The results of our January RTX 4070 SUPER MSI X SLIM EDITION GIVEAWAY, VTG CUSTOM PC GIVEAWAY and daily *TRIPLE* GAME A DAY GIVEAWAY winners have been posted. Be sure to claim your prize by February 12, 2025.
For this month we are giving away a NVIDIA RTX 5090 to three (3) lucky winners. Winners may also choose PayPal cash equivalent. Entries are based on your Tier level. Tiers were first introduced with our 2021 Kickstarter and went from Tier 1 to Tier 7, based on your donation level. Throughout 2022-2025 we offered many ways to increase your Tier level, mostly through donating via our online store. We also gave away several Tier 7 upgrades during our Day of Giving and Second Chance giveaways in December. How do you know what Tier you are? You can see it below and also on your MY SETTINGS page. For those looking to get a Tier 7 upgrade you can do it from our online store. Our monthly contests are our way of giving back to those that have supported us the most. But everyone has a chance to win, even brand new users with no tier level are automatically bumped to Tier 1 for this giveaway. Please note that your TIER level has NOTHING to do with your MEMBERSHIP LEVEL or how long you have been a member. Due to many requests, you may now earn additional Tiers via our DONATION page.
Your current Tier Level is: *0*
Number of entries based on your Tier Level:
1 Entry
Tier 1:
1 Entry
Tier 2:
2 Entries
Tier 3:
3 Entries
Tier 4:
4 Entries
Tier 5:
5 Entries
Tier 6:
6 Entries
Tier 7:
20 Entries!
(85% of past winners have been TIER 7 members)

Make sure you don't plan on changing your Tier level before entering as once you click enter your entry is locked in.
You must be signed in to enter!
** Terms and Conditions: These give-aways are available globally, for 18+ entrants only. Employees of Cheat Happens are not eligible. The winners, if selected and located at an international ship-to address, will assume all duties / taxes / customs fees associated with delivery. Any / all winners are responsible for any applicable taxes associated with the contest prize. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This promotion is void where prohibited. **
TIGGER16 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/10/2025 SCPULLEY - GAME-A-DAY - 2/4/2025 SVE1976 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/13/2025 DRAGONZ4K - PSN GIFT CARD - 1/24/2025 HITMEN01 - PAYPAL CASH - 2/3/2025 IKKERENS - PAYPAL CASH - 2/2/2025 JLENTSCH1099 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/2/2025 SILVERBOA - GAME-A-DAY - 2/8/2025 FEUDALPROPHET - GAME-A-DAY - 2/1/2025 GOTHIKE - GAME-A-DAY - 2/8/2025 IMAGINARYDRAGON - FREE $50 GAME - 1/23/2025 ACHILLES13 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/6/2025 OMIWAN - GAME-A-DAY - 2/9/2025 THY91 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/14/2025 FEUDALPROPHET - GAME-A-DAY - 2/1/2025 MI5 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/5/2025 NHARMZWAY - GAME-A-DAY - 2/15/2025 SOULDIRE - GAME-A-DAY - 2/10/2025 DANGAMINGTIME - GAME-A-DAY - 2/1/2025 ABOSAUD09 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/4/2025 SOULDIRE - GAME-A-DAY - 2/10/2025 WHYTEIAN - GAME-A-DAY - 2/11/2025 EBBELPOO - RTX 4070 SUPER MSI X SLIM EDITION - 2/1/2025 JESUS8MYDOG - GAME-A-DAY - 2/6/2025 CJDJ - GAME-A-DAY - 2/16/2025 DPUMBLIQ - GAME-A-DAY - 2/9/2025 MM_LDJ - PAYPAL CASH - 1/18/2025 SPAZZ1233 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/13/2025 IAMOAKEY - 100K RC - 1/30/2025 MUA712788 - PAYPAL CASH - 1/30/2025 INDIPENDER - PAYPAL CASH - 2/3/2025 OMIWAN - GAME-A-DAY - 2/9/2025 JESUS8MYDOG - GAME-A-DAY - 2/6/2025 RK62CRAZY - 100K RC - 2/1/2025 DRAGONSTRYDER - FREE $50 GAME - 2/6/2025 REDFRY4485 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/4/2025 LIONMAN - GAME-A-DAY - 2/7/2025 TEKNICTERROR - GAME-A-DAY - 2/11/2025 DPUMBLIQ - GAME-A-DAY - 2/9/2025 GLUCOSEIVAN - RTX 4070 SUPER MSI X SLIM EDITION - 2/1/2025 AJRINA - GAME-A-DAY - 2/12/2025 CODRUS - GAME-A-DAY - 2/16/2025 PREDREUS - GAME-A-DAY - 2/10/2025 RWWLLMS - GAME-A-DAY - 2/8/2025 NHARMZWAY - GAME-A-DAY - 2/15/2025 ABOSAUD09 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/4/2025 RWWLLMS - GAME-A-DAY - 2/8/2025 2LIGHT - FREE $50 GAME - 2/6/2025 NSNG - GAME-A-DAY - 2/5/2025 SKULLNBONES - PAYPAL CASH - 1/18/2025 KYRII - PAYPAL CASH - 2/1/2025 TIGGER16 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/10/2025 FERONTOS - GAME-A-DAY - 2/9/2025 GIGZ51 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/14/2025 MEATPROFFESOR - GAME-A-DAY - 2/1/2025 SVE1976 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/13/2025 ANTROX01 - PAYPAL CASH - 1/26/2025 SHADOWKHANKHAN - GAME-A-DAY - 2/5/2025 GLITCHHH - GAME-A-DAY - 2/15/2025 DAGGED78 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/12/2025 LARGEOWL - GAME-A-DAY - 2/15/2025 GLITCHHH - GAME-A-DAY - 2/15/2025 GILJS2198 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/3/2025 DAVEC611 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/16/2025 GIGZ51 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/14/2025 DAGGED78 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/12/2025 JLENTSCH1099 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/2/2025 OPUSREDX - GAME-A-DAY - 2/3/2025 PRESSTECH - PAYPAL CASH - 2/1/2025 ANUBIS - GAME-A-DAY - 2/6/2025 JOHNPAULGRIM - ONE YEAR LIFETIME PLUS - 2/2/2025 WHYTEIAN - GAME-A-DAY - 2/11/2025 FERONTOS - GAME-A-DAY - 2/9/2025 OPUSREDX - GAME-A-DAY - 2/3/2025 TEKNICTERROR - GAME-A-DAY - 2/11/2025 TSAIROK - GAME-A-DAY - 2/14/2025 THY91 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/14/2025 JOLTZ - GAME-A-DAY - 2/7/2025 LUDY - RTX 4070 SUPER MSI X SLIM EDITION - 2/1/2025 NSNG - GAME-A-DAY - 2/5/2025 OFTHEROCKS - PAYPAL CASH - 2/2/2025 BOBBY6KILLA - GAME-A-DAY - 2/12/2025 GOTHIKE - GAME-A-DAY - 2/8/2025 WOULD - GAME-A-DAY - 2/2/2025 TREVER - GAME-A-DAY - 2/13/2025 SILVERBOA - GAME-A-DAY - 2/8/2025 ASERFLAB - RTX 4070 SUPER MSI X SLIM EDITION - 2/1/2025 SPAZZ1233 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/13/2025 SPIFFINCHICKEN - GAME-A-DAY - 2/11/2025 DARCORN - FREE STEAM GAME - 2/1/2025 BOBBY6KILLA - GAME-A-DAY - 2/12/2025 CHAD M. - VTG CUSTOM GAMING P - 2/1/2025 CODRUS - GAME-A-DAY - 2/16/2025 VOIDHEART - FREE STEAM GAME - 1/30/2025 SHADOWKHANKHAN - GAME-A-DAY - 2/5/2025 DAVEC611 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/16/2025 GILJS2198 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/3/2025 MEATPROFFESOR - GAME-A-DAY - 2/1/2025 DANGAMINGTIME - GAME-A-DAY - 2/1/2025 LARGEOWL - GAME-A-DAY - 2/15/2025 EASY_506TH - PAYPAL CASH - 2/10/2025 BUDDHA2202 - FREE STEAM GAME - 1/30/2025 DARCHIK - GAME-A-DAY - 2/7/2025 WOULD - GAME-A-DAY - 2/2/2025 LIONMAN - GAME-A-DAY - 2/7/2025 SPIFFINCHICKEN - GAME-A-DAY - 2/11/2025 SORAJ - PAYPAL CASH - 2/1/2025 TIMMY121 - PAYPAL CASH - 2/14/2025 JOHN D. - VTG CUSTOM GAMING P - 2/1/2025 TANEKDRACHONAE - GAME-A-DAY - 2/3/2025 DUNCANV - GAME-A-DAY - 2/2/2025 DARCHIK - GAME-A-DAY - 2/7/2025 VANDAFELIR - RTX 4070 SUPER MSI X SLIM EDITION - 2/1/2025 IAMOAKEY - FREE CH T-SHIRT - 1/30/2025 SCPULLEY - GAME-A-DAY - 2/4/2025 ACHILLES13 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/6/2025 AJRINA - GAME-A-DAY - 2/12/2025 LIGHTXONE - PAYPAL CASH - 1/27/2025 THEBIGUNIT17 - FREE $50 GAME - 1/30/2025 ANUBIS - GAME-A-DAY - 2/6/2025 TREVER - GAME-A-DAY - 2/13/2025 TANEKDRACHONAE - GAME-A-DAY - 2/3/2025 JOLTZ - GAME-A-DAY - 2/7/2025 AUSTIN P. - VTG CUSTOM GAMING P - 2/1/2025 REDFRY4485 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/4/2025 DUNCANV - GAME-A-DAY - 2/2/2025 NOOK - FREE $50 GAME - 2/4/2025 CJDJ - GAME-A-DAY - 2/16/2025 TSAIROK - GAME-A-DAY - 2/14/2025 HYPNOTODE - PAYPAL CASH - 1/23/2025 PREDREUS - GAME-A-DAY - 2/10/2025 MI5 - GAME-A-DAY - 2/5/2025 RYOTING - XBOX GIFT CARD - 2/2/2025 KEVIN-ALIVE - NINTENDO GIFT CARD - 1/27/2025

* No purchase or Tier level required. To enter for free please download this submission form and mail it in before Feb. 28, 2025. Entries received by mail will be treated the same as a TIER 7 member (20 entries). Existing TIER 7 members are not eligible for mail-in entries.
Triple Game-a-Day Giveaway