Peasant's Quest FAQ By pokegenius1 Peasant's Quest is a fun online game by Videletrix (hope is spelled that right). It seems very few people have actually beaten it, so I made a FAQ. Peasant's Quest is on and here is a link to it: It takes a while to load. The Story You are Rather Dashing, a humble peasant from the land of Peasantry. You go on a vacation to Scalding Lake, and return to find your cottage burninated by Trogdor the Burninator. With nothing left to lose, you swear revenge on behalf of burninated peasants everywhere. You hurry to the mountain pass and explain your quest to the knight. He replies, "Hold up there, Trogdorkilla! Only peasants are allowed up the mountain, and you are clearly not a peasant. Look Dragonheart... You don't DRESS like a peasant, You don't STINK like a peasant, and you certainly are not ON FIRE like a peasant. Come back with those three things and you can pass." The Controls Arrow Keys: move. Press the key once to move. While walking, press that direction again to stop. Hold the key to walk slowly. + and - Keys: Adjust movement speed. Enter/Return Key: Srcoll through text, submit command. The letter Keys: type commands. How Things Work Type commands and press Enter/Return to perform it. Any commands will be put in bold. Type things like look, or to be specific, look tree, look man, ect. Talk to people and ask about stuff. Get items by typing get (item) or take (item). Use items by typing action words, like throw, use, put, or give (item). Save your game by typing save. You must have cookies enabled. Load a saved game by typing load. Find out the name of a place by typing where. If you need help, type help. Once you get a map, type map to view a map. Type inv to view your inventory. The Game Now that I've explained the game, now let's actually play it. Part 1. Stinking Like a Peasant 1. talk to the knight in front of you and he will tell you what you need to do. You need to dress like a peasant, stink like a peasant, and be on fire like a peasant. 2. Go to you Burninated Cottage and take map to get the map. 3. Proceed to Pebble Lake West and take rocks from the shore. 4. Now go to the Baby Lady's Cottage and open the door. 5. talk to the baby lady and learn about her "tragic" problem. 6. Take feed from the bag of chicken feed on the shelf. 7. As you leave, the baby lady will tell you about her baby losing something in the yard. 8. Pick a berry from each of the four crunchberry bushes to find a Super Trinket. 9. Go to the Archery Range and talk to the guy at the counter. He will give you a password, haldo, then go back to pouting. 10. Go to the Old Well and put pebbles in the bucket. The pebbles weigh the bucket down and it descends. 11. Use the crank and the bucket will come back up with a Monster Maskus. Silly pagans. 12. Go to Poor Gary's Glen and scare Gary. He will freak out and run away, breaking a hole in the fence. 13. Inside the glen is an archer shooting arrows at a tree. Say haldo to him and he will go back to the Archery Range. 14. While you are there, take an arrow from the tree. 15. Go to the Archery Range and give them your Super Trinket. 16. Play the archery game and win. You have 5 arrows. You need 3 bulls-eyes to win. The bar to the right is your trajectory. Watch the wind flag. If it is not moving, line up your arrow with the bulls-eye. If it is moving a little bit, line it up with the inside part of the target leg against the wind. If it is moving a lot, line it up with the outside edge of the leg. Now use the Spacebar to fire. Line up both arrows with the red line and you get a bulls-eye. 17. You win the SuperFunTime Bow TM. Congrats! 18. Go to one of the places with tracks on the ground and kill the Kerrek. After you kill him, it starts raining. 19. Take his belt. Great! Now you stink like a peasant. Part 2. Dressing Like a Peasant 1. Go to the Jhonka's Cave (the big rock with a door). You will notice a large pile of riches. Those are the riches the lady wanted. 2. Go to That Mud Puddle. It isn't dried up anymore! Get a heapin' helping of it on yourself. 3. Go to the Hay Bale, and hide in the hay. The hay sticks to you. Now you are a walking hay bale! Just like that guy from that show! 4. Go south to the Jhonka's Cave. He doesn't seem to notice you! What an idiot. Take the riches. 5. The wind will suddenly blow your cover. Jhonka will ask you if you took his riches. If you want to be beaten to a bloody pulp, say yes. If you want to live, say no. 6. Give those riches back to the baby lady. She takes every little coin and gives you her baby. Aww... he has your eyes. 7. Take Junior Dashing to the place where you got the pebbles and stand slightly above the center of the lake. Then throw the baby in. The buoyant little baby bobs back up holding a bottle of soda. 8. Go to the east side of the lake and you will see a man fishing. Throw the feed you took from the lady's house into the water and the man will catch a fish. 9. Go to the Inn. The fisherman was the owner and now its open. Show the baby to the old man and he will give him his medication as a little treat. 10. Now, go to the old well. Put the baby in the bucket. Way to go, Father of the Year. If you try to leave, you die. 11. Instead of abandoning the little twerp, use the crank and haul him back up. Wow! The baby is unscathed, and seems to have enjoyed the ride. Plus, he's holding a meatball sub! Score! 12. Go to the house with no door and take the loose rock out of the hut's wall. 13. You've abused the baby a lot, what's one more job? Put the baby in the hole. He will crawl through, knock over a broom, open the door, and crawl away to start a new life. He grows up, gets a degree, develops a mead problem, and blames you for not being there. 14. Go in the house and open the dresser. Inside are some robes. Take 'em. 15. Wear the robes. Yay! You are dressed like a peasant! Part 3. Being On Fire Like a Peasant 1. Go to the inn, and get a room. Night falls like a bad power point presentation. 2. The old guy left the pantry open! Take some grease from the top shelf. 3. The pot wobbles and falls on your head! You will walk backwards and stuff now, so stumble out of the inn. 4. Take the stupid pot off, and go to the Burninated Trees. The lantern is lit! put your head in, and set it ablaze. Now you are a real peasant! You deserve a trophy of Mutton-Ums! Part 4. Trogdor 1. Talk to the knight and go to the mountain. Ignore the stuff about the floppy. 2. Climb the wall. Watch out for falling boulders and the occasional bird. They can kill you. 3. At the top, go into the spooky cave. 4. Inside is a cave with three doors and a beaded passage. Walk to the right, and a hooded man will talk to you. He tells you to take his quiz or give him something to eat. Give him the sandwich from the well. He says he was kidding, but wow! A meatball sub! He gives you the Trog-Shield. 5. The next guy demands a nice cool drink. Give him the soda from the lake. He gives you the Trog-Helmet. 6. The Third guy, wants something for his back. Give him the old mans prescription pills, and he gives you the Trog-Sword. You are all ready for Trogdor! 7. Go through the curtain. In the next room is Trogdor. He's asleep. The curtain slams shut behind you. There is no escape. Instead of rushing forward and being fried, throw the sword at him. That will wake him up. 8. Trogdor is up, and he's angry! Talk to him, and he will talk to you, in a funny voice like Arnold Schwarzenegger. He says that it will be a pleasure and an honor to burninate you. Aw, that sure was nice of him! 9. You get fried. Congratulations! You won! No one has ever killed Trogdor, and you almost beat him! The people of Peasantry make a statue in your honor. THE END If you have questions or comments about this FAQ, just PM pokegenius1.