garmonna posted on Dec 02, 2011 8:09:32 PM - Report post
I just wanted to post on here that the storyline is actually pretty strong in the single player campaign. Granted, you can burn through the both sides in just a few hours of playing, but that only talks about the present situation of the Ark.
The rest of the storyline is actually garnered from earning audiologs that you can listen and read in your dossier in the main menu. While this is not a game I would ever pay $40.00 for, the 6.24 (including DLC) that I paid is more than worth it. Hell, I bought Bastion for $15 and was done with it in 5 hours.
It's worth the price, especially catching the sale. Now if only we could get an update on the trainer.
Skyheart posted on Dec 02, 2011 11:34:06 PM - Report post
Anyone who wanted to try it but didn't want to pay full price for it, now's the perfect time - £3.74 on Steam this weekend, or £4.75 for the game and all three DLC packs.
Not my cup of tea personally, but each to their own.
By the way, if you're still seeing it somewhere for $40, I'd start looking somewhere new. =P
"Remember the good old days when you could just slap Omni-Gel on everything?" - Shepard, ME2
"Not right now. Trying to determine how Scale Itch got aboard. Sexually transmitted disease carried only by Varren..... Implications unpleasant." - Mordin, ME2
infinite_gamer posted on Dec 02, 2011 11:58:45 PM - Report post
I've been thinking about getting this game for a while now... 6.99 on gamefly. DONE!