Star Trek Trainer | Cheat Happens PC Game Trainers

Star Trek Trainer

STATUS: ACTIVE - Trainers are still being considered and updated for this title as patches are released. There is no guarantee that a trainer can be made or updated but it will be reviewed by our staff.
Our Star Trek +12 trainer is now available and supports STEAM. These Star Trek cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game.
Star Trek Trainer
1. Star Trek Trainer (PATCH 04.27.2013)
• Super Shields • Instant Heal • No Phaser Overheat • Super Speed • Add XP • Add Ammo/Items • No Reload • No Recoil • Improved Accuracy • Super Tricorder Power • Repair Hull • Super Ship Shields
Updated: April 30, 2013
Game Version: 04.27.2013
Distribution(s): STEAM
Compatibility: Win 7 , Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: Caliber
Downloaded: 2320 times
Rating!:   (345)  
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
ie: Epic, Game Pass, etc
0 option(s) for voting
0 report(s) filed
Boost currently not available
2. Star Trek Trainer
• Super Shields • Instant Heal • No Phaser Overheat • Super Speed • Add XP • Add Ammo/Items • No Reload • No Recoil • Improved Accuracy • Super Tricorder Power
Updated: April 26, 2013
Game Version: ORIGINAL
Distribution(s): STEAM
Compatibility: Win 7 , Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: Caliber
Downloaded: 2309 times
Rating:   (10)  
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
Having trouble getting our trainer to work? These steps resolve 99% of all trainer issues.
• Temporarily disable/uninstall all antivirus, firewall and other security software.
• Right click and choose "Run as Administrator" on trainer and game.
• Make sure trainer version matches game version and distribution.
• Post in the Official Trainer Thread
Trainer Troubleshooting Guide
• Getting an Anti-Virus Notification?

CHEATfactor Game Review

Welcome to our CHEATfactor Game Review of Star Trek. We review the game and then factor in how the available cheats affect the overall game experience.

PC Savegames

1. Savegame
October 13, 2013
Game Completed as Kirk. All logs and entries collected.
58 times
(by 1 member)  

Achievements List

1.  Star Trek STEAM Achievements
May 11, 2013
Beat Helios-1
Objective: Completed the Helios-1 chapter on any difficulty

Go Team!

Objective: Killed or took down an enemy that your teammate (AI or co-op player) has stunned

Beat New Vulcan

Objective: Completed the New Vulcan chapter on any difficulty

Beat Space Battle

Objective: Completed the Space Battle chapter on any difficulty


Objective: As Kirk, had a Gorn enemy melee you

Beat Frontier Starbase

Objective: Completed the Frontier Starbase chapter on any difficulty

Beat Volatile Cargo & Flashback

Objective: Completed the Volatile Cargo & Flashback chapter on any difficulty

Non-Lethal Master

Objective: Took down 30 enemies in a non-lethal manner

My Robot Friend

Objective: Hacked an enemy drone to your side and have it kill another enemy


Objective: Cleared 30 mini-games including co-operative hacks, bypasses, and power reroutes

Captain's Phaser Master

Objective: Kill 100 enemies with the Captain's Phaser

Beat Gorn Planet & The Trials

Objective: Completed the Gorn Planet & The Trials chapter on any difficulty

One Man Army

Objective: Killed 3 enemies while your teammate (AI or co-op player) was in a downed state

Get to the Shuttle!

Objective: After the brawl, escape in less than 6 minutes in "The Trials" chapter

Beat Enterprise Capture

Objective: Completed the Enterprise Capture chapter on any difficulty

Are You Not Entertained?

Objective: Win the brawl against your buddy in "The Trials" chapter

Beat Mothership

Objective: Completed the Mothership chapter on any difficulty

Starfleet Phaser Rifle Master

Objective: Kill 50 enemies with the Starfleet Phaser Rifle

Well Done Captain

Objective: Completed the game on any difficulty setting

Starfleet Type III Rifle Master

Objective: Kill 20 enemies with the Starfleet Type III Rifle

Away Team: Mission Initiated

Objective: Complete one chapter in co-operative play


Objective: Found half of all research items

Ravager Master

Objective: Kill 50 enemies with the Ravager

Honorary Commendation

Objective: Complete half of all Optional Objectives

I'll Cover You!

Objective: Ordered your teammate (AI or co-op player) and had him complete 5 bypasses in a row

Listening In

Objective: Found half of all audio logs

Away Team: Mission In-Progress

Objective: Complete four chapters in co-operative play

Captain's Phaser Tinkerer

Objective: Bought all upgrades for the Captain's Phaser

Down But Not Out

Objective: Killed 3 enemies while in a single downed state

Vulcan Repeater Master

Objective: Kill 100 enemies with the Vulcan Repeater

I Have Been, and Always Shall Be, Your Friend

Objective: As Spock, bled out during a downed state, leaving Kirk alone and failing the mission

Tricorder Tinkerer

Objective: Bought all upgrades for the Tricorder

Vulcan Repeater Tinkerer

Objective: Bought all upgrades for the Vulcan Repeater

Pillager Master

Objective: Kill 50 enemies with the Pillager

Away Team: Mission Accomplished

Objective: Complete all chapters in co-operative play

Striker Master

Objective: Kill 20 enemies with the Striker

Into Darkness

Objective: Completed the game on hard difficulty setting

Live Long and Prosper

Objective: Revived your teammate (AI or co-op player) 20 times

Plasma Grenade Master

Objective: Kill 20 enemies with Plasma Grenades

Railer Master

Objective: Kill 50 enemies with the Railer

Weapon Experimenter

Objective: Connect every weapon's alternate fire with enemies

Vulcan Pulse Cannon Master

Objective: Kill 50 enemies with the Vulcan Pulse Cannon


Objective: Found all research items

All Power to Forward Shields

Objective: Complete the Space Battle with a hull integrity of 85% or more

The Whole Story

Objective: Found all audio logs

Arc Driver Master

Objective: Kill 50 enemies with the Arc Driver

Exemplary Commendation

Objective: Complete all Optional Objectives

Marauder Master

Objective: Kill 50 enemies with the Marauder

PC Cheats, Cheat Codes and Hints

We currently don't have any Star Trek cheats, cheat codes or hints for PC. Please check back at a later date for more cheats and codes to be added.

PC FAQs, Guides and Walkthroughs

We currently don't have any Star Trek FAQs, guides or walkthroughs for PC. Please check back at a later date for more guides and walkthroughs to be added.