Numpad 1: Unlimited Health
Numpad 2: Unlimited Ammo
Numpad 3: No Reload
Numpad 4: Add XP
Numpad 5: Add Match Time
Numpad 6: End Match
Numpad 7: Instant Cooldowns
Numpad 8: Instant Supplies
Numpad .: Save Position
Numpad +: Teleport
Numpad -: Undo Teleport
Numpad 9: Add Ability Points
Numpad 0: Add Rank Points
Numpad *: Add Level Points
Numpad /: Challenge Timer
\ Key: Master Unlock
Numpad 1: Unlimited Health - heavy damage can still knock you down.
Numpad 2: Unlimited Ammo - most weapons will have unlimited ammo.
Numpad 3: No Reload - most weapons can fire without reloading.
This also turns on Unlimited Ammo automatically.
Numpad 4: Add XP - while in the action portion of the game, press
this key to add more XP.
Numpad 5: Add Match Time - press this key to add 1 minute of gameplay.
Numpad 6: End Match - press this key to end the match.
Numpad 7: Instant Cooldowns - press this key and certain abilities and
your grenades will instantly be ready to use again. This does
not work on cooldowns that are already in progress. If you hear
'Trainer cannot find game' then you are not in the action part
of the game OR you need to press the option key again.
Numpad 8: Instant Supplies - press this key and the supply bar will
remain topped off so that you can use your abilities and
grenades at will. If you hear 'Trainer cannot find game' then
you are not in the action part of the game OR you need to press
the option key again.
Numpad .: Save Position
Numpad +: Teleport
Numpad -: Undo Teleport
Numpad 9: Add Ability Points - to use this, select Characters & Weapons and
then Abilities. Press this key to add more points. Click DONE
and then go back into Abilites to see you have more. This can be used
to purchase abilities.
Numpad 0: Add Rank Points - to use this, select Characters & Weapons and
then Abilities. Press this key to add more points. Click DONE
and then go back into Abilites to see you have more. This can be used
to purchase abilities. If you want to make the changes more permanent,
you may need to make the changes, then SELL ALL. Rank Points may not
necessarily SAVE at the value listed, however you can still buy the
abilities. It's probably best to use a FRESH CHARACTER to do this.
Numpad *: Add Level Points - to use this, select Characters & Weapons and
then Abilities. Press this key to add more points. Click DONE
and then go back into Abilites to see you have more. This can be used
to purchase abilities. If you want to make the changes more permanent,
you may need to make the changes, then SELL ALL. Level Points may not
necessarily SAVE at the value listed. Setting the Level this way will
also reset negative Ability points that occur from using Numpad 9.
It's probably best to use a FRESH CHARACTER to do this.
Numpad /: Challenge Timer - press this key to add 1 minute of gameplay.
\ Key: Master Unlock - press this key to unlock everything in the game. This
includes appearance, weapons, upgrades, and more.
This trainer will allow you to customize the keys if you desire! Use our
Trainer Customizer to accomplish this! Download it from our trainer
troubleshooting page (link below).
Having trouble getting the trainer to work? Visit our forums at
and check out our TRAINER TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE for helpful tips:
AUTHENTICITY NOTICE (Does not apply to PROMO or FREE trainers):
In an effort to maintain the integrity of the files downloaded from our site and to prevent
illegal file sharing, this trainer will perform an authenticity check while in use. This check
requires an Internet connection and the trainer will not run if a connection is absent or if the
trainer is blocked by a security application. NO INFORMATION, PERSONAL OR OTHERWISE, IS SENT TO
CHEAT HAPPENS DURING THIS PROCESS. This check is only performed on trainers that have been
personalized for individual use, not our PROMO or FREE trainers. If you want/need to use the
trainer offline, please go to our trainer troubleshooting page for instructions on how to obtain
an offline key to avoid online checks.
[Edited by PWizard, 5/12/2011 12:50:25 PM]