 - Mission 1
 - Mission 2
 - Mission 3
 - Mission 4
 - Mission 5
 - Mission 6
 - Mission 7
 - Mission 8
 - Mission 9
 - Mission 10
 - Mission 11
Target Marks
Extras / Cheats


This walkthrough was written while playing through Lost Planet on normal mode. All the item locations remain the same for each difficulty but the number of enemies will sometimes change depending on the difficulty chosen. On higher difficulties the T-ENG gauge will start to drop faster and enemies will become much more aggressive and will have a higher defense. All of the boss strategies that are included were written while playing through normal mode but have been updated to a hard mode perspective.

Here are a few tips that may help out during your journey:

- Learn where the heat source is on each particular Akrid and find the best weapon that can be used to damage that heat source well. Find the best weapon to use against other enemies as well. Sometimes the most powerful weapon is not the best choice.

- An Akrid will suffer damage no matter where it is shot, so a hit that is not in a heat source is not a vane blow. It all adds up.

- Use grenades often when fighting groups of enemies. Use rockets from rocket launchers on far off groups if you have the rockets to spare. This may sound a bit overboard but in later missions it will definitely help out.

- Take advantage of explosive barrels around areas and shoot them when enemies are standing beside them. Remember that cars and tanks will explodes as well when shot and will damage enemies in the process.

- Dual wield powerful weapons while in a VS. A dual wielding of two VS shotguns is one of the ultimate smackdowns for a boss.

- Constantly reload your weapons. The rocket launcher and VS rocket launcher must be reloaded manually so make sure to have to reload them with the click of the right analog after each use.

- When a Vital Suit is exhausted and another is in view, take off the current weapons from the current VS and equip them to the new VS if you want to keep them. Remember that if a VS explodes with its current weapons then there is no getting them back.

- The grapple can be used for escaping situations as well as climbing. Using a grapple is much faster and more precise then jumping so use it whenever possible.

- Use the grapple to break Akrid when they freeze or turn to rock. This will save you some ammo.

- Keep your T-ENG high by constantly shooting breakable objects such as cars, explosive barrels or tanks. If you are about to get into a new VS and are ditching an old one, allow an enemy to destroy the old VS so you can collect the large amount of T-ENG from the explosion. The only way that you can destroy your own VS is to make an explosion go off close to it through a weapon blast near a wall or an explosive barrel blast.



When the beginning cutscenes end, you will be given control of Wayne and start in a facility. Notice how the T-ENG in the upper-left hand corner counts down. The T-ENG is connected to your life bar above it and will count down since Wayne's Harmonizer on his wrist needs that thermal energy (T-ENG) to stay activated and keep him alive. So long as you have T-ENG, Wayne will recover from damage if he is hit by having the T-ENG heal him. If Wayne runs out of T-ENG then the Harmonizer will shut down and he will eventually die from lack of thermal energy.


Run through the doorway ahead. Gale will contact you along the way and ask that you follow. Gale will fire his anchor and use it to pull himself up to the stairway above. Get below the stairway, target the side of the platform below the broken railing so that the cursor turns green, and use the X button to grapple up there yourself. Wayne will automatically hop a bit as he hits the side of the wall to give himself an extra boost for reaching the stairway. Run toward Gale and he will open the door up ahead.

Follow Gale and the soldiers down the hall. The soldiers will block your way as Gale blows open a trapdoor in the floor. Keep in mind that you can't shoot your comrades. Fall down through the opening once the first few soldiers climb down. Wayne will automatically grapple onto the side of the opening so that you can lower yourself down with the left analog. Use the X button while hanging to drop onto the floor below.

As soon as Wayne plants his feet on the ground below, a Dongo Akrid will roll into the area from an entrance to the side. The soldiers will blast at him as the Dongo rolls toward the back of the building. Find the orange glowing segment on the back end of the Dongo (his heat source) and shoot it with your machine gun (R button). The Dongo will freeze upon losing its thermal energy and shatter. A message will appear about the thermal energy (T-ENG). As already mentioned, thermal energy is needed to survive in order to keep Wayne's Harmonizer activated and the Akrid are the carriers of that thermal energy. Upon killing an Akrid it will always release precious T-ENG that must be collected in order to survive. Grab the T-ENG after reading the information and regroup with Gale and his squad. Push in on the right analog to reload the machine gun.

Follow the squad through the small doorway to the left. Several Trilid Akrid will fly around the room above as the soldiers fire at them. Gale will ask that you activate the Data Post in the room. Blast through the Trilid Akrid and find the red hives on the walls to


the side that is spawning them. Focus all of your machine gun fire on the hives to rid the current area of the constant Akrid threat. Always remember to find the hives when fighting a whole group of Akrid. The hives will drop quite a bit of T-ENG, so be ready to collect it when one of them explodes. Walk over to the tall circular object with the orange glow emanating from the top. These are Data Posts that you will activate frequently throughout the course of the game. Activate the first DATA POST (1/2) by standing next to it and tapping the B button. Wayne will be open to attack while activating a Data Post so make sure to always wipe out most of the enemies in the current area before activating one. All Data Posts will give Wayne a thermal energy boost for activating them, give him access to the area map on his PDA (press the Back button), and the light streaming from the top will point the way toward the next Data Post or final destination. A loud crash will put an end to the silence as an Akrid claw burst through the wall to the right.


Boss - Green Eye

Once you gain control of Wayne, run down the path to the right where the Data Post light is pointing. Gale will motion to you and will contact Wayne through radio if you don't hurry. Follow Gale up the stairs around the side of the building. A few Trilid Akrid will fly by


the open area to the left of the stairs. Blast them while moving up the stairs but don't stop moving. One of the soldiers will stop midway then turn and fire as the giant Akrid, "Green Eye", continues its rampage of the base. Keep up with Gale and ignore the rest. Grapple to the top of the next floor when Gale and the other soldiers pull themselves upward with their anchors. Continue to follow Gale even as most of his squad turns to fire at Green Eye. Gale will tell you to enter the Vital Suit (VS) when you enter the room containing them. He will suit up in one of the Vital Suits and ride out ahead of you. Quickly activate the DATA POST (2/2) before entering the Vital Suit. Enter the VS by tapping the B button when the "Ride" command appears. Don't accidentally remove the side guns on each side by tapping the B button near it - you'll need that.

The VS available to you is the PTX-140 type. This little baby comes equipped with a saw (Tap X), a very quick dash (press Y along with a left analog direction), and the ability to hover in the air upon jumping (Tap A after jumping; press A again to cancel the hover). Both shoulder buttons will fire the weapons attached on the sides. Right now the VS is equipped with a gatling gun on each side. Fall to the doorway below and fall once again to the room outside while in the Vital Suit.

Wait in the area with the other two Vital Suits and Green Eye will ram through the wall. Don't stand directly in front of Green Eye since it will breath out a trail of ice in front of it that will damage your VS badly. Stay on either side of the room and blast at his green glowing heat sources on either of his back sides. He will lunge further into the room to try to hit the Vital Suits in front of him and that is when you should nail his heat sources with machine gun fire. He may try to lunge toward your VS, so make sure to keep your distance then punish him with machine gun fire to one of his heat sources when he exposes them. A cutscene will interrupt the fight eventually.


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