Everything seems much classier with an English accent doesn't it? Sir, You Are Being Hunted from Big Robot LTD tests that theory by plopping you in the middle of an unnamed chain of English islands and having robots hunt you down. At first, the wit charm and challenge that comes with the randomly generated survival environments is fun and refreshing but before long the game loses much of its appeal and becomes, well, sort of boring. If you're a fan of the current British fad, you're sure to at least find Sir, You Are Being Hunted interesting – just don't expect a lasting experience. "...forced to be strategic and form a plan of attack." You'll have to be careful as you progress through the game since nearly everything you do in Sir, Your Are Being Hunted can be used to track you down. Start a fire to cook the meat you just found? It can attract your enemies? Firing a gun to hunt prey or an enemy, it can be heard from miles around. It's moments like these that Sir, You Are Being Hunted feels most fresh, fun and challenging. The downside of letting the AI decide your fate each playthrough is that the developers haven't really crafted anything interesting here and there are no big "wow" moments to speak of. Each section, though randomly generated feels remarkably the same. Find enemies, figure out a way around them, execute plan, and repeat. The later sections feature more enemies and much smarter enemies but it doesn't take long to figure out that getting past these enemies requires only a slightly more thought out plan than the enemy before it. The result is a game that tries so hard to be unique but is pretty much just boring, which is a shame because from the start of the game there's a promise of charm and wit that rarely feels delivered upon. "It's chock full of charm and wit, but..." Visually, Sir, You Are Being Hunted is more of a mixed bag. The undetailed visuals lend a certain sense of mystery to the game but that goes away after while and what you're left with is a lackluster looking and playing game. The best moments use the game's dark visuals to really portray the menace of your captors, from their robotic sounds to their glowing red eyes in the distance. From the outset, I loved Sir, You Are Being Hunted. It was original, creative and challenging; but after while you start to realize that it shows all of it's tricks way too soon and is kind of boring. It's chock full of charm and wit, but that all runs out before long at all and what you're left with is a subpar experience that could have been so much worse. |