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It is a guide designed while mainly thinking about the Hard difficulty level which means it should be useful on the Hard, Normal, and Easy difficulties. The achievements for this game are: All Stages Cleared (Easy) for 50 gamerpoints. Clear all stages on easy difficulty. All Stages Cleared (Normal) for 100 gamerpoints Clear all stages on normal difficulty. All Stages Cleared (Hard) for 150 gamerpoints Clear all stages on hard difficulty. All Stages Cleared (Hardest) for 200 gamerpoints. Clear all stages on hardest difficulty. All Stages Cleared (Inferno) for 300 gamerpoints. Clear all stages on inferno difficulty. All Weapons Acquired for 200 gamerpoints. Get all of the weapons. ==================================================================== II: 88888888888 888 888 .d888 888 888 888 d88P" 888 888 888 888 888 8888b. 88888b. 888 .d88b. .d88b. 888888 888 "88b 888 "88b 888 d8P Y8b d88""88b 888 888 .d888888 888 888 888 88888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 d88P 888 Y8b. 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The End ======================================================================== III: :'######:::'#######::'##::: ##:'########::::'###:::::'######::'########: '##... ##:'##.... ##: ###:: ##:... ##..::::'## ##:::'##... ##:... ##..:: ##:::..:: ##:::: ##: ####: ##:::: ##:::::'##:. ##:: ##:::..::::: ##:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ## ## ##:::: ##::::'##:::. ##: ##:::::::::: ##:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##. ####:::: ##:::: #########: ##:::::::::: ##:::: ##::: ##: ##:::: ##: ##:. ###:::: ##:::: ##.... ##: ##::: ##:::: ##:::: . ######::. #######:: ##::. ##:::: ##:::: ##:::: ##:. ######::::: ##:::: :......::::.......:::..::::..:::::..:::::..:::::..:::......::::::..::::: '####:'##::: ##:'########::'#######:: . ##:: ###:: ##: ##.....::'##.... ##: : ##:: ####: ##: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: : ##:: ## ## ##: ######::: ##:::: ##: : ##:: ##. ####: ##...:::: ##:::: ##: : ##:: ##:. ###: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: '####: ##::. ##: ##:::::::. #######:: ....::..::::..::..:::::::::.......::: ========================================================================== You may contact me at theshadowdragon777@yahoo.com but only for the following things. *Errors in my guide *Spelling Mistakes *Suggestions *Praise *Contributions *Constructive Criticism *Asking if you can use this FAQ on your site Things you should not email to me: *SPAM *Things that have nothing to do with Oblivion *Hate Mail/Flames *etc... =================================================== III: ____ ____ .__ \ \ / /___________ _____|__| ____ ____ \ Y // __ \_ __ \/ ___/ |/ _ \ / \ \ /\ ___/| | \/\___ \| ( <_> ) | \ \___/ \___ >__| /____ >__|\____/|___| / \/ \/ \/ ___ ___ .__ __ / | \|__| _______/ |_ ___________ ___.__. / ~ \ |/ ___/\ __\/ _ \_ __ < | | \ Y / |\___ \ | | ( <_> ) | \/\___ | \___|_ /|__/____ > |__| \____/|__| / ____| \/ \/ \/ ================================================== Version Number: 1.0 Date Added: 06/27/07 What's New: Everything. Version Number: 1.01 Date Added: 07/03/07 What's New: Updated Legal Stuff ======================================================= IV: ##### # # #### # # ##### ##### #### # #### # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # ##### #### # # # # # #### ###### #### ======================================================= ~~~~The Basic Controls~~~~ Right Control Stick - Camera up and down Right Control Stick Click - Nothing Left Control Stick/D-pad - Move and Turn Left Control Stick Click - Zoom or Set up emplacement Left Trigger - Strafe to the Left Right Trigger - Strafe to the Right Left Bumper - Roll to the Left Right Bumper - Roll to the Right A - Jump or Roll B - Switch your Weapons X - Fire your weapon Y - Aim Upwards Select - Enter or Leave a Vehicle Start - The Pause Menu ~~~~The Advanced Controls~~~~ Left Control Stick/D-pad - Move or Strafe Left Control Stick Click - Nothing Right Control Stick - Aim or Turn Right Control Stick Click - Nothing Left Trigger - Jump or Roll Right Trigger - Fire Left Bumper - Zoom or Activate something Right Bumper - Switch Weapons A - Not Used B - Not Used X - Not Used Y - Not Used Select - Enter or Leave Vehicle Start - Pause Menu ~~~~Vehicle Controls~~~~ ---Combat Vehicle E551 Gigantus--- Left Control Stick - Move Right Control Stick - Aim the Turret Right Trigger/A/B/X/Y - Fire the Cannon ---SDL2 Airbike--- Left Control Stick - Move X - Fire Machine Gun ---Combat Helicopter EF24 Bazelato--- Left Control Stick - Move Right Control Stick - Elevation Right Control Stick Click/B/X - Fire Machine Gun Left Trigger - Strafe Left Right Trigger - Strafe Right Y - Fire Missile ---Battle Machine Vegalta--- Left Control Stick - Move Left Control Stick Click/A - Jump(Hold to Hover) Right Control Stick - Aim Arm weapons Right Control Stick Click/Y/Right Bumper - Fire Flamethrower Left Trigger/X - Fire the Machine gun Right Trigger/B - Fire a Missile ============================================================== V: __ __ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ / / | | | | | | | | | \ \ /\ / /_ _| | | _| |_| |__ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _| |__ \ \/ \/ / _` | | |/ / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ \ \ /\ / (_| | | <| |_| | | | | | (_) | |_| | (_| | | | | \/ \/ \__,_|_|_|\_\\__|_| |_|_| \___/ \__,_|\__, |_| |_| __/ | |___/ =============================================================== To find a specific mission just use control+F (Find) and put Mission #* and replace the asterisk with the mission number. The levels: 1. Arrival 2. Invasion 3. Melee 4. Landing 5. Search 6. Airforce 7. Takedown 8. Mobilization 9. Tsugawa 10. Arms 11. Infiltration 12. Reinforcement 13. Retaliation 14. Fortress 15. Blockade 16. Multiplication 17. Nesting 18. Dino-mech 19. Umbra 20. Artillery 21. Crimson 22. Trapped 23. Expansion 24. Interception 25. Descent 1 26. Descent 2 27. Descent 3 28. Descent 4 29. Assault 30. Anchored 31. Advance 32. March 33. Surprise 34. Breach 35. Sweep 36. Thunder 37. Eruption 38. Surrounded 39. Legion 40. Return 41. Occupation 42. King 43. Spearhead 44. Extermination 1 45. Extermination 2 46. Extermination 3 47. Uprising 48. Wrath 49. Elite 50. Unknown 51. Convergence 52. Inferno 53. Starship MISSION #1: _ _ _ /_\ _ _ _ _(_)_ ____ _| | / _ \| '_| '_| \ V / _` | | /_/ \_\_| |_| |_|\_/\__,_|_| Description: An extraterrestrial spaceship has appeared above the city. The Alien force is so large in number that it covers the entire sky. Negotiations are currently underway, but in case of an emergency, all Ranger Teams and Storm Teams are to report to their designated posts. Weapons I used: AF18 Assault Rifle - Good at close range when fighting the bugs Cascade 1 Rocket Launcher - Good for hitting big groups of bugs When you start the level you will see a cut scene with civilians running towards the screen while the screen pans up to look upon the massive alien spaceships while the reporter talks about how the aliens have been named The Ravagers. When you take control of your character also known as Storm 1 you will see many spaceships in the sky but for this level ignore all of them. As you move forward you should see civilians running towards you and away from the aliens. Here you will encounter the first and weakest of the Ravagers, the Black Terror Ant. --------------------------------------------------------------- NEW ENEMY ENCOUNTER ___ _ _ _____ _ _ | _ ) |__ _ __| |__ |_ _|__ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ /_\ _ _| |_ | _ \ / _` / _| / / | |/ -_) '_| '_/ _ \ '_| / _ \| ' \ _| |___/_\__,_\__|_\_\ |_|\___|_| |_| \___/_| /_/ \_\_||_\__| --------------------------------------------------------------- Description: The Black Terror Ant looks just as it sounds. It is a rather large black ant. It is much taller then a normal human. It's attacks include trying to bite you to shooting out some sort of orange liquid acid at you. They are the weakest and most common of the Ravagers, for now at least. --------------------------------------------------------------- As you move up you will encounter a large group of these bugs which you have to kill. Use the Cascade 1 or any rocket launcher you have as you move towards them and then use the assault rifle if the bugs get close to you. As you kill them power-ups will sometimes drop from their bodies. The green ones are weapons, the reddish ones are armor upgrades which increase your health by 1 after you beat the level. The white ones heal you and the darker green ones heal you more then the white ones. After you finish off the Black ants here look at your radar and move towards the new mass of red. You will end up at a small park where you are supposed to meet up with another Ranger Team and help them annihilate the surrounding bugs. As you approach them it is best to use a ranged weapon such as a rocket launcher or sniper rifle, the Cascade 1 in my case and then once you get right up next to them use your assault rifle. Also watch out and try not to get surrounded as their acid can hurt a lot when their is a big group of them. Once you finish this group up a third group will appear so use your radar and head towards them. They are most likely already heading towards you crawling up and down the buildings so be ready and hit them with a ranged weapon until and try to eliminate most of them that way. After you defeat these enemies you will get a mission cleared. The weapons you receive will vary but the ones I got are: MMF41-B3 (Sniper-Rifle) C24 Bomb (Special Weapon) MMF42-RA (Special Weapon) Y10 Wide Impulse (Special Weapon) UM3-J Grenade Launcher (Grenade) Buffalo G3 Burst (Shotgun) Mission #2: ___ _ |_ _|_ ___ ____ _ __(_)___ _ _ | || ' \ V / _` (_-< / _ \ ' \ |___|_||_\_/\__,_/__/_\___/_||_| Description: The city is in a state of panic because of the sudden appearance of giant insects. All available Ranger Teams and Storm Teams are to report to the scene at once. You must protect the civilians from the bugs. At this time, we do not know the relationship between The Ravagers and these giant bugs, but we are gathering data as quickly as possible. Weapons I used: I used the same as the las level as you will be mainlky fighting more Black Terror Ants and these weapons are good against them. AF18 Assault Rifle Cascade 1 Rocket Launcher As the level starts you will immediately gain control of your character. You will see the spaceships in the sky again but still keep ignoring them because you cannot do anything about them. You will also hear civilians screaming. If you look up ahead you will see why as you will see more Black Terror Ants and they are now attacking the civilians. You should be able to see their orange spray flying out. There are a lot of them so try and take as many as you can out from a distance and try not to get overwhelmed by them. Once you defeat all of the bugs the mission is over. What I got: AF17 Assault Rifle Lysander Sniper Rifle Mission #3: __ __ _ | \/ |___| |___ ___ | |\/| / -_) / -_) -_) |_| |_\___|_\___\___| Description: There are still a large number of bugs throughout the city. The Ranger Teams are continuing to carry on the fight. All deployable troops are to enter combat at once. Weapons I used: Just like the last level. AF18 Assault Rifle Cascade 1 Rocket Launcher As you start you will gain control of your character and the general will tell you how you must exterminate the bugs as they are now attacking civilians. You should be able to see the bugs ahead of you walking accross the road so head towards them and kill them. It should be just like the last level with nothing new added yet. Try and meet up with the soldiers to your right in the park first and help them and then head over to kill the rest of the bugs. The bugs are positioned all around you so just use your radar and head towards the large groups of them and usually most of them will end up running towards you whereas you can kill them. Also do not worry about destroying the buildings they are walking on with a rocket launcher as there is no consequence for doing so. Once all the bugs on your radar are destroyed the mission is cleared. What I go: No weapons. Mission #4 _ _ _ | | __ _ _ _ __| (_)_ _ __ _ | |__/ _` | ' \/ _` | | ' \/ _` | |____\__,_|_||_\__,_|_|_||_\__, | |___/ Weapons I used: AF18 Assault Rifle Cascade 1 Rocket Launcher or Volcano 3w-Burst Description: The giant bugs continue to be deployed throughout the city. They are attacking civilians and eating them. This threat needs to be eliminated at all costs. Storm 1 and 2 are to go into battle at once and support the Ranger Teams that are already engaged in combat. As the level starts you will immediately gain control of your character. You will see no enemies but if you look at your radar their is a large concentration of them. So you must head towards that concentration of red dots on your radar and get ready for a fight. When you get to them just use your rocket launcher to annihilate most of them and then your assault rifle if they get to close or to kill all the stragglers. After you defeat the first group keeping moving on towards the large needle building where the second group is. Use the same tactics to kill all of them. After you defeat them the camera will look up and lock onto the alien spacecrafts, two of them to be exact. Their bottom doors will open up and many Black Terror Ants will fall out of it onto the ground. Kill all of them and the mission will be cleared. Weapons I found: ZE Sniper (Special Weapon) Y10 Wide Impulse (Special Weapon) AF16-RA Assault Rifle ZER-GUN (Special Weapon) Mission #5: ___ _ / __| ___ __ _ _ _ __| |_ \__ \/ -_) _` | '_/ _| ' \ |___/\___\__,_|_| \__|_||_| Weapons I used: AF18 Assault Rifle: For the bugs Cascade 1 Rocket Launcher or any other Rocket Launcher: For the gunships Description: From the EDF Command Center: "We regret to inform you that we have no choice but to officially recognize the Ravagers as a full invasion force." An assault on the Ravagers will begin at once. Air forces around the world will team up to perform a joint strike their spacecraft fleet. Meanwhile, ground infantry units are to seek out and eliminate the giant bugs on the ground. When the level starts you will be told that your job is to take out the enemies on the ground while they attack the enemies in the air. So you must head towards the concentration of red on your radar and confront the Black Terror Ants. Over the course of fighting them you will hear the reporter talking about how the EDF is attacking the Mothership and then how the Mothership deploys countless warships. You will then hear how the EDF Fighters are being rapidly destroyed and how the attack on the Mothership was a failure. You will then be told to retreat as the gunships are heading towards you. You must now destroy the enemy gunships. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NEW ENEMY ENCOUNTER ___ ___ _ _ | _ \__ ___ ____ _ __ _ ___ _ _ / __|_ _ _ _ __| |_ (_)_ __ | / _` \ V / _` / _` / -_) '_| | (_ | || | ' \(_-< ' \| | '_ \ |_|_\__,_|\_/\__,_\__, \___|_| \___|\_,_|_||_/__/_||_|_| .__/ |___/ |_| ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Ravager gunship is a flying spaceship with a silver color. It is equipped with multiple laser cannons which it will shoot at you when it flies down upon you. You may destroy them with whatever type of weapon you please. Assault rifles work good when they fly close and sniper and rocket launchers are also very effective against them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you look forward you will see that a very large number of gunships just appeared right in front of you and to clear the mission you must destroy them all. Fire your rocket launcher or sniper rifle to kill them before they get to close. When they do get close you can use your assault rifle to take them out. The ships have the habit of flying around you and then stopping to shot so use this time to take them out before they fire. Also keep moving throughout the entire fight. Once they are all dead the mission is complete. Weapons I got: Firecracker 2 (Special Weapon) C24 Bomb (Special Weapon) AF-V Assault Rifle AF16 Assault Rifle Mission #6: _ _ __ /_\ (_)_ _ / _|___ _ _ __ ___ / _ \| | '_| _/ _ \ '_/ _/ -_) /_/ \_\_|_| |_| \___/_| \__\___| Description: The joint air force has been annihilated by the gunships. Air supremacy is now in the hands of the enemy. The enemy mothership continues to float above the city launching a fleet of gunships. The city will be destroyed unless they are stopped at once. Attack the gunships and give the civilians time to evacuate. Weapons I used: AF18 Assault Rifle: For the bugs and gunships A Sniper or Rocket Launcher for the gunships. When the level starts you will be shown a mini cut scene of the mothership and you will see how the gunships are pouring out of it. When the level starts your camera is locked on the mothership and how the gunships are pouring out of it. After you defeat the first wave the mothership will unleash more gunships. After you defeat this second wave yet another wave will be let out of the mothership. After you defeat this third wave the mission is complete. Weapons I got: Splash Grenade Buffalo G3 Burst Shotgun MMF42 Sniper Rifle Lysander Sniper Rifle Mission #7: _____ _ _ |_ _|_ _| |_____ __| |_____ __ ___ _ | |/ _` | / / -_) _` / _ \ V V / ' \ |_|\__,_|_\_\___\__,_\___/\_/\_/|_||_| Description: The Ravagers' large UFOs are deploying giant bugs around the globe. It appears these UFOs act something like aircraft carriers. If we don't stop the UFOs, the giant bugs will continue to cause more damage. These UFOs need to be taken down at once. Weapons I used: AF18 Assault Rifle Lysander Sniper Rifle As the level starts you will be shown a cutscene of the dropships dropping of the giant bugs and you are told how they must be destroyed. As you gain control of character you will see a dropship in front of you dropping down the giant bugs. Immediately use your sniper and aim for the reddish spot where the bugs are coming out of as that is it's week spot and fire at it until the color vanishes and ship begins to fall. ----------------------------------------------------- NEW ENEMY ENCOUNTER (Well sort of new) ___ _ _ ___ | __| |_ _(_)_ _ __ _ / __| __ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ | _|| | || | | ' \/ _` | \__ \/ _` | || / _/ -_) '_| |_| |_|\_, |_|_||_\__, | |___/\__,_|\_,_\__\___|_| |__/ |___/ ----------------------------------------------------- The Ravagers' Flying Saucers or UFOs are their transport ships. They stay up in the sky and their bottom part opens up and anything form giant bugs to enemy robots can fall from it. This is also though it's weak spot. When it's underside doors open you can attack any part of this reddish opening and the UFO will be hurt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You probably won't be able to destroy one of them right away but just wait and kill the bugs until it opens again and fire at it until the ship comes falling to the ground. Once these two ships are destroyed and all the enemies they dropped your mission is complete. Weapons I god: ZER-GUN (Special Weapon) Wideshot VR Shotgun Mission #8: __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ | \/ |___| |__(_) (_)_____ _| |_(_)___ _ _ | |\/| / _ \ '_ \ | | |_ / _` | _| / _ \ ' \ |_| |_\___/_.__/_|_|_/__\__,_|\__|_\___/_||_| Description: The UFOs have been successfully destroyed, but the remaining bugs need to be eliminated. However, there are reports of more UFOs heading this way. Despite having taken down the last fleet, it's clear that they still pose a considerable threat, If the reports are correct, you are to join the Ranger Teams in battle and combine your forces. Weapons I used: AF18 Cascade 1 or Volcano 3W-Burst or basically any other rocket launcher For this level just follow your radar towards the group of red dots. Once you get their eliminate all of the black ants. Once you eliminate them another group will appear on your radar. Head over to this group and defeat all of them. One you defeat this group you are told to meet up with Ranger 5 who are in battle with more of the bugs so head on over to them and defeat all of the black ants around them. After you defeat these ants you hear word that the mothership has arrives with some UFOs. You will have to destroy two UFOs which will fly towards you but one to the right and the other to the left. Once you destroy these UFOs and the bugs they release the mission will be cleared. Weapons I found: Goliath D1 Rocket Launcher Sparrow Shot Shotgun Lysander Sniper Rifle UMRA Grenade Launcher Buffalo G3 Burst Shotgun Y10 Wide Impulse (Special Weapon) AF18 Assault Rifle Mission #9: _____ |_ _|___ _ __ _ __ ___ __ ____ _ | |(_-< || / _` / _` \ V V / _` | |_|/__/\_,_\__, \__,_|\_/\_/\__,_| |___/ Description: We have reports of a new type of Ravager soldier, dubbed Walking Arms. They look like giant shiny silver robots. They are currently assembling at the Tsugawa Inlet and Senjogahara. We will split into two units and attack them at both locations. Storm 1 is to take part in the Tsugawa Inlet defense. The enemy is to be destroyed before they reach Japanese soil. Storm 1 and 5 will be our assault teams. Weapons I used: Lysander Sniper Rifle Goliath D1 Rocket Launcher ----------------------------------------------------- NEW ENEMY ENCOUNTER __ __ _ _ _ _ \ \ / /_ _| | |_(_)_ _ __ _ /_\ _ _ _ __ ___ \ \/\/ / _` | | / / | ' \/ _` | / _ \| '_| ' \(_-< \_/\_/\__,_|_|_\_\_|_||_\__, | /_/ \_\_| |_|_|_/__/ |___/ ----------------------------------------------------- The Walking Arms also called Hektors by the EDF are large bipedal silver robots. It is equipped with a pair of lethal arm weapons that come in two varieties. The first is a plasma-based Gatling gun that has an extremely high rate of fire. The second is an artillery arm that is capable of lobbing explosive plasma orbs great distances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you start the mission you start away from the beach on the road. You must walk foward some and you get a good view of the beach. From this view you should be able to hit all of the robots with either a sniper or rocket. Just attack them all until they are destroyed and then the mission will be cleared. So just sniper all of the robots and kill any gunships that come near you. Weapons I got: None Mission #10: _ /_\ _ _ _ __ ___ / _ \| '_| ' \(_-< /_/ \_\_| |_|_|_/__/ Description: The enemy was successfully prevented from landing ashore at the Tsugawa Inlet. However, our defense forces at Senjogahara were destroyed , A large army of Walking Arms are about to invade the city. The city is in danger. All deployable troops are to converge on the city and intercept the enemy. Weapons I used: AF18 Assualt Rifle Lysander Sniper Rifle As you start the mission you are shown a mini cutscene of the walking arms marching through the city and destroying it as they move. Your mission will be to destroy these enemies. As you start you will see that there are many of them on your radar. You will see one directly in front of you and one marching towards you from the left. You must quickly move and begin firing at the one in front of you and then keep moving on to the next. Try and keep moving the entire time for they won't be able to hit you with their weapons and knock you down. The AF18 is rather effective against them along with a rocket launcher or sniper. About a whole clip of the AF18 will just kill one of them and when you are shooting at them with it they usually cannot hit you. Just get close, maybe even under them, and unload. When you kill all of them you will hear a news report about how a large nest of the giant bugs has been found in eastern Japan. Weapons I found: C24 Bomb (Special Weapon) Sparrow Shot Shotgun UMRA Grenade Launcher Stingray M2 Rocket Launcher ME3 Emerald Missile Y10 Wide Impulse (Special Weapon) Mission #11: ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _|_ _ / _(_) | |_ _ _ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _ | || ' \| _| | | _| '_/ _` | _| / _ \ ' \ |___|_||_|_| |_|_|\__|_| \__,_|\__|_\___/_||_| Description: We've got some terrible news. The giant bugs have begun to build an underground nest. If they begin to reproduce, this planet will be overrun by those bugs. The nest needs to be destroyed at once. We will infiltrate this nest and eliminate the giant bugs from within. Weapons I used: AF18 Goalith D1, others like the cluster grenade weapon or the Cascade would also be good. When the level starts a mini cutscene shows some of the underground tunnels and the black terror ants moving through them. When you gain control of Storm 1 you are in the tunnels and must move forward and begin to fight the bugs. After you kill this first group of black ants, continue through the tunnel and you will run into another. Eventually you will here about the teams are being overrun and you are ordered to kill all bugs in sight and retreat. Weapons I found: Firecracker 2 (Special Weapon) Goliath D1 Rocket Launcher Splash Grenade C24 Bomb (Special Weapon) Firecracker 3 (Special Weapon) Mission #12: ___ _ __ _ | _ \___(_)_ _ / _|___ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ _| |_ | / -_) | ' \| _/ _ \ '_/ _/ -_) ' \/ -_) ' \ _| |_|_\___|_|_||_|_| \___/_| \__\___|_|_|_\___|_||_\__| Description: The Ravagers' UFOs are deploying a new type of giant bug. They need to be destroyed before the situation gets out of hand. The Ranger teams are already engaged in combat. Reinforce them immediately. Weapons I used: AF18 Goliath D1 When you first start the level you will be shown a sceene of the UFOs deploying the new type of bugs which resemble spiders. You are told that you must eliminate them at once. ------------------------------------------------------------- NEW ENEMY ENCOUNTER _ _ _ ___ _ _ /_\ ______ __ _ _ _| | |_ / __|_ __(_)__| |___ _ _ ___ / _ \ (_-<_-