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Act 2 - Chapter 8: The Siege of Snowbrook Haven, Part II

Primary Tasks
* Destroy the brall on top of the Snowbrook Haven inner keep
* Meet the Commander at the North Gate
* Destroy the Morden enemies that have broken through the North Gate
* Speak to the Commander at the North Gate
* Defeat the dragon
* Report to the Commander
* Retrieve the Aegis of Blindness
* Finish off the dragon
* Escape from Snowbrook Haven
* Travel to the town of Kalrathia and speak with the town lord there

Secondary Quests
* None

Go down and around behind the dining hall to find the door leading into the eastern keep. What follows is from the Dungeon Crawls for Dummies instruction manual. Just keep going until you reach the upper ramparts of the keep and destroy the monsters hurling rocks. Then take the elevator down to see the Commander.


A horde of Morden will break through the gates and you must beat them off. Speak to the Commander again. Oh look! A humongous dragon! The Act II boss fight has finally arrived.

Send your party back up the elevator to the inner keep. There's a circular platform to the south with a ballista. The only way to kill the dragon is to hit it with the ballista. Take your best-armored, highest health character and use Wait mode to send him/her solo to the ballista.You can only hit Talon (the dragon) with the ballista. And you can only do this when he's perched atop the castle walls. There are five positions in which he lands, like so:


       2                4

1                                5

You can rotate the ballista (B) left and right using the cranks to either side of the device. Click the ballista itself to fire. Each time you hit Talon, he'll jump into the air and fire-bomb the platform for a bit.

While he's in the air, rotate the ballista to the #3 spot, so you can quickly reposition it to any landing spot when Talon alights once more. Once you've hit Talon a couple of times, the Morden will start catapulting Durvla up to the battlements.

Switch to the Mirror party order and press R to call your party to you to help deal with the Durvla; but, don't miss a chance to take a pot shot at the dragon while you're at it.

It takes about 8 hits to kill the dragon, so this fight mostly takes a lot of patience. Once it's over, head back to the Commander and speak to her.


Ah, well, so much for Snowbrook Haven. Head up the east side of the ramparts to the Reliquary door, which you can now unlock with the Commander's key. Grab the Aegis of Blindness. Before making good on your escape, remember there is always time for some constructive looting. Exit to the northeast.

Well, now, you didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?

This time, Talon's a lot tougher. He may have less than a third of his health, but you're going to have to chop that off yourself, without a huge piece of medieval artillery to help. There's little room to avoid his fiery blasts, just don't stand in them when they hit. Keep your ranged characters moving side-to-side and keep hitting him with powers--especially lightning and ice based powers.

Once Talon is finally, actually dead, speak to that blasted Azunite Scholar who keeps popping up after you could have used his help. Take the southeast door to the teleporter room. Grab the Greater Chants of Dexterity, Intelligence and Strength before using the teleporter to travel to Kalrathia.

Looks like the Morden got here first, but, amazingly, they aren't hostile. Head across the plaza to town hall and talk with the kid who's been thrust into the leadership role.


[ back to act 2, chapter 7: the siege of snowbrook haven ] [ continue to act 2, seconday quests ]