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Time Trial Tips


Nepal - The Ghalali Key

"The key to restoring Excalibur is also the relic my mother prized most, innocently given to her by my father in Ghana to replace the pendant she lost there. Once again I am compelled to go into my own past"


Jump to grab the ledge up above View Screenshot and move to the left. As you move toward the middle, the ledge will start to crumble so hurry to the left as fast as you can. Pull yourself up then jump to the stone piece up ahead. View Screenshot Slide down the ramp and jump as you near the end to grab on to the side of the next stone piece. Jump to the ledge with the two rocks up ahead then fall to the ledge below it and shimmy to the left until you move around the side of the ledge. Jump to the ledge directly across from you and move to the right - the left piece will crumble and fall. Pull yourself up then jump up to the next stone piece. View Screenshot Run up the stone ramp to the left as it crumbles and quickly jump to the pole. The pole will fall so you need to quickly swing to the ledge below the stone piece across from the pole. Jump up to the stone piece up above the ledge and pull yourself up.


Hang from the opposite side of the block and fall down to the ledge below to find a BRONZE REWARD (1/9) on the side of the stone piece. Pull yourself back up to the top. Look directly up toward the side where the pole used to be to see a shiny bell up above you. Jump and grapple to the bell then swing across to the large icicle up ahead. As you jump and grab on to the icicle, it will start to crumble and fall, so jump to the next two icicles quickly and jump to the ledge across from them. Shimmy to the right View Screenshot on the ledge then jump to the next ledge overhead. View Screenshot Move to the right some more then jump and grab the side of the area above. Don't pull yourself up just yet. Shimmy to the right around the side of the mountain to find a SILVER REWARD (1/6) around the side. Move back to the area you were just at and pull yourself up. Look to the right and shoot the middle View Screenshot of the icy wall to make it crumble. Walk through View Screenshot the icy corridor to find an intriguing view on the other side.



Look directly down to see the plane that you need to get to. View Screenshot Turn to the right then jump and grab the stone piece and pull yourself up. Slide down the ramp then jump to the next ramp and slide some more. At the end of the second ramp, jump to the stone piece across from it. Turn to the left side then jump on the stone piece ahead. View Screenshot This stone piece is very unstable, so jump quickly to the pole in the distance. Swing from the pole and grapple the shiny piece of metal on the plane up above. After landing on the stone platform on the other side, take out your binoculars and look slightly to the right of the pole you just jumped from while in RAD mode to see a piece of the wall that you can shoot at. Shoot at the wall to reveal a SILVER REWARD (2/6). Jump across to it and grab the side then pull yourself up to snatch it. Jump back across and continue down the side of the mountain. You'll see a helicopter fly by View Screenshot in the distance. Jump toward the plane wing to the right and Lara will grab on to a metal bar on the wing. Fall down to the next metal bar, then jump to the ledge across from you. Fall down to the next ledge then fall down to the ground below.


Move around the side of the wing, next to the propeller to find a BRONZE REWARD (2/9). You'll need to grapple the reward and pull on it to retrieve it. Turn around and fall down the next two rock platforms to the right to land near the front of the plane. A snow leopard will pop out from the behind the side of the mountain and attack as you fall. Shoot him View Screenshot while jumping to the side.
These things are much more aggressive than the leopards on the first stage. Look directly across from the platform you just leaped off of to see another snow covered platform ahead. Jump and grab the side then pull yourself up. Grapple the plane debris ahead and pull it into the gap in front of you. Jump to the other side to find a SILVER REWARD (3/6). Go back to the front of the plane and grapple the shiny engine piece to the side and pull it toward the inside of the front of the plane. Don't move to far back or the front of the plane will fall off the ledge without the engine piece to balance the weight. Pull the engine piece into the back part of the plane View Screenshot then you will be free to move to the front when the checkpoint icon appears. Move to the front for a cutscene. View Screenshot

As Lara moves toward the front she sees the pendant then the plane piece starts to topple, but she quickly [ACTION] grabs the pendant as the plane starts to lean forward then she [LEFT ANALOG UP] turns around and runs toward the back of the plane and [CROUCH] ducks and rolls under a chair that comes flying toward her then dashes to the end of the plane. She [JUMP] jumps just as the plane leaves the side of the mountain and starts to plunge toward the ground below.



This next part is a total rush of danger and split second decisions, so get ready for a wild ride. Jump to the snow-covered ramp in front of you View Screenshot to start things off. As Lara slides down the ramp, jump to grab the pole then quickly swing to the next ramp as the pole starts to break. Slide down the ramp and jump to the next ramp across from the current one. Slide down the second ramp, then jump to a third ramp. As you land on the third ramp use the action button to shoot the ice wall in front of you and then jump to a forth ramp. While sliding down the fourth ramp jump near the end to land on a pole that will start to fall, so quickly swing to the platform up ahead.

Turn directly around from where you land and look through the doorway of the structure across from you to see BRONZE REWARD (3/9). Grapple it and pull it toward you. Walk into the cave ahead.


Jump and grab the large icy ledge ahead of you then jump and grab the pole to the side. Swing from the pole and grab the small ledge up ahead. Shimmy to the left View Screenshot then jump to the next ledge on the left. Quickly shimmy to the left on the second ledge as it starts to crumble then fall or wait for the ledge to crumble while on the far left end. Jump to the pole across from the ledge. Line yourself up with the large icicle in the back and swing to it. Jump to the next icicle from the current one and rotate the camera to find a BRONZE REWARD (4/9) in an alcove on the sidewall of the cave. You can't grab it just yet. Jump to the rock platform to the side of the second icicle and quickly jump to grab the ledge across from it before the platform topples over. Move to the right along the ledge [508] and pull yourself up on the right side. Now, about that reward from earlier, stand next to the right wall and as you turn around you will be able to barely see it in distance as you work the camera. Grapple it and tug on it to retrieve it. Move to the other side of the icy platform that you are on and grab on to that side. Move to the left to start moving along a crevice. Fall and grab the next crevice below on the left side. Shimmy to the left some more then drop to the next crevice and drop one more time to grab on to a small ledge. Move to the left across the small ledge to find the GOLD REWARD (1/1). Go back the way you came by jumping back up the crevices.

When you get back to the icy platform that you were on before, jump and grab the small ledge on the left wall. View Screenshot Shimmy to the right then jump and grab the top ledge on the right. Fall down and grab the bottom ledge and the camera will show a pole across from you. Jump to grab the pole across from the ledge and climb upward. Jump to the ledge on the right (Lara will move upward a bit while jumping) then jump and grab the ledge on the right wall. Move quickly across the ledge as it crumbles then jump to the floor of the tunnel up above. Pull yourself up and walk into the tunnel. You'll hear a helicopter off in the distance and see some dark silhouettes ahead.


Dash into the next area and start shooting View Screenshot the gas canisters around the area to take out most of the mercenaries on your level. Be sure to keep moving since there is a mercenary with a grenade launcher up above you. Try to find the mercenary with the white shirt and shoot him to get rid of the constant grenades. View Screenshot Grab a shotgun from the mercenaries to help you out later. After the battle stand on the circular ice platform that is standing by itself and while facing the entrance you just came from, use your binoculars while in RAD mode and look at the right wall a little ways above you to see that it is weak. Shoot the weak spot in the wall to reveal a SILVER REWARD (4/6). Jump and grab on to the side from the current platform to retrieve it. Fall down from that area and move to the left, past the icy water, to find a BRONZE REWARD (5/9) View Screenshot around the side of the mountain wall. If you fall in the icy water your health will slowly go down, so stay away from it. Jump on top of the middle icy platform then to the closest platform across from it. Jump to the next icy platform to the right to find another BRONZE REWARD (6/9) near the edge. Turn toward the rock platform up ahead then look up to see a shiny bell that you can grapple from. Jump toward the rock platform then grapple to the pole and swing over to the rock platform. Climb to the top of the rock platform then jump and grab the overhead cable View Screenshot and slide to the icy snow covered platform that it leads to. Slide down the ramp into the cave below.



Look off to the left side as you walk into the cave to see an opening with columns around it to find a BRONZE REWARD (7/9) View Screenshot in the back. Walk deeper into the cave to find some icy water along with three floating ice platforms. Jump to the first platform then jump to the second. Zip will mention that you can't make it across, but we'll show him. Hold down the lock on button then shoot
the top part of the cave View Screenshot to send a piece of ice down toward the lake, which will make another platform for Lara to jump to. Jump to the fourth and then finally jump to the rock ledge ahead and pull yourself up.

Fall to the other side. There is some more icy water ahead and there are plenty of icy platforms this time, but all the platforms will be moving to the right. You have to go to the left. View Screenshot Wait for a group of platforms to move your way then quickly jump from platform to platform. If you fall in the water, quickly grab on to a platform to avoid taking much damage. Sometimes the platforms are spaced so far apart that you have no choice but to jump into the water. On the left, near the end, you can hop over to the side and retrieve a SILVER REWARD (5/6). View Screenshot Jump to the side across from the reward and walk through the entrance up ahead.


Walk up the stairs directly ahead to enter the temple. View Screenshot As you walk past the stairs to your right, a snow leopard will leap out from behind the railing and attack. Blast him with a shotgun! Walk all the way to bottom of the right staircase that the snow leopard was on. At the bottom, turn to your right and turn most of the way around and look on the wall to the side of the stairs. Take out your binoculars and enter RAD mode then look at the cracked wall in the back View Screenshot to see that it is weak. Shoot the cracked wall to reveal the final SILVER REWARD (6/6). View Screenshot Get back to the top by going back up the stairs. Stand in the middle portion next to the broken railing and look up to see three shiny bells suspended above you. Jump and grapple then swing to each shiny bell to make it to the statue on the other side. Try to land on top of the stone platform as you fall since a snow leopard will be on the side with the statue. If you land on the top, then shoot him from above with your handguns. Use the shotgun if you have to face him on the bottom.


If you go up the staircases on each side of the area you will find a BRONZE REWARD (8/9) View Screenshot and the final BRONZE REWARD (9/9) on both sides. Stand on the scale closest to the two metal blocks. Grapple the small block and pull it onto the scale that you are on. Hop over to the other scale next to the gold block and stand on the scale. Lara's weight will bring down the scale. Grapple the gold block and pull it onto the empty scale. Move back over to the other scale and stand on it. Lara's weight will once again bring the scale down. Grapple the big metal crate View Screenshot and pull it onto the scale with the smaller metal crate and step off. This will raise the scale with the gold block up to the other side. View Screenshot Grapple the gold metal block View Screenshot and pull it over to the gold space to open the door below once the gold block is exactly centered. View Screenshot You can also grab the metal block and move it into place once it is off the scale. Enter the door below.


Walk down the steps for a cutscene. View Screenshot Now Lara can switch to Excalibur as her secondary weapon by pressing D-pad down. Mercenaries beware! Move up either staircase to the left or right and walk toward the cracked door View Screenshot in the back.


Swing Excalibur to destroy the door then walk through it for a cutscene.

After the cutscene, you will be in control of Lara while standing on the crumbling floor around her. Jump to the stone piece to the left then jump and grab on to the next stone piece across from you. Jump to the stone piece on the right and stand still as the stone piece moves downward and Lara starts to slide then quickly jump to the next stone piece and without even hesitating jump to the area ahead to start a cutscene. If you hesitate, then you will die on the final stone piece.

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