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Time Trial Tips


Peru - Return to Paraiso

"Rutland implied a connection between the stone dais and the ruin near Paraiso. I hope Anaya will meet me there despite it all. We may not find anything besides a dozen corpses, Amanda's among them, but I have to know for sure."


The training dummy in the back View Screenshot will allow you to practice some of your combat moves, View Screenshot and I would suggest that you take out some time to learn them since this stage is much more combat heavy than the last stage. From where you start, head off to the right and look for the small extension that sticks out of the house. Climb on top of the extension piece then climb up on the roof of the house. Walk over to the end closest to the telephone pole. Look up to notice the shiny overhead light pole. These are just like the shiny discs that you could swing on from the last stage. Jump then swing from the light over to the roofs of either of the houses on the other side. Fall down in the area behind them to find a BRONZE REWARD (1/8) on the other side next to the smaller house. Push the crate over to the fence and jump over the fence to get out. Walk through the doorway up ahead.


Mercenaries will storm the area after the cutscene. View Screenshot There are many shootable targets in this area that will help you with this fight. Start off by shooting the gas tank of the truck immediately to kill at least one mercenary before he moves away from it. Move to the other side and shoot the wagon to make it fall over and reveal an explosive barrel inside. Shoot the explosive barrel then shoot the remaining mercenaries. Some more mercenaries will storm through the doors of a building. Try to pick up an assault rifle and use it to fight off the rest. There is a gas tank near some crates that you can shoot to help you kill the mercenary that hides behind them. Soon a mercenary in a white shirt will shoot through the door on the top floor and try to shoot you with a shotgun. Shoot him from the floor below with an assault rifle.

After the fight, look around the area and gather some ammo and health packs from the bodies. Look for the stand to the right of the truck. Climb on top of the stand then jump to the roof of the building next to it. Swing along the poles View Screenshot up ahead to find a BRONZE REWARD (2/8) on top of the building across from you. Swing down the cable to get back down. After swinging down the cable, walk around the side of the building to your left to find a BRONZE REWARD (3/8) in the back. Climb the flagpole in front of the building where you just found the bronze reward and jump to the top of the building. Kick open the doors (action button) at the top of the building to enter a room with a SILVER REWARD (1/2). Use your grapple to swing on the shiny light pole over to the next building.



In the room ahead a mercenary with a shotgun will be inside. Shoot the mercenary and gather the grenades on the table. Use the Grenade/Flare button to throw grenades. Lara can hold a maximum of four grenades at a time. This next part will be much harder since the mercenaries will have more powerful guns. Kick open the door View Screenshot and fire your assault rifle at the closest mercenary.
Whatever you do for this part, make sure to stay on the roofs. Run over and jump on the pole then hold to the right and jump then grapple to the shiny light pole to swing across to the roof on the other side. Throw grenades at the mercenaries below if you trouble shooting them. There are plenty of explosive canisters lying around and I would suggest taking advantage of them. Walk into the building ahead and prepare for another onslaught of mercenaries as you exit. Shoot the one mercenary outside. A truck will drive up in the background with a chain gun attached to the back and a mercenary will start to fire at you. Shoot the transformer on the back light pole as it falls to kill him. Facing the truck below you, jump and grapple to the light pole to Lara's left to reach the roof of the building across from you. Take out the remaining mercenaries behind the crates from that rooftop.

Jump off the roof and walk back toward the stand in this area. Go down the alley to the right of the stand to find a BRONZE REWARD (4/8) off to the right. If you try to backtrack too much or use the chain gun View Screenshot on the back of the truck then a few more mercenaries will appear from behind the buildings. Don't walk up to the motorcycle in the distance until you are completely ready to go on to the next area. A cutscene will activate once you approach the motorcycle.


Now Lara needs to save Anaya from the mercenaries that are trying to catch up with her. The controls will be displayed for a few brief seconds View Screenshot before this chase sequence starts. All you basically have to do is hold down the accelerate button the whole time and fire at the enemies View Screenshot when they appear and you will be fine. Use the Lock-on button to switch targets View Screenshot while shooting. If you stop too much then you will fail this part. Try to hit each ramp that you come to if you notice an obstacle up ahead. Watch out for rocks up ahead since they will nearly kill you instantly if you hit one while speeding. Shoot the explosive canisters with the Y button to remove some obstacles or enemies. You will catch up with many mercenaries on motorcycles soon. Hold down the fire button whenever you run across a group, and keep your eye on the road. Be sure to glance up at your health bar every now and then and use a health pack when you get low. Health packs will be spread throughout this area. Run over a health pack to collect it.


When you make it to the bridge, View Screenshot dodge the holes next to the flames and make sure to move up the ramps to jump View Screenshot to the next area. Two health pack pickups will be lying in your path directly after the bridge. Run in between them to grab them both. Soon you will catch up to plenty of mercenaries once again. Shoot at them while keeping your eyes on the road.



Veer off to the right to grab the health pack in the tunnel. Eventually some trucks will appear in the distance. Stay to the left side since the first truck will open its back end and unleash its cargo at you. Accelerate past the first truck to approach two more trucks. The left truck will unleash some more cargo. Try to shoot the cargo with your handguns or decelerate and stay to the right then shoot at the two mercenaries in the back of the left truck. The last mercenary will fall against the back gate and lower it some more to form a ramp. Accelerate and go up the ramp of the left truck for a cutscene. View Screenshot


Walk up to the hole in the wall and dive or crouch up under it using the crouch button. Press the Grenade/Flare button to throw a flare View Screenshot into the dark tunnel ahead. Don't worry, Lara has an infinite supply of them. Jump and use the pole View Screenshot to climb over the gap in the tunnel. Walk down the tunnel until you see Amanda in the lit up tunnel ahead of you. Amanda will be scared off by something in the distance as the cave ceiling falls in the area in front of Lara separating her from her friend. The debris cannot hit you. Turn around and look to Lara's left to see a dark tunnel off to the side with stalagmites and stalactites in front of it. Light a flare and walk down the tunnel.


Crouch under the bars up ahead to find a dead body View Screenshot in the next area. Step on the long pressure button ahead for a slight scare as you spring a broken trap. One of the spears that sticks out of the wall to the left is not broken and will make a perfect pole-type object for Lara to swing on. Move the crate View Screenshot to the side over to the front of the spear then jump and grab it to swing to the area above. Pull yourself up and look off to the right to find a BRONZE REWARD (5/8). View Screenshot Look toward the stone engraving across from you and jump diagonally toward the opening at the top of it. Shimmy across the ledge then jump to Lara's left to reach the top area.


Walk through the broken wall and throw a flare below to discover another body. One of Lara's companions, who she addresses as Kent, is behind some bars up ahead. View Screenshot Walk up to him to have Lara talk with him. View Screenshot He will mention a hole above him. The spears are blocking your way to the hole that he mentioned so grab the movable ball to the side of the spears and roll it off the pressure button. Climb up the platform to the side of the dead body and jump to the dangling rope near the pressure button. Line yourself up with the doorway on the second floor and swing View Screenshot over to it. Walk through the doorway. View Screenshot


Drop to the area below for a cutscene, View Screenshot but don't put the controller down just yet! When the blue Lara icon shows up on the screen you will be back in control of Lara. Quickly run into the cave ahead and jump over the debris in front of Lara. Jump and grab the rope at the end to end the chase. The rope will break but you will be fine. You actually don't even have to grab the rope.



Use some flares to light the area up ahead. Climb the platform to the left next to the ramp and roll the movable ball View Screenshot down the ramp. The ball should roll and land on the pressure button at the bottom. If it doesn't then fall back down and roll it over to the pressure button. Jump on the platform ahead to see Amanda behind the bars to the left of you. Amanda will run to the side and a man will follow her right before the beast from the other cutscenes catches up. Jump to the spear up View Screenshot ahead then swing to the rope. From the rope, swing to the doorway View Screenshot up ahead.


Turn to the right and grab the BRONZE REWARD (6/8) from the side of the barred doorway. Run through the open doorway and down the tunnel up ahead. Hop over the debris then jump and grab the pole View Screenshot overlooking the spike trap and pull yourself across it to get to the other side. Run into the area ahead for a cutscene. View Screenshot


Check behind the group of three crates View Screenshot off to your left to find a BRONZE REWARD (7/8). View Screenshot Run past the broken gas canister and look inside the wrecked building up ahead to find another BRONZE REWARD (8/8). Dive into the lake View Screenshot (jump then quickly tap crouch) and swim toward the hole at the bottom. View Screenshot Dive directly down into the hole until you reach the bottom then look for an opening on the wall and swim ahead. Surface when you see the light to catch a quick breath. Dive back down to the very bottom and swim through the broken bars. View Screenshot Surface directly after going through the bars to get some more air. Dive back down then continue through the opening at the bottom. You'll come to another lit up area signaling you to surface for air. Dive back down and continue swimming straight ahead to enter a cavern.


Swim to the right upon entering and inside the first opening to the right the final SILVER REWARD (2/2) View Screenshot will be waiting. You can also get this after solving the puzzle in the room. Swim to the bottom and pull each of the blue stones View Screenshot out of the statue so that they light up. Take note that Lara's oxygen gauge will not deplete while pulling on a stone. A triggering sound will activate after you pull the first one, letting you know that it will deactivate if the others are not activated soon. You will have time to surface after pressing the first two but go ahead and make your way toward the other two while surfacing There is no need to rush madly and drown. When all four of the blue stones have been activated all the water will drain from the room. Jump through the broken space View Screenshot in the door up ahead.


Approach the inscription on the wall for a cutscene. Walk around the inscription stone and head up the steps. Turn to Lara's left and jump to grab the ledge on the wall. Jump to the ledge above the first then turn your back and jump to the platform across from the ledge. Walk to the end of the platform and look up to see a shiny stone that you can grapple to. Jump and grapple View Screenshot then swing to area up above the ramp. Jump and use the crevice near the falling water to pull yourself up to the opening above. Look past the falling water to see another shiny stone off to the right. Jump and swing once again to land on the steps leading to the room ahead. A sudden vibration will strike the area.


Approach the stone tiles for a quick time event.

As the tiles fall below Lara, she will look to the pillar beside her [LEFT ANALOG UP] and climb up it, then as the pillar falls she will [JUMP] jump toward the other side and land on a loose tile that will fall beneath her. She will grab on to the side with her right hand. While struggling to hang on with one hand [ACTION] she will grab on to the side of the floor with her other hand and pull herself up.



Walk into the big puzzle room ahead. View Screenshot Notice that there are three pressure buttons on the ground around the dog-like statue. To the left side of the statue is a movable ball. View Screenshot Look around the room with your binoculars in R.A.D. view View Screenshot to find the others. One of them is on the structure to the right of the statue all the way up high. The other is in the back of the room where you climbed up just a few minutes ago. Return to the back of the room and, while facing the statue's backside, look up at the column to the left. Move in front of it and look up at it to notice a shiny piece on the front. Shoot your grappling hook at the shiny piece to latch on to it, then pull the column down with the action button. Roll each of the two movable balls over to the right and left pressure buttons. Placing a ball on each one will make the structure to the side of each ball fold open to reveal a statue head that will shine down purple light View Screenshot toward the opposite end of the room. The purple light will not hurt Lara.

To get the final movable ball, climb one of the rock ladders View Screenshot on the side of the right structure then jump from the ladder over to the small ledge below the mouth of the statue head. Move to the middle of the ledge, then jump and grab on to the bottom of the statue's mouth. View Screenshot Jump up one more time to grab the top of the statue's head. From the statue's head, jump to either the right View Screenshot or left rock ladder and climb to the top. Push the final movable ball View Screenshot off the top. To get off this section jump to the platform on the middle structure View Screenshot to the right then slide down the ramp. Walk to the end and fall down one platform then climb down either ladder - walk to the edge of the ladder and Lara will grab on. You can also climb back down the ladder that you just came from, but make sure to climb down the right ladder and swing back to the statues head from the top of that ladder. Move the final movable ball onto the last pressure button to fully solve the puzzle and trigger a cutscene. View Screenshot The middle statue will rise and the purple lights will reflect off the statue's eyes and hit the statue on the front structure then open up the entrance to the tomb ahead. Climb to the top of either ladder in front of the statue to start another cutscene.



The cutscene will end by showing you two small ledges off to Lara's right side. Use the two ledges to climb View Screenshot to the top of the right structure then jump and grab the ladder up ahead. Climb up the ladder View Screenshot then move to the other side. Jump to the top of the pillar then jump and grab the ledge on the wall in the back of the pillar. Shimmy and jump all the way over to the next pillar that the ledge will lead you to. Fall down three ledges View Screenshot to reach the pillar above the wide pit in the floor. Turn around to notice a vine View Screenshot in the middle of the pillars. Jump and grab the vine but do not swing anywhere yet.

A message will flash across the screen and tell you that you can use the action button to climb further up the vine. This message is actually a hint to gaining the final reward. Climb to the middle of the vine and turn to face the left broken pillar. There is a small ledge up above the pillar that you need to jump to. Swing to that ledge from the middle of the vine. While on the ledge, jump and grab the crevice above you. Move to the left along the crevice, then jump to the left and grab the ledge across from you. Keep moving over to the left until you come to an opening with some stairs. Pull yourself up and run up the stairs. Run all the way up the ramp inside and push the movable ball down the ramp. The ball will hit the wall at the end and crash through it and land on the floor below. Run down to the opening in the wall and hang off the edge then drop to the column below. Jump to the structure on the right and climb down it. At the bottom roll the fourth movable ball over to the middle switch. The middle statue will move up even further and the bottom will slide away to reveal the GOLD REWARD (1/1).

Climb all the way back to the vine and swing to the column to the right of the broken column. Some mercenaries will start to talk below you. Jump to the next column View Screenshot and they will most likely notice you. Target them and throw a grenade down at them to get rid of both of them at once then slide down the ramp hanging off the side of the column.


Run into the area ahead and slide down the ramp then shoot the mercenary. Run all the way back past the inscription stone.


When you reach the hole in the door a few mercenaries will be talking in the room ahead. Throw a grenade into the room then jump inside and finish off the remaining mercenaries. Run to the rope in front of the waterfalls in the back of the room and climb it. Line Lara up with the opening at the top and swing to it.



Run all the way to the ladder at the end. Climb the ladder then jump and grab the ledge on the left and hop up to the area above. A mercenary will be waiting at the top. After shooting him, jump up to the rope and climb it to the very top. You'll start to hear some conversations as you get near the top. Jump toward the broken building and get ready for a big mercenary battle. View Screenshot


One of the mercenaries will eventually catch site of you. Use your assault rifle and grenades to help you fight through them all. Be sure to watch for their grenades since the grenades are basically instant kills. Never stop moving once the battle begins and watch your health closely! They will start to drop from the hill above you as the battle goes on. Eventually Lara will radio Zip and tell him to tell Anaya to get under the jeep. A cutscene will play and a mercenary will start to fire at the jeep. Shoot the mercenary firing at the jeep for a cutscene View Screenshot that will end the level.


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