-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHEATHAPPENS.com Presents: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dragon Age Origins Trainer ==================================== EXCLUSIVE FOR CHEAT HAPPENS UNLIMITED MEMBERS! This is for the patched 11.06.2009 version! GET UPDATES FOR THIS TRAINER AT WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM Using this Trainer ------------------ Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu. Listen for "Activated". Press desired option key Options ------- Numpad 1: Unlimited Health Numpad 2: Unlimited Mana Numpad 3: Party Health Numpad +: Level Up Numpad -: Level Down Numpad 4: Add Experience Numpad 5: Attributes Points Numpad 6: Skills Points Numpad 7: Talent/Spell Points Numpad 8: Add Gold Numpad 9: Instant Cooldowns Numpad *: Remove Spells Numpad 0: Unlimited Items Numpad /: Item Editor [ Key: Drain Health ] Key: Heal Unit ; Key: Remove Restrictions ' Key: Unlimited Rogue Stealth Options ------- Numpad 1: Unlimited Health - tries to keep your player alive. Numpad 2: Unlimited Mana - tries to keep your mana pool alive. Numpad 3: Party Health - tries to keep all members of your party alive. Numpad +: Level Up - level will rise. Numpad -: Level Down - level will fall. Numpad 4: Add Experience - adds experience to current character. Numpad 5: Attributes Points - adds an attribute point to current character. Numpad 6: Skills Points - adds an Skill point to current character. Numpad 7: Talent/Spell Points - adds an Talent/Spell point to current character. Numpad 8: Add Gold - enter the inventory at least once and then leave the inventory. Press this key and you will have more money. Numpad 9: Instant Cooldowns - items on your action bar during game play will instantly be ready to use again. Numpad *: Remove Spells - press this key when you are being damaged buy poisons, etc. to remove them from you. This spell is active for about 8 seconds and will also remove good spells from you so use it wisely- Numpad 0: Unlimited Items - items on your action bar will be infinite. Numpad /: Item Editor - Open your inventory and select a list of items that are either armor or weapons. Next hover your mouse over the item you wish to edit. Press the option key. A window will open up displaying this item's information (the information may not be identical to what is displayed in the game). You may have to alt-tab to Windows Desktop to see the window. Next, edit the values to your liking. Some values are multiples or affect the values in the game differently than others. At any rate, when completed, press F1 to save the values. Alt-tab back into the game (if necessary) and you will see that your item has been changed. Change the damage of weapons, the range, or the armor value, etc. Modify the values until you get the in-game value that suits you. Create your own Super Weapons! [ Key: Drain Health - mouse over units that display health bars on them. Press key to drain that unit's health. ] Key: Heal Unit - mouse over units that display health bars on them. Press key to increast to maximum that unit's health. ; Key: Remove Restrictions - some weapons and armor require that your character meets certain requirements. Press this key and then enter the inventory. You should be able to equip items now. ' Key: Unlimited Rogue Stealth - This option allows your rogue to remain stealthed continuously. Go into stealth mode with the rogue and then turn the option on. You will remain in stealth mode indefinitely. To turn off, press option again and then stealth on and off once more. IMPORTANT! ---------- For options 4-9, please note the following: 1) you must select the character before you press the option. Press the function key of the character or click on the portrait of the character. 2) Make sure you do not have Auto Level activated 3) Once you press the option, Press 'C' to enter the character screen and then you should see the Level Up button is now available. 4) You might have to wait a short time after pressing keys for the option to take hold 5) Some areas or zones or characters in the game do not allow levelling up or the changing of attributes in all circumstances or all characters. Some areas you only have access to a party member for a short time, etc. The options may not work for you in those cases. 6) In cases where the option(s) don't appear to be working, try saving your game, closing the game and trainer, and then reloading the game and restart the trainer to see if that helps. This trainer will allow you to customize the keys if you desire! Use our Trainer Customizer to accomplish this! Download it from our trainer troubleshooting page (link below). Having trouble getting the trainer to work? Visit our forums at www.cheathappens.com and check out our TRAINER TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE for helpful tips: http://www.cheathappens.com/trainer_troubleshooting.asp AUTHENTICITY NOTICE (Does not apply to PROMO or FREE trainers): -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In an effort to maintain the integrity of the files downloaded from our site and to prevent illegal file sharing, this trainer will perform an authenticity check while in use. This check requires an Internet connection and the trainer will not run if a connection is absent or if the trainer is blocked by a security application. NO INFORMATION, PERSONAL OR OTHERWISE, IS SENT TO CHEAT HAPPENS DURING THIS PROCESS. This check is only performed on trainers that have been personalized for individual use, not our PROMO or FREE trainers. If you want/need to use the trainer offline, please go to our trainer troubleshooting page for instructions on how to obtain an offline key to avoid online checks. If you want more trainers or mega trainer versions, when available, with more options then visit us at WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM