Hi Mike
I'm having the same problem as Danman, and was wondering, what .exe file is it that you want? Is it the trainer .exe or the origin .exe? A bit confused...
They were asking for the Exe file from the Origin version of the game which danman87 did upload.
However, since Caliber had problems with some of the support files being called for they would likely have to have the entire Origin version to check. Unfortunately, Origin doesn't offer a similar gifting service like Steam does. While there are reportedly sites around the net that sell Origin game keys, PWiz has in the past asked just for the price of the game at Origin be donated to CH and they would buy the game.
[Edited by element5, 12/13/2016 4:20:34 AM]
I have come back to this game after a long time of not playing and the trainer crashes after starting it.
I have the Maximum Edition on Steam, all my other trainers work fine.
I tried both versions, the Origin version doesn't crash until you start the game, it also says that it's for the steam version.
Downloaded the game from Origin and our latest Origin-marked trainer [even though the user interface says Steam.
Launched the game and played until I got to the first checkpoint (save point)
Exited the game completely and cleared memory cache
Launched the trainer with admin rights
Launched the game
Activated the trainer with F1 while in the main menu
Selected Resume Game
When in the game I activated the options that made sense at this point (as the suits capabilities are unlocked in short tutorial sequences step by step)
And later in the game where I could make use of all the options: 100% working as intended, no crashes.