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Table of Contents ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= 1) Introduction 2) Storyline 3) Controls 4) Level Passwords 5) Walkthrough 6) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 7) Legal Junk 8) Thanks 9) Version History ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Introduction ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= Welcome to my FAQ for Kim Possible: Revenge of Monkey Fist for the Game Boy Advance entertainment handheld console. Throughout this FAQ you will find advice, strategies, and answers to your questions about this game. If for some reason you cannot find the answer to your question E-mail me at the E-mail address below the ASCII Art logo. This game way rather short and easy to me, but none the less it was enjoyable. If you're a fan of the TV Show and have $19.99 you may want to consider picking it up, it isn't terribly bad. Anyway chances are the people that are reading this are young children or parents so I won't make any jokes or rants in this document. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Storyline ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= Kim Possible: Revenge of Monkey Fist is based off the Disney TV Show Kim Possible. In the game you play as Teen-Hero Kim Possible through 8 stages trying to save Ron and stop Bad Guys. The game tries to blend several episodes of the TV Show like 'Return to Camp Wannabe' and the "Monkey Fist" episodes. Because of the show not being like Dragon Ball Z where it continues the storyline is a little messed up. Anyway, the general plot of the game is to get Ron back and stop the Bad Guys. Your Computer genius friend Wade also helps out by finding information and giving you hints. The story is pretty lack-luster, but it doesn't really matter in this type of game. If you're a die-hard fan of the series or a liker of Cartoonish games then pick up the game. It's your average Disney or Nick. game with a few twists and nice moves. As stated in the FAQ it's only $19.99 so it's not too hard on the pocket books. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Controls ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= (for those of you without an instruction booklet) Basic Controls -------------- A Button: Jump B Button: Punch L Button: Use Gadget R Button: SummerSault When Running + Pad: Move Start: Go to Menu Select: Talk to Wade (only when communicator comes up) Combo Moves ----------- Drop Kick: Jump up and while you're still in midair press the B button to attack and Kim will do a mid air-kick (a drop kick). Super Backflip Jump: First start running, after a few seconds do a summersault. When you're about to exit the summersault jump and Kim will do a backflip super jump :). Cannonball Roll: Start running, then do a summersault. When you're about to exit the summersault press the B button and Kim will crawl up into a call and roll :). Wall Jumping: Jump up against a wall and press A. You will jump off the wall preforming a second jump. You can do this several times as long as there is two walls. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Level Passwords ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= Because this game does NOT have a save feature they added the old school way of picking up your progress Passwords! In this section I will give you the password to access each stage. LEVEL TWO Rufus, Wade, Kim, Shego, Kim, Kim, Kim LEVEL THREE Ron, Drakken, Kim, Drakken, Shego, Monkey Fist, Kim LEVEL FOUR Rufus, Drakken, Kim, Shego, Drakken, Monkey Fist, Kim LEVEL FIVE Kim, Wade, Monkey Fist, Wade, Shego, Monkey Fist, Kim LEVEL SIX Rufus, Wade, Monkey Fist, Wade, Drakken, Kim, Kim LEVEL SEVEN Kim, Drakken, Monkey Fist, Wade, Sheigo, Monkey Fist, Kim LEVEL EIGHT Guard, Monkey Fist, Monkey Fist, Guard, Drakken, Kim, Kim ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Walkthrough ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Stage One: Downtown Dilemma = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Start out by running right, jump over the table and jump onto and over the fridge. Continue on running outside and you should see something on a ledge. As you run out some more Wade will come up on your communicator, bring up the communicator and listen to Wade's talking: "WADE: Some of the moves open up other possibilites. Test yourself. You might be surprised at what you can do" Run over a bit and punch the enemy knocking them out. Now turn around and do a Super BackFlip jump (see controls for how to do it) onto the ledge and get the item on it. After you get the item on the ledge jump up ontop of the house and get everything. After you get everything ontop of the roof head right back to the ground and attack the enemies heading into Boyno Nacho. Inside collect crystals as you head toward the grill. When you get to the grill notice the fire, it goes in a pattern, after the fire on the first grill goes out jump on and run across quickly outside. Now that you're outside jump ontop of the first fridge. Head to the last fridge and jump from it to the big wall and jump over it. Continue on by heading into the arcade. Collect the crystals above the arcade machines and take out the bullies as you head out. Take out enemies as you head into one last building for this level, the disco place -_-'. Knock out the enemies as you see them in the Disco Place and you'll soon finish the level. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Stage Two: Middleton High High-Jinks! = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Password: Rufus, Wade, Kim, Shego, Kim, Kim, Kim Jump up and get the blue crystal then head right getting the lipstick. Take out the Bully then continue to the right. A little bit over there will be a Bully and a locker, take the bully out then get jump over the locker. A little bit to the right is some funky stuff, if you touch it you take damage so jump over it and proceed on. Get the items as you go through the school, at the end of the hallway there is one of Drakken's guards, it has 2HP so you'll need to attack it twice to defeat it and head outside. Quickly run through the outside attacking the enemies as you go and you'll soon be back inside. Once you're inside jump over the big door and onto the mini-locker and over the goop. Not far is some more goop, climb up on the locker and jump over the goop and door. Continue on defeating enemies as you go until there is a goop and a crystal way above it. To get that hard to reach crystal do a Super Back Flip Jump then continue on over the lockers and the door. As you head outside a bully and his four minions will attack you, take them out with some punches and head on outside. Quickly pass through the outside portion into the inside again and take out the enemy. Jump and climb over the door and wade will come on the communicator. he'll say: "You can make a longer jump by doing a cartwheel (summersault) first." Do a Super Backflip Jump over the goop and exit finish the level where Wade will tell you Ron's in trouble; it's off to Camp Wannaweep. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Stage Three: Return to Camp Wannaweep! = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level Password: Ron, Guard, Kim, Drakken, Sheigo, Monkey Fist, Kim Start out by running and jumping over the goop then taking out Drakken's Guard. Continue on jumping over goop pits and taking out Drakken's Guards, but watch out because in some of the goop there is goop shooting monsters! Anyway, after a little bit you will encounter a skinny Drakken Guard. These guys only have one hit, but they have a long ranged attack. Take the skinny guard out then head through the house collecting the Accessory and defeating the guard. When you get outside there will be yet another one of Drakken's Guards. After you've taken out the guard continue on jumping over the pools of goop until you get to a long pile of goop. Do a Super BackFlip jump over the long pile of goop then take out Drakken's Guards as you head through another house. Wade will contact you after you leave the house, bring up the communicator and use your Lip Stick Laser gadget to destroy the door. Defeat guards as they head into the house, after they stop coming use your Lip Stick Laser again to destroy the other door. Outside you will notice some yellow stuff on the ground, all this stuff does is slow you down. Continue on by heading into the house. Do a Super BackFlip Jump to get the item on the top left corner then use the Mirror Bombs Gadget to destroy the door. Not much area left now, go through the short stretch of area defeating Drakken's Guards to the end of the level.... or is it? -= Boss Battle Sheigo =- Sheigo isn't too hard and she doesn't move much making the boss battle rather boring. If you run away she most likely will not follow you, but will hit you with her fire-fists. Keep in close to her and just hit her with normal attacks. You may take some damage, or lose a life, but that's what Extra Lifes are for. Also, through fighting her several times I found out that she attacks after you've attacked her 6 times and she attacks in strings of two's. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Stage Four: Monkey Temple Madness! = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level Password: Rufus, Drakken, Kim, Shego, Drakken, Monkey Fist, Kim Run to the right and take out the Monkey Ninja as you jump up and continue on. Take the Monkey Ninja's out as you go until you reach a monkey statue head. There is a bunch of stuff high up around this head, use Super BackFlip jumps to get them then proceed right defeating enemies until you reach a giant monkey head thing and water. Do a Super BackFlip jump to get the blue crystal then climb up the passage until you reach a hole at the end. Jump down the hole into Monkey Temple! Run left then jump down. Grab the treasure then jump again to another platform. You should be able to see a +1 life now, jump and get the +1 life then jump down to a lower platform. Continue on down platforms until Wade comes up on the communicator. Listen to Wade's advice then shoot your grappling hook that you should of just picked up at the loop and swing across the acid pit. Jump down the hole now and proceed on by jumping across more acid pits. Jump down and listen to yet another hint from wade about rolling (look in the control section for advice on how to roll) then roll underneath the small passage. Roll through another passage down below and you'll be in the final portions of the stage. Jump and get the +1 Life then just head down the entire time. The rest of this stage is just jumping down and avoiding enemies and spikes. When you jump down the final jumping place you'll appear in the boss lair. -= Boss Battle Monkey Fist =- Monkey Fist moves a lot more than Sheigo and does slightly more damage, but he shouldn't be much of a problem. Basically just attack him with normal punch and kick combo's until he's been defeated. There is no real way to avoid his attacks, so you'll just have to bare with his damaging blows unless you want to do rolls the entire battle. He shouldn't be much of a problem and the battle should soon be over :). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Stage Five: Situation on the Space Station = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level Password: Kim, Wade, Monkey Fist, Wade, Shego, Monkey Fist, Kim Head left, taking out the monkey ninja, then do a Super BackFlip Jump onto the higher ledge. Get the blue crystal then jump across and continue on by taking out the monkey ninja and wade will come up. He will talk about wall jumping. Wall jump up to the higher platform then take out the robot. Continue on down all the way to the ground then walk over to the wall. Wall Jump all the way up (I suggest doing a Super BackFlip jump first, I find it easier). Walk over to the first pod thing now and press the attack button, you will be warped. Grab the lipstick then walk back over to the pod and warp back. Now head right a little to another pod, and warp using the attack button. Blow up the wall with a few hits from your lipstick then run left destroying the robots. Now do a Super BackFlip jump against the wall and Wall Jump up to the top. Head down, until you reach the bottom then head over to the wall and Wall Jump over and press the attack button at the pod to warp. Head on rolling under the broken pipes then jump down. Head on down, collecting crystals as you go (make sure to roll under the pipes) until you reach the bottom then run over to the side and wall jump up onto the floating platform. Jump across all the platforms until you get to the top one, from there jump onto the ledge and fall down. Run left and you'll see three pods. Head over to the third one and warp. Collect the lipstick at the very end then go back to the pod and warp to where the three pods were again. Warp through the second one and destroy the wall with your lipstick. Head through the final stages of the level and make your way to one last warp pod. Warp then jump down to the boss battle. -= Boss Battle Monkey Fist =- This is like your last battle with him, except he has monkey ninja's. Simply avoid the monkey ninja's and use the same strategy as last time to defeat him, there should be little trouble defeating him. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Stage Six: Perils In Paris = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level Password: Rufus, Wade, Monkey Fist, Wade, Drakken, Kim, Kim Immediately start running, and jump atop the roof. Grab the crystal then jump down again. Take out Drakken's guard, jump over the roof again (grabbing the crystal) then do a jump kick down taking out yet another guard of Drakken's. Continue on taking out assorded enemies, and grabbing blue crystals until you reach a rooftop with a Grappling Hook Gadget. Grab the hook then jump down to the edge of the pit. Use the hook to shoot yourself up to the top of a pole, and from there jump to a roof top. Compared to Stage Five this level is a piece of cake. Run along, taking out enemies and grabbing blue crystals until you get to a gate. Jump over it and take out all the enemies inside of it (make sure to get the free life) then do a Super BackFlip jump out of it. There isn't much new, it's much like before, just do what you've been doing until you come across a roof with another Grappling Hook on it. Like before go over to the nearby cliff type thing and shoot the pole sending you across. You're now on the final stages of this easy level. Defeat the enemies as they come, and run to the end. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Stage Seven: Factory Foolery = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level Password: Kim, Drakken, Monkey Fist, Wade, Sheigo, Monkey Fist, Kim The first stage of the level is just jumping over pits, simply jump over the pits as you go collecting blue crystals. When you reach a larger pit do a Super BackFlip Jump onto the platform above it, then do a Cannonball Roll under it. When you get to the second longer pit Walljump across the pipes to the higher platform and continue on. The next pit is pretty tough, stand right next to the pit and turn around, jump against the wall then wall jump up onto the platform. Now there will be several things coming down from the wall, do Cannonball Roll's underneath them until you get to another pit where you should Wall Jump onto the platform, head down, and wall jump across the pipes (you'll first need to do a Cannoball Roll though). After you exit the factory there will be an enemies. Theses enemies can be quite tough, so watch out for their attacks, after you defeat all the enemies and head back into the enemy-infested factory continue on doing the jumping. The second jump should be too long to do, so use the aqquired gadget you just got and shoot up at the hook. Repeat this until you come across some pipes, Cannonball Roll under them and complete the final stages of the level, which is just a few jumps, face off against the huge bunny and head on to the boss fight. -= Boss Battle Sheigo =- Sheigo has a lot of hits (around 35 I believe), but her attack is really weak compared to Monkey Fist. Just keep on hitting her and the battle will soon be over and you'll have to wall jump your way out. Wait until you can jump across the walls and start wall jumping up and you'll soon be finished. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Stage Eight: Dr. Drakken's Evil Lair = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level Password: Guard, Monkey Fist, Monkey Fist, Guard, Drakken, Kim, Kim Start out by heading right and jumping onto the platforms. Head across them and take out the guard. Jump onto the rock and then jump onto the higher platform now. Get the lipstick bomb then jump down, take out the guard, and blow up the door with the lipstick bomb. Take out the spinning top of doom and jump up onto the platform with the lipstick bomb again. followed by jumping and getting the grappling hook. Head along until you reach a large pit, use your Grappling Hook to launch onto a rock and jump down to the other side of the pit. Head across a bit and jump up onto the first platform you can reach. Head to the left and get the Watch Gadget, which gives you invincibility. Head to the right now, across the spikes. Eventually you'll reach a small hole, use a Cannonball Roll there and you'll soon be out of the spikes. Head along and you'll soon reach a high stone wall, use a Super Backflip Jump to get over it, take out the guards, and wall jump across the next wall. Jump down and head along until you reach a log with spikes on both sides. Use a Cannonball Roll here again and proceed on. Jump over one hole then grab the Grappling Hook. Use the Grappling Hook to shoot over a few platforms until you only have one left. Jump down and wait until the enemy fires at you, after he does jump over and take him out. Grab the Mirror Gadget and continue on across the pink platforms, and jump over the huge wall. Use the Mirror on the wall and continue onusing it on the next aswell. There's another generic path, so just head right until you reach a HUGE pit. Jump onto the platform, and across the next two and you'll be across the pit. Head right a bit and there will be another Watch, get it and head across some minor obstacles.... and onto Dr. Drakken!!! -= Final Boss: Dr. Drakken =- Drakken is a bit of a Challenge, mostly because you can only hit him with Drop Kicks after Super Backflip Jumps though. Your basic strategy is to stay about a screen away from him, and when he stops to zap the ground do a Super Backflip Jump and hit him with a kick or two in mid-air. Every once in awhile he'll summon some Spinning Tops of Doom too, they're no problem though, a few punches and they're crippled. Just keep on Backflipping when he stops and hitting him with mid-air kicks and you'll soon see the ending, credits, and preview of the next game. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Frequently Asked Questions ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= 1) Where Can I Get This Game? 2) How bout getting the ROM? 3) Is this game any good? 4) What are these Blue Crystals for? 5) I picked up something, and it changed something below my health!?!? 6) Ummmm.... What is the level password for this level? 7) I need help with this Stage! 8) OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DISNEY GAME! YOU MUST BE LIKE 10! 9) What's with the score I have? 10) What's the difference in the difficulties? 11) How do I unlock Movies/Pictures? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 1) Where Can I Get This Game? -------------------------------------- This is a Game Boy Advance game so it's not really that hard to find right now. It costs around $20, and some places I recommend are: Toys R Us, WalMart, and Best Buy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 2) How bout getting the ROM? ------------------------------------- The ROM is findable in a few places on the Net, but remember it is illegal to have ROMs. I don't suggest getting the ROM because it IS illegal and you CAN get virus's, but the ROM number is 0772. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 3) Is this game any good? ---------------------------------- It really depends on your liking in games. If you're a big fan of the TV show then it is a good chance you will like the game. If you like Arcade Beat em' up games then there is also a good chance you'll like the game. It isn't really that long, but you have to beat it in one sitting or use passwords and it has pretty good Replay Value in my opinion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 4) What are these Blue Crystals for? --------------------------------------------- Blue Crystals are used to get points. When you collect a Blue Crystal your points go up. Also, if you collect all of the Blue Crystals in the level you have a change to get a perfect for the level which will give you a major point bonus and will unlock a picture :). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 5) I picked up something, and it changed something below my health? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is nothing to be worried about, you just got a gadget! Press the L button to use the gadget. Some of the gadgets in the game are: Grapling Hook, Lipstick Laser, and a Bomb type thing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 6) Ummmm.... What is the level password for this level? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Let me direct to you to Section 4. It contains the Level Passwords for all 8 stages. It is located after the controls, but before the walkthrough. If you do not know which characters are which picture than E-mail me at: :). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 7) I need help with this Stage! ---------------------------------------- The section above contains a Walkthrough for each stage. Use that first, then if you still need help feel free to E-mail me at: :). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 8) OMG HAHA DISNEY GAME! YOU MUST BE LIKE 10! ------------------------------------------------------ No, I am not ten. I don't see anything wrong with playing a Disney Game, if you really think it's that immature then why did you click on this FAQ for? Also, what about Boy Meets World? That isn't exactly a 10 year old show. Nor is Sister Sister, or Smart Guy. Fact is you don't have to be 10 to enjoy the awesomeness of Disney. I think you're the one who needs to grow up if you think that! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 9) What's with the score I have? ----------------------------------------- The score really doesn't have any big significance. Mostly, it is just a bragging right, like saying: I got 50,000 points; I am the best! If you want to know my highest score, I do not know it off the top of my head, if I remember it I'll tell here :). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 10) What's the difference in the difficulties? ------------------------------------------------------- Nothing much, the enemies are a bit tougher though, and it seems like there is a few more enemies. (To change the difficulty go to options) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 11) How do I unlock Movies/Pictures? --------------------------------------------- Pictures are obtained by collecting the Blue Crystals in a level and Movies are obtained by seeing the movie in the actual GamePlay. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Legal Junk ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= This guide is copyright (c) BurningFox 2003. It may only be posted on the following sites: o o o o If it is found anywhere else it is considered an illegal copy. If you read on further than the next line in an illegal copy you are contributing to the illegal acts of the Internet and therefor you are committing a crime. I'm not strict at all on letting a site use my guides, just E-mail me at if you wish to host the FAQ. You may and are encouraged to print out this document for completing the game or other Kim Possible: Revenge of Monkey Fist related things, But not to sell and or trade for money/items. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Thanks ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= - This website is where I got the awesome ASCII art at the top of the FAQ generated from. If you ever consider doing a FAQ this is a great place to get some ASCII Art if you want to insert ASCII art to your FAQ. - Disney, for creating the awesome TV series Kim Possible and this video game. Without Disney this FAQ wouldn't exist :). - QuickSilver, for being the most awesome pet evar. :) - HappyBuddha311, you rule dude. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Version History ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= Version Final KB= 30 ----------------------- Finished Everything. Nuff' said. Version 1.5 KB= 28 ----------------------- Walkthrough is now updated through level seven. Only the last level remains, an update for that should follow quickly. Version 1.4 KB= 23 ----------------------- Added the fifth level to the walkthrough which is now like 62.5% percent done. (I can't believe I forgot the exact number for 5/8 X_X) Version 1.3 KB= 20 ----------------------- Added the fourth level to the Walkthrough which is now 50% done! Also, I added Question #10 to the FAQ and some thanks. The FAQ is like 65% done now. Version 1.2 KB= 18 ----------------------- Correction done on some information, nothing new really :). Version 1.1 KB= 17 ----------------------- The Second Version of this FAQ. I added a few sections and redid a few things. The Walkthrough is now 3/8 done and overall the FAQ is about 50% done. In the future I may add one or two sections, but this FAQ will most likely only be updated in the Walkthrough for awhile. Version 1.0 KB= 14 ----------------------- The First Version of the FAQ. Most of the Sections are done, and the walkthrough is only 1/4 done.