014 12:57:43 PM - Report post
indeed! I can confirm this too! guess we'll have to wait!
cwk00000 posted on Oct 30, 2014 3:56:01 PM - Report post
same here guys - new game update is amazing apart from there are so many wolves its stupid - any chance of adding an increased bullet count option to the trainer?? please??
Solexfox posted on Oct 31, 2014 1:02:00 PM - Report post
Thankfully they had a hotfix update today that reduced the amount of wolves on the new map level, though they said that there will still be a few near areas with large amounts of loot to present a challenge.
Though an option for more/unlimited bullets would also be interesting to have access to.
nevan posted on Oct 31, 2014 8:00:57 PM - Report post