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(D) - Horsetail (D) - Secret Trouble Center (D) - 8-Bit Mario (D) - Items - Offensive Items (D) - Healing Items (D) - Other Items (D) - Badges (D) - Badges Worth Using (D) - A Good Offensive Badgeset (D) - A Good Defensive Badgeset (D) - A Good Overall Badgeset (D) - Bosses (D) - Boss Strategies (D) - The Pit of 100 Trials - The Pit of 100 Trials Base Enemies - Legal Stuff - Thanks ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- -------------------------------------------------- Updates -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- The Letter --------------------------------------------------- Hello there, Mario! I am now on holiday travelling in the Mushroom Kingdom. In my travels, I came into possession of a mystical map...a treasure map, actually. It was inside a box I got from an old merchant in a town called Rougeport. But since it would be too difficult for me to try to go and find treasure all by myself... I thought you could help me hunt for it! You will, of course, won't you? I've included the map with this letter, so please bring it with you when you come. I'll meeet you at Rougeport. (That means you MUST come!) -Peach- -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Intro -------------------------------------------------------------------- So Mario headed for Rogueport, where he knew Peach was waiting...but she was nowhere to be found! Where had she gone? When Mario started to walk around town to look for her, though, he found himself in the middle of a sticky situation. He ended up helping a goomba gal who was in trouble. Her name was Goombella, and she claimed to be in the middle of a treasure hunt... Whrn Mario told her that he had a treasure map, Goombella took him to see Professor Frankly, a wizened old archaeology professor who knew much of local legend. Accordining to the professor, in order to find the legendary treasure, they would have to first find and collect all of the Crystal Stars. Only then would they be able top open up the Thousand - Year Door, behind which the treasure lay. Luckily for them, the map that Peach had sent was the very Magical Map that showed the locations of the Crystal Stars! By following the map, perhaps they will also find Peach... A grand adventure awaits Mario and his friends! ( Taken from the Instruction Manual ) ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Storyline ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- The storyline of this game is pretty basic. You, Mario, recieved an odd letter from your girlfriend, Princess Peach. The letter said to go to Rogueport, and the letter contained a Magical Map. When you get to Rogueport, you find out that Peach was kidnapped by mysterious people called X-Nauts. You have to collect the Crystal Stars to unlock the Thousand-Year Door and rescue Peach from the X-Nauts! -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Controls ( The Field ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Stick - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Walk / Run Z Button - - - - - - - - - - - - - Display Stats ( HP, FP, Partner's HP, Star Power, Star Points, Coins) Start Button - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Opens Menu Screen D- Pad - - - - - - - - - - -Shortcut to Menu Screen ( Up = Gear, Right = Badges Down = Journal, Left = Party) C- Stick - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Scrolls down messages Y Button - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plane Mode ( Only on plane platform ) Boat Mode ( Only on boat platform ) R Button - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Paper Mode ( Have to hold ) R + Control Stick - - - - - - - - - -Tube Mode ( Spin Control stick in circles ) X Button - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Use Parnters' Abilities A Button - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jump, Talk, Investigate, Read Next Message B Button - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Swing Hammer A + A In Air - - - - - - - - - - - Butt Slam ( Breaks Wodden Spots, Only able to use with Super Boots or Ultra Boots ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Controls ( In Battle or Menu ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Stick - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moves Cursor Y Button - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Switch Battle order with partner X Button ( When appears ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Attacks Audience Member A Button - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Confirm an Action B Button - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cancel Action/ Return to Previous X + B + Start - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Resets Game -------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mario _________ Hey, we all know Mario. He's a plumber living with his brother, Luigi, in a house far from anywhere. Mario also has a huge knack for getting in the middle of many "sticky situations". His girlfriend is always getting kidnapped, evil is trying to steal legendary and magical objects, and you know. That kind of stuff. Luigi _________ Luigi is Mario's Not-So-Famous brother, but in Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, Luigi goes on his own adventure to rescue a princess from the clutches of the evil Chestnut King. He must collect pieces of a Golden Compass to rescue the princess! Princess Peach __________________ Pricess Peach, formerly known as Peach, has gotten herself kidnapped again, but this time not by Bowser, but by a new group called the X-Nauts. Princess Peach also brought Mario into this situation. She sent him a map, which turned out to be the legendary Magical Map. You must rescue Peach from the clutches of Grodus! (The leader of the X-Nauts) Grodus __________ Grodus is the leader of the X-Nauts. He is the one who captured Princess Peach, and your arch-rival in this game. Grodus made his base on the Moon, and he has one Crystal Star. Later in the game Grodus escapes into the Palace of Shadow and intends to use Peach for very bad purposes... Lord Crump ______________ Lord Crump is Grodus's right-hand man. He follows Grodus's orders to the "T" and you will encounter him many times in the game. He appears as an X-Naut, a Pirate, a robot, another robot, and then he gets blasted into the outer reaches of space. Lord Crump thinks he is all-that, but he really is'nt. Professor Frankly _____________________ Professor Frankly is the genius professor who will aid you on your quest to find the Crystal Stars. He is a bookworm who knows everything about everything. He informs you about the Thousand Year Door and the Crystal Stars that you'll ever need to know. He also has a trash can that has all of the tattle pages that you can only get once in the game. Come to Frankly if you are stuck. (Or you can read my guide) Frankly only gives a minute hint on things, though. Don Pinata ______________ Don Pinata is the richest man, or banana if you will, in Rogueport. He owns many things like the luxiorious train, The Excess Express, and the blimp to Glitzville. You do many favors for Don Pinata in the game, and he repays you in many different ways. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Partners ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Goombella _____________ This is your first partner. She is a goomba who attended the University of Goom. She has the ability to tell you about the area, and in battle, you can use her tattle ability to see how much HP, Attack, and Defense an enemy has, but this guide covers that, and tells you the stats of new enemies as you encounter them. I don't suggest using her in battle, but you have to in the earlier levels. Koops _________ Koops is a shy koopa whom joins you so he can become more courageous, and to get revenge upon the dragon, Hooktail. Koops can use his koopa powers to shoot out and grab items and attack enemies. Koops is not that good in battle in the beginning, but after you level him up a few times, he is a pretty good fighter. Flurrie ___________ Flurrie is a purple wind god whom you meet in Boogly Woods. She has the power to blow away things and stun enemies. She is a good fighter, and has a lot of HP. This is one partner who you will want to be using a lot-- in my opinion, she is your 4th best partner. Yoshi _________ This Yoshi was hatched from an egg at Glitzville. You get to name him whatever you want, and he calls you by your fighter name, Gonzales, the entire game. He is capable of dealing many attacks which do little damage. He has a pound attack which attacks the enemy 6 times, each time doing one damage. After you level him up, he is your 3rd best partner. Vivian __________ Vivian is the youngest sister of the Shadow Sirens, and the Shadow Sirens work for the X-Nauts. Vivian is always getting bossed around and abused by her older sibling, Beldam. She gets sick and tired of it after awhile, and joins up with you in Twillight Town. Vivian has the field ability to take you into the shadows. Use her a lot-- she is your 2nd best partner. Bobbery ___________ Bobbery is an old sailor Bob-Omb whom you meet secluded in his home at Rogueport. He greatly misses his wife, Scarlette, whom died while he was out at sea. Bobbery joins you on an expidition to the haunted isle, Keeyhaul Key. Bobbery has the field ability to walk and explode. He can hit switches with his field explosion ability. Be sure to use Bobbery a lot-- he is your best partner, but he can only attack ground-bound enemies. Ms. Mowz ____________ Ms. Mowz is a mouse-thief whom you can gain optionally. She has the field ability to tell you if items are nearby. Don't use her much-- she is not that good, but comes in handy a couple times. Her attacks do the same amount of damage every time, no matter how high the enemy's defense is. Now for the real game... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahhh, welcome to the dirty, thieving city of Rogueport! Here you are guarnteed to get robbed, mugged, and possibly even attacked! When you first arrive, you get off of a boat. You will get dropped off at a dock outside of Rogueport. Walk left and use the save block. After you save, head north. If you talk to the people ( or bombs, if you will ), they discuss past times about the sea and talk about how crappy Rogueport is . Continue North. Very soon, you will encounter a goomba and a weird - looking guy. Approach them. They will yell at the goomba and she will run up and hide behind you. After some rambling, you face Lord Crump, an X- Naut. Here are his stats: Lord Crump (Pt 1) HP: 6 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 You recieve 9 Star Points for this battle. Lord Crump uses one attack in this battle; he runs up and butt- bombs you. Easy to block. After you defeat him, he will order 100 other X- Naut minions to attack you. You escape in the midist of battle, and run up the stairs and into Rogueport. Finally, in Rogueport. When you first enter Goombella will talk about how close that was and describes herself a little. Then, Princess Peach's "bodyguyard" will come up and talk to you about Princess Peach. After the small interception, tell Goombella that you are hunting for treasure too, and you have a treasure map. She asks to see it and suggests going to a professor in town, Professor Frankly. Goombella also joins your party. *************************************************************************************** Goombella: Press "X" to get info on nearby objects and your area. She can also battle with you. At first, she only has a headbonk and tattle. Tattle gives info on your enemy you are battlling. It tells you their attack, defense, and HP and a little description on the enemy. *************************************************************************************** After the conversations, you have to go find Professor Frankly. So from where you are, go to the right side of the rope thing and head east, under the archway ( You should see a large stand with a treasure chest on top of it if you are going the right way ) After heading under the archway, you get mugged by a goomba and he takes half of your coins. This only happens once. After getting mugged, continue east into the second door. It should have nothing above it, unlike the door next to it. When you enter, you see professor Frankly. At first he reconizes Goombella and then she talks about how she attended his classes. Then the topic transfers to the legendary treasure. Some say the treasure behind the Thousand - Year door is an infineatley vast treasure hoard, while some say it is a magical item. Books say it is actually a monster, while others say it an empty chest. Whatever it is, you are going to find out. Professor Frankly and Goombella each believe it does exist, though. Every point mentioned does agree on one thing: You have to have the crystal stars. "To find the treasute of yore, take the seven Crystal Stars to the Thousand Year Door!" In the end, we all conclude that Mario needs to find the 7 Crystal Stars if he wants to find the Legendary Treasure. "Hold the Magical Map aloft before the entrance to the Thousand - Year Door. Then the stars will light the way that leads to the stones of yesterday." But fortunatley for you, the map that Peach gave you IS tht famed Magical Map! ( Wow, didn't see that coming... :p ) Professor Frankly then mentions that the Thousand - Year Door is beneath Rogueport. After Professor Franlky finds out that Mario weilds the Magical Map, he mutters a bunch or jibberish. He asks to see it, and you show him and he is amazed. He says that you can find the Crystal Stars by holding this aloft before the Thousand - Year door! Out of the room- you have to find some treasure! Lucky for you, there is a pipe that leads under Rogueport, so go down it But before you go, you get to learn about action commands. To perform an action command, Jump for example, press A as soon as you hit the enemy. If you sucessfully performed the Action Command, it will make a sound and you will be able to jump again. You can't continously jump on the enemy over and over. To do a hammer action command, hold the control stick left for three seconds than release it. If you successsfully executed the action command, it will make a sound and you will do more damage than normal. The word "NICE" also appears when an action command is sucessfully executed. To block, press A as soon as the enemy hits you. If it was successfully executed, the word "NICE" will appear and the enemy will do less damage to you. Superblocking is a different story. Superblocking is very very hard to successfully execute. ( I reccomend this only for advanced players ) To perform a superblock, press B the millisecond the enemy hits you. If you did it, the enemy will do NO damage. You will also damage the enemy, regardless of their defense level. That concludes it for action commands and blocking. _______Rogueport Sewers_______ After you go down the pipe, you will be underground. ( Press down on the pipe to descend it ) Save. Then, travel to the down the stairs to your right. Here, you'll meet three smart - mouth goombas- kick their butts. Here are their stats: Goomba 2 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Spiky Goomba 2 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense Dont jump on this! Paragoomba 2 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Dont use a hammer move on this! *To perform a first strike, jump or hit the enemy with a hammer while they are still on the field!* After defeating the goombas, head to the right some more. Here you should see a moving platofrm. Go behind the slab of rock to board the moving platform. Take the platform over to the other side and go down the pipe. Go right. Here there is a goomba and a paragoomba. Defeat them and continue right down the stairs. At the bottom is a spiky goomba waiting for you. Kill it. Then get the items out of the two blocks with a "?" on them. The first has a mushroom and the second has a fire flower. After retrieving your items, hit the big blocks with your hammer and go down the pipe. Here you will see a bug run away, and 2 green things. Attack it, it is called a Spinia. Here are its stats: Spinia 4 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Defeat both spinias and head right. OMG! There's a blue switch! Should I hit it? I don't know, lets try. When you hit the switch, stairs will appear. Ascend the stairs. At the top of the stairs, go into the door to find a black chest. The chest will start talking to you; you end up having to find a key. The key is on a ledge. You get it by leaving the room and falling off the ledge more towards the wall side of the airplane spot. Return to the chest and a ghost will appear! He gives you the airplane curse...ooooooo...scary. Now you can press the Y button on the airplane spots you see everywhere. Take infront of the key, for example. As an airplane, you can fly short distances over land that you normally wouldn't be able to cross. It's not really a curse, more of a "help". After you have the "curse" go outside of the room and go onto the airplane pad and fly across to the ledge on the opposite side of the room. To fly, tilt the control stick left and right. Go through the door. If you miss go up the stairs and try again. _____The Thousand-Year Door_____ In the room, you have a magnificent view of the one and only Thousand - Year Door. Everyone is amazed. Whopee. Approach the pedestal in front of the door and you will automatically raise the Magical Map. After raising the map, a small scene will appear and you get a new power-- Sweet Treat. It replenishes some of your Hp and FP. You also get lectured by nobody on Star Power. Star Power is the stff that lets you use Magical Powers, like Sweet Treat. You will obtain more Star Power and Magical Powers later in the game. ( You don't have the powers to do anything else right now, so just raise the map and leave the room ) What the Map basically did was put the location of one of those Crystal Stars I mentioned earlier. It is the diamond star. Time to go get some stars! _____Rogueport_____ Back at the Professor's house, he explains the Map a little more and mentions that the Diamond Crystal Star is in a place called "Petal Meadows." To get there, you get to make another underground trip. ( Oh goody. ) When you leave the Professor's house, he gives you a badge called Power Smash. It lets you do more damage with your hammer when you use it. Equip the badge then go down the pipe we just went down to get to the Thousand - Year Door. _____Rogueport Sewers_____ Underground, head to the right again. This time, go onto the plane pad and fly across to the ledge on the other side. If you miss, you will have to battle a spiky goomba and retry. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it soon enough. If you made it, go through the door. You should see a blooper's flipper - hit it. You now have to battle it (You have to battle it to progress to Petal Meadows) Blooper's Stats: Blooper: 12 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Bloopper Tentacles 3 HP Strategy: Take out it's flippers so it falls down. Then it will be immobilized for a turn, so you get a few free hits it. Keep repeating this process until it dies. It gives you 20 star points. After defeating the Blooper, head across the platforms in the water and go down the pipe. ( Don't fall in the water, you lose HP ) ---------------------------------------------------------- End Of Prologue ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1- Castle and Dragon ---------------------------------------------------------- _____Petal Meadows_____ Welcome to Petal Meadows! When you first arrive, save. ( Always save if a save block is nearby, it'll save you aggravation ) After saving, head right past the weird rocks. ( These'll come into play later in the game ) After entering the next "section" of Petal Meadows, there will be an item block. Hit it to get a mushroom. Then if you continue right, you will see a badge block ( red ). Hit it to get the badge close call. Equip it. Then battle the goombas in the area. A little past the Paragoomba, you'll see a pipe. Don't go down it yet, for it won't do you any good. Just continue onto the next section. In the next section, there will be a goomba battle of 4 goombas of different types. This would be a good time to use your fire flower. After the battle ( if you did it ) You'll see some bushes. They mostly give you coins in this section, but if you press A on the big ones a pipe will appear. Go down the pipe and hit the switch. This will make the bridge that you need to cross appear. If you want a star piece, continue going right. Star pieces are valuable things you trade for powerful badges. There is nothing to the left of the pipe, or to the right of the star piece. Go down the pipe in the distance to return to the close land. Go over the bridge to find two bushes. The top one contains a mystery and the bottom on has nothing. The item block you see has a fire flower. Continue right to the next section, Petalburg, home of the Koopas, and the place yopu'll get your next party member. _____Petalburg_____ While in Koopa town, do what you need to like resting and buying items. ( Even in Petalburg you lose HP if you fall into the water! ) To get to the main reason you're here, just continue onto the next section of Petalburg- there's nothing in the first section you need right now. In the second section, go into the pink house like the greeter said. Here yoiu will find the old hag koopa, the mayor. When you walk in he thinks your'e a thief, but then you explain to him you are just looking for some info. He asks you about Hooktail-- if you want a boring story, say "I may have heard the name", but if you want to get on with you life say " Of course!" In the mayor's rambling, he mentions that you need the stone keys to the east of the city. So what are you waiting for-- Go to the east ( right ) exit of Petalburg and go find those keys! To be specific, the keys are in Shhwonk Fortress. On your way to Shhwonk Fortress, you will recieve an e-mail on your mailbox SP. ( Yes. A mailbox SP ) To read your email, pause the game, go to gear, important items, and click on your mailbox Sp to read your mail. You will recieve mail throughout the game. This email says nothing, just the Professor saying Hi. Talk to the Koopa guarding the east gate and he'll let you out. Before you leave, a child Koopa named Koops ( creative. ) will approach you and says nothing. After the issue, leave Petalburg. Out in the wilderness again! On your way you'll see a paratroopa and a new enemy, the Koopa Troopa. Koopa Troopa 4 HP 2 Attack 2 Defense (Not on back) 0 Defense (On back) Jump on the koopa to flip it over. It will be immobilized for 2 turns and its defense will go down to 0. To get to Shhwonk fortress, just keep going to the right. There is nothing special in the bushes here, except for mabye a coin or two. By now, you should have leveled up or be close to it. _____Shhwonk Fortress_____ When you get to Shhwonk fortress, you will see 2 pillars with clefts on them. The door won't budge. There is one option left-- Hit the pillar with a hammer. If that doesn't work, just click on the pillar. The clefts will jump down, Here are their stats: Bald Cleft 2 HP 1 Attack 2 Defense This means that you can't damage them this early in the game. If you have a POW block, that will kill them. After you kill the clefts with a POW block, continue onto the next room. Its not really a room next, but more of outside. There is a koopa, a paragoomba, and bushes. In the bush near the next fortress, there is a POW block. In the other one, there is a coin. In the other bushes, there is nothing. So grab your POW block and enter the next fortress. Inside, there will be two more pillars, this time with weird spikey things that you have to battle. Activate the battle the same way as before. Here are their stats: Bristle 2 HP 1 Attack 4 Defense *Spiky* You can't whack these things with a hammer, you can't jump on them, so you have one option left: Your POW block! ( If you didnt get it, flee the battle and go get it ) After killing the bristles, a mysterious door will open...So enter it! Guess whats on the other side? More wilderness. So just skip all of the enemies and enter the next dungeon. Save. Approach the stone thing and press A. Dududududu... Its a game show! Answer the questions like this: 65th Quirk Quiz answers: Whats hidden in this place? A, Stone Keys What is the name of the Mayor of Petalburg? D, Kroop Where is the Crystal Star? B, Hooktail Castle How can one get from Petal Meadows to Rogueport? C, go through a pipe Which of the following creatures have hands? A, Koopa Troopas After you answered 5 questions correctly, go down the pipe the stone thing opened up for you. You will end up in a sewer. You will end up going both ways, left and right, so it doesn't matter which way you take. I'm taking the right side first. On your way right, you will encounter a badge block that contains multibounce. Equip it, then go through the right doorway. You'll end up in a hallway that has fuzzies. Here are their stats: Fuzzy 3 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Fuzzies will suck on you and drain your HP while replenishing theirs. It is hard to block these things, but still try. Hit A as soon as they relase you to block their attack. After clearing the hallway, you'll see a door. Go through it. Inside the next room you should see a pedestal with a stone on it. Grab it, then battle the fuzzies. After killing the fuzzies that assaulted you, exit the pedestal room and go left back to the room with the pipe. When you are in that room, go into the left hallway and defeat the fuzzies there. When you get to the end of the left hallway, enter the door. This time, you will see a pedestal room with a moon stone on it. Grab the stone, and battle the fuzzies that drop out of the celing. After you defeat the ambush fuzzies, leave the left hallway. This time when you enter the pipe room, there will be a gold fuzzy that has a problem with you, So you have to battle it. This fuzzy is harder than the others. Here are its stats: Gold Fuzzy 10 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense This fuzzy doesn't suck your HP, which is nice. This should be a fairly easy battle for you. Although this fuzzy does have a few tricks up his sleeve... When you get it to 6HP, it will call fuzzy minions which you will have to defeat They have 20 HP, and will have 5 fuzzies jump on you. If you block it, they do no damage. If they hit you, they do 1 damage. A good strategy for this battle is when the gold fuzzy calls his minions, don't attack them. Just keep attacking the gold fuzzy. When the gold fuzzy dies, all of the fuzzy minions do too. After defeating the gold fuzzy, leave the sewers. ( You should be close to getting to level 2, or should be at level 2 ) Save, and leave Shhwonk fortress for good. Return to Petalburg, heal up, buy items, and get ready for a long expedition... I suggest buying some mushrooms, POW blocks, and fire flowers At a minimum, buy 1 fire flower and 3 mushrooms. On your way out of Petalburg you meet that odd Koopa again. ( Koops ) He wants you to take him along with you to go fight Hooktail. Say yes, because he has vital powers and isn't that bad of a fighter. ******************************************************************************** Koops has joined your party! ******************************************************************************** Koops is overall a good fighter. He has a shell attack where he attacks all enemies on the screen ( ground only ) and does 2 damage. On the field, you can press X and have him shoot his shell to hit switches, grab distant items, attack enemies, and just for fun. You can also hold X after he was shot and he will stay in that one spot until you release X. Replace Goombella with Koops. To swap partners, pause the game, go to the "Party" tab and select Koops. ******************************************************************************** Koops has joined your party! ******************************************************************************** _____Petal Meadows_____ We're off to see Hooktail, the wonderful dragon of Petal Meadows, because, because, because, becuase, becauseeeeee, we are off to slay him yes we are. :D Okay, after the scene with Koopie Koo, head to the left. Remember that tall pipe you saw on the way to Petalburg? Well, this time go in it. When at the top, shoot Koops toward the badge; he will retrieve it. Isn't Koops wonderful? Also remember those weird rocks I mentioned? Well, thats where the Sun and Moon Stones come in. Go to the weird rocks ( Near the entrance pipe ) and place the stones in the according rocks. ( The sun stone goes in the hole shaped like a sun, and the moon goes in the hole shaped like a moon ) Then read the blue writing on the middle rock. Hit the switches on the sides to open the pipe to Hooktails Castle.... ( On the right switch, send Koops off of the ledge and hold him there. Then, holding X, run over to the other switch and hit it at the same time Koops does to make the middle rock move and expose a pipe ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hooktail's Castle -------------------------------------------------------------------- We're finally here, in the dreaded Hooktail's castle. Now just where can that Crystal Star be? Lets venture in further and find out... Save. Jump on the blue springpad and use the heart station if you need to. After you have done what you need to, go to the right and through the door. Jump on the plane space and fly over to the other side of the ground. ( Not the other plane space Go through the big red door. When you enter, you'll see a dry bones's skeleton and a flight of stairs. Don't go up the stairs just yet, there's nothing that you can do up there. Past the staircase there are 4 Koopas, 2 Paratroopas and 2 Koopa Troopas. The Paratroopa is the same as the Koopa Troopa, except it has wings. Ignore them if you want, but I suggest battling them for the experience and so they won't be there when you return. There is also a badge block with the badge Power Bounce. This badge lets you jump on an enemy constantly until you miss an action command. After you finished your business in that room, go through the red door to the right of the badge block. In the next room, Koops sees something-- something he thinks is the bones of his father. So he goes on and reads the note the skeleton weilds in its hand and realizes that it isn't his father after all. One thing you learn from the note is that Hooktail has a weakness to cricket sounds. To defeat Hooktail, you need this badge. It isn't as hard as it sounds-- you just need to find an Attack FX badge, which I will explain later how to get. After the sob story over a pile of bones, go to the right side of the room to see a pile of RED bones. This is a battle with no ordinary dry bones... Its a red bones! After you click on it, it will call hundreds of dry bones that you must whack with your hammer to get through. When you finally reach the red bones, get ready for a fight. Here are its stats: Red Bones 5 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense Even if you get this thing to 0 HP and it crumbles down... It will still revive itself after a few turns, but the others in the battle won't. So take out his friends first, than take out the red bones. Its friends also may call more dull bones to replace the ones already fallen. You can only use your hammer if you want to damage any of the bones in its party. After defeating the red bones and his friends, continue through the red door the red bones was guarding. Through the door, it will look like a hallway with bones in it. This time, some of the bones will come alive. You don't have to fight them, but you can for some star points because you should be within 30 star points of leveling up a third time. About halfway through the hallway you should see a thing in a box. This is called a Shine Sprite. You use them to level up your partners. To use them, take the Shine sprites to Professor Frankly's next door neighbor, Merlon. You need three shine sprites to level up a partner once. Later down the hallway, you should see a "puzzle". This "puzzle" is what I am going to help you get through. 1) Ascend the stairs and fall towards the screen. Here you should see a dull yellow and dull purple blocks. 2) Hit the purple block. 3) Shoot Koops out towards the hallway, but still where he can hit the purple block. Hold him there by holding X. 4) Still holding X, have Mario jump onto the purple block and relase X. 5) If done correctly, the purple block should rise up exposing Mario to a door. Go through it to find a star piece. 6) Now return to the dull block control station. 7) Hit the purple block to bring it down. Then, hit the yellow one and make the yellow block move up. ( You have to destroy the block on top of it for it to move ) 8) When the yellow block is up, jump on the purple block ( the one that moves ) and onto the silver block. 9) Jump over to the other silver block and fall to where the yellow block used to be. 10) Use Koops to hit the swithch. The staircase should move. 11) Go up the staircase and onto the platform it leads you to. 12) Use Koops to get the key. 13) Turn around and use Koops to hit the switch. The staircase should move again. 14) Go up the staircase and use the key on the locked door and you are free. You should be in the next room with a save block, skeletons, and a staircase. Save. Don't go up the stairs just yet, but this time go through the door. You should now be in a room that looks like a workout room. Defeat the dull bones and the paragoomba in the room. If you look behind the first cage, that is the cricket badge you need. So, go to the switch in front of the cage. Aim away from it, use the Koops hold trick, run over to the cage on the RIGHT, not the one with the badge, and release X and run inside the cage. Now, go through the door to see another black chest. Sound familiar? Guess what? This time, the talking chest wants you to free it again ( to give you another "curse" Well, to progress with the game you have to get it the key. So enter the room to the right. It has a blue door. When you walk in, there are a bunch of holes. They don't do anything now, but when you get the key they turn into spikes. So get the key. You now have 50 seconds to get out of the maze. You have to go like this: 1) Right until you reach a path that you can go down. 2) Make that immediate right. 3) Go up until you reach the point you can go left, then go left. 4) Follow the path until you can go down, then go down. 5) Continue down until you reach the SECOND spot where you can make a left. 6) Make a left, than right and follow the path out. Then when you are out, use the black key on the chest. Now there is you ghosty friend again! This time, he makes you as thin as paper so you can slide through bars. To do this, simply hold R and you are on your way. Oooooo...Some curse. Now leave the room and you'll be behind bars. Use your new power to slide out of the bars! And then go into the cage with the badge in it. It uses no BP to equip. Now you are ready to fight Hooktail. But first we have to get there. Leave the exersise room and save. Now exit this room and leave in the door to the left of the save box. Continue left through this room... And now you are in the room where Koops thought he saw his dad. Slip through the cell to the left of Koops's fake dad ( The one with only vertical bars ) and go right until you get the key. Now, go back to the room with the really big green block. In the room with the really big green block, go up the stairs and stand on the big green block. Send Koops to hit the small green block so you can get an elevator ride up to the next story. After you made Koops hit the block and the big green block took you way up, go up the staircase that is there. Don't go up the second flight yet. Open the locked door with the key you just got from the room with Koops's fake dad. In this room, there should be a healing station. Heal up if you need to. Now hit the switch to make a path for you to cross over. You should now be at another gap in the floor, but this time, send Koops across the ledge to hit the switch. If you continue left, there is a gap, and no switch. So we have to improvise. Jump out the window with no glass and ( go right if you want a star piece ) go left and jump back inside the castle through another window with no glass. Now go through the door. You should now be in a room with another big green block, and lots of skeletons. Go and fight the dull bones in the entry way then go up the stairs. Use Koops's shell hold attack to hit the green buton while Mario is on the big green block. Now you can choose to go left or go right. Go left. You should be in something that looks like a treasure room, and you will meet a mouse, whom is called Ms. Mowz. There is also a shine sprite and some chests. Loot all of the chests and then leave. Now, go to the right side. Use the key in one of the chests to open up the locked door. In this room, there are more skeletons. Continue on right until you reach the stairs. There, kill the dull bones and hit the yellow switch. Use the Koops hold trick so Mario can use the block as an elevator. ( I didn't explain how because you had to do it 3 other times in the castle ) Now you should be right on the edge of a thin beam of bricks with bars jutting out of it. Run across the beam closer to your TV and go left. Then, use your most recent curse and go through the bars near the plane station. If you want a star piece, go to the other side of the plane platform, go to the opposite beam, and go right. On the plane platform, press Y and fly as far as you can. You should be on the platform right above the yellow switch. Go through the door. First, go down the stairs and hit the yellow switch. Get the castle key with Koops. Then, fall down where the big yellow block went IF YOU WANT A BADGE. The badge is'nt that good. If you do, you'll have to work your way back up to this point. After getting the badge or not, go up the stairs on the other side of the room. Go up both flights, get the shine sprite ( This is your 3rd, you can now level a partner up back at Rogueport ) and unlock the door. Finally, fresh air! Cross the long bridge and kill all of the people on the way. Now enter the castle thing and go up the spiral staircase. There is one goomba along the way. When you are standing outside the humongous red door with a heal block and a save block, save. Then heal up if you need to. When you are ready to face Hooktail, go through the door. Hooktail- The monsterous dragon is standing face to face with you. Get ready to fight and don't fall for any of its tricks. It may offer you money, badges, and it even being nice, just don't give in. Beat that dragon until it dies! Hooktail 20 HP 5 Attack 1 Defense 30 Star Points After you have defeated Hooktail, you find the Crystal Star and Koops's Dad. Just be happy that you lived and get ready for another adventure! You also obtain a new power-- Earth Tremor. This Magical Power does 1 -10 damage on an opponent, depending on how good of timing you have. Try it out! -------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Chapter 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Peach Moment is when you are in the X- Naut base playing as Princess Peach. Welcome to the X-Naut base, where everything is metal! First, go to the left door and take a shower. Then, leave and go through the right door, execept this time, it is unlocked. Continue on right down the hallway... Then you will be in a room with a big computer. Its name is TEC. TEC is your friend in the X-Naut Base, but this first time all you do is talk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - End of Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bowser Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Bowser moment is when you play as Bowser. Use B to breathe fire and A to jump. In this moment, you are Bowser walking up to your throne. The rest is talking. You can talk to some of your minions and order them around for fun too. I also enjoy breathing fire on thep. :p - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - End of Bowser Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After a few moments of Bowser and the X-Nauts, you finally get to be Mario again. Just head back to wherer you entered Petal Meadows and go down the pipe. On the way back., you recieve Peach's Email that she sent from the X-Naut base. It says: My dearest Mario, I send this letter in the hope that it reaches you safely. I am being held against my will in some strange place. Though I do not know where I am, I remain unharmed and in relative comfort. Those who have captured me seem to be after the map I sent to you earlier. They may be hoping to use it to find objects they call the "Crystal Stars" I do not know what they are planning, but I have a bad feeling it is not anything positive. Mario, please collect these Crystal Stars before they do You Must! They are already aware that you have the map, so please be very careful. And please... Dont worry about me. -Princess Peach- So anyway, just continue left until you find the pipe back to Rogueport. Then go down the pipe and to the Thousand - Year door... _____Rogueport Sewers_____ At the Thousand - Year Door, hold up your Crystal Star and let it show you the way to Boogly Woods. This time, you must travel to Boogly Woods to retrieve the Emerald Crystal Star. But first, you get to go to Professor Frankly's for a little. _____Rogueport_____ Professor Frankly says that to get the Emerald Crystal Star, you have to go to the Great Tree in Boogly Woods. He says that small creatures that look like ants with a light on their head live there. There is a pipe beneath town that will take you to Boogly Woods. TO BOOGLY WOODS AWAY!!! ( But heal up and buy Items if you need to ) _____Rogueport Sewers_____ To get to the pipe that leads to Boogly Woods, you have to go like you are going to the Thousand - Year Door. First take the pipe near the moving platform. Then go down the pipe where the two large yellow bricks used to be. Then go right, and your party member will notice the thing Frankly mentioned. ( The ant with a light ) So follow it. Since Mario can't fit through the hole the thing went through, wou have to use the second curse and slip between the bars to the right of the hole the thing took. Then the thing will be surprised to see you and run to the left, so follow it. You have now cornered it and you get to tell it you won't harm it. You find out in this conversation that the X-Nauts have taken over the Great Boogly Tree. The Puni Elder will give you the Crystal Star if you help reclaim the Great Boogly Tree. So what are you waiting for? Off to Boogly Woods! ( Just follow the Puni ) When Punio ( The Puni you were talking to ) runs over to the right to go to Boogly Woods, talk to him and he will open the secret entrance for you. Instead of going to the right, go left and get the badge Damage Dodge. Then Go to the right and you'll see Punio. He'll explain the pipe. When he's done, go through the pipe into chapter 2... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 The Great Boogly Tree -------------------------------------------------------------------- _____Boogly Woods_____ When you first enter the Boogly Woods it is a shock. You weren't expecting everything to be in black & white. Not only that, but this level is the most annoying and boring level of them all. Good thing this level is pretty quick though. After you emerge from your pipe, head to the right and save. Also continue right to see a short clip of the Shadow Sirens. You overhear the Shadow Sirens talking ( Whats new. Thats about all they do in this game ) about their plan to find you and steal your map. Nothing happens after that, so you can continue right and face the Pale Pirhana. Pale Pirhana 4 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense Don't jump on it Cleft 2 HP 2 Attack 2 Defense Fire-Resistant, Don't Jump on it After defeating 3 sets of these freaks, continue on east into the next section. In the next section, you see the Great Boogly Tree. Punio wants to show you around, so heck, go down the pipe and enter the Great Boogly Tree. _____The Great Boogly Tree_____ But there's one problem when you get there: There is a locked door on the tree! ( Go behind the waterfall to the right of the tree to get a star piece ) So Punio remembers something: A secret entrance! Walk up the side of the G.B.T. ( Great Boogly Tree ) and talk to Punio. Yet again, there is another problem: The secret entrance is hidden by an invisible thingy! Then Punio comes up with another bright idea, he'll go see Madame Flurrie! This time, Mario and his partner agree to go. So leave the GBT and go down the pipe you came in. _____Boogly Woods_____ After you leave the GBT and are on close land again, head to the right. Here, slay all enemies because this puzzle will be much much harder with them here. In this section you'll meet a new enemy, a dark puff: Dark Puff 3 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense Sometimes Dark Puffs will charge themselves with electricity, and when they do, make sure you don't physically touch them. ( Jumping ) When the Puff uses it's lightning, it does 5 damage, so be careful. Try to take the Puffs out before anyone else-- it'll make your life a hell of a lot easier. To solve this puzzle, head as far right as you can. Then, make Mario walk towards the screen and you should see a slightly distorted black spot.( It is as far-right-close-to-the-screen as possible ) Then have Mario walk away from the screen and go left behind the pointy things. He should be walking on what appears to be logs. After a few seconsds of walking to the left, you should see a switch-- hit it. This makes the pipe higher so Mario can fly over to the other side. Go to the left of the switch for a star piece. After getting the star piece, go back onto solid ground where you battled the cleft and the puff. Then, go into the pipe and fly across to the other side of the screen. ( It has a badge block containing Quake Hammer, just for clairfication reasons ) Then continue on into the next section where you will abruptly meet a Dark Puff. If you continue right, you'll see a house -- Madame Flurrie's House. To get there, use your second curse in the gap in the bushes. The gap is near the heart block. After you went through the gap, ( You can go to the lower right behind the bushes for a Volt Shroom, go to the left past the pipe for a star piece ) Head to the left and go down the pipe to appear in the distance. Just go inside Madame Flurrie's House from here. _____Madame Flurrie's House_____ Inside Flurrie's house, Punio will start shouting for Flurrie. Then, walk up the stairs and Punio will shout again. This time, enter the door and Flurrie won't let you see her without her neclkace.( You know, the ones the Shadow Sirens have? ) So you have to agree to go get Flurrie's necklace. Just run all the way back to the Shadow Sirens. Off you go! Shoo! _____Boogly Woods_____ So head left way back to the beginning of Boogly Woods where the Shadow Sirens are. When you get there, the Shadow Sirens will notice you. So get ready to fight. Here are their stats: Strategy: First, take out Beldam. Beldam ( Blue hat ) gives out power ups and makes her partners invisible, and you don't want that. Then, take out Marilyn ( fat one ) because she has the most powerful attacks. Then take out Vivan, because she is so easy. Beldam 9 HP 1 Attack ( 2 Attack while using Blizzard ) 0 Defense Don't forget, Beldam uses magic to power up her parnters. Take her out first. Vivan 10 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Take her out second Marilyn (Aka: Tub O' Lard) 12 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense After defeating the Shadow Sirens, they will drop Flurrie's necklace. Grab it and return to Madame Flurrie's house. Before you enter, I would heal up. The Shadow Siren battle usually takes away more than half of your health, so make sure you have at least 7 coins for the healing station. _____Madame Flurie's House_____ Give Flurrie the necklace and she will be delighted and come out. She also joins your party here. ******************************************************************************** Flurrie has joined your party! ******************************************************************************** Press X on the field for Flurrie to blow strong gusts of wind. This moves those "Invisible Thingys" that Punio was talking about. She can also knock out enemies on the field by blowing in their direction. If you hold X, Flurrie will keep blowing until you release X. Here's an example: Remember your first black curse box? Okay, right before you went up the stairs to get there, you saw what looked like the wall peeling away. Use Flurrie's blow to get rid of these things. They often hide treasure, money, and hidden shops. ******************************************************************************** Flurrie has joined your party! ******************************************************************************** Leave Flurrie's house and go to the Great Boogly Tree. _____The Great Boogly Tree (Outside)_____ Here, run up to where Punio said the secret entrance is. Then use Flurrie and blow towards the tree. You'll see a thing wobble then eventually blow away. These are the things Flurrie can blow away. After you blew the cover up awary. you should see a big flashing sign that says "secret entrance". Punio will reconize it and take you inside. _____The Great Boogly Tree (Inside)_____ Inside, you will see three bushes. In the GBT, shake every bush because they often contain stap pieces and items in the GBT. Then, Punio will look for his Puni friends only to see none of them. After Punio's shouting, two X-Nauts will hear and you have to fight them. Here are their stats: X-Naut (White & Red) 4 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense These guys drink potions to up their stats and stuff. Overall, they are pretty easy. Just take them out quick and swift. After you defeat the X-Nauts, Punio will keep talking about how nobody's here. But then a Puni appears out from behind one of those weird statues. Then the Puni that was behind the statue calls all of his friends out from behind the statue and now there are like 10 Punies. And they are all afraid of Mario, but then Punio explains Mario is their friend. Then comes the rebel-- a fat ass Puni who thinks Mario is their enemy. Then Puniper ( The fat one ) talks to Punio and Punio explains that Mario is their friend, but Puniper still doesn't beleive him. In the end, you have to free the Punies until Puniper beleves you and joins your squad. ( Not your party ) So after the Puni conversation, we have to find a cage of Punies. It is normally pretty rough and long, but that's what I'm here for. Here we go: First, save and heal if you need to. Then go up the pipe near the save point. You should see a wierd black thing that when you walk over it, it changes color. Continue past that and into the pipe. In this room, you should see bushes and an X-Naut running around. Battle the X-Naut, because you'll get about 10 star points for the whole battle. There is also a new enemy: Yux 3 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense Mini-Yux 1 HP 0 Attack 0 Defense These things will spawn more and more Mini Yuxes. The Mini Yuxes form an impenatrable shield around the Yux. So, take out the Mini Yuxes first, then pound the big Yux. After beating the X-Naut battle, continue onto the pipe on the left side of the room. This pipe takes you up a story. While on the second floor, don't fall through the hole in the ground. This makes you fall and lose health. As a result of not being able to fall through the hole, you have to battle the Yux. So pound the Yux or run away from it, I would battle it, then continue on to the right and up the pipe. You should see a cutscene of an X-Naut getting knowcked out by Ms. Mowz ( Remember, Hooktail's Castle? ) Then after the scene, you'll see two cages. One has the Puni Elder and the other has all of the other Punies. You have to free the Elder first, even after he says not to. Head to the left of the blue cage and into the doorway. You'll see the room where Ms. Mowz knocked out the X-Naut. Then you'll see Ms. Mowz and talk then she'll leave. The X-Naut will then awaken and you'll have to battle it. After you defeat the X-Naut, he'll drop the key that you need to free the Puni elder. Also, if you go and open the chest to the left of the X-Naut, you'll get an Ultra Shroom. DO NOT USE THIS. When you get back to Rogueport, go into a shop and deposit the Ultra Shroom. Now back on topic. With the key you got from the X-Naut, unlock the Puni Elder's cage. The Puni Elder will be ticked and yell at you for a few hours. Now tha you have unlocked the Puni Elder, you can return to Puniper and show him that you are on his side. So go to the begining of the GBT where Puniper is, and talk to Puniper. Puniper will still rebel, but the Elder will force Puniper to go along with you. Now you have 10 Punies following you around. Do you know what this means? You go to that weird rock that lights up. ( So go up the first pipe... ) On the floor with the lighting up rock, out the Puni Orb that the Elder gave you inside the hole. All of the Punies will gather around and a pipe will appear. After the pipe appears, take the Orb out and go down the new pipe. Here you'll immediately see an X-Naut whom you can get an easy first strike on. After defeating the X-Naut there, put the Puni Orb inside the rock in this room. Then, with Flurrie, blow all of the Punies off of the ledge. They will later come up in bubbles. When the Punies come up in bubbles, take Flurrie again and blow the bubbled Punies across. They will float in their bubbles and go over to the other side. Then you have to jump onto the other side. Put the Puni Orb in the pedestal on the right side of the bubble lake so the Punies will stay where they are. Then, jump down into the Bubble lake. Down there, there is a shine sprite(4) and the item Thunder Rage in one of the bushes. After raiding the bubble lake area, go up the pipe down there and go to your Punies. Take the orb out and go down the pipe. In the next room, it will look like the other one with the hole, but it's not. Just continue on left down the path. In your way, there will be a spider called a pider. Here are its stats: Pider 5 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense After defeating the Pider, you should see a weird statue shaped like a squash. Take Flurrie out and blow on it. It should disappear. Then an airplane pad will appear! Fly as far as you can over to the other side. You should land on another airplane pad. On that, fly to the other side of the room to get a shine sprite(5). Then jump off of the block the shine sprite was on. Walk over to the right side of the room and go down the pipe in the upper right section of the room. Make sure you have all 11 punies with you. In the room that pipe takes you to, all of the Punies will see a Jabbi. The Jabbis are the enemy of the Punies. Follow the Jabbi into his home. You should see a hallway with a water stream and a few bushes. Keep going right in here. Soon, the game will pause and an alarm will go off. After the alarm goes off, Jabbies will come out and you will have to fight them. You yourself cannot do anything, but the Punies will attack the Jabbies and prevail. Then, send Punies into the Jabbies' hive and the hive will get destroyed. Go into the Jabbies' hive now. You should see some signs. On the floor next to the signs, there is a treasure chest. Open it. Now you have the blue key that you can use to free all of the other Punies. Go to the Puni cages and now free the rest of the Punies! After freeing the Punies, there will be a scene where Petuni gives Punio the dried shroom. Punio eats it, disgusted. Then the two Punies hug each other and everyone's happy. Now you have 101 Punies following you around. Make sure that you have all 101 of them at ALL times. This is very important. If you lose some Punies and can't find them, don't forget you can go to the Puni Elder whom will call them all back. The Puni Elder is at the entrance of the GBT. After you have all 101 Punies, return to the Jabbi hive area. This time, instead of going to the right, you will follow the path to the left. On the left path, Piders fall out of the celing and scare the Punies away. Don't worry about losing Punies right now-- just take out all of the Piders near the path. After all of the Piders have been taken out, gather all 101 of the Punies. If you cannot find them, fall off the path-- the Punies often fall off. When you have all 101 Punies, enter the doorway on the left side of the path. This is another Jabbi hive, except this time with 100 Jabbies instead of 10. As long as you have all 101 Punies, you win most of the time.A tip for beating this set of Jabbies is to use Flurrie and blow on all of the Jabbies in the initial big fight. After the Punies have defeated the Jabbies, send the Punies into the Jabbi hive once more to destroy it. After the hive is destroyed, enter the doorway that was behind the hive. Inside the second hive, go down the pipe with the Punies. Do not put the Puni orb in the station yet, that is for later. For now, just go down the pipe. Down the pipe, you'll see a pale pirhana and a big circular log in the middle. Defeat the Pirhana Plant and walk through the doorway on the other side of the room. In this room, there will be another Puni Orb station. Put the orb in the station. Oh No! There is a cage! ( Don't worry, it was supposed to happen ) Lord Crump has tricked you! ( Not! ) Remember Lord Crump from Rogueport? Here, he makes fun of you and says how he is going to hunt for the Crystal Star. Too bad he forgot that you were paper. As soon as he leaves, hold the R button and walk out of the cage. The Punies will stay trapped, but that is no problem for now. Go down the pipe to the right of the cage. You'll see those odd columns again. Lucky you, you have this guide to tell you what order to put them in. First, hit the black switch. This makes switches in front of the pillars in the other Jabbie hive appear. So now go to the first Jabbie hive. Inside the 1st Jabbie hive ( Through the white doorway ) there should be white swithces in front of the odd pillars. This is how you do the puzzle: ( 1st = Far left, 4th = Far right ) 1st: Hit the switch twice. 2nd: Hit the switch once. 3rd: Hit the switch twice. 4th: Hit the switch twice. If this was done correctly, the pillars will disappear and a doorway will appear. If the above does not work, it has to be in this order: 1st: It has to be a sun. 2nd: It has to be a moon. 3rd: It has to be a Puni. 4th: It has to be a star. That is the order of the pictures of what you have to change the pillars to. After the puzzle, enter the doorway that just appeared. There will be a big chest that contains super boots. ( Yay! ) Go ahead-- open the chest! ******************************************************************************** Super Boots ******************************************************************************** The super boots are 2X better than the boots that you start out with. They do 2 damage per jump, which means you can deal out 4 damage if you successfully land the jump action command. Also with the super boots, you gain a new field ability. If you jump, than press A at the peak of your jump, you will perform what I call a butt bomb. Wherever you see a wooden square with two planks making an X, you can do a butt bomb and break it. ******************************************************************************** Super Boots ******************************************************************************** After getting your new boots, leave the room. Now you see a wood square ( Thats what I call what you can break with the butt bomb ) so butt bomb the wood square. You will fall on a pillar. Jump very carefully across the pillars to the shine sprite(6). If you go left, you can use Koops to get you the badge Charge. I suggest getting them both. After you got everything that you need in that area, go up the pipe. You will be in the room with the pillars again. Now go back to the second Jabbie hive and go to the cage Lord Crump "trapped" you in. On your way there, do not break anymore wood squares. It'll only confuse you. Back at the cage, enter the cage using the second curse. Inside the cage is a wood square-- butt bomb it and the Punies are free! ( Don't forget to take your Puni Orb ) To get the Punies in the hole, put the Puni Orb inside the pedestal and use Flurrie to blow them into the hole. Theyu won't just follow you down. After you freed the Punies, leave the cage room. In the big log room, go up the pipe on the left side. Then, put the Puni Orb in the pedestal and butt bomb the wood square. Use Flurrie to blow the Punies down the hole. After all of the Punies have fallen down the wood square, go down after them. You should now be on the log. Go down the pipe along with the Punies. In the next room, it should appear to be a large hallway with a place that you can fall down more towards your TV. Continue on right and defeat the X-Naut. After defeating the X-Naut, just follow the path and go down the pipe. Here, there should be a Yux. Defeat it, and go to the left of the room. Then go down the pipe that you see. Now you should be in a room with water. Do not go in it, for you will lose HP. Just go down the next pipe. Here, you have to leave your Punies for awhile. Jump across the platforms and go up the pipe that leads up. Here, you will see more water, and a blue "!" switch. This part is tricky. Stand on the blue "!" switch and switch your partner to Koops. Now send Koops out towards the switch ( Which is underwater at this moment ) and hold X. Walk Mario off the switch and hold X for three more seconds. After three seconds, the switch will reappear and let go of X and Koops will hit the switch. If done correctly, the water will drain in a whirlpool fashion. After the water has drained, jump off the ledge and open the treasure chest to the left. It contains the badge Shrink Stomp. After obtaining your badge, ascend the staircase. Go down the pipe that leads down. Here, you are reunited with your Punies. Walk across the lily pads and the stone to get to the other side. You can also get a shine sprite(7) here. After crossing, go down the pipe that leads down. Here, there is a spot for the Puni Orb. Put the Puni Orb in it's pedestal and watch the magic. After taking your elevator ride, take the Puni Orb out of it's pedestal and save. Shake the lower left bush for a mushroom. Heal up if you need to. Then when you have done everything you need, go into the doorway to your right... You will see a scene of Lord Crump. Since you have no other choice, put the Puni Orb in its pedestal. ITS THE CRYSTAL STAR!!! What's this??!?? Lord Crump??? If there is anything we do know, it is Lord Crump + Crystal Star + Mario = Beating Huh? No beating? Anyway, Lord Crump is going to blow up the Great Boogly Tree. You have 300 seconds ( 5 Minutes ) to escape the tree, with all of the Punies safe. So what are you waiting for? Go up the pipe Lord Crump did! Here is the quickest way out: ( DONT FORGET THE PUNI ORB!!! ) 1) Go up the pipe Lord Crump did 2) Go left and battle the X-Nauts 3) Click "A" on the control panel next to the door 4) Go through the door 5) Go up and up the pipe 6) Go up the pipe to your right 7) Run left and go up the pipe 8) Run down and follow the path, then in the pipe 9) Put the Puni Orb in the pedestal 10) Use Flurrie to blow the Punies over the edge 11) Use Flurrie to blow the Punies over to the other side 12) Take out the Puni Orb 13) Cross over yourself 14) Go down and click "A" on the control panel near the door 15) Go through the door 16) Run left and meet Lord Crump at the exit of the GBT 17) Lord Crump now stops the bomb. Now the equation Lord Crump + Crystal Star + Mario = Beating comes true... A metel beating that is. Here are the stats for Lord Crump's robot: Mangus Von Grapple I 30 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense 30 Star Points MVGI fist: 2 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: When MVGI uses the fist launch attack, take them out immediately. Also don't forget that you have Star Power and it would be a good idea to use Earth Tremor this battle. If you land it perfectly, you deal 6 damage. Also don't use a hammer this battle. Use your jump-- remember, you have super boots now. Instead of using the normal jump, use the spin jump. It deals 3 damage if you land the action command. Just remember this is Lord Crump, and Lord Crump doesn't know how to fight. After defeating Lord Crump, he runs out pissed. Then his X-Naut minions follow him and one of them trips ( Ha Ha ). Then you get the Crystal Star. :) From this Crystal Star, you learn the Magical Power Clock Out. Clock Out freezes all enemies for x number of turns, depending on how good you are at the mini-game for Clock Out. I don't suggest using Clock Out much, but it is a good move that will save your butt at least once. -------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Chapter 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Go to the door that leads to TEC. It will be locked. Then walk away and TEC will open it for you. Go to TEC's room. TEC will ask you to dance with it. I cannot put the buttons that you have to press because they appear in a random order. Just know that it only consists of A, B, and X. It doesn't matter how many times you screw up, either. So just have fun with it, and get it over with... >_> Then you get to type Mario an email... Oh Joy. As you can see, I don't really like Peach moments that much...:( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - End of Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bowser Moment (SNES!!!) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is a real Bowser moment. You get to play as Bowser, but like Super Mario 1. B breathes fire and A jumps. If you get a ham, you become Super Bowser and if you get two hams you become Giga Bowser and dominate everything. You have unilimited lives. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - End of Bowser Moment :( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _____Rogueport Sewers_____ Playng as Mario again, head back to Rogueport. Then go to the Thousand Year Door and put the location of the next Crystal Star on the Magical Map. There is one problem: the Crystal Star is in the sky. So you go to Frankly's and he explains that where the Crystal Star is the town called Glitzville. You take a blimp to get there. _____Rogueport_____ The professor explains that you need to get tickets from Don Pinata, on the west side of town. So go to the west side of town, buy a contact lens and give it to the person blocking the west side of town. After that dispute is settled, enter the shop on the west side of town. There should be a boo shopkeeper. Right now I'm saving you 68 coins. First, buy a dried shroom. Then a dizzy dial. The shopkeeper then will ask you what color your mustache is. Answer any color, it doesn't matter. She'll then realize that was the wrong question. Then she'll ask you what your favorite color is. Answer yellow. Then the boo will decide that you are one of Don Pinata's henchmen and let you through. Without this guide, you would have had to go into the back alley and pay a gangster 68 coins for that info. While outside Don Pinata's HQ, go up the stairs and into the door. You'll see banana people. Go a little past them and you'll see an orange banana person. He'll have trouble with you ( He's Don Pinata ) when you tell him you need a ticket to Glitzville. Then he decides he'll give you the tickets if you help him out. You have to find his daughter and her boyfriend. ( It shouldn't be too hard, they're bananas! ) The daughter's name is Francesca and her boyfriend's name is Frankie. They are down at the pier where you got dropped off at the beginning of the game. So after Don's rant, go to the pier and talk to the bananas. Francesca will freak out and Frankie will suggest returning to Don Pinata. Either way, they both go with you. So when Francesca asks you if you can pretend that you never saw them, say "No way sob sister!" Francesca will get mad at you and won't follow you. Now, return to Don Pinata's HQ and tell him where they are. Don Pinata will make a soap opera. Talk to him again and he'll give you the Glitzville Blimp Ticket. ( Woohoo! ) Now leave the item shop, and go up the alley in western Rogueport. Save. Now you should be at a split with a train in front of you. Go to the right. Talk to the fish, and he'll let you on the blimp. Go down the pipe, walk into the blimp's carriage and press A. Let the fights begin! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Of Glitz and Glory -------------------------------------------------------------------- _____Glitzville_____ Welcome to Glitzville, the most fun chapter in the game. Here you get to be a fighter, get a Yoshi, upgrade your hammer, and solve a mystery. When you first get off of the blimp, it looks like a child's paradise. Candy, baloons, hot dogs, and more! There is so much to do. But you have to do it in a certain order. Well, unfortunatley we're not here for fun and games, but we have to find a Crystal Star. When you get off of the blimp, walk to the right over near the big blue switch. Jump on the crate in front of the switch then onto the switch. Do a butt bomb on the switch and stairs will appear. Go up the stairs and open the chest. It contains Power Plus P, one of the best badges in the game. Equip it if you have enough BP, but if you don't, do not worry. After obtaining your badge, jump on the springboard and onto the plane platform. ( It's just fun ) After that, go to the far left of Glitzville and go behind the telephone booth for a star piece. Then ( Only if you have 50 or more coins ) go into the shop and stock up on super shrooms and repel capes. To get the shine sprite near the fighting arena, you need the ultra boots, so don't worry about it. Go inside the Tonic Shop ( The shop the stairs appeared on ) and go behind the counter for a star piece. That about covers it for all of the extras for Glitzville. _____Glitzville Fighting Pit_____ Now, go inside the fighting arena. ( The really big building ) Inside, go through the doors that you see. It'll go to a scene between a metal koopa and the Glitzville champion, Rawk Hawk. The metal koopa gets destroyed bigtime. Rawk Hawk will then hold up a belt with the Crystal Star on it. Following this sentence will be a BIG spoiler. The "crystal star" on Rawk Hawk's belt is not the real thing, but the game doesn't know that you know that. After the fight, you and your partner will automatically leave the fighting ring and you get asked a question: "What will we do Mario?" answer, "Battle our way to the top!" Then you and your partner decide that you are to become an official fighter. To do this, go to the far left side of the arena and talk to the blue thing in a suit guarding the door. He won't let you in, but when you tell him you want to be a fighter, he escorts you to his bosses's office. His bosses's office is the one with the fancy door with another blue thing guarding it. When you enter, Mr. Grubba ( The boss ) will flip out. But then you tell him you want to be a fighter, and he makes you one. He assingns your name: Great Gonzales ( That, my friend, is one crappy name. ) He then calls his assistant, Jolene, in and she escorts you to the Minor locker room. The room is nothing, but it has a bet that you can regain your HP and FP, but not SP ( Star Power ). Jolene will also show you how to sign up for a fight. Along with each fight comes certain expectations. Grubba will tell you these and they will appear at the beginning of the fight. For example, one expectation is to appeal to the crowd at least once. This means I have to go into tatics and select appeal at least once to win the match. If you do not meet the expectations, you will not proceed onto the next rank. You click on the screen then pick the option reserve a match. Grubba will then give you a fight against the Goomba Bros. They are really easy, but I will still give you their stats. _____The Glitz Pit_____ Fight One: The Goomba Bros. (19) Goomba 2 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Just take them out. It helps if you have the multibounce badge equipped. After you win the fight, Jolene will be impressed that you won. After they leave, keep reserving matches until you can't reserve anymore. Fight Two: KP Koopas (18) KP Koopa 4 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense KP Paratroopa 4 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense Knock both of these on their backs-- they won't be able to attack you. --------------- Fight Three: The Pokey Triplets (17) Pokey 4 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense Don't jump on this. --------------- Fight Four: The Dead Bones (16) Dull Bones 1 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense Just take them out quick-- they can rebuild themselves. --------------- Fight Five: Spike Storm (15) Spiny 3 HP 3 Attack 3 Defense Lakitu 5 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense This battle would be a good time to use Earth Tremor... ---------------- Fight Six: The Hand-It-Overs (14) Bandit 5 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense This guy steals your coins and items if you miss your block! If he steals your stuff, and you defeat it within the next turn, you get your stuff back. Big Bandit 8 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense Same as above. ----------------- Fight Seven: The Mind-Bogglers (13) Pale Pirhana 4 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense Pider 5 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense Dark Puff 3 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense Don't jump on the Pale Pirhana or the Dark Puff when it's charged with electricity. ----------------- Fight Eight: The Punk Rocks (12) Hyper Bald Cleft 3 HP 2 Attack 2 Defense This hyper version of Cleft can boost its attack to 8 if it charges for a turn. You should use an item or Magical Power this turn. ----------------- Fight Nine: The Bob-Omb Squad (11) Bob-Omb 4 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense When you attack a Bob-Omb, it gets mad and uses a power attack on you. Watch out for it. It also puts itself into submission when it does that attack. ----------------- Fight Ten: The Armored Harriers (10) Iron Cleft 6 HP 4 Attack ? Defense No attack will work against iron clefts. What you have to do now is run from battle, leave the Glitz Pit, and go to the hot dog stand. There, will be an egg. You have to save the egg (When it runs on the roof of the hot dog stand, go to the airplane pad I mentioned earlier and fly over there) and it hatches into a Yoshi in which you can name when you get back to the locker room with it following you. When you get back to the locker room, attempt to fight the iron clefts again and then run away. When you get back, the Yoshio will have hatched. Then, come back to this fight with the Yoshi. It has an attack that disregards an enemy's defense. Keep using that attack until the clefts are dead. Now, you are in the Major League. :) ******************************************************************************** Yoshi has joined your party! ******************************************************************************** If you press X with Yoshi on the field, you will jump on his back and he will take you for a very fast piggy back ride. If you press A while on Yoshi, he'll let you levitate and move across the ground. Easier seen than explained. Yoshi is also a very good fighter. He has an attack that penetrates an enemy's defense-- no matter what it is. ( Iron clefts!!! ) If you have three shine sprites, this is a good character to level up when you get back to Rogueport. ******************************************************************************** Yoshi has joined your party! ******************************************************************************** After defeating the Armored Harriers, Jolene calls you into Mr.Grubba's office. He gives you 30 coins and promotes you to the major league. When you get to the major league, Rawk Hawk comes in and you see his belt and decide that it is a fake. Where could the real Crystal Star be? Anyway, heal up and get ready for your next fight. But before you can call Grubba, you get an email that says: iF yOu WaNt ThE cRyStAl StAr, HeEd My InStRuCtIoNs. FrOm, X After that scene, call Grubba for a fight on the screen thing. Fight Eleven: The Tiny Spines (9) R.S. Buzzy 5 HP 3 Attack 2 or 3 Defense Use your Yoshi and keep using Gulp. Since they have a spike, you can't jump and they have enough defense that you can't hit them with yout hammer, you have to use Yoshi or Earth Tremor. ---------------- Fight Twelve: The Poker Faces (8) Bristle 2 HP 1 Attack 4 Defense In this fight you HAVE to use Earth Tremor or an item. Yoshi gets too close to the Bristles and gets poked, and everything else is too weak. ---------------- After this fight, you get another email saying: gO tO tHe WaTeRiNg HoLe OuTsIdE tHe GlItZ pIt. FrOm, X _____Glitzville_____ So you go to the Watering Hole. ( The juice shop with the stairs ) Inside the Watering Hole, talk to the guy cleaning the glass. He will mention that someone delivered a package for you. You open it, and it contains the Super Hammer! ******************************************************************************** Super Hammer ******************************************************************************** The super hammer is way better than your normal hammer. On a sucessful action command, you deal 4 damage instead of 2. You can also now break steel blocks with eyes. You can also break big yellow blocks with eyes. Mario also gains a new field power when he obtains the super hammer. To perform this move, hold B and rotate the control stick until you twist up. You have to do this to break the blocks mentioned above. You also gain a new special hammer attack in battle. ******************************************************************************** Super Hammer ******************************************************************************** After recieving your Super Hammer, you recieve another email from X. Here goes: SmAsH tHe BlOcKaDe In ThE mInOr-LeAgUe LoCkEr RoOm. FrOm, X _____Glitzville Fighting Pit_____ So go into the minor league locker room. The guard says he got the word you wanted to move down to the minors again. Don't worry, you really didn't. Now go to the lower left corner of the minor league locker room and do a spin hit on the big block. After breaking it, go into the room. You should see a paper with a star on it. You get it by jumping on the table with the broken computer screen, then the broken computer screen itself, then the shelf above that, then use Yoshi's hover to get over to the other cabinet and grab the papers. You read them and realize they're about the Crystal Star, but then Jolene comes and confiscates the papers. Return to the Major League Locker Room now and get ready for your next fight. On your way there, I suggest saving your game, just because of how much you've coverd since I last told you to save... ( You should save every chance that you get ) --------------------- Fight Thirteen: The Shellshockers (7) Shady Koopa 8 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense These guys can attack on their backs, and when they are on their backs, their attack is boosted! ( If you are going to use a jump move, do the spin jump. I don't suggest using jump that much this battle. ) Shady Paratroopa 8 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense Same as above, except these guys have wings. ( They drank some Red Bull before the fight. :p ) After the fight, the Armored Harriers cand want to fight you again for humiliating them. I hope you leveled up! ( Just keep using Gulp with your Yoshi ) After the fight with the Armored Harriers, you'll get another Email that goes like this: Keep sticking your nose where it doesn't belong and you are D-E-A-D-M-E-A-T! Since this one had no real orders, just heal up and go onto the next fight. ---------------------- Fight Fourteen: The Fuzz (6) Fuzzy 3 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Flower Fuzzy 6 HP 3 Attack* 0 Defense * When The Flower Fuzzy attacks, it attacks your FP instead of your HP. Green Fuzzy 5 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense This is the same as the normal fuzzy, except this one multiplies itself. Take this guy out first. If you lack experience, this is the place to get Star Points You can get up to 100 star points in this fight. How you ask? Well, first, take out all of the fuzzies EXCEPT the green fuzzy. Since the green Fuzzy gives you 7 Star points when it dies, and it can multiply... If the green fuzzy is about to die, just go to the tatics menu and select defend. Keep doing this until the fuzzy multiplies. When it does, take out one of the fuzzies and keep repating the process. After the fight with The Fuzz, there will be a piece of cake waiting for you. Eat it-- it heals you all the way up. FP, HP, SP, everything. After your sugar rush, go onto your next fight. -------------------- Fight Fifteen: The Magikoopa Masters (5) Red Magikoopa 7 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense This one uses offensive magic and defensive magic. If nobody is left, this magikoopa will use illusionary magic and make fake copies of itself so you attack the wrong one. White Magikoopa 7 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense Attacks with magic and can heal its partners. This one also makes illusionary copies of itself. Green Magikoopa 7 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense Attacks with magic and can turn its partners invisible for a few turns. This one also can create illusionary copies of itself. Must be a dominant trait. Whats this? After the fight-- Bowser?!? Looks like we get to slaughter a deadly koopa toay! And he's not even a fighter! Bowser 30 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense Just do what Mario does best. It also helps if you use Yoshi's gulp a lot in this fight if you have the FP. The hammer will do 3 damage if you sucessfully land the action command. For once, you don't have an email. Heal up and go onto the next fight. ( PS; You should be on Lv. 8, On Lv. 7 close to leveling up, or higher than 8. ) -------------------- Fight Sixteen: Craw Daddy (4) Dark Craw 20 HP 6 Attack 0 Defense If his spear is pointing up, you can't jump on it. This guy also has an insane attack power, so be careful. After the fight, you get another email saying: gO tO tHe OuTsIdE tElEpHoNe bOoTh OuT oN tHe PaViLiOn. FrOm, X _____Glitzville_____ You know what to do now. Go outside the Glitz Pit and to the telephone booth. It is in the lower left area of outside Glitzville. Inside the telephone booth, there is a key. It is labeled "Storage Key". There is only one storage room in all of Glitzville-- it is inside the Glitz Pit. So enter the Glitz Pit. _____Glitzville Fighting Pit (Storage Room)_____ The storage room is next to Grubba's office like the email said. When you get to the storage room, you will see a scene where Jolene is getting a guard in trouble. After Jolene sees you, she'll walk away and you can use the storage key to open the locked storage room. When you first enter the Storage Room, you'll see Ms. Mowz. Your partner suggests that Ms. Mowz was the one the guard heard, but then Ms. Mowz tells you someone else was in here. After that, she leaves and you get another email from X saying to find the staircase switch to reach the attic. The staircase switch is behind the left set of boxes. Get Flurrie out and blow the fake box cover away to reveal some yellow eye blocks, and there is the switch behind them. Hit the switch, and the staircase appears. Upstairs, there is a shine sprite(8) and a locked door. So get the shine sprite and follow these directions: Jump on the small box near the two manilla papers on the wall. From there, jump on the big box that it is touching and use Yoshi to get over to the big boxes across the room. Break the huge yellow block. ( Remember, hold B and twist the control stick ) You can also get the badge HP Plus P using Koops. After getting the badge, fall down the hole the big yellow box was hiding. Now you are in the roof above Grubba's office. Click A on the small hole of light to look through. After that scene, stand on the drain-like thing and press and hold R to fall through. You'll be in the first room of the storage room now. Head back to the Major League Locker Room and take your next fight. ------------------------- Fight Seventeen: Hamma, Bamma, and Flare (3) Hammer Bro 7 HP 4 Attack 1 Defense When this guy's HP gets low, he goes on a hammer throwing craze. Easy as pie. Fire Bro 7 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense If you get hit by a fireball, you may catch fire-- guard well. This guy goes on a fire craze if his HP gets low. Boomerang Bro 7 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense This gut throws his boomerang at you. It comes by and hits you and your partner twice, like a boomerang. He goes on no craze if his HP gets low. After this fight, you'll recieve another email from X. It tells you to stop hunting fr the Crystal Stars. Like we're going to do that! After your email, head onto the next fight. After you sign up for fight 18, you'll recieve more cake. Do not eat it this time-- it is posion. -------------------------- Fight Eighteen: Chomp Country (2) Red Chomp 7 HP 5 Attack 2 Defense Their HP may be low, but they have a very high defense and atack raitng. I suggest using Earth Tremor or your Yoshi's Gulp attack. No email this time, just another battle. Sign up and get ready to face the Koopinator! --------------------------- Fight Ninteen: The Koopinator (1) Dark Koopatrol 25 HP 5 Attack 2 Defense This guy can charge his attack up to 10! On that turn, use defend as your move, you'll need to. This is one of those fights where you'll want to use clock out. Also, if you can superguard, this would be a great battle to superguard in, especially during his charge attack. I usually land every other superguard. After your fight with the Koopinator, you get an email from X saying to remove the Great Gonzales posters in the lobby. Take Flurrie with you, and when you see a poster with Mario on it, blow on it with Flurrie. One of the posters has a key in it. The key is to the storage room. Then you get another email from X saying to go to the second floor, so do so. Remember that locked door on the second floor? Now you have the key. Unlock the lock and enter the locked door. In this room, you should see lots of boxes. Jump on the small box closest to the doorway and onto the big box touching that. Then, get Yoshi out and levitate over to the other boxes. Then, you should see a big yellow block with eyes. Break it using the B-Spin trick. You'll see King K and Bandy Andy. King K cannot talk, but Bandy Andy says not to go near the ring when nobody's there. You know what that means, do the opposite to find out. Since the guards won't let you in the ring when there's no fight, just take another challenge in the Major League Locker Room against Rawk Hawk. Instead of the Guard taking you to the ring, he kidnaps you and puts you in a deserted minior locker room. Now you have to break out. To break out, take out Flurrie and blow down the poster in the lower right corner of the locker room. Then, walk through the bathroom and into the Major Locker Room. Here, the door's locked as well. So go inside the bathroom and jump on the toliet. Then press down as if you were going down a pipe. ( What do you know, the toilet is a pipe! ) You'll come out in the normal major locker room. Now you can leave and go to your fight. Just go in the big doors to your right when you leave the locker room. --------------------------- Fight Twenty: Rawk Hawk (Champion) Rawk Hawk 40 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense After defeating the Rawk Hawk, Jolene takes you to the Champ's room. But then you and your partner hear a voice. After the voice issue, you get an email saying to find the ghost in the champ's room. So you have to get into the vent. So go over to the big pile of gifts and jump on them until you get to the top one. Then, use Yoshi's levitate and get to the mantle above the doorway. Then, use the levitate again and get on the wooden mantle that the vent is on. Then, use the B-Twist and knock off the vent cover and enter the vent. You'll learn that Grubba is behind the missing fighters. Then, after Grubba talking to himself, break down the vent cover on the other side. You'll be in Grubba's office. Then, open the desk drawer and take the papers. You and your partner figure out that the paper is a blueprint of a machine under the ring that is powered by the real Crystal Star. The machine can suck the life out of people. Then, Grubba walks in and your big-mouth partner says, "Why'd you suck the life out of King K and Bandy Andy?!" Then Grubba realizes whats going on and he runs out of his office. So follow him. Go to the doors where you entered the fight with Rawk Hawk and save. Make sure that you are at maximum everything and have enough items to last you a hard fight. If not, go to the Souviner shop outside the Fighting Pit and buy some items with your fight money. When you enter the ring, jump up onto the actual ring itself. You'll see Grubba. He will take his machine out of the ground and turn into Macho Grubba, whom you have to fight. Macho Grubba 60 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense This guy has a very easy attack pattern. He increases the number of times he can attack, then he powers himself up with power-up moves then he assaults you. It is best to use Clock Out right before you think he is going to unleash his power move. After you are out of Star Power, just defend and hope for the best. After defeeating Grubba, Jolene tells you that she was X then gets all mushy. Then the Crystal Star brings her brother back and the Crystal Star falls off of the machine and into your hands. From it you get 1 more SP, and the Magical Power, Power Lift. -------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Chapter 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEC will call you in and tell you to go find a soldiers uniform. So after it's directions, leave TEC's room and the elevator will open for you. Go in it. Then, you will go up to the second floor. After disembarking the elevator go to the right and in the door with the green lamp above it. Inside here, open the third locker ( Left to right ) and go in a stall. Peach will change. When she comes out, she'll look like an X-Naut. You can also talk to other X-Nauts in this uniform. After leaving the changing room, go as far to the right as possible and open that door. Talk to Grodus. Then, after your conversation, you'll aurtomatically be back in the dressing room. Enter the stall that you changed in before and leave the room. You will automatically be in TEC's room. Peach will then use the communicator and the Peach Moment is over. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bowser Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As Bowser, you are in the GBT. Go to the far right of the room and shake the bush nearest your TV. The Puni Elder will then shout at you and then talk to you normally. After a few seconds, the Puni Elder will yell at Kammy Koopa and then you have the choice to say two things. It doesn't matter which one, it doesn't make a difference. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bowser Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _____Glitzville Fighting Pit_____ Now you are back at the Glitz Pit. Jolene has taken over Grubba's spot, and King K, Bandy Andy and Prince Mush are back. You can come back and fight anytime, but your first time, your records accidentaly get deleted and you have to work your way back up to champ again. After you have done everything else you want in Glitzville, talk to the fish and head on back to Rogueport. _____Rogueport____ By Now, you should have a couple hundred coins so i'm going to tell you a place that you can spend your money in a good way. Go into the Rogueport Inn. Then go onto the second floor and in the lower left corner is a doorway. If you go through the doorway and cross the bridge, there is a badge shop with all of the best badges. You can also sell badges that you don't want here. _____Rogueport Sewers_____ After visiting the Badge Shop, go underground where you can use your star pieces. Instead of going to the right when you first go down the pipe, go to the left. Here, talk to the person standing near the pillar and she will have badges that you can get with star pieces. After trading with her, or saving up for a badge you want, leave and go to the Thousand-Year Door. Step on the pedestal and watch the magic. After going to Frankly's to learn where the star is, go next door and level up your Yoshi. Frankly says that the Ruby Crystal Star is in Twillight Town. There is a pipe to Twilight Town in Rogueport. Go to the west side of town and stand on the drain. Then, press and hold R and you'll fall through. Now use your Yoshi's levitate to get over to the left side. Go through the door and try to go down the pipe. It will reject you, which is normal. Now go talk to Professor Frankly. He'll say that there is a person from Twillight Town living here in Rogueport, and he'll know how to get into Twillight Town. After talking to Frankly, go to the left of his house. You should see a brick wall, but it really isn't solid. Walk through the middle and around the corner. Talk to the guy that is really "shady". Literally. Tell him you want to go to Twillight Town, and he'll say that you need your name written on you somewhere. Ask him to write it on you, and now you can go to Twillight Town. So return to the west side of town and go down the drain, then down the pipe to chapter 4... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 For Pigs The Bell Tolls -------------------------------------------------------------------- _____Twillight Town_____ Twillight Town. Its Dark. Its spooky. And there are pigs. When you get out of your pipe, a guy comes up and that is is a bad time for people to come. Later, he says that whenever the bell tower tolls, someone in Twillight Town turns into a pig. After your "greeter" turns into a pig, the Mayor will introduce himself. After he is done talking to you, he'll take you to his house. He'll explain more on the Pig Curse inside, but then your partner will ask if he's heard of a crystal star. The Mayor will say no, but he does know that there is a glittery red stone in the Creepy Steeple. ( Yeah, that's the Crystal Star ) Now that we know where the Crystal Star is , it is time to go to the Creepy Steeple. But first, we have some business in Twillight Town. ( Don't worry, you con't turn into a pig ) First, go into the second section of Twillight Town. Enter the first house that you see and talk to the mother; give her something, preferably your least valuable item, like a dried shroom. In return, she'll give you the item Shooting Star, probably the best offense item in the game. It deals 6 damage to all of your enemies, as well as confuse the one that live. Save this item until the end of the level. After helping the mom, go into the shop, also in the second section of Twillight Town. There will be a woman crying because her husband got turned into a pig. If you accept to try to reverse the pig curse, the woman will let you take anything in the storeroom, but it is locked. So when we leave Twillight Town and start travelling on the road, I'll tell you where the key is. After listening to the woman's rambling, leave the items shop and talk to the gatekeeper on the far right side of town. He'll say that you need the Mayor's permission to leave town, so go to the Mayor's house and ask him. There is one problem though-- the Mayor's a pig! Since there's nothing more that you can do, just go to the gatekeeper and he will be a pig too. Dang, we're lucky. Leave the town-- no pig is going to stop us! _____Twillight Trail_____ Outside the town, walk in the shed and go to the left to find a black key. You know what this means-- another curse! After getting the key, go to the next section. There will be a hyper goomba: Hyper Goomba 8 HP 2 Attack (8 after charging) 0 Defense Make sure you don't let these guys hit you when they're charged up! Hyper Paragoomba 8 HP 2 Attack (8 After Charging) 0 Defense Same as above, except these guys have wings. Hyper Spiky Goomba 8 HP 3 Attack (9 After charging) 0 Defense Same as above, except you can't jump on these guys. After defeating all of the hypers, go onto the next section and you'll see a fallen tree. Send Koops under it to get the key. This is the key to the item shop's storage room; go back to the item shop and unlock the storage room. _____Twillight Town_____ Inside there is a curse box- unlock it. Now you can become a tube and roll around if you hold R and move the control stick in circles. Also take all of the loose items in the storage room, and deposit the Jammin' Jelly in the items shop after you turned her husband back. I also strongly suggest equipping the defend plus badge. Whenever you get one of these, or a power plus, unequip any badges neccessary so you can equip these types of badges. Just don't unequip the damage dodge badges. _____Twillight Trail_____ After getting your curse and items, go back to the fallen tree. Now you can use the Tube Curse to get under it. There is also a star piece behind the tree. Walk left after passing under the tree to come to a teepee. Use Flurrie to blow it away, and a pipe will appear. Go down it and enter the forest in the distance. There is a star piece behind the pipe. Inside the forest, there will be an item block. Hit it, and get the item. Then battle the Crazy Dayzee: Crazy Dayzee 7 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense This is not an easy battle. Watch out for this thing's lullaby attack- if you don't block it, you'll be sleeping for a very long time. After defeating the Crazy Dayzee, you should see a gap in the grass. Use the paper curse to get through. On your right is an item block that contains Earthquake. Get it, and continue on left into the next section. In the next section, there is a Crazy Dayzee waiting for you. There is also a badge block containing Hammer Throw. After the battle with the Crazy Dayzee, run to your left and use Flurrie to blow away the cover up. This will reveal a hole in the tree-- go in it and you'll appear in the distance. In the distance, walk right into the forest. In the second forest, you'll come to a spot where there is a dark spot of soil and a big rock. Use Flurrie and blow towards the dark spot of soil-- a wood square will appear. Butt bomb the wood square. You'll appear in the distance after you fall in the hole. If you go to the right in the distance, you'll see a rock. Wherever you push this rock is where the one not in the distance goes. After pushing the distant rock as far right as you can, jump down the lump in the distance to appear not in the distance again. Now, go down the hole that you uncovered by pushing the rock. You'll appear on the other side of the rock. Run to the right and battle the hyper cleft. Hyper Cleft: 3 HP 2 Attack 2 Defense This guy can boost his attack to 8 if he charges. Be sure not to jump on him. _____Creepy Steeple_____ After beating the cleft, continue on right into the next section. Now you are at the Creepy Steeple, home of Doopliss, the monster-ghost. Here, save and heal up if you need to. After saving, walk over near the well and roll under the brick wall. You'll know where. After you pass under the wall, enter the Creepy Steeple. Inside, immediately walk up. You should see a place where you can roll under, so do so. Inside is a shine sprite(8), a badge, and a cookbook that you give to Zess T. in Rogueport. After you have collected all of the items, roll back out. Inside the Creepy Steeple again, just follow the carpet to the star statue at the end of the entrance hallway. Push this. Soon, you will fall and hit a springy thing. Underground, go left into the door. You should see an odd box-- open it. Boos will come flying out and one of them will ask you how many boos just came out. Answer 200, and he'll give you an ultra shroom. After the boos, go back to the spring room. In the spring room, take out Flurrie and blow in front of the spring. This will make a secret entrance appear. Walk in it, and then to the right. Open the chest and get the Flower Saver badge. After that, spring back up to ground level. You'll see a boo crying, so talk to it. He'll ask if you're going to be mean to it, and answer yes. Then, exit through the door closest to the TV. Outside, there will be a bat. Battle it. Boo 7 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense It can turn invisible, but isn't much of an opponent. Swooper 6 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense It can hang from the celing, and when it is, you can't jump on it. You have to use Flurrie to damage it. After defeating the bat, head to the right some more and defeat the next bat. Then, don't hit the switch and go through the door. You'll new be in a room with a staircase. If you hit the switch on the side we were just on, the staircase will move towards the TV. If you hit it on the other side, the staircase will move away from the TV. So first, hit the switch on the side we were just on. Then, go in and up the staircase and through the door. Jump over the gap, and use Koops to get the key over the second gap. Now, go onto the other switch side and hit it twice. Now come back in the staircase room and go up the staircase and into the door. Walk past the stained-glass window and jump over the gap. Use the save block. Now, use the key from the other side and unlock the door. Enter the door. Walk up all of the stairs and jump on the springpad. Inside the room, there is a ghost whose name is Doopliss. He has some beef with you, and you have to fight him. ?????? 40 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense This thing can transform itself into you and your partners. Watch out for it. After beating the thing, you get the Crystal Star. ( That was pretty quick... something seems suspicious... ) Next chance you get, look at Mario's stance. He looks evil-- and you don't control it! You are the shadow Mario that ?????? made. You have to get your identity back! ( You don't get to use yout partners for a while ) So leave the Creepy Steeple after ????? stole your identity. Head back to Twillight Town. _____Twillight Trail_____ On your way back near the shed where you got the black key, ????? will bust out of the sky. He gives you one chance to guess his name. You would normally guess Doopliss, being that is his name, but the "p" is gone from the letter selection. So whatever you put will be wrong. Just put anything, he'll say that it is wrong, you'll have to fight him, it is impossible to win so run away, and go into town. _____Twillight Town_____ In town, go to where the Shadow Sirens were bossing Vivan around. Talk to Vivan and she'll pretty much ignore you, but say she is looking for something. So go to the first grass clump ( Left to right ) and shake it. The superbomb will appear, but it is broken. Give it to Vivian and she'll realize that it's broken. No matter what you say, she is still depressed. Anyway, she asks what your name was and you say that it was stolen. As a repaying debt, Vivan is your new party member. ******************************************************************************** Vivan has joined your party! ******************************************************************************** Press X to have Vivan pull you into the shadows. This makes field enemies not see you. You cannot move when you are in the shadows. Press X again to re-emerge from the shadows. Vivan is also your 3rd best party member. So when you get back to Rogueport, level her up immediately. Vivan can also fight with you, but that is easier done than said. Vivan can also pull Mario into the shadows during a fight (1 FP) so an attack will miss Mario. ******************************************************************************** Vivan has joined your party! ******************************************************************************** Vivan suggests listening to birds. If you listen to them while hiding in the shadows, they say some pretty funny things. But the birds that you need to listen to are in the second section, on the tree in the lower right part. They say that some guy under the Creepy Steeple knows the Ghost's name. To Creepy Steeple!( That means go to the well outside the Creepy Steeple ) If you encounter ????? again, just do the same thing I told you to do before. _____Creepy Steeple_____ At the Creepy Steeple, jump down the well and you'll fall onto a springpad. To your left is a shine sprite(9) and north is a Buzzy Beetle. Buzzy Beetle 5 HP 3 Attack 4 Defense Flip these guys over, then pound 'em! Spike Top 5 HP 3 Attack 4 Defense Don't jump on this! For where you are, you'll have to run from this battle or use an item or Earth Tremor. In the next room, there are about 10 enemies and a badge block. Try not to get into any battles, but still get the badge. It contains Tornado Jump. After getting your badge, push the slab of rock that you see for about 5 seconds. Then, go into the shadows with Vivian and the slab of rock will return to it's normal spot, but you'll stay in the shadows. After that, continue up the tunnel and into the door. Get the shine sprite(10) and save. Then tube under the place shaped for your tubing, up the stairs there, and butt bomb the wood plank in the room on the other side of the tube tunnel. You'll be in the Creepy Steeple now. Go to the left and tube under the tube hole there. You'll now be in a room with two chests ( Open them ) and a green parrot. One chest contains Power Plus and the other has a Mr. Softener. Then open the two wierd chests for the letter "P"( The one you were missing ) and a Steeple Key, which is used to unlock the door to exit the Parrot room. After raiding all of the chests, unlock the locked door and return to where ????? is. Again, ????? will ask you what his name is, but this time, you put in "Doopliss" exactly like it is written there. Then he'll run back to his room in the Creepy Steeple. ( Why, why do we have to go there again! >:( ) So you know what this means. Go to Doopliss's room in the Creepy Steeple where you can battle him-- no gimmicks. ( But you don't get to use Vivian for the first half of the fight ) Doopliss 40 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense Partner ( Goombella ) 10 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Partner ( Koops ) 10 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense Partner ( Flurrie ) 15 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense Partner ( Yoshi ) 10 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Or if you used a shine sprite... Partner ( Goombella ) 15 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense Partner ( Koops ) 15 HP 4 Attack 1 Defense Partner ( Flurrie ) 20 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense Partner ( Yoshi ) 20 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense After defeating Doopliss, Vivian really joins your party and you get the Ruby Crystal Star. From it, you get 1 more SP and a new Magical Power, Art Attack. This your second offensive Special Move. -------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Chapter 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Quiz time! This time, TEC gives you a quiz. Here are the answers: 1) What Will happen if you collect seven Crystal Stars? B, The Thousand-Year Door opens 2) What is the goal of Grodus, leader of the X-Nauts? A, To conquer the world 3) What is the legendary treasure that waits behind the Thousand-Year Door? C, A 1000 Year Old Demon's Soul 4) What does Sir Grodus wish ti do with this ancient demon's soul? B, Bring the demon back to lige 5) What is required to seal up the demon again? C, Crystal Stars - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bowser Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Snes time! Continusly press A to swim up, let go of A to sink down. At the end, jump on the springpad to end the water part. Then, you'll be on land and you'll have to reach the castle as always. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bowser Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _____Rogueport_____ After the Bowser moment, head back to The Thousand-Year Door. Step on the pedestal and let the magic show you the way! After the magic plants the location of the Sapphire Crystal Star, go to Frankly's. He tells you that it is at the cursed island, Keyhaul Key. This level is very fun, so don't worry. ( Be happy :p ) You also get your best party member at this level. After Frankly's harangument, go next door and level up Vivian. Then, go into Rogueport Inn and talk to the rich guy at the bar. He'll say his name is Flavio and he'll ask you what you think he needs in his life. Whatever you say doesn't matter-- he still ends up deciding on Keyhaul Key. ( No, it's just a coeincidence. ) Flavio also mentions that there was a star shaped piece of treasure in Cortez's hoard, and he says that you can have it. He will supply the ship. So go to Rogueport Harbor where he said to meet him. _____Rogueport Harbor_____ At Rogueport Harbor, you and Flavio run into a problem-- there is no navigator, and you desprately need a navigator to get to Keyhaul Key. But then Pa-Patch ( Purple Bomb ) says there is a legendary sailor living in Rogueport. His name is Admiral Bobbery, but nobody has seen him sailing in a long time. _____Rogueport_____ So you are enthrusted with the job of finding Admiral Bobbery. To make this easy for you, go to the Rogueport Inn. Talk to the bartender, and he'll tell you where Bobbery lives. Go to the east side of town (Trouble Center). Where you see the bridge with skulls on it, use Yoshi to levitate over to the other side, so you're behind the fence. After you're behind the fence, jump up on the boxes then onto the roof. Use Yoshi again to levitate over to the roof to your left. Then, use the tube curse and roll in the chimney. Here, you'll see a bomb. Talk to it, and it'll say that it's not Bobbery, but then you say you already know it is him. After some rambling, Bobbery kicks you out. But before you leave, go in the back room and take the shine sprite(13). Now leave and go into the Rogueport Inn and talk to the Bartender. Say you want to hear the sad tale of Bobbery. After 20 pages of talking, the bartender will ask if you still want to take Bobbery out on the water. Say yes, and he'll give you a letter from Bobbery's wife. Take it to Bobbery now. (You can just enter through the front door) Bobbery will be touched and agrees to go with you. _____Rogueport Harbor_____ So head off to Rogueport Harbor! Talk to Flavio and he'll praise you-- Then you're off! But then you see an X-Naut saying that X-Naut Black (Lord Crump) is abord the ship... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 The Key To Pirates -------------------------------------------------------------------- Month * Day XO Over the protests of my crew, the S.S. Flavion has set sail! Is this voyage as reckless as they say? Ah! I must scoff! Flavio will show them guts! Month * Day XX Another day of good wind. White clouds, they dazzle me. It is as if they are blessing our voyage! Flavio thanks them, most heartily! Month * Day X^ Things are going smoothly...Yet Iam filled with dread...At this speed, we should reach our destination by tomorrow's sunrise. After that journal entry, Flavio starts a tale of bravery. Then the ship stops. Flavio sends Pa-Patch up to see if everything is working properly and... a ghost appears! Then a whole bunch of ghosts appear! Now they are sinking the S.S. Flavion. Every man for himself! Month * Day X* Fortune from disaster; the kindly sea washed us ashore. What strange irony that this island was or intended destination all along, no? And yey, we mourn. We have lost three crew members, includiong Admiral Bobbery. It pains me to think they were takn by the pirate king, that ghostly thing... What happens to us now, eh? We may be lost without hope, stricken in the wilds... Month * Day X<> We have made a semblance of civilized life here. The ship's floatsam and now we have salty bread and other salty things... We can live for some time on this salty bounty of the sea... But then what, I ask? Month * Day OO We have built a few huts from the washed up timbers. Ah, poor sweet S.S. Flavion At least the shanties keep out the wind and rain. We still have had no sign of Bobbery and the others, and my heart, she doubts... Still, despite my fears, we must continue to hope that they are alive somewhere. Month * Day OX Three days on the isle now, and the huts are all finished. We have carved a life here, though we all dream of a return to Rogueport. _____Keeyhaul Key_____ Finally, we get to play. After Pa-Patch comes and tells you everything is ready, go into camp and Pa-Patch and Flavio will be fighting. They will walk away in the end, then come crying back to you for help because pirate ghosts appeared. Just kill the ghosts. Ember 8 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense Don't directly touch this. It'll burn you-- use your hammer. It is weak to ice and explosive attacks though. After defeating the Embers, Flavio elects you to go and search the island for more ghosts. Before you go, stock up on Ice Storms at the shop. Also save and heal up if you need to. After doing everything that needs to be done at camp, head out east into the jungle. Defeat the Green Fuzzy and get the badge Head Rattle from the badge block. Then, if you want, get a courage shell from the item block. Continue on to the right, defeating the next green fuzzy and into the next section. In the next section, you'll have to climb a mountain, but there is also a new enemy: The Putrid Pirhana Plant. Putrid Pirhana 8 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense Don't jump on this. If it posions you with it's posion breath, you'll lose some HP every turn for 10 turns. After defeating the two Putrid Pirhanas, jump up the natural steps. Keep jumping until you get to the ledge with the Flower Fuzzy. Battle it if you want, but it will stay there forever. At the very edge of the Flower Fuzzy cliff take Koops out and send him. He'll knock into an invisible block that you can get to using Yoshi's levitate. Then, on the invisible block, use Yoshi's levitate to get over to the other side. Then, get the shine sprite(14) and then continue on right. Get the Thunder Rage in the item block. After that, continue into the next section. You'll see the missing crew members getting attacked by Embers. Bobbery will tell you and the others to leave, and you don't have a choice. After talking with tht other crew members, return to the section where Bobbery was. Cross the bridge and enter the next section. Here, you'll here Bobbery talking, but you save the day. Walk towards the voice and you'll see two Embers circling a tree. Get into a battle with the Embers and kill them. After defeating the Embers, smash the tree with your hammer. Bobbery will fall out, thinking he is about to die; he has one last wish: You have to get him some Chuckola Cola. So you have to go to camp, but there Flavio found it, and to take it, he needs a compensation. So before you go back to camp, cross the bridge, but do not enter the next section, instead, go down the cliff/stairs and down the pipe. You will now be on the island in the distance. Get the coconut, and now you can return to camp. When Flavio asks for a compensation, you give him this and he'll give you the Cola. When you have the cola in your hands, return to Bobbery and give him the Cola. After drinking it, he'll fall over and... What? Z's?! Just hit him with a hammer and he'll wake up. For saving him, he'll join your party. ******************************************************************************** Bobbery has joined your party! ******************************************************************************** Bobbery is the best party member that you can get. No doubt about it. He is a bomb, with many explosive attacks. In the Field, you can press X and you'll throw him and he'll explode. Also, wherever you see cracks in things, throw Bobbery at them and they'll explode. Have Bobbery out as much as possible. As soon as you can, get back to Rogueport and level him up. ******************************************************************************** Bobbery has joined your party! ******************************************************************************** After Bobbery Joins your party, return to camp and talk to Flavio. In the end, he will follow you. When Flavio is following you, go to the weird skull rock near where Bobbery "died". When you get to the Skull Rock, press A on it. The game says that Flavio's Skull gem fits in there. So go talk to Flavio and get his skull rock. When you place the gem in the skull's eye, the mustache things' eyes light up. Do 3 butt bombs on the red one's head and hit the blue one 4 times with your hammer. Then a secret passage opens up. Throw Bobbery in there and the skull wil blow up. Now, enter the Pirate's Grotto... _____Pirate's Grotto_____ Inside the Pirate's Grotto, save. After saving, head through the cave doorway. Then you'll be in a room with a whole bunch of steps and a ghost voice. Descend the steps and get as far down as you can. At the bottom, go through the cave doorway. Through the doorway is a new enemy, a Lava Bubble. Lava Bubble 6 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense The only difference between this and an Ember is the HP and the Attack. After defeating the Lava Bubble, jump on the half-sank ship. Walk up the bow to get a shine sprite(16). After getting the Sprite, jump onto the other side. Here, defeat the Lava Bubble and use Koops to get the Star Piece. After getting the star piece, walk north. You should see a whole bunch of holes in the ground. Get Vivian out, and watch the spikes' pattern. This particular one is no spikes for 5 seconds, then the spikes shoot up on the sixth. Right before the sixth second, hit X to have Vivian bring you into the shadows. While the spikes are down, you are runningto the right. If you get hit with a spike, you lose 1 HP and have to restart. After you clear the spikes, go through the cave doorway. In this room, there is a loooong bridge that has Bill Blasters at the end. On your way to the end of the bridge, you will encounter bullet bills. Bullet Bill 2 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense At the end of the bridge are Bill Blasters-- take them out. Bill Blaster 5 HP (4) Attack 2 Defense. This thing doesn't attack you directly-- it shoots out bullet bills that will attack you. Take out the blasters before the actual shells- you can easily superguard the bullet attacks. After defeating the Bill Blasters, continue onto the next room. Here, keep walking to your right until the bridge goes underwater. Here, jump onto the land. Jump up on the elevated part of land and use Yoshi to get to the other side. On the other side, there will be a Bulky Bob-Omb. Bulky Bob-Omb 6 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense This thing never attacks, but when its fuse gets lit, it explodes on its own. Not only does it KO itself, but it also greatly damages us. When it powers up, its attack is 8. Fire and explosions light the fuse. This is one of the hardest opponents to get the hang of beating. After you beat the Bulky Bob-Omb, continue onto the next room. In the next room, there will be an Ember; defeat it. There is also a locked door, which you will find the key for later. For now, hike up the small cliffs to the save block. After saving, get to the top. On the top, there will be a Parabuzzy. Parabuzzy 5 HP 3 Attack 4 Defense Same as a buzzy, except these guys have wings After defeating the Parabuzzy, go north near the waterfall and jump across. Where you see the blue switch, throw Bobbery up there. He'll activate the switch and the metal door to your left will rise. Go inside the newly made pathway. In here, it is a hallway with a few Bulky Bob-Ombs. Your primary goal right now is to get to the end of the hallway. At the place where you see the stone stairs, ascend them, jump over the waterfall, and enter the next doorway. Here, when you walk in, you'll see a red switch and a key. The switch makes the elevator near the key go up. So use Koops's X and hold trick. Get on the floating, moving box. Then, facing the barrels, send Koops toward them and hold X. Still holding X, walk over to the elevator and stand on it. Then, let go of X and the elevator will rise. Now jump onto the shelf where the key is, and take the key. Now go back to the room with the locked door and the save point. While there, unlock the door and go through it. You will be greeted by three parabuzzies. Just run to the south end of the room and leave. Here, you will see waves, and a shine sprite(17) to your left. Use Koops to get the Sprite. After getting the Sprite, pass through the spikes to your left the same way you did before. This pattern is in for 3 seconds, and the spikes shoot out on the fourth. After clearing the spikes, progress onto the next room. Here, just jump across the barrels to the other side. Soon, you will see a broken bridge with an Ember and a Lava Bubble on it. Kill both the Lava Bubble and the Ember. Then cross the bridge and use Bobbery to blow the wooden cover planks away. In this room, keep heading left and destroying the bill blasters. At the end, go through the doorway. In this room, you'll see a Bulky Bob-Omb. Kill it. Move on and use Yoshi to get to the other side. If you keep following the path (Which you should) you'll come across a broken pirate ship. Go in it, and guess what you find? A black curse box. There is a badge behind it. After getting the badge, talk to the curse box. He'll mention that an Ember stole the black key and you have to kill it to get the key. After the conversation is over, kill the Ember that appears, take the key, and open the chest. This time you get the boat curse. When you stand on a boat platform and press Y, you transform into a boat and can ride in the water. You have to press Y near another boat platform, or the same one, to change back to normal. After getting cursed, leave the pirate ship and follow the path to a boat panel. Press Y and travel down, then right. You'll see another boat panel. Press Y to become normal again, and exit to your right. Follow the hallway... Keep going right, not falling in the water...Pass the spikes the same way we did before, then exit through the cave doorway to the right of the spikes...Leave the parabuzzy room to your left... Finally! We're back at the main room. Now hike up to the save point and save. Climb up the next 8 steps and go up near the waterfall so you can cross over, and go through where the metal door used to be. Now, you should be in a room with water on the TV side. If you continue left, there is a boat pane. Become a boat and sail to your right. Now go right and up and THROUGH the waterfall and then to the right some more. You'll see a treasure chest that contains Defend Plus P. After getting it, transform into a boat again and sail left, down, left, and down the big waterfall in the previous room. You will fall down the water fall and land in some more water. Here, sail, left, then as soon as you can, down, then left through the tunnel. Keep going left... Transform into Mario again on the boat panel and get the item on the half-sunken ship. Then, jump to the left of the ship so you are on solid ground again. Now follow the path up, then right through the first set of spikes. Pass through the tunnel and cross the bridge, still going right. Go through the tunnel at the end of the bridge. Follow the broken bridge and jump onto solid ground again. Use Yoshi to get over to the other side, where you will attach the gate handle to the chain thing. The floodgate will open and the ghost will go ooooooooo again. After opening the floodgate, go to your right through the tunnel. You'll be in the main room again. Hike up the stone steps and save, then go near the waterfall and cross to the other side of land. Go through where the metal door used to be. In the next room, continue left until you hit the boat panel; transform into a boat and sail down the waterfall. Now go to your right, then immediately down and under the recently raised floodgate. In the room behind the floodgate, sail to the left of the half-sunk ship and sail to the right where you can go through another tunnel. Continue on right, but this time there are waves. If you get hit by a wave, you start over at the beginning of the room. If you passed the waves, go through the giant tunnel to your right. In this room, when you enter you will hear someone say "Look! Its a boat! Save us!" so that's just what you're going to do. Continue as far right as you can, until you reach a boat panel where you will transform back into Mario. Go down the pipe; you will appear in the distance. In the distance, go as far left as you can, jumping over gaps when they appear. When you get to the place that you can jump up on, keep going higher until you reach the pipe, which you'll go down. You'll appear close again, and you get to be a pilot for a while. Fly to any of the pipes that you see. You will appear in the distance, but this time, next to a switch. Hit the switch and some barrels will appear near the stranded Toads. After you hit the switch on the elevated land, jump down and fly to the one that you didn't land on. On that land, hit the other switch and the Toads will have a clear path to solid ground. After you gave the Toads, Frankie and Francesca a clear path to solid ground, you get there by any means that you see fit. You can fly there or you can take the pipe back to the poat panel. Either way, you have to get to solid ground, where all the Toads, Frankie, and Francesca are. After saving the Toads and getting to solid ground near the Toads, walk to the right and into the large tunnel... The ship that you see right now is Cortez's ship. Save, heal up, and walk through the doors to meet Cortez... (After you go in, just follow the hallway) Cortez 20 HP 4 Attack 1 Defense Cortez may have low HP, but since he's a spirit, even if he gets to 0 HP, he'll come back. He has many attacks. Just keep pummeling him and he'll eventually fall! Strategy: Use Vivian as your partner. When Cortez goes into the form where all of his weapons are seperate enemies, use her Firey Jinx (I told you to level her up...) to take them all out at once. If Vivian dies, resort to Bobbery. It helps A TON if you keep on using Power Lift. With Power Lift, I beat all of Cortez in about 1 minute. After Cortez is defeated, he says that he will live on. Then you explain to Cortez that you only want the Blue Star thing and he says that he never really liked it, so he gives it to you. Now you have the Crystal Star. Along with the Crystal Star, you get 1 more SP and the Special Move, Sweet Feast. -------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Chapter 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- After you defeat Cortez, save. Then go back to the Toads' gathering point, but this time there will be a crack in the wall that Bobbery can blow up. Do so, and you and the Toads are free!(And Frankie and Francesca) _____Keeyhaul Key_____ When you leave the Pirate's Grotto through the hole, make a left. You should come to an area shaped like a circle. Walk in the middle of it and a blue thing called a Whaka will appear. Hit it in the head with a hammer and a whaka bump appears. It replenishes 25 HP and 25 FP. You can do this unlimited times. After your Whaka pleasures, return to camp. On your way, Flavio, Pa-Patch, and a Toad will be there to greet you. Then, after some conversation you'll hear a cannon shot. It is Lord Crump! (Didn't see that coming...>_>) Now you have to battle Lord Crump, without a ship. Then Flavio actually gets a good idea-- ask if you can borrow Cortez's ship. So go to Cortez and ask him. Cortez will say yes, so now it's time to cream Lord Crump! (Before you do, watch the cool scene :)) Lord Crump, Battle 3 30 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense X-Naut Wall 6 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense X-Naut Army 10 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense Ignore the wall-- just take out Lord Crump! (The wall is really easy to superblock) The first time you defeat Lord Crump he heals up and you get to fight him again, and this time he has an X-Naut army up against you. In the second phase of the fight, just focus on Lord Crump. If you destroy the army Crump calls them back the next turn. Time to DIE, Crump! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In this Peach Moment, you have to steal data disks from Grodus's room. To do so, you have to make yourself invisible. So first go down the elevator that you took last time. After getting on the next floor, go left until you reach a room with a green lamp above it. Enter the room. The order of the potions is this:(Left to right) Red, Blue, Orange, Green. When you are ready, go to the right side of the room and click the conrtol panel. When a potion glass appears above the potion, press the button. You only want to press the button if the potion stops above the potion containers. The, you will have to heat it for 30 seconds. Count Mississippi's. After it is done, drink it and you should have no head. Then, you'll have to take your clothes off and off to Grodus's room! To get there, go to the right so you are in the X-Naut meeting chamber.( The big room with the X-Naut symbol on the floor) Walk behind where Grodus usually stands and you'll see a red Yux. Open the door that it is guarding, and then go to the shelf in the upper right corner of the room. Press A, and you'll have the data. Now go to the computer and hit A. After all of the data is uploaded, put the disk back where you got it. Now return to the Potion Lab. In the potion lab, drink the green potion. The game will take it from there. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You don't have to do anything in the Bowser Moment this time except watch the show. Well, actually you do. Just talk to Lord Crump and the game will take it from there. _____Rogueport_____ Back in Rogueport, Merlon will be standing outside his door and will tell you a mystery. Read below to find out how to do it. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Merlon's Mystery ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? To solve Merlon's Mystery, go to Petal Meadows. From there, enter Hooktail's Castle and go to where you found the Black Box. Remember the spike room in Hooktail's Castle? You should. Go to the spike room and on the far right side of the Spike Room's wall will be a crack. Use Bobbery to blow it up. Go inside, open the chest, take the item, take the item to Merlon, and this item will allow you to level up your parners twice. I suggest leveling up Yoshi, Vivian, and Bobbery each twice. Then with your remaining Shine Sprites, level up whoever you want. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Merlon's Mystery ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ******************************************************************************** New Party Member, Ms. Mowz ******************************************************************************** Want a new party member? Go to the trouble center in Rogueport and take the trouble for ???. Meet her on the roof of Zess T.'s house. After your meeting with Ms. Mowz, she'll tell you that she is looking for a rare badge. This badge happens to be in Hooktail's Castle. So go to Hooktail's Castle. Go to where you actually battled Hooktail and use Flurrie to blow in the center of the room. A chest will appear, and in it is the badge Ms. Mowz is looking for. Take the badge, return it to Ms. Mowz, and as a reward, she'll join your party. ******************************************************************************** New Party Member, Ms. Mowz ******************************************************************************** _____Still In Rogueport..._____ Now, back to business. In Rogueport, go to the Thousand Year Door and put the location of the next Crystal Star on the Magical Map, then go to Frankly's. He says that the next Crystal Star is in a place called Poshley Heights. Only the richest of the rich live there. You also get to take a train ride there! You have to ask Don Pinata for the ticket again. When you get to his office, he is sick. Talk to the banana guards and they say to bring Francesca and Frankie back to "Da Boss". So go to Keyhaul Key, now remember, go to Rogueport Harbor and talk to Cortez for him to take you there. _____Keeyhaul Key_____ At Keeyhaul Key, go into the jungle to your right. In the jungle, just go left and you will see Frankie and Francesca. Talk to Fransesca and she'll say that she lost a wedding ring on the island. After Frankie's "I love you" statement, head to your right and into the next section. In this section, "hike" up the mountain and continue to your right into the next section. Cross the bridge and head into the next section. The ring is behind the third bush (left to right) and to the left of the palm tree. Grab the ring, and head back to Frankie and Francesca. Talk to Francesca and give her the ring. After that, they will head down to the ship. Talk to Cortez and return to Rogueport. _____Rogueport_____ In Rogueport, head to Don Pinata's office. Talk to Don Pinata and he'll go into a whole spheal. After getting your train ticket, head to the Excess Express. To get there, go to the area where you went on the Glitzville Blimp, but this time, go to the left. Talk to the Toad Train Conductor, and you're on! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Three Days of Excess -------------------------------------------------------------------- Luxury. WOOHOO! When you first get on the Excess Express, you'll be in a room, which happens to be Mario's Room. You'll see a note, so go pick it up. It says: "Don't go to Poshley Heights! Get off the train now, or a sticky, yummy doom awaits it!" Before leaving your room, click om the dresser to get a dried shroom. Then, behind the table, hit the shine sprite(18). Now, leave the room. You'll be in a hallway. Here is the layout: ____________________________________________________________ | Save | |XXXXXX| |XXXXXX| | | | <--- Block | 5 |XXXXXX| 4 |XXXXXX| 3 | ---> | | <--- |Mario|XXXXXX| |XXXXXX| | ---> | | |Room |XXXXXX| |XXXXXX| | | ------------------------------------------------------------ Go to the left and you'll be in the dining room. Continue on left and enter through the door. Now, you'll be in a room with a layout like this: ____________________________________________________________ | Conductor | |XXXXXX| |XXXXXX| | | | <--- | 8 |XXXXXX| 7 |XXXXXX| 6 | ---> | | <--- | |XXXXXX| |XXXXXX| | ---> | | | |XXXXXX| |XXXXXX| | | ------------------------------------------------------------ In here, go left to the conductor and talk to him. He'll adress the sticky, yummy threat after you tell him. He will let you know if he hears anything. After that, go into the dining room and everyone will be crowded around the chef. Talk to the penguin and he tells you that the Chef's stew is missing, and you have to find it. So go down a little, and you'll see brown footprints. Click on them and follow the prints to room 3. Inside will be a fat Toad. Go and talk to him. Then, go inside his dresser to find the pot. The Toad will admit it and the penguin will enter the room. He'll talk to the Toad and then address your threat. He cannot speak of it here, so go to room 6, which is the penguin's room. In room 6, talk to the penguin. He'll say that he thinks that the bob-ombs in room 8 made the threat. So go to room 8. Here, talk to any of the bob-ombs, preferably the gold one with the top hat. In the end, you have to get the little one something that he really wants. Talk to Bub two times and he'll say that he wants an autograph. So go to the train engineer. (Head as far right as possible) In the room with the big engine thing, go right and talk to the engineer. He'll give you his autograph. Now return to Bub and give the autograph to him. He'll give you a shine sprite in return, and it will also be night. Now go to the penguin's room and talk to him. After that, go to the conductor. Take the blanket case. Go into room 4 and use Vivian and hide in the shadows for a few seconds. A ghost will appear. Talk to it, and say that you'll help it. Go to the conductor and talk to him. The conductor will get scared and will let you into the baggage room. In the baggage room, go left until you see two boxes that have an opening between them. Hold R and slip through them. There will be a diary. Grab it, and DON'T READ IT. If you do read it, you get a game over. So don't read it, and return to cabin 4 and give the ghost the diary. He'll give you the blanket, and then give the blanket to the conductor. Then, go to room 5 and go to bed. _____Day 2_____ Wake up, and go to the penguin's room. There will be the rat businessman there. his problem is that he lost his briefcase and it contains the product 'Nitro Honey Syrup'. If this Honey Syrup is mixed with gold and seashells, it can be explosive. So talk to the waitress. Accept her case, then go to room 2. Talk to the rich Toad, and accept her case. After that, go to room 1 and there will be a paper on the ground-- pick it up. Go to the penguin's room and talk to him. Give him the paper, and you end up having to find "Zip Toad". Go to cabin 5, and there will be another paper. Click on it, and then use Vivian to hide in the shadows. "Zip Toad" will appear behind the couch after a few seconds, then hit X to appear. He'll jump around the room, so you just have to touch him and he'll fall. You'll be in Pennington's room, and "Zip Toad" will give you the stolen things back. Return them to their owners, the gold ring to the rich Toad (Cabin 2), and the earrings to the waitress (Dining Room). After that, leave the train (The door is in the room with cabins 2 and 1) _____Riverside Station_____ After getting off of the Excess Express, go to your right until you hit some stairs. Descend them, and walk on the tracks and keep going right until you hit an uplifted drawbridge with a blue Toad standing near it. Talk to him, and he'll say that the train can't leave Riverside Station like this. So he asks you to go inside and flip the switch so the train can pass over the drawbridge. Say yess, and go up the stairs opposite to the stairs that you came down. Save, and unlock the door (And go inside). Inside, go to your right until you hit a door. Open it, and go right until you see some laced fence. (It looks like X X X X) One of them will be raised, and use the tube curse to go under it. Behind the fence, go to the right and hit the switch, and go back out the fence. Ascend the stairs that just appeared and then go up the stairs that were already there. At the top of the staircase, there will be a door (Go through it). Inside, you'll be in what looks like an operations room with tons of gears and mechanical things. A Ruff Puff will also charge at you when you enter. Ruff Puff 7 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense After defeating the Ruff Puffs, go up the stairs and cross the spinny things. It is not as hard as it looks, but you have to have some pretty accurate timing. Just study the pattern for them for a few seconds and you'll be able to cross. If you fall, it is not the end of the world. Just go left and climb up the stairs and try again. After passing that, there will be a spinning thing with arrows pointing down. Tube under it. You'll now be at a part with a whold bunch of gears. Jump on the gear that is a yellowish color and has a pole through the center of it. From here, jump to the thing to your right when you can. You'll know when the time is right, believe me. From that thing, jump to the platform to your right, when you can. On this, you walk to the edge and send Koops under when the moving wall is up. After Koops got the key for you, fall down off of all of the gears and things, and go left. Tube under the spinning thing with the arrows, and then go left. Fall off of the wooden floor to a stone floor. (You should be where you entered the whole room) Go left and through the door. Here, go to your right down the stairs and use the key on the locked door. go through the door. Now, you are back outside, with the sun so hot, it looks like it is moving. Go right and down the stairs, and you'll see a posion pokey. Battle it; here are it's stats: Posion Pokey 8 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense After defeating the Posion Pokey, go right to meet another one in which you will battle. Then you will see a used box-- jump on it and then jump again and there will be a hidden Thunder Rage. After getting your Thunder Rage, go right and down the stairs. (Both cases) At the bottom of the stairs is a shine sprite(19) and a Ruff Puff. Defeat it, and go left and meet another Ruff Puff and a Posion Pokey. Defeat them, and continue down the staircase to your left. Here, you'll see a bunch of paper on the wall (and a HP Plus badge) To get the badge, go up to the FIRST flight of stairs and you'll see a place where you can tube down. Tube down it, and you'll be able to get the HP Plus badge. Equip it, and go back to the place with a bunch of paper on the wall. (Fall off of the HP Plus ledge and go left) At the place with a bunch of paper on the wall, use Flurrie to blow away the paper and reveal a hidden door. Go through the door and down the staircase to find two spiky parabuzzys. Don't battle them-- you can't damage them, and they give you bad Star Points. Instead, go left and tube down the place that you can tube down. This is the tube maze. This is how you clear it: 1) Enter the maze. 2) Go right, and at the end where you are about to fall off, jump onto the platform with a "square" in the middle. 3) Go down the "square". 4) Go left and jump over the hole to get a badge. 5) If you got the badge, go right and down the hole that you jumped over. If you didn't get the badge, just go down the hole instead of jumping over it. 6) Fall down the right side, so you will go to the right when you hit the diverging point. 7) After going right, just let the game take it from there. (And jump up the occasional step) If done coorectly, you'll fall into a trash can with a spiky parabuzzy in the room. Deactivate Tube Mode and go left and through the door. You'll now be in a storage room. Go down and left through the door. In the next room, there will be Goombas. Defeat all three of them to make the boxes around the switches disappear. Keep hitting the switches that appeared until they turn red. After they are all red, a staircase will appear-- ascend it. Then go up the next staircase and through the doorway. There will be a big chest...Open it. ******************************************************************************** Ultra Boots ******************************************************************************** Finally, you have the best boots in the entire game. These boots deal out 3 damage per hit-- and that's without any Power Plus's! If you have 2 Power Plus's, and a successful action command, you'll do 10 Damage! You also gain a new field ability, the spring jump. Hold "A" and twist the control stick. After Mario is twisted all the way up, release "A" and you'll go flying up! Do this in locations where there is an "X" on the floor. Stand on the "X" and do a spring jump, and you'll hold onto a pipe way above! You can also move on the pipe to get to hard-to-reach locations. Press "B" to let go of pipes. ******************************************************************************** Ultra Boots ******************************************************************************** After getting your Ultra Boots, spring jump where all of the water drops are. You'll spring onto a pipe, and go to your right. Go onto the other side of the boxes and hold "R" to go down the drain. You'll now be back in the storage room. Go to the right side of the storage room and jump on the boxes. Then jump onto the big box that the small box is touching. Then, Yoshi across to your right and do a spring jump to get onto the pipe. On the pipe, go to your left and drop down behind the fence. Do a spring jump under the platform the key is on, and you'll knock the key off of the ledge. Grab the key, and spring jump back onto the pipe, and leave the storage room. Out of the storage room, you should be in the room with all of the half-dumpsters. Go to the far right of that room and jump on the springpad. Here, go up and exit this room through the door. Back outside again, go up all of the stairs and leave the outside. You'll be in the room with the laced fence again. Go to the far left of the room and leave through the door. Now, you are in the room that you are in when you first enter Riverside Station. Next to the elevator that you see, (to the right of the elevator) there will be a place where you can put a key. Click on it, and use the key that you just got from the storage room. You'll automatically go in the elevator. After leaving the elevator, you'll see a bunch of black things. Hammer your way through them to the center of them. After awhile, they will disperse and you'll see the switch. Flip it. Then go up the newly appeared stair and hit the 'real' switch. The drawbridge will go down. Now yo get to play as Mario again. Go in the elevator and leave Riverside Station. (If you want the badge that you see when you enter, do a spring jump under the platform that it is on and the badge will fly off) Now leave Riverside Station and board the Excess Express! _____Excess Express_____ In Mario's room, go to bed for the night. After waking up, go to the Engineer's room and talk to the Engineer. The black things from Riverside Station will appear on the winshield! The Engineer asks you to go check on the passangers, so go to where the Conductor ususally stands and go into the cargo hold. You'll see the waitress getting attacked by "Smorgs", the black things. So go up to where you see the Waitress's pink hat and keep hitting the Smorgs there with your hammer. The waitress will eventually pop out, when that happens, go to the left to the next big clump of Smorgs and do the same thing. Eventually, the Conductor will pop out. After him talking, go to the right of the manilla box and spring jump up onto the pipe. It may take a few tries because there is no "X". After getting on the pipe, go to the left and drop onto the manilla box. Go through the open door. Outside on the top of the train, go up and jump up the stairs. On the top of the train, go to the right and bust your way through with your hammer. Just keep holding the control stick right and keep hitting "B" until you hear, "SMOOO-OOORG!" All of the Smorgs will combine into one, and it has all of the passangers! You have to defeat the boss, Smorg. Smorg 50 HP 5 Attack 1 Defense Strategy: Defeat the Smorg's tentacles. That will drop it's defense to 0, and it will have to use a different attack. The tentacles do regenerate, so when the tentacles are down, pound the Smorg! Smorg also takes forms where it has more attack, so be careful. If you have 1 or more Power Plus's equipped, use jump, but if you don't, just hammer it. For a quick battle, only if you have a lot of FP, use Bobbery's Bob-Ombast-- it will take all of the tentacles out in one successful hit. Another good strategy is to use Bob-Ombast, then Power Lift, then on the next turn, have Mario use a Spring Jump-- you'll do 18 Damage without any Power Pluss's. _____Poshley Heights_____ After defeating Smorg, leave the train and you'll be at Posley Heights. At Poshley Heights, go to your right and then down the staircase. Save. There is nothing in the first section of Poshley Heights, so continue on to the next section. In this section, you can buy overpriced spaghetti and sleep in an overpriced hotel. After doing what you want, go onto the next section. In this section, there is a shine sprite(20) that you use the Spring Jump to get. Then, go up to Poshley Sanctum. There is a note on the door-- read it. It says the Sanctum Manager has gone travelling. But then Pennington appears-- he is the Sanctum Manager, and no detective! (Couldn't see that... >_>) Pennington will unlock the door for you, and then go in. You will see Doopliss and Beldum stealing theh Crystal Star! But don't worry, that was a decoy. The real crystal star is...(As a loud truck goes by) So go and get it! I'm just kidding. To get the real Crystal Star, go up and you'll see a miscolored tile with a star in the middle of it. These tiles represent where you can Spring Jump and get on a pipe, so do so. On the pipe, go as far right as you can, and jump off of the pipe. Go down until you hit a spring jump tile. Spring jump on the tile, and go right. You'll be on the next level. On the next level, go up to the next tile and spring jump. On the pipe, go right onto the next level. On this level, (3R) go south and you'll see a plane pad. Get onto the plane pad and fly over to the other side on level 2L. There, go onto the spring jump tile and spring jump onto the pole. On the pole, go left and hit the switch. A curtain will rise, revelaing a pipe. Go down the pipe. You'll appear in the painting-- in the painting, go into the door ajar. Now you'll be in the REAL Poshley Sanctum. There will be a whole bunch of Dark Boos. You don't have to battle them all, but it will be a good idea to battle a few for some star points. If you don't want to battle any, use Vivian to avoid them. At the back of the room is the Crystal Star. Grab it. You get 1 more SP and the Special Move, Showstopper. Showstopper is my favorite special move of all-- you'll see why when you use it. -------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Chapter 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Poshley Sanctum, go onto the spring jump tile and spring jump up onto the pole. (You're still in the room with all of the Dark Boos) On the pole, go left and spring jump onto the pole from the spring jump tile on 1L. Then, go left onto 2L. On 2L, go south to get a Shine Sprite(21). Then go back North and use the spring jump tile to get to 3L. On 3L, go north to get the badge Luigi Emblem. It costs no BP to use, and it makes you look like a fat Luigi! There is nothing on the right side of the "Real" Poshley Sanctum. After doing everything that you want, leave the "Real" Poshley Sanctum. Then leave Poshley Sanctum and...Peach Moment. :( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEC calls you-- go to his room. The game will take it from there, just actually read what everyone says. It's important this time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peach Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bowser Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SNES Time! Then the game takes it from there. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bowser Moment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After getting off of the Excess Express, go to the Thousand-Year Door. You learn that the next Crystal Star is on the Moon. So go to Frankly's and he has to do some studying. So go take on some troubles, or go through the Pit of 100 Trials. I suggest leaving at level 80. But before you do any of that, you have to go to Rogueport's main square, where the Inn and Zess T's house is. There, you should see a stand with a large chest on it. Use your spring jump to hit the chest off of it's ledge. Open the chest-- Ultra Hammer! ******************************************************************************** Ultra Hammer ******************************************************************************** With the Ultra Hammer, you can break metal blocks with eyes, and big metal blocks with eyes. You also get to use the Ultra Hammer in battle. It does 6 damage on a successful action command without any Power Plus's. You also get a move where you hit the first enemy, and it does 2 damage to all other enemies on the field behind it. ******************************************************************************** Ultra Hammer ******************************************************************************** After wasting some time, go back to Frankly's. He says that you have to go to Fahr Outpost and they have a cannon that can blast you to the moon. To get there, go to the west side of Rogueport and drop down the drain. Then, go left using Yoshi and break the steel block. There is a pipe that takes you to Fahr Outpost... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 Mario Shoots to the Moon -------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, wad'ja expect? Here at Fahr Outpost, use Vivian when battling out in the wilderness. Vivian attacks with fire, and the enemies out here are weak to fire. After leaving your pipe, go right into the next section. Head right in section 2 and an Ice Puff will assault you. Ice Puff 9 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense After defeating the Ice Puff, there will be another one to greet you. Defeat it, and continue to your right. There will be a Frost Pirhana: Frost Pirhana 9 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense After defeating the Frost Pirhana, move right into the next section. Here, you'll see some dirt. There will also be an Ice Puff. Defeat it, and go right. There, you will see a badge block containing HP Plus P and two Frost Pirhanas. Defeat them, and go right into the next section. _____Fahr Outpost_____ Here, just continue right into the next section. Now, you are in the real section of Fahr Outpost. Take out Bobbery. Go right and talk to the green Bob-Omb. You end up having to find Goldbob (Poshley Heights) and General White. So leave Fahr Outpost and go to Poshley Heights! _____Poshley Heights_____ At Poshley Heights, go to Goldbob's house in the first section. Goldbob is Bub's father. Talk to him, and he'll say that he wanted to start up the cannon business again. He'll then ask you how much you're willing to pay to use it. Say "Everything I Have!" Don't worry, he gives you your money back. After that, he gives you the Goldbob Guide, which tells you how to use the cannon. After that, go to Petalburg in Petal Meadows. _____Petalburg_____ At Petalburg, talk to the Greeter Koopa. He says that General said something about a deserted isle to the south. (Keeyhaul Key) So go to Keeyhaul Key. _____Keeyhaul Key_____ At Keeyhaul key, talk to Pa-patch and he'll say that General White said that he was going to an arena. (Glitzville) So go to Glitzville. _____Glitzville_____ At Glitzville, talk to the guy cleaning the glass in the Juice Bar. He says that General White headed to some huge tree. (Boogly Woods) So go to Boogly Woods, particularly the Great Boogly Tree. _____Boogly Woods_____ At Boogly Woods, head to the Great Boogly Tree and talk to the Puni Greeter. He'll say that General white is going somewhere dark. (Twillight Town) So head to Twillight Town. _____Twillight Town_____ At Twillight Town, talk to the guy outside of the Inn. He'll say that General White looked tired. So go back to Fahr Outpost. _____Fahr Outpost_____ At Fahr Outpost, enter the house behind the green Bob-Omb. You'll see General White sleeping. Keep jumping on him until he wakes up. When he wakes up, he'll say to go and talk to the mayor (Green Bob-Omb). When you talk to him, don't forget to have Bobbery out. He'll say to follow him, so follow him to the beginning of Fahr Outpost. There, talk to the mayor. Just watch from here. _____The Moon_____ When you first get on the moon, play around with the jumping and everything until you get a good feel for the controls. After that, head right and save. To the right of the save point is where you can go into the next section-- do so. In this next section is a Moon Cleft. Moon Cleft 6 HP 3 Attack 3 Defense You can use Bobbery to flip these guys over. After defeating the Moon Clefts, go to the right and enter the next section. In this section, defeat the Moon Clefts and go into the next section. By the way, you should be at around level 22 by now. In this section, you'll see a new enemy-- the Z-Yux. Z-Yux 7 HP 4 Attack o Defense After defeating the Z-Yuxes, head north until you see a large rock with an explosion mark on it. Use Bobbery to blow this up. It will reveal a pipe-- take it-- you'll appear in the distance, and in the distance, walk into the X-Naut base... _____??? (X-Naut Base)_____ When you first walk in, go up the escelator thingy. Then, at the top, go through the door. Right when you walk in, 2 X-Nauts will see you. You have to battle them. Elite X-Naut 10 HP 5 Attack 1 Defense After battling the Elite X-Nauts, go up and heal and save. After doing that, head through the door. Walk down the hallway until you see an Elite X-Naut. Defeat it, and then head through the door that it was "guarding". You'll be in a room with a glass floor. There is a certain path that you have to follow and it goes like this: 1) Down 2 (On the right side of the starting platform) 2) Right 2 3) Up 4 4) Right 1 5) Up 1 6) Right 3 7) Down 1 After getting the elevator key from the chest, leave the room and go left down the hallway and click on the red pad. It will turn green and now you can use the elevator. Use the elevator and go to "Sublevel 2". After getting off of the elevator at Sublevel 2, head left. There will be a new type of X-Naut, an X-NautPhd. X-NautPHd 8 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense After defeating the PHd, go as far left as you can and enter the door. There will be another room with a glass floor. Here is the path that you have to take: Down 2 (From the left side of the entrance pad) Left 3 Up 1 Left 1 Up 4 Left 3 Down 4 Left 1 Down 1 Left 3 Up 1 Get the Chest After getting the Card Key from the chest, leave the room and go all the way right to the far right of the hallway. There will be a door--enter it. This will be the X-Naut meeting room- go far right and enter Grodus's Room. Here, go to his desk and take the Card Key. Then, go to Sublevel 1 and go as far right as you can. There will be a pedestal with a red screen on it-- press the red panel. It will ask you for the access code-- type in 014029. Go through the door that just got unlocked. There will be another stone quiz guy-- talk to it. Say youre going to challenge it-- here are the answers to the questions: 66th Quirk Quiz Answers 1. Exactly whats hidden here? A: Elevator Key 2: Whats the name of the girl in Petalburg that is waiting patiently for Koops's return? A; Koopie Koo 3: Goomba, Lava Bubble, Buzzy Beetle, and Boo. How many feet do they have total? A: 6 4: Where was the one, the only, Diamond Crystal Star? A: Hooktail's Belly 5: What was the name of the very first champion of the Glitzville Arena? A: Prince Mush After answering those correctly, the golem will give you the Elevator Key. Now go to sublevel 2 and there, head right until you hit another elevator. Click on the red pad, and go to sublevel 3. Here, go left and you'll be in another room with glass floor. Just stay on the lit blue tiles-- you WILL get there eventually-- just stay on it the whole time. At the end of that, there will be a chest with the last Card Key. Grab it, and go to the far right of the hallway. Enter the door, and you'll see three pedestals with a red screen on them. Insert one card key into each of them, and then enter the door that opens when you do. Here, you'll see a room that is probably the mechanical room. So go to your right and throw Bobbery over the fence to hit the switch. This will activate everything. So use the paper curse to get through the vertical bars onto the moving floor. On the moving floor, use Vivian to get past the solid barrier. On the other side of the barrier, jump onto the "elevator" and go up. Then go onto the solid ground that you see when you get to the top. Here, go onto the moving platform that is going left and right. Stay on it until you are as far left as you can go, and jump onto the platform with the pipe. Go down the pipe and you'll appear in the distance. Here, your goal is to get the right side of the room, not in the distance. (You can also get an Ultra Shroom in the left of the Distance). SO get to the right side. You can jump through faded red, and you stand on bright red and moving platforms and gears. So get to the right. On the right side of the distance, go down the pipe and you'll appear on the right side of the "close". Go down and get on the plane pad. Fly AS FAR RIGHT as you can. You'll get a blue key. Now get to the right side of the distance again and pipe back to the close. Use the plane pad again, but this time, fly to the platform with the pipe that you flew over last time. On this platform, go onto the moving platforms and go as far right as you can with those. On the right, there will be a switch-- hit it. Stairs will appear. Now jump down and save if you want. (You should do it) Now go up the stairs, enter the card into the pedestal, and go through the door... Here, you'll see Lord Crump, and this time, he has a new battle buddy-- Magnus Von Grapple 2.0. Magnus Von Grapple 2.0 70 HP 6 Attack 2 Defense It has the same attacks as it did in Boogly Woods-- just watch out for the rocket fists; they have 9 Attack and 5 HP. Also, when its HP is low, it will fire machine guns at you. Just be careful, and use Power Lift a few times. After defeating Magnus 2, Crump flies off into the galaxy and the Crystal Star appears. You get 1 more SP, your last one, and the Special Move, Supernova. -------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Chapter 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Bowser Moment, go up to Poshley Sanctum and click on the lock. The game will take it from there. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Back in the X-Naut Base, go to Sublevel 4. On Sublevel 4, go to the right and TEC will light up. TEC will activate the teleporter, so go to Sublevel 2. On Sublevel 2, go left and enter the 2nd door. Press the red button at the back of the room and the teleporter will come on. Walk in the teleporter and you'll be in Downtown Rogueport. ___Rogueport_____ Back in Rogueport, head to the Thousand Year Door. Here, you will see Professor Frankly. Ignore him and jump on the pedestal and watch the cutscene. After the scene, go into the Thousand Year Door...(By the way, you should be around level 30 right now, If you are not, head to the Pit of 100 Trials. You should be able to complete the 100th trial using the "Ultimate Strategy". The Ultimate Strategy is in the Pit of 100 Trials Section.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 The Thouasnd's Year Door -------------------------------------------------------------------- ___Palace of Shadow___ Here it is, the famed Palace of Shadow. (PoS) Weren't expecting this, huh? This is the absolute longest and hardest chapter in the game. Again, if you feel that you are too low of a level, head to the Pit of 100 Trials. Your items should include atleast 4 Ultra Shrooms (I told you to save them...) and 2 Jammin' Jellies. You also should have atleast 2 Life Shrooms. 5 of your partners should be leveled up to the "Ultra" level, and the others should just be leveled up once. You should have atleast 2 Power Plus badges equipped, 1 Defense Plus, Feeling Fine, 2 Damage Dodges, and 5 or more Super Appeals. With the remaning BP, just put on badges that you like to use. The above are the ones that will make this level easier. If you don't have that stuff you can beat the PoS, but it will be much harder and dreadful. Now to the part where I tell you what to do... Upon entering the PoS, you'll be in a BIG hallway. (I wish my house was this big... :P) There is nothing in the hallway, so just run to the right and through the door. In this part, it will appear that you will be outside. Just go down the stairs and battle the Swoopulas for experience. Swoopula 9 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense Continue through the door to your right after beating the Swoopulas. Here, you'll be in a room with candles. Walk in and go south to find an item block containing a Shooting Star. This may come in handy, so keep it. After getting your item, go east and battle the Dry Bones. Dry Bones 8 HP 5 Attack 2 Defense After defeating the Dry Bones, continue east and battle the Swoopula. Then head down the stairs, go south, then west and battle the Dry Bones. Go down the stairs west of the two Dry Bones, south, then east. There will be a Bombshell Bill Blaster at the end of this part, and it is blasting Bombshell Bills. Here are their stats: Bombshell Bill 3 HP 6 Attack 2 Defense Bombshell Bill Blaster 10 HP 0(4)* Attack 4 Defense *The B.Bill Blaster doesn't attack you directly, it fires B.Bills at you, which have 4 attack. After defeating these guys, head west into the next door. This room will appear to have nothing in it, but it does. Around the room, there are designated areas where spikes will pop put of the floor. The badge block contains All or Nothing, a badge which in my case, is very good. Only use it if you never miss action commands. Back to the spike room; just walk slowly, and when spikes appear, find a way around them. It is not that hard-- I have faith in you! After getting to the end of the spike room, go through the door. Here, you'll appear to be outside again. There will be a save block--save. There will also be spinning fire things, which may prove a problem, but you have this guide, so dont worry. To get past the fire spinning things (You have to), you have two options. 1: You can use Yoshi to speed past the fire things when the time is right, or 2: You can use Vivian to hide in the shadows when the flame is coming at you, and when its not, progress a little eastward. Pick one-- they both work. I prefer the Vivian one-- its slower, but it works easier and its easier to perform. With the Yoshi one, you have to make a lot of close calls, but hey, pick the one you want. After clearing the first fire part, go down the stairs. Here, you will have to go into tube mode and use a series of jumps to get past this part. When the flame is up in the air and has a shadow, don't jump. When the flame is on the ground without a shadow, jump. Keep doing this, as well as progressing east. At the end, head east through the door. Now, you will be in another big room, but there are no spike surprises. There is a Blue Bones surprise! "Talk" to the blue bones and he'll say some jibberish, then run away from you. Chase him, hitting the dry bones away with your hammer. To battle the blue bones (You have to) touch him. Dark Bones 20 HP 5 Attack 2 Defense After you defeat the Dark Bones, he'll drop a key-- get it. Unlock the door on the east side of the room and here is where the "real" Palace of Shadow stars... In this room, there will be an item block to your south; get it, there is an Ultra Shroom in there. After getting your Ultra Shroom, head east and defeat the Bombshell Bill Blaster. After that, head down the stairs and go west. Here, there will be 2 Phantom Embers. Defeat them, and head down the stairs. There will be another Bombshell Bill Blaster-- defeat it. After defeating the Bill Blaster, head east through the next door. Now you'll be in a big room with three enemies and a badge block. The badge block contains P-P-Up-D-Down. Each of the item blocks contain a coin. If you want to battle the enemies here, go ahead, but they don't drop anything absolutley neccessary. After doing what you want, head east into the next door. Now you will be in a room with stairs. This is one of the oddest rooms in the game. It is kinda like what you had to do in Bowser's Castle in the first Paper Mario. Anyway, just head through the door with the lit torch near it. If you go through a door without a lit torch near it, you have to start over. Even though when you go through a door with a lit torch near it, you will come back in a room that looks exactly like the one you were just in. Just keep going through the door with the lit torch and eventually (After 10 times, I think) you'll be in the next room. This is the main room of Palace of Shadow. I will refer to it as the main room. The big building behind the water is called 'The Building'. Remember those terms, as for I will refer to them as needed. Okay. When you first get into the Main Room, walk east and over the bridge. There will be a Chain-Chomp. Battle it; it gives fair experience. Chain Chomp 7 HP 6 Attack 5 Defense --Hammer time!-- After defeating the Chain Chomp, save. Then head east and defeat the other Chain Chomp. Heal up if you need to. (If you are below 10 HP of your maximum, make sure that you heal up) After healing, head east and you should see a statue of a Chain Chomp. Since you don't like Chain Chomps, throw Bobbery in its mouth and it will explode, revealing a pipe. Go down the pipe and you'll appear in the distance. In the distance, hit the blue switch. This will make a structure fall apart, revealing a boat panel. Now go to the far west side of the Main Room and do the same thing-- Bomb in the Chomps mouth, hit the switch. This switch makes another structure fall apart, revealing another boat panel. Now you can sail to The Building. But we won't do that just yet. Instead, go to the far east side of the Main Room and go through the door. Now you'll be in a hallway. Just follow the hallway until you reach a new enemy-- a Dark Wizzerd. Dark Wizzerd 10 HP 6 Attack 2 Defense After defeating the Dark Wizzerd, head east until you hit a door- go through it. This door will lead to another hallway; one that has a Chain Chomp. Defeat the Chain Chomp if you want, then head east some more; go through the door at the end of the hallway. This will lead to another hallway, except this time, there are no enemies in it. Just head east and through the door. There will be another hallway with Phantom Embers. Bypass them if you can; they don't give good experience. At the end of the hallway is a save point-- Save and head through the door...(and watch the cutscene) Gloomtail 80 HP 8 Attack 2 Defense Strategy: Brute force. Make sure you land all of your action commands. Gloomtail attacks by biting you (Used most), stomping on you, and breathing posion on you. Make sure you guard well against the posion or, well, it will posion you. To get the block for the posion breath, press "A" as soon as Gloomtail's breath hits you. Same for the bite and stomp. Good Luck! (Dont forget, you have Ultra Shrooms) Oh yeah, Gloomtail has a move, Megabreath, and it deals out 15 Damage. You'll know when she is about to use it-- when you do, make sure you have Vivian out and use her Veil in you-- Megabreath won't hit. Gloomtail also charges up her attack, so use Vivian to hide from those too. After defeating Gloomtail, head back to the main room. There, heal up and save. (Dont forget to open the chest Gloomtail spit out) Now at the Main Room, get onto the boat pad that you opened up second and sail over to the boat pad that you opened up first. Transform back to Mario, and enter The Building. _____'The Building'_____ Here we are, The Building. In the Building, there are 8 rooms. For now, ignore the rooms and go up the stairs to the top floor. (3rd) At the top, your partner will notice that there is a pedestal with a star-shaped indent. Hmmm, wonder what goes in here? Mabye the Star Key we just got from Gloomtail? Put the Star Key in the pedestal and watch The Building come to life. Well, watch The Building make 8 pedestals appear. In each room in The Building contains a puzzle; a puzzle that is generally not that easy, but hey, thats what this guide is here for. After watching the pedestals appear on thd top floor, go back down to the first floor. Enter the lower-left door. Here, you'll see two blocks. Hit the left one three times and the right one twice. A chest will appear; it has a Palace Key. These are the keys that you put in the pedestal on the top floor. Since you only have one, dont even bother going up there, just to come back down again. After getting the palace key in the lower-left room, head to the upper-left room. Here, There are four blocks. 2 unbreakable, 2 breakable. Break the only block that you can break and then leave the room. After the upper-left door, head to the upper-right door. Here, just walk through the wall to the right and hit the switch. This will make a chest cointaining another palace key appear-- get the key and go to the lower-right room. In this room, go to the center of the room and use Flurrie to blow away a cover-up for the chest. Open the chest, get the key, and go up the stairs. On the second floor, go in the bottom-left door. Here, there are all the members of the 'Bone' family. You have to kill them in a certain order. First, kill the Dull Bones. (dark tan) Then kill the Red Bones (Red). Then kill the Dry Bones (Grey). Then kill the Dark Bones (Blue). This will make a switch appear. Hit the switch and a switch contaning another Palace Key will appear. Get the key, and head to the upper-left door. This room is a look-alike to the upper-left door on the first floor, except what you do there is done here. Like so, the block that you smashed on the lower floor is gone on this floor. On that pedestal, jump up and break the steel block, then go right and break the steel block near the right pedestal. Now go down to the first floor upper left room and hit the switch on the left pedestal, and break the steel block on the right pedestal. Open the chest that appeared on the lower floor and get the key, then coem back up to the second floor upper-left room, and jump and hit the switch on the right pedestal. Now a chest will appear on the upper floor. Open it, and get the key. Sorry if that was confusing, but thats how the creators wanted it to be. If you didn't get it, that is the easiest puzzle to solve-- I believe that you can solve it. After getting the palace key in the upper left second floor door and the upper left first floor door, head to the upper right second floor door. Here, throw Bobbery at the east wall. It will explode, revealing another room. This room has a chest; open it and get the key. Now go to the lower right door. Here, go to the center of the room and use Vivian to go into the shadows. As soon as you do, a switch will appear; hit it and a chest will appear. Open the chest and get the key. Now head up to the third floor. On the third floor, put a key into each of the pedestals. There is no specific order in which you have to. After all of the keys have been inserted, the wierd spiraly-atom thingy will start to spin. After that, it will show you a cutscene of a staircase appearing. So leave The Building and head to the east side of the main room. The shadow sirens and...Professor Frankly? No, its Doopliss. Didnt see that coming. You get to battle them now. Beldam 30 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense Marilyn 40 HP 7 Attack 0 Defense Doopliss 40 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: Take out Marilyn first. This takes away your worry of getting pounded with 14 Attack Attacks. Then take out Beldam. This means no more freezing and status inflictions. Then, Freak In A Sheet. You shouldn't have to use any healing items, or any items at all. Keep Vivian out at all times and keep using Fiery Jinx. As for Mario, use Spring Jump or Spin Jump. You shouldn't have to use any Special Moves, but a Power Lift helps make the battle go faster. Just pound them and you'll be fine. After defeating them, (they stay on the ground until you get to the Shadow Queen)*oops!* go in the door to the right of them. This is the room with the new staircase. Descend the stairs, and at the bottom, is a Dark Wizzerd. In the item block, there is a Thunder Rage (use spring jump to get it). Defeat all of the enemies in the area. (2 Dark Wizzerds) Then, go to the far east side of the bottom of the staircase and use Flurrie to blow away a peeling part of the brick wall. Walk in where you just blew away and go left. When you are at the top, you'll see Mario's nose pop out of the wall. When this happens, take out Yoshi and levitate over to the platform with the doorway. On that platform, head through the doorway. You'll now be in the Palace of Shadow's 'mechanical room'. To your right, there is a switch. Use the Koops hold trick and while Koops is being held (about to hit the switch) you, Mario, run up the stairs to the left (Still holding X) and go to the edge. Let go of X and a piece of wall will come out. Yoshi levitate across to the piece of wall, then levitate over to the other side. Here, there will be a staircase going down. Go down the staircase. At the botttom of the staircase, there is an item block containing a repel cape. Get it, and head through the doorway to the south. In this room, you will see two big glowing blocks (Yellow and Green) to your right and a staircase to your left. Go up the staircase. (and into the door) Here, you will go north and up the staircase. Hit the green block with your hammer and leave the room the way you came in. Now go to where the two big blocks were. Use Yoshi's levitate from the yellow block to solid, carpeted ground. Go right and fall off the edge. There will now be a big purple block and a big red block. There will also be a small purple block. You have to do this next step very quickly. Hit the small purple block with your hammer, then immediately jump onto the big purple block. Halfway up, take Yoshi out and levitate to the strip of land to the east. Here, go into tube mode and roll and jump over the gap. After successfully jumping over the gap, go down the stairs, become Mario again and go through the door. Here, you will immediately see a gap too big to levitate over. So stand on the northern most yellow line on the carpet and do a spring jump. You will now be on a pipe. So go over the gap on the pipe, and on the other side, drop down. Now go to the southernmost yellow line on the carpet and do another spring jump. You'll be on another pipe; go over this gap. Actually, go as far right as you can then drop down. You'll now see a doorway to the north; go through it. Here, you'll be back in the 'Mechanical Room', except in a different part of it. When you enter the room, go west, as far west as you can. There will be a Dark Wizzerd and a Phantom Ember. At the end of the west side of the room is a chest containing a Shooting Star. Now come back east and go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, throw Bobbery. He will walk and hit the switch that you saw going west. The switch will make part of the wall come out, so now you can jump across. Beware, it only stays out for a short time. On the other side, you will immediately be attacked by a Chain Chomp. Defeat it, and try to memorize the star pattern on the wall. Don't worry, I'll tell you what it is when the time comes. Anyway, go west and up the stairs. There will be a locked door and a save block. Save, and then go to the east of the save block. To the east, you'll see a big wooden gear. Walk onto the first "platform" on the gear, and then jump, jump not levitate, as far right as you can. You'll land on a gear on the bottom of the gear, and there is a key that Koops can get you, so get Koops out and send him to get the key. After getting the key, jump down and you'll land near the stars again. Here, go west up the stairs and unlock the locked door. (And go through the door, duh) Here, you'll see a BIG staircase, and an item block. The block contains a Life Shroom. Get your shroom and go up the stairs. At the top of the staircase is a smaller staircase that you have to ascend in tube mode. So go into tube mode and jump up the small staircase. Here, you'll see a whole bunch of red blocks. Here is the order in how to hit them: (Left to Right) #1 once #3 once #4 once #6 once When you do that, something will happen. That something is the wooden gear turning. So go to the wooden gear and jump on one of it's platforms. Take it around to the other side where you will get off. (At the top there is a block that has a Life Shroom) Getting off, go east down the staircase. At the bottom of the staircase, go through the door. Here, use Flurrie and blow at the brick in the center to reveal a large steel block. Break it. There will be a wood square-- butt bomb it. You will fall down and hit a springpad. In this room, go south through the doorway. Here, there will be a very thin walkway. There are no tips I can give you except go slowly. So cross thin walkway. After clearing the thin walkway and thin stairs, go through the door. There will be a plane pad. Become a plane and fly to the nearest platform. (The other one has a Life Shroom) On the platform with the doorway to the north, go through the doorway. Here, you will be in a room where you can choose to go up or down. Go down and defeat the Chain Chomp, then take Yoshi out as your partner. Hit the red switch, jump on Yoshi, and go up the other staircase and over the platform that the switch made appear. The platform only comes out for awhile, so be quick about it. Get to the chest-- it contains a Palace Key. Get the key and leave the room. Jump down off the platform and go west until you hit a springpad. Jump on it, and become a plane again. This time, fly as far right as you can. You'll see a locked door. Unlock the door and go through the door. You'll now be in a HUGE room that makes you look like an ant. Go east until you hit a heal block and a save block. Heal up, then save. Arrange your badges to the way you think is best. See the badges section to see good badge sets. When you're ready, head through the door to your right. Watch the cool cutscene. (After you jump up the stairs) Grodus 50 HP 7 Attack 1 Defense Grodus X 3 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: Grodus is like on beefed up Yux. He has Grodus X's, which protect him. However many Grodus X's Grodus has surronding him is how much his defense goes up by. Grodus will use electricity, fire, time-stopping magic, and anything else he can pull off. I suggest having Vivian or Bobbery as your partner. When Grodus has 2 or more Grodus X's, use fiery jinx or Bob-Ombast. Use special moves, just not Showstopper, Clock out, or Sweet Treat. They won't work, and Sweet Treat just sucks and is a waste of SP. Save your SP for when you really need it. Partner wise, don't have anyone but Vivian or Bobbery out. Take out Goombella and use a Tattle if you want to see his HP go down, but other than that, only use Vivian and Bobbery. Try not to use any items, because you'll have a battle right after this which is much harder, and you won't have a chance to heal in between. Kill Grodus! Wait for it....Boom! Bowser falls and kills Grodus, now you get to fight Bowser. Bowser 70 HP 7 Attack 2 Defense Kammy Koopa 50 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: Take out Kammy Koopa first. This will stop the bombardment of magic affecting your stats and such. Kammy Koopa uses, well, magic that affects your stats, heals people, and the such. Then take out the Koopa King. He is a powerhouse, but is fairly easy to beat. Just beat him up like you did the 500 other times. Same thing goes (SP wise) for Bowser as it did Grodus. Same with the partners too. Beat him up! After defeating Bowser, go out of the room and save and heal if you need. Then, follow Grodus. Watch the cutscene. Shadow Queen Pt. 1 150 HP 7 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: Do whatever you want, just don't die. After you get her down to a low amount of HP, you will gain everything back, SP, HP, and FP. Abuse those star powers! (A real strategy will come when you need it) When the Shadow Queen goes to her true form, nothing can harm her, not even Defense-penetrating attacks. Just chill out and guard well. You'll know when something big is going to happen. After the Shadow Queen sends her hands into the audience and recovers all of her HP, she will ask you if you want to serve her again. You will automatically say no, then the Crystal Stars go to where you got them from. It inspires everyone and they start cheering for you (And pennigton cheers for "luigi" :P). The Shadow Queen will then become able to beat. Shadow Queen Pt.2 150 HP 7 Attack 0(3) Defense Strategy: Have Vivian out and start off with a firey jinx. Then, have Mario come in with a Power Lift. Go only for the attack boosters. Try to get a boost of 3 attack; the defense doesn't really matter. Then, the Shadow Queen will attack. Block her attacks, then use Power Bounce on the Shadow Queen to inflict around 40 Damage. Keep repeating this process until the Shadow Queen is dead. Use whatever items you want; this is the last battle of the game. Good Luck! After she is defeated, there will be a chest. It contains a Dried Shroom. (You find that out later). .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .: .::: .:: .:.: .: .:::: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .: .:: .:: .:: .:: .::.:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .::: .: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:: .:::: .:: .::: .:: .:: .::: .:: .::: .:: .:: .::.:: You have beaten the game! But have you collected all of the items and badges? Mabye you didn't complete the Pit of 100 Trials? Or mabye you just want to go back and level up. Whatever it is, the Paper Mario Universe never ends! Have Fun! More to this guide, such as badges, items, and the Pit of 100 Trials is a little further down. I hope you enjoyed the 'Walkthrough' section of my guide. If you have any questions on this part of the guide, email me at Matt@Spectacularstuff.com . Please, do not send me comments or concerns, like spelling. I will update that in a later version. If you would like help with a guide you are making, such as if you want me to make your ASCII art, I will gladly do it; just email me. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- End of Walkthrough ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- ----------------------------------------------- Secrets and Other Stuff ----------------------------------------------- _____Merlon's Mystery_____ Merlon's Mystery: Merlon's Mystery is when you get back from Keeyhaul Key and Merlon is standing outside his house. He'll tell you that he had a vision about something, but he doesn't remember what. To solve Merlon's Mystery, go to Petal Meadows. From there, enter Hooktail's Castle and go to where you found the Black Box. Remember the spike room in Hooktail's Castle? You should. Go to the spike room and on the far right side of the Spike Room's wall will be a crack. Use Bobbery to blow it up. Go inside, open the chest, take the "Up Arrow", bring it to Merlon, and this item will allow you to level up your parners twice. I suggest leveling up Yoshi, Vivian, and Bobbery each twice. Then with your remaining Shine Sprites, level up whoever you want. _____New Party Member?_____ New Party Member?: Do you want a new party member? If so, head to the Trouble in Western Rogueport. There, take on ???'s trouble. The trouble will tell you to go to Zess T.'s roof. To do this, go into Rogueport Inn, and go up the stairs. Upstairs, head south and then west. You should see a door. Go through it, and then go west onto the roof. You will see Ms. Mowz, the "famous" badge thief. She will tell you that the badge she is looking for is in Hooktail's Castle, but she doesn't know where. But I know where. So go to Hooktail's castle and go to where you actually battled Hooktail. Go to the center of that room and use Flurrie to blow a cover away. Then a chest appears-- it contains the badge Ms. Mowz is looking for. Take the badge and return to Ms. Mowz. She will say that you are a very good badge hunter and you guys will be wonderful together, so she joins your party. _____Want a Specific Yoshi Color?_____ Yoshi Color: In Paper Mario, there are 8 different colors of Yoshi: Green, red, blue, orange, pink, black, and white. There is a specific way to get any Yoshi Color that you want. The Yoshi in your egg is a certain color. After a certain amount of time has passed in the game, your Yoshi will change color within the egg. So to put it simply, the way to get a different color is to waste enough time. First, get the Egg. Fight your way up until you are 11th place, (next battle is the Armored Harriers), then Save at the block just outside. Go fight the Iron Clefts; Run Away on turn 1 (You can Tattle first if you want) See what Color you get. Now you know what Color was in the egg when you saved. Reset the Gamecube, or the game. You know what Color is in your egg now. So simply wait underneath the save block, doing absolutely nothing, until enough time has passed for you to get the appropriate color you want. Count in Minutes, do this by pausing the game, and waiting for the timer to tick off as many minutes as needed. Here are the Minutes that need to pass to get each Yoshi, starting with Green Yoshi: Green Yoshi + 6 minutes = Red Yoshi Red Yoshi + 3 minutes = Blue Yoshi Blue Yoshi + 2 minutes = Orange Yoshi Orange Yoshi + 4 minutes = Pink Yoshi Pink Yoshi + 3 minutes = Black Yoshi Black Yoshi + 30 seconds = White Yoshi White Yoshi + 1 minute = Green Yoshi Now it's important to not overshoot. If you have a green Yoshi, waiting 6 minutes only gets you Red Yoshi if you're at the start of his timer. If he's near the end, 6 minutes will get you Blue or maybe even Orange Yoshi. Because of this, save every few minutes and check what color you have, by fighting the iron clefts and running. The Cycle takes 20 minutes to complete. Use this to your advantage. _____Horsetail_____ Horsetail: The Horsetail is an item that you can get early on in the game. It restores 3 HP, and is used in some recepies. To get it, hit the Candy Cane with eyes closest to Petalburg 20 times. A Horsetail will pop out. There you have it-- A Horsetail. _____Secret Trouble Center_____ Secret Trouble Center: To find the seceret entrance to the Trouble Center in eastern Rogueport, well, go to eastern Rogueport. There, you should see a small crack between two buildings. Paper mode through them. Then, in the back, use Flurrie to blow away a cover on the building northwestern most. If you go through the door, you can see who is running the Trouble Center and what the back of it looks like. _____8-Bit Mario_____ SNES Mario: To get 8-Bit Mario, or SNES Mario (They're the same) go to the X-Naut Base on the Moon. There, go to Sublevel 3. There, go to the room where Peach changed into an X-Naut suit. Go into the right dressing stall and you'll come out as an 8-Bit Mario. You only get to stay as 8-Bit Mario in that room. It does not affect your game in any way. ----------------------------------------------- Items ----------------------------------------------- _____Offensive Items_____ Coconut Bomb -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 8 Coins -Effects: 7 Damage to one enemy -Made: Coconut + Fire Flower Courage Meal -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 20 Coins -Effects: 4 Damage to one enemy -Made: Courage Shell + Zess Dinner Dizzy Dial -Price: 12 Coins -Sell Price: 6 Coins -Effects: May cause Dizzy status to enemies Earth Quake -Price: 15 Coins -Sell Price: 7 Coins -Effects: 5 Damage to all Ground-Bound Enemies Egg Bomb -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 15 Coins -Effects: 6 Damage to an enemy -Made: Mystic Egg + Fire Flower Fire Flower -Price: 5 Coins -Sell Price: 8 Coins -Effect: 3 Fire Damage Points to all enemies Fright Mask -Price: 2 Coins -Sell Price: 4 Coins -Effect: May scare away enemies HP Drain -Price: 10 Coins -Sell Price: 5 Coins -Effect: 5 Damage to one enemy, replenishes user 5 HP Ice Storm -Price: 6 Coins -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: 3 Ice Points Damage to all enemies; may freeze Mini Mr. Mini -Price: 8 Coins -Sell Price=: 5 Coins -Effect: Decreases an enemies attack by 3 Points for 3 Turns Mr. Softener -Price: 8 Coins -Sell Price: 5 Coins -Effect: Decreases Enemy's defense by 3 for 3 turns Mystery -Price: 3 Coins -Sell Price: 1 Coin -Effect: ??? POW Block -Price: 5 Coins -Sell Price: 2 Coins -Effect: 2 Earth Damage to all enemies Ruin Powder -Price: 15 Coins -Sell Price: 7 Coins -Effect: May cause confusion to enemies Shooting Star -Price: 30 Coins -Sell Price: 15 Coins -Effect: 6 Damage to all enemies; may cause confusion Sleepy Sheep -Price: 8 Coins -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: May put enemies to sleep. Spite Pouch -Price: 10 Coins -Sell Price: 7 Coins -Effect: Causes Payback status Stopwatch -Price: 12 Coins -Sell Price: 15 Coins -Effect: May freeze enemies for 3 turns Thunder Bolt -Price: 10 Coins -Sell Price: 6 Coins -Effect: 5 Damage to an enemy Thunder Rage -Price: 15 Coins -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: 5 Damage to all enemies Zess Dynamite -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 40 Coins -Effect: 7 Damage to all enemies -Made: Coconut Bomb + Egg Bomb _____Healing Items_____ Cake Mix -Price: 6 Pinatas -Sell Price: 8 Coins -Effect: Restores 1 FP Choco Cake -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP and 15 FP Coco Candy -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 12 Coins -Effect: Restores 3 HP and 15 FP Coconut -Price: Free -Sell Price: 8 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP Dried Bouquet -Price: Free -Sell Price: 17 Coins -Effect: Restores 1 HP Dried Shroom -Price: 2 Coins -Sell Price: 4 Coins -Effect: Restores 1 HP Electro Pop -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Effect: Restores 15 FP and causes electic status Fire Pop -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 24 Coins -Effect: Restores 20 FP Fresh Juice -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 3 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 FP and cures status alignments Fresh Pasta -Price: 50 Coins -Sell Price: 53 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP and 5 FP Fried Egg -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 7 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP Fruit Parfait -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP and 2 FP Golden Leaf -Price: Free -Sell Price: 7 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 FP Healthy Salad -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 5 Coins -Effect: Restores 15 FP and cures status alignments Heartful Cake -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Restores 20 FP and causes Soft status Honey Candy -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 15 Coins -Effect: Restores 20 FP Honey Shroom -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP and FP -Made: Mushroom + Honey Syrup Honey Super -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 20 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP and 5 FP Honey Syrup -Price: 3-5 Coins -Sell Price: 1-2 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 FP Honey Ultra -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Effect: Restores 50 HP and 5 FP Horsetail -Price: Free -Sell Price: 4-5 Coins -Effect: Restores 3 HP Hot Dog -Price: 10 Coins -Sell Price: 10-13 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP and 5 FP Icicle Pop -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 20 Coins -Effect: Restores 15 FP and causes Frozen Status Ink Pasta -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 80 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP and 30 FP Inky Sauce -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 15 Coins -Effect: Restores 30 FP Jammin' Jelly -Price: 200 Coins -Sell Price: 150 Coins -Effect: Restores 50 FP Jelly Candy -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Effect: Restores 64 FP Jelly Shroom -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP and 50 FP Jelly Super -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Effects: Restores 10 HP and 50 FP Jelly Ultra -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 200 Coins -Effects: Restores 50 HP and 50 FP Keel Mango -Price: Free -Sell Price: 4 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP Koopasta -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 60 Coins -Effect: Restores 7 HP and 7 FP Koopa Bun -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Restores 15 FP Koopa Tea -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 4 Coins -Effect: 7 FP Life Shroom -Price: 40 Coins -Sell Price: 20-43 Coins -Effect: Revives Mario/Partner when they die with 10 HP Love Pudding -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Randomly causes Invisible, Electrified, or Sleepy Status. Mango Delight -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP and 3 FP Maple Shroom -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP and 10 FP Maple Super -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 35 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP and FP Maple Syrup -Price: 15 Coins -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 FP Maple Ultra -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Effect: Restores 50 HP and 10 FP Meteor Meal -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 40 Coins -Effect: Restores 7 HP and gradually increaces HP Mistake -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 3 Coins -Effect: Restores 1 HP and FP Mousse Cake -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Restores 15 FP Mushroom -Price: 3 Coins -Sell Price: 2 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP Mystery -Price: 3 Coins -Sell Price: 1 Coin -Effect: ??? Mystic Egg -Price: Free -Sell Price: 6 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP Omelette Meal -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP and Fp Peachy Peach -Price: Free -Sell Price: 8 Coins -Effect: Restores 1 HP and 2 FP Shroom Cake -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 20 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP and FP Shroom Crepe -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Effect: Restores 30 HP and 20 Fp Shroom Fry -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 5 Coins -Effect: Restores 6 HP and 2 FP Shroom Roast -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 15 Coins -Effect: Restores 15 HP and 5 FP Shroom Steak -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 45 Coins -Effect: Restores 30 HP and 10 FP Snow Bunny -Price: Free, N/A -Sell Price: 15 Coins -Effect: Restores 15 HP and causes frozen status Space Food -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Restores 5 HP Spaghetti -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 30 Coins -Effect: Restores 6 HP and 4 FP Spicy Pasta -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 60 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP and FP and increases your attack by 1 for a turn. Spicy Soup -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 20 Coins -Effect: Restores 4 HP and FP Super Shroom -Price: 12 Coins -Sell Price: 14 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP Tasty Tonic -Price: 3 Coins -Sell Price: 5 Coins -Effect: Eliminates status alignments Trial Stew -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 1 Coin -Effect: Gives Mario/Partner 1 HP and 0 FP Turtley Leaf -Price: Free -Sell Price: 5 Coins -Effect: Restores 3 FP Ultra Shroom -Price: 200 Coins -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Effect: Restores 50 HP Whacka Bump -Price: Free -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Effect: Restores 25 HP and FP Zess Cookie -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 20 Coins -Effect: Restores 15 HP and FP Zess Deluxe -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Effect: Restores 40 HP and FP Zess Dinner -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 15 Coins -Effect: Restores 10 HP and FP Zess Frappe -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 35 Coins -Effect: Restores 20 FP and causes frozen status Zess Special -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Effect: Restores 20 HP and FP Zess Tea -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 6 Coins -Effect: Restores 20 FP _____Other Items_____ Boo's Sheet -Price: 20 Coins -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: Gives Invisible status Courage Shell -Price: 5 Coins -Sell Price: 2 Coins -Effect: Boosts Defense by 3 for 3 turns Gold Bar -Price: 110 Coins -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Effect: Nothing Gold Bar X3 -Price: 330 Coins -Sell Price: 300 Coins -Effect: Nothing Gradual Syrup -Price: 15 Coins -Sell Price: 7 Coins -Effect: Restores 1 FP per turn for 10 turns Hot Sauce -Price: 10 Coins -Sell Price: 15 Coins -Effect: Boosts attack by 1 for 3 turns Inn Coupon -Price: Free -Sell Price: 5 Coins -Effect: 1 Free Inn stay Mystery -Price: 3 Coins -Sell Price: 1 Coin -Effect: ??? Point Swap -Price: 5 Coins -Sell Price: 2 Coins -Effect: Swaps FP with HP for 1 battle Posion Shroom -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Effect: Posions Mario/Partner Power Punch -Price: 15 Coins -Sell Price: 17 Coins -Effect: Boosts attack by 3 for 3 turns Repel Cape -Price: 15 Coins -Sell Price: 7 Coins -Effect: Gives user Dodgy status Sleepy Sheep -Price: 8 Coins -Sell Price: 10 Coins -Effect: May put all enemies to sleep Slow Shroom -Price: 15 Coins -Sell Price: 7 Coins -Effect: Restores 1 HP per turn for 10 turns _____Badges_____ All or Nothing -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Palace of Shadow (Red Block in room with random spikes) Attack FX B -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Hooktail's Castle (Where Hooktail was) Attack FX G -Price: 120 Coins -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: N/A Attack FX P -Price: 100 Coins -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: N/A Attack FX R -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Hooktail's Castle (Near Black Chest Room) Attack FX Y -Price: 1 Star Piece -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: N/A Bump Attack -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 150 Coins -Found: Floor 80 of the Pit of 100 Trials Charge -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Great Boogly Tree (Super Boots Room) Charge P -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 37 Coins -Found: Glitz Pit Storage Room (Behind Fake Boxes) Chill Out -Price: 2 Star Pieces -Sell Price: 37 Coins -Found: N/A Close Call -Price: 100 Coins; N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, Petal Meadows (Red Block) Close Call P -Price: 100 Coins; N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Riverside Station (Entrance) Damage Dodge -Price: 150 Coins; N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, Rogueport Sewers (Red Block) Damage Dodge P -Price: 150 Coins; N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, Great Tree (Red Block near shop) Defend Plus -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 150 Coins -Found: Twillight Town's storage room Defend Plus P -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 150 Coins -Found: Pirates Grotto, Rogueport Sewers Double Dip -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Floor 60 of Pit of 100 Trials, Eastern Rogueport Double Dip P -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Fahr Outpost, Floor 70 of Pit of 100 Trials Double Pain -Price: 36 Coins -Sell Price: 15 Coins -Found: Charlieton FP Drain -Price: 100 Coins -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz FP Plus -Price: 100 Pinatas; N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Boogly Woods, Rogueport Sewers Feeling Fine -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 150 Coins -Found: X-Naut Fortress Crane Machine Feeling Fine P -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 150 Coins -Found: X-Naut Fortress Crane Machine Fire Drive -Price: 100 Coins, N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, Floor 20 of Pit of 100 Trials First Attack -Price: 100 Coins -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz Flower Finder -Price: 6 Star Pieces -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: N/A Flower Saver -Price: 10 Star Pieces, N/A -Sell Price: 125 Coins -Found: Creepy Steeple (Hidden room near entrance) Flower Saver P -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 125 Coins -Found: Rogueport Sewers near Fahr Outpost entrance HP Drain -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Rogueport Harbor HP Drain P -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Back of Bobbery's house HP Plus -Price: 100 Pinatas, N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Beneath Bridge in Hooktail's Castle, Riverside Station HP Plus P -Price: 200 Pinatas, N/A -Sell Price: 150 Coins -Found: Glitz Pit (Storage Room), Fahr Outpost Hammer Throw -Price: 50 Pinatas, N/A -Sell Price: 37 Coins -Found: Twillight Trail (Red Block) Hammerman -Price: 180 Coins -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Charlieton Happy Flower -Price: 150 Coins, 4 Star Pieces -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Loveley Howz Happy Heart -Price: 4 Star Pieces, N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Petal Meadows near Petalburg Happy Heart P -Price: 4 Star Pieces, N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Rogueport Sewers (Near Black Chest Staircase) Head Rattle -Price: 100 Coins, N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Keeyhaul Key Red Block Heart Finder -Price: 6 Star Pieces -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: N/A Ice Power -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 37 Coins -Found: Keeyhaul Key near Suspension Bridge Ice Smash -Price: 75 Coins, N/A -Sell Price: 37 Coins -Found: Creepy Steeple Secret Room Item Hog -Price: 5 Star Pieces -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: N/A Jumpman -Price: 180 Coins -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Charlieton L Emblem -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 150 Coins -Found: Poshley Sanctum Last Stand -Price: 50 Coins, N/A -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Glitz Pit, Lovely Howz Last Stand P -Price: 50 Coins, N/A -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Hooktail's Castle Big Starwell, Lovely Howz Lucky Day -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 250 Coins -Found: Floor 90 of the Pit of 100 Trials Lucky Start -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Defeating Atomic Boo in Creepy Steeple Mega Rush -Price: 60 Coins -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Charlieton Mega Rush P -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Petalburg (Mayor Kroops's yard, behind the fence) Money Money -Price: 234 Pinatas -Sell Price: 175 Coins -Found: N/A Multibounce -Price: 50 Pinatas, N/A -Sell Price: 37 Coins -Found: Red Block in Shhwonk Fortress P-Down, D-Up -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Pirates Grotto (Behind Black box) P-Down, D-Up P -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Found: Boogly Woods (invisible blocks near stumps) P-Up, D-Down -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Found: Riverside Station Near Dumpsters P-Up, D-Down P -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 125 Coins -Found: Palace of Shadow near Bombshell Bill room Peekaboo -Price: 7 Star Pieces -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: N/A Piercing Blow -Price: 75 Coins -Sell Price: 37 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz Pity Flower -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Found: Floor 40 of Pit of 100 Trials Power Bounce -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Hooktail's Castle Red Block Power Jump -Price: 50 Coins, 34 Pinatas -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, Pinata Parlor Power Plus -Price: 15 Star Pieces, N/A -Sell Price: 200 Coins -Found: Creepy Steeple Parrot Room Power Plus P -Price: 15 Star Pieces, N/A -Sell Price: 200 Coins -Found: Juice Bar Roof (Glitzville) Power Rush -Price: 50 Coins, 34 Pinatas -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, Pinata Parlor Power Rush P -Price: 50 Coins, 34 Pinatas -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, Pinata Parlor Power Smash -Price: N/A, 34 Pinatas -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Professor Frankly gives it to you in the beginning of the game, Pinata Parlor Pretty Lucky -Price: 3 Star Pieces, N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Rogueport Sewers Pretty Lucky P -Price: 150 Coins -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz Quake Hammer -Price: 67 Pinatas, N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Boogly Woods near Great Tree Red Block, Pinata Parlor Quick Change -Price: 8 Star Pieces -Sell Price: 250 Coins -Found: N/A Refund -Price: 34 Pinatas -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Pinata Parlor Return Postage -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 500 Coins -Found: Beating Bonetail on the 100th floor of the Pit of 100 Trials Shrink Stomp -Price: 75 Coins, N/A -Sell Price: 37 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, Great Boolgly Tree in the water draining room Simplifer -Price: 50 Coins -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz Sleepy Stomp -Price: 75 Coins, N/A -Sell Price: 37 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, floor 10 of Pit of 100 Trials Slow Go -Price: 12 Coins -Sell Price: 5 Coins -Found: Charlieton Soft Stomp -Price: 75 Coins, N/A -Sell Price: 37 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, Chest in Rogueport Sewers Spike Shield -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 75 Coins -Found: Rogueport Sewers (Spike room) Super Appeal -Price: 50 Coins, 34 Pinatas -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz, Pinata Parlor Super Appeal P -Price: 50 Coins, N/A -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Flurrie's Bedroom, Lovely Howz Timing Tutor -Price: 120 Coins -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Charlieton Tornado Jump -Price: 67 Pinatas, N/A -Sell Price: 50 Coins -Found: Creepy Steeple (Red block in well), Pinata Parlor Unsimplifer -Price: 50 Coins -Sell Price: 25 Coins -Found: Lovely Howz W Emblem -Price: 320 Coins -Sell Price: 150 Coins -Found: Charlieton Zap Tap -Price: N/A -Sell Price: 100 Coins -Found: Floor 30 of the Pit of 100 Trials _____Badges Worth Using_____ All or Nothing (Only if you are really good) Attack FX B Attack FX G Attack FX P Attack FX R Attack FX Y Damage Dodge Damage Dodge P Defend Plus Defend Plus P Feeling Fine Feeling Fine P First Attack Hammerman/Jumpman (Not Both!) L Emblem Lucky Day P-Up, D-Down (Only if you are really good) Peekaboo Power Bounce Power Plus Power Plus P Quick Change Return Postage Spike Shield Super Appeal (Only if 10+ are equipped) Unsimplifer (Only if you are really good) W Emblem Zap Tap (Not if you have Return Postage equipped) _____A Good Offensive Badgeset_____ All or Nothing 4 Attack FX B 0 Attack FX G 0 Attack FX P 0 Attack FX R 0 Attack FX Y 0 Jumpman 2 Lucky Day 7 P-Up, D-Down 2 Power Bounce 3 Power Plus 6 Power Plus 6 Power Plus P 6 Power Plus P 6 Spike Shield 3 Unsimplifier 2 __________________________ Offense 47 BP _____A Good Defensive Badgeset_____ Attack FX B 0 Attack FX G 0 Attack FX P 0 Attack FX R 0 Attack FX Y 0 Lucky Day 7 D-Up, P-Down 2 Defend Plus 5 Defend Plus 5 Defend Plus P 5 Defend Plus P 5 Spike Shield 3 Return Postage 7 Super Appeal (10) 10 ________________________ Defense 49 BP _____A Good Overall Badgeset_____ Attack FX B 0 Attack FX G 0 Attack FX P 0 Attack FX R 0 Attack FX Y 0 Lucky Day 7 Return Postage 7 Power Plus 6 Power Plus 6 Power Plus P 6 Defend Plus 5 Defend Plus 5 Defend Plus P 5 Spike Shield 3 Super Appeal (5) 5 ________________________ Overall Goodness 55 BP ------------------------------------------- Bosses ------------------------------------------- Lord Crump 1st Encounter Where: Rogueport Harbor For What: A Goomba Stats: 5 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: If you lose to this guy...Quit playing. __________________________________________________ Blooper Where: Rogueport Sewers For What: To get to the pipe to Petal Meadows Stats: 12 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: This is the first REAL boss of the game. All of it's attacks only deal 1 damage, so if you block sucessfully every time, you won't be harmed. The Blooper will first send out his two tentacles, which have 3 HP each. Defeat the tentacles, and the Blooper will fall down. He will be immobilized for 2 turns. During those two turns, heavily attack the Blooper with attacks like Power Smash. Soon enough, the Blooper will die and you can continue on with your way. _________________________________________________ Gold Fuzzy Where: Shhwonk Fortress Why: You're on the Fuzzy's "turf" Stats: 10 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: The Gold Fuzzy shouldn't even count as a boss. It has 10 HP and only an attack of 1. If you sucessfully block all of the Fuzzy's attacks, you won't be harmed. When you get the Gold Fuzzy down to 5 HP, he will call a crowd of fuzzys. They are easy to block, and they do not suck on you. Just beat this thing up and get on with your way. _________________________________________________ Red Bones Where: Hooktail's Castle Why: He doesn't want you to pass Stats: 5 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense Strategy: The Red Bones actually has a defense rating. This means Goombella CANNOT harm this guy. So you MUST use Koops for this battle. Mario also MUST use his hammer, because of the Red Bones's defense rating. Battle wise, start off with a Power Shell with Koops to take out the Dull Bones around him. Then, just attack the Red Bones with all you got until he is dead! _________________________________________________ Hooktail Where: Hooktail's Castle Why: You need the Crystal Star Stats: 20 HP 5 Attack 1 Defense Strategy: For this battle, make sure that you have the Attack FX R badge equipped. This badge gets rid of Hooktail's defense, and ONLY Hooktail's defense. Somehow, the game creators thought it sounded like a cricket... >_> Anyway, To beat Hooktail, keep using JUMPS. This will decrease Hooktail's attack. From there, just attack Hooktail until she makes you an offer. Refuse every one, no matter how tempting it seems. Then she will eat the audience and replenish all of her HP. Just beat her again and the Crystal Star is yours. _________________________________________________ Gus Where: Eastern Rogueport Why: You need to pass through Stats: 20 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: Gus is just like an easier Hooktail. You cannot jump on him, because he has his spear thingy. This means Goombella can't attack either, so break out the Koops. To kill Gus, just hit him with your hammer and use an Earth Tremor or two. Before you know it, Gus will be on the ground crying for his mom. _________________________________________________ The Shadow Sirens 1st Encounter Where: Boogly Woods Why: Someone placed a hit on you, and the Shadow Sirens are the hitwomen. Stats: Marylin Vivian Beldam 12 HP 10 HP 9 HP 2 Attack 1 Attack 1 Attack 0 Defense 0 Defense 0 Defense Strategy: Take out Marylin first. Now, you won't be hammered with powerful attacks, and you wont have to stare at her fatness. Then, take out Beldam so you won't have to deal with status inflictions and the such. Then take out the weakling of the pack, Vivian. She is easy and should prove no problem. _________________________________________________ Magnus Von Grapple Where: The Great Boogly Tree Why: You need the Crystal Star Stats: 30 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense Strategy: Don't use Goombella. You should be using Flurrie. Mario, however, should be using jump attacks because they will deal out 2 Damage, and hammer will only do 1. Until you get Magnus down to 20 HP, just attack and block; try not to use Special Powers or items. When you get Magnus down to 20 HP, he will launch his arms off. The arms do 4 Damage; they have 2 HP. When Magnus launches his arms off, make sure to take them out. Somewhere along the lines, you should use Earth Tremor; it will do 6 Damage to Magnus. Just keep attacking and you'll be good. _________________________________________________ Bowser Where: Glitz Pit Why: He's Pissed Stats: 30 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense Strategy: This battle immediately begins right after your battle with the Dark Craw. You may not be at full health, but Bowser should not be that much of a hassle. His attacks only do 3 Damage, and you should have at least 20 HP by now. Since he has a defense, your boots will do more damage than your hammer. Bowser's jump is dangerous, though. It can stop you from using one of your options (Hammer, Jump, Tatics) for a turn or two, so make sure that you guard well against his attacks. __________________________________________________ Rawk Hawk Where: Glitz Pit Why: To obtain the title of "Champ" Stats: 40 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense Strategy: You'd expect Rawk Hawk to be much harder concidering how you witnessed him destroy The Koopinator at the beginning of the Chapter. Anyway, he is really easy. At the beginning of the battle, he will attack you from the air; its easy enough where you can superblock it. Then, when you get his HP down to 28, he will add a new attack to his assault. Then when you get his HP down to 16, he will jump up and hang from the celing. You can only use Flurrie for this part of the battle. Soon enough, he will jump back down; when he does, PUMMEL HIM!!! __________________________________________________ Macho Grubba Where: Glitz Pit Why: You need the Crystal Star Stats: 60 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: Macho Grubba is the Power-Up king. He attacks twice in a round, and powers himself up with attacks such as +3 attack and defense, making himself dodgy, and giving him more chances to attack. Grubba attacks by powering up on his first move, then pummeling you with an attack that has 7 Damage. He also has a jump move, but that is easy to block. Don't use Koops for this battle; he will get flipped over. I suggest using Flurrie. __________________________________________________ Atomic Boo Where: Creepy Steeple Why: 'Cause you can Stats: 40 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: Atomic Boo is optional. You get to fight him by doing a Hammer Twirl attack in the main room when all of the Boos are on you. For beating him, you get the Lucky Start badge. Since Boo has a LOW defense, use Yoshi and your jump attacks. Don't use Koops; he will be flipped over. All of Boo's attacks hit both partners. Just keep using Ground Pound and Power Bounce if you have it equipped. _________________________________________________ Doopliss Where: Creepy Steeple Why: You need the Crystal Star Stats: 40 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: Doopliss is one of the easiest bosses in the game. He starts off with a dive attack, which you should be able to superblock. But later in the battle, he will transform into someone battling. (Mario or your partner) This transformation makes him weaker. If you want the battle to go fast, use some Special Moves or the Shooting Star that you got from the storage room. ________________________________________________ Cortez Where: Pirate's Grotto Why: You need the Crystal Star Stats: 20 HP 4 Attack 1 Defense Strategy: Cortez has three forms-- each of which are harder than the last. In his first form, he will attack each character once, dealing 4 damage a piece. For this part, you'll want Vivian because she can deal the most damage. Just keep attacking and you'll be fine. In his second form, Cortez will look different and will have two new attacks. He will charge up, being able to deal 8 damage. On the turn you see him charge up, use Vivian's Veil so Cortez will miss. Keep doing that until he is dead. In Cortez's third form, he is a head and a ton of weapons. This part can be very easy, or very hard. Easy way is to use a Firey Jinx with Vivian to take out everything in one hit. The hard way is to attack each weapon sepreatley. I suggest the easy way. ________________________________________________ Lord Crump 2nd Encounter Where: Keeyhaul Key Why: HE'S A TRAITOR!!! Stats: 30 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense Strategy: Lord Crump is not much harder this time than the last. Just attack him, and ignore his X-Naut barriers and you'll be fine. ________________________________________________ Smorg Where: On top of the Excess Express Why: The Smorg has all of the passangers! Stats: 50 HP 5 Attack 1 Defense Strategy: The Smorg is the hardest boss that you have encountered yet. It has a high attack, and attacks 3 times a turn. That is it like having 15 attack. Each of the Smorg's tentacles, or miasmas as the game calls it, has 4 HP and 5 attack. There are three tentacles; each attacks once per turn. You cannot harm the Smorg when it has any tentacles present. I suggest using Firey Jinx or Bob-Ombast to get rid of all the tentacles in one turn. Then, the Smorg will be immobilized for 2 turns and you will be able to harm it. I suggest on one turn using Power Lift, then on the next, using a Power Bounce. If done sucessfully, you will deal out 21 damage if you have all of the Power Boosting badges that you have found yet. That is without Power Lift. With Power Lift, you'll deal around 30, defeating the Smorg in a simple two turns. ________________________________________________ Magnus Von Grapple 2.0 Where: X-Naut Fortress Why: You need the Crystal Star Stats: 70 HP 6 Attack 2 Defense Strategy: It has the same attacks as it did in Boogly Woods-- just watch out for the rocket fists; they have 9 Attack and 5 HP. Also, when its HP is low, it will fire machine guns at you. Just be careful, and use Power Lift a few times. __________________________________________________ Gloomtail Where: Palace of Shadow Why: You need to pass through Stats: 80 HP 8 Attack 2 Defense Strategy: Brute force. Make sure you land all of your action commands. Gloomtail attacks by biting you (Used most), stomping on you, and breathing posion on you. Make sure you guard well against the posion or, well, it will posion you. To get the block for the posion breath, press "A" as soon as Gloomtail's breath hits you. Same for the bite and stomp. Good Luck! (Dont forget, you have Ultra Shrooms) Oh yeah, Gloomtail has a move, Megabreath, and it deals out 15 Damage. You'll know when she is about to use it-- when you do, make sure you have Vivian out and use her Veil in you-- Megabreath won't hit. Gloomtail also charges up her attack, so use Vivian to hide from those too. ___________________________________________________ The Shadow Sirens Encounter 2 Where: Palace of Shadow Why: They attacked you Stats: Beldam Marylin Doopliss 30 HP 40 HP 40 HP 5 Attack 7 Attack 6 Attack 0 Defense 0 Defense 0 Defense Strategy: Take out Marilyn first. This takes away your worry of getting pounded with 14 Attack Attacks. Then take out Beldam. This means no more freezing and status inflictions. Then, Freak In A Sheet. You shouldn't have to use any healing items, or any items at all. Keep Vivian out at all times and keep using Fiery Jinx. As for Mario, use Spring Jump or Spin Jump. You shouldn't have to use any Special Moves, but a Power Lift helps make the battle go faster. Just pound them and you'll be fine. ___________________________________________________ Grodus Where: Palace of Shadow (Throne Room) Why: He has Peach Stats: 50 HP 7 Attack 1 Defense Strategy: Grodus is like on beefed up Yux. He has Grodus X's, which protect him. However many Grodus X's Grodus has surronding him is how much his defense goes up by. Grodus will use electricity, fire, time-stopping magic, and anything else he can pull off. I suggest having Vivian or Bobbery as your partner. When Grodus has 2 or more Grodus X's, use fiery jinx or Bob-Ombast. Use special moves, just not Showstopper, Clock out, or Sweet Treat. They won't work, and Sweet Treat just sucks and is a waste of SP. Save your SP for when you really need it. Partner wise, don't have anyone but Vivian or Bobbery out. Take out Goombella and use a Tattle if you want to see his HP go down, but other than that, only use Vivian and Bobbery. Try not to use any items, because you'll have a battle right after this which is much harder, and you won't have a chance to heal in between. Kill Grodus! ___________________________________________________ Bowser and Kammy Koopa Where: Palace of Shadow (Throne Room) Why: Bowser wants to beat you up Stats: Bowser Kammy Koopa 70 HP 50 HP 7 Attack 5 Attack 2 Defense 0 Defense Strategy: Take out Kammy Koopa first. This will stop the bombardment of magic affecting your stats and such. Kammy Koopa uses, well, magic that affects your stats, heals people, and the such. Then take out the Koopa King. He is a powerhouse, but is fairly easy to beat. Just beat him up like you did the 500 other times. Same thing goes (SP wise) for Bowser as it did Grodus. Same with the partners too. Beat him up! ___________________________________________________ Shadow Queen Where: Palace of Shadow (Revival Room) Why: To save the World Stats: 150 HP 7 Attack 0 Defense Pt 1:Strategy: Do whatever you want, just don't die. After you get her down to a low amount of HP, you will gain everything back, SP, HP, and FP. Abuse those star powers! (A real strategy will come when you need it) When the Shadow Queen goes to her true form, nothing can harm her, not even Defense-penetrating attacks. Just chill out and guard well. You'll know when something big is going to happen. After the Shadow Queen sends her hands into the audience and recovers all of her HP, she will ask you if you want to serve her again. You will automatically say no, then the Crystal Stars go to where you got them from. It inspires everyone and they start cheering for you (And pennigton cheers for "luigi" :P). The Shadow Queen will then become able to beat. Pt 2:Strategy: Have Vivian out and start off with a firey jinx. Then, have Mario come in with a Power Lift. Go only for the attack boosters. Try to get a boost of 3 attack; the defense doesn't really matter. Then, the Shadow Queen will attack. Block her attacks, then use Power Bounce on the Shadow Queen to inflict around 40 Damage. Keep repeating this process until the Shadow Queen is dead. Use whatever items you want; this is the last battle of the game. Good Luck! ___________________________________________________ Bonetail (Optional) Where: Floor 100 of Pit of 100 Trials Why: To get the Return Postage Badge Stats: 200 HP 8 Attack 2 Defense Strategy: Bonetail is like a super-strong Gloomtail. He uses stomps, breaths, and chomps. Bonetail is even harder than the Shadow Queen herself... Unlike Gloomtail, Bonetail's breath attacks can posion, freeze, shrink, confuse, and put you to sleep. Make sure you sucessfully block against the breaths, or you will go down really fast. As for a strategy, put your partner in front. Bonetail mostly attacks the partner in front, so your partner will act as a human/goomba/spirit/koopa/yoshi/bomb/shadow shield. When you get Bonetail to 50 HP, he'll restore 20 HP. A good strategy for Bonetail is to equip the Power Bounce badge, and have all of the Power Boosters that you can get. In the battle, use a Power Punch and then Power Lift. If your partner is in peril, and you have the mega rush badge equipped and you have Yoshi as your partner, you WILL deal out over 100 Damage in one turn. Basically, BEEF UP MARIO. Do that and you will be fine. Don't forget, you have many Ultra Shrooms and other items. Utilize them in this battle; it is the only battle that you really need them in. ___________________________________________________ _____Pit Of 100 Trials_____ 1 --- Gloomba 7 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense 2 --- Spinia 3 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense 3 --- Spania 3 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense 4 --- Dull Bones 1 HP 1 Attack 1 Defense 5 --- Fuzzy 4 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense 6 --- Gloomba 7 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense 7 --- Spinia (5) 7 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense 8 --- Spania 3 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense *Spiky* 9 --- Dull Bones 1 HP 1 Attack 1 Defense 10 --- *SAFE LEVEL* Chest: Sleepy Stomp 11 --- Paragloomba 7 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense 12 --- Cleft 2 HP 2 Attack 2 Defense 13 --- Pokey 4 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense *Spiky* 14 --- Dark Puff 3 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense 15 --- Pider 5 HP 1 Attack 0 Defense 16 --- Paragloomba 7 HP 3 Attack 0 Defense 17 --- Cleft 2 HP 2 Attack 2 Defense 18 --- Pokey 4 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense *Spiky* 19 --- Dark Puff 3 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense 20 --- *SAFE LEVEL* Chest: Fire Drive. 21 --- Spiky Gloomba 7 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense *Spiky* 22 --- Bandit 5 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense 23 --- Lakitu 5 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense 24 --- Bob-Omb 4 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense 25 --- Boo 8 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense 26 --- Spiky Gloomba 7 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense *Spiky* 27 --- Bandit 5 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense 28 --- Lakitu 5 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense 29 --- Bob-Omb 4 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense 30 --- *SAFE LEVEL* Chest: Zap Tap 31 --- Dark Koopa 7 HP 3 Attack 2 Defense 32 --- Hyper Cleft 4 HP 2 (8 Charged) Attack 2 Defense 33 --- Parabuzzy 5 HP 3 Attack 4 Defense 34 --- Shady Koopa 8 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense 35 --- Flower Fuzzy 6 HP (3) Attack 0 Defense 36 --- Dark Koopa 7 HP 3 Attack 2 Defense 37 --- Hyper Cleft 4 HP 2 (8 Charged) Attack 2 Defense 38 --- Parabuzzy 5 HP 3 Attack 4 Defense 39 --- Shady Koopa 8 HP 3 Attack 1 Defense 40 --- *SAFE LEVEL* Chest: Pity Flower 41 --- Dark Paratroopa 8 HP 4 Attack 2 Defense 42 --- Bulky Bob-Omb 6 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense 43 --- Lava Bubble 6 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense 44 --- Posion Pokey 8 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense *Spiky* 45 --- Spiky Parabuzzy 5 HP 3 Attack 4 Defense 46 --- Dark Paratroopa 8 HP 4 Attack 2 Defense 47 --- Bulky Bob-Omb 6 HP 2 Attack 1 Defense 48 --- Lava Bubble 6 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense 49 --- Posion Pokey 8 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense *Spiky* 50 --- *SAFE LEVEL* Chest: Strange Sack. (Lets you carry 20 Items) 51 --- Badge Bandit 10 HP 2 Attack 0 Defense 52 --- Ice Puff 9 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense 53 --- Dark Boo 8 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense 54 --- Red Chomp 6 HP 5 Attack 3 Defense 55 --- Moon Cleft 6 HP 3 Attack 3 Defense 56 --- Badge Bandit 10 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense 57 --- Ice Puff 9 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense 58 --- Dark Boo 8 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense 59 --- Red Chomp 6 HP 5 Attack 3 Defense 60 --- *SAFE LEVEL* Chest: Double Dip 61 --- Dark Lakitu 13 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense 62 --- Dry Bones 8 HP 5 Attack 2 Defense 63 --- Dark Wizzerd 10 HP 6 Attack 2 Defense 64 --- Frost Pirhana 9 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense 65 --- Dark Craw 20 HP 6 Attack 0 Defense 66 --- Dark Lakitu 13 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense 67 --- Dry Bones 8 HP 5 Attack 2 Defense 68 --- Dark Wizzerd 10 HP 6 Attack 2 Defense 69 --- Frost Pirhana 10 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense 70 --- *SAFE LEVEL* Chest: Double Dip P 71 --- Wizzerd 11 HP 8 Attack 3 Defense 72 --- Dark Koopatrol 25 HP 5 Attack 2 Defense 73 --- Phantom Ember 12 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense 74 --- Swoopula 10 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense 75 --- Chain-Chomp 6 HP 6 Attack 5 Defense 76 --- Dark Koopatrol 25 HP 5 Attack 2 Defense 77 --- Phantom Ember 12 HP 5 Attack 0 Defense 78 --- Swoopula 10 HP 4 Attack 0 Defense 79 --- Wizzerd 11 HP 8 Attack 3 Defense 80 --- *SAFE LEVEL* Chest: Bump Attack 81 --- Spunia 12 HP 7 Attack 2 Defense 82 --- Dark Bristle 14 HP 7 Attack 5 Defense Here, I died. This will be updated soon to finish the Pit of 100 Trials. However, I did finish Bonetail. Go to the Bosses Section to find out the strategy and stuff like that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL STUFF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS GUIDE IS UNDER COPYRIGHT (C)2007-2008. IT IS WRITTEN BY ME, HO-OH2224 AND NO INFORMATION WAS TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM OTHER SOURCES. IF THIS GUIDE IS FOUND ANYWHERE BUT... Cheathappens.com GameFAQs.com IGN.com LEGAL ACTIONS WILL BE TAKEN. THAT IS PLAGERISM. IF YOU REALLY WANT THE GUIDE ON YOUR SITE, EMAIL ME AT Matt@Spectacularstuff.com. I WILL USUALLY RESPOND IN A WEEK OR TWO. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME EMAILS SAYING "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO RESPOND" OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, BECAUSE I WILL NOT RESPOND AT ALL. THIS GUIDE IS NOT IN ITS FINAL VERSION, SO DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT SEND ME EMAILS GIVING ME MISTAKES. Thank You. --------------------------- Credits --------------------------- Big thanks to Cheathappens.com for having a great site! Thanks to me for taking the time for writing this guide Thanks to you for reading this guide. Please Rate. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________.___ _______ \_ _____/| |\ \ | __) | |/ | \ | \ | / | \ \___ / |___\____|__ / \/ \/