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Next update(s): Character/Officer analysis, Officers skill list. More walkthrough tips. G a m e M e n u O p t i o n s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Settings: Difficulty - Easy: Pretty self explanatory. The enemy in the game are very dumb in this mode. They do the least damage to you in this mode. You start off with more supplies in your bar in each scenario. I would only play this to collect officers with ease. Do not play this if your trying to increase your characters stats. You get a -20% penalty when you complete a scenario which is not good for raising stats. Normal: The games normal mode. Enemy do normal damage to you and actually fight back! Scenario supply line are regular. You get no bonuses when completing a scenario in Normal. Hard: Things get interesting here. Enemy AI are smarter. They chase you around for awhile which means you can fight mobs of enemies at at time. Enemy health and attack are increased by some, making them harder to kill them. Enemy officers are also aggressive and do good damage towards you. Supply lines are cut even less then Normal mode, which means you have to play your route carefully. For your efforts you will recieve a +20% bonus at the end of each scenario, making it a good character raising mode. Chaos: Like the name states its Chaotic! The enemy AI is real smart and are harder to kill. They also chase you around like in hard mode, nothing changes about that. The worst part about this mode is that the supply lines are the least in each scenario. You can't play this mode with some of the characters in the game because you need someone with good enemy killing musuo attack skills, which eliminates a lot of enemies at a time. You really have to clear a area quickly to survive a scenario in this mode. With all that work you do get the best bonus of all the modes. You'll recieve a whopping +50% bonus at each scenario for your efforts. Making it the best mode to raise officer and character stats. Enemy Life: Displays enemy's life over there head. I would leave this on so you can see how much life they have left. C o n t r o l s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Change button configuration. The only thing I would change is the Bow Control to Normal. Directional Pad: Up/Down - Selecting a officer Right - Use Officer Battle Skills (in game) Analog: Character, Menu, Bow movement. Shoulder Buttons: L: Guard attacks Parry (while gaurding press Triangle) Shift move (strafing): While holding L move the analog. Somersault: Press L quickly when your knocked down. (in game) R: Hold R to use Bow attacks Square: Regular arrow. Triangle: Increased arrow strength, stops enemy movement. Circle: Volley, only when Musou gauge is full. Buttons: Triangle - Charge attack (in game). Resume (in scenario menu). Go back (in game menu). Mount/Dismount horse/elephant (in game). Circle - Musou charge/attacks (in game). Display scenario options (in scenario menu). Mount/Dismount horse/elephant (in game). X - Jump (in game). Enter (game menu/scenario menu). Square - Regular attack (in game). Dast attack (in game). To Dash Attack you have to run in 7 or more uninterrupted steps to execute. Mount/Dismount horse/elephant (in game). S o u n d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BGM Volumn: Higher/lower the background music. SE Volumn: Higher/lower the sound effects. Sound Test: Listen to the games music. You have to unlock it to access this. To unlock this beat the game with 1 character from each of the Forces (Wu, Wei, ans Shu). Tracklist: 01 - Yellow Turbans - Dancing Wizard 02 - Hu Lao Gate - The Wall of Fate 03 - Guan Du - In Full Bloom 04 - Chi Bi - Cry for Wind 05 - He Fei - Interceptor 06 - Wu Zhang Plains - Sacred Night 07 - Chang Ban - Hold Down 08 - Yi Ling - Avenging Battle 09 - Xu Chang - Desperate Scheme 10 - Lu Bu's Theme - DW Fire Mix - 11 - Nanman Theme - The Seventh Hardship 12 - Assault - Heavy Gauge 13 - Skirmish - Bloodshed to Repeat 14 - Advantage - Gain Ground 15 - Conquest - Straight Ahead 16 - Defeat - The Verge of Despair 17 - Last Stand - Eve 18 - Crisis - Limit of Ability 19 - Worthy Opponent - My Bad Fellow 20 - Enemy General - Dark Angel 21 - Enemy Base - Stabbed Vicious Lump 22 - Main Title - DW Blade Mix - 23 - Character Select - Look Alive! 24 - Stage Title - The History Will Tell 25 - Info Screen - The Road to ... 26 - Drive Back - Defeat! 27 - Rout - Deathblow - DW China Mix - 28 - Victory Jubilee - DW China Mix - 29 - Defeat - In Conclusion - DW China Mix - 30 - Results - Afterimage 31 - Game Over - Thx 4 Your Play - DW China Mix - 32 - Officers - Long Time Ago 33 - Select Mode - The Entrance 34 - Intro - Opening - DW Steel Mix - 35 - Ending - Look Back 36 - Credits - Ending Medley G a m e M o d e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Musou Mode: The games main mode. Choose the force for which you will fight The stages and characters available will change according to the force you choose. The game has 3 forces (Wei, Wu, Shu) and 1 special forces (Other). To unlock these 'Other' characters beat the game with 1 character from each of the forces in Musou. Free Mode: Select a scenario to play. When you complete a scenario in Musou mode it can be played in Free Mode. Characters available will increase as certain conditions are met in Musuo Mode as well. O f f i c e r s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Avaliable Officers: Displays all officers you have accumulated so far. Trade Officers: You can trade officers with someone else who has the game via memory stick. Biography: View the biography of all officers you have accumulated so far. Player characters will not appear in the biography as long as they have not joined as officers after a stage was cleared. If you know more about your officers you can deploy them more effectively (I have no indication of this, got it from the manual). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W a l k t h r o u g h This FAQ is for Musou mode which is the games main mode. Also it focuses on the Chaos difficulty which is the games hardest mode (and most rewarding). This isn't exactly a 'how-to' FAQ meaning I don't give you play by play directions. I just give you tips on how to defeat each scenario with my experience playing them. I give you my route which I took to beat each area. You may take your own route but things might differ if you do. I'll add more strategys in the future to help you even more. I'll also take e-mails from people who would like to add there 2 cents in too. Make sure you list your route and any other important notes. How to read the routes: It's like reading a map. You go vertically (down) and horizontally (across). So for example the start area for Yellow Turban Rebellion (Han Forces scenario) is 7-3. Read the numbers going down to 7 and 3 going across to find it correctly. Symbols Description: S - Start area (after the initial fight at the begining) B - Your Main Ally Base D - Supply Depots M - Moral Boost areas E - Enemy Main Camp [ ] - Open Field > - One way Right ^ - One way Up < - One way Left v - One way Down T h e Y e l l o w T u r b a n R e b e l l i o n TYTR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Han Forces Scenario ~ ----------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [D]--- ---[M]-------[E] | | | | | 2 | [ ]--[M]--- | |____ | | | | | | | 3 ---[ ] | | [ ]--[D] [ ]--[M] | | | | | | 4 | [D] [ ]--[M]--[ ]--- | | | | 5 | [ ]--[ ]--[ ]-------[D] | | | | 6 [ ]--[D]-------[ ]--[M]--- ____| | | 7 | [S]-------[ ]--- | | | 8 [B]-------- ---[ ]--[D] My route: 6-3, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 4-5, 3-5, 3-6, 3-8, 1-8 Chaos Difficulty: ** Notes: The first stage is kind of easy even in Chaos mode. If your using a startup character it might be a little rough getting use to the tougher enemies and higher ranking officers. I would equip some characters with the Fill Musuo skill to eliminate the hordes with ease. I would eliminate as many high officers to collect for your list before ending the stage. 4-3: For supplies which you might need for Chaos. 4-5: Avoid the high levels unless you got a good startup character with a good Musou attack that hits many enemies at a time. 5-7: Supply depot (if you need it) 3-6: Supply depot (if you need it) 1-8: Look out for the fire traps on the ground. Stear clear of them or you will take some damage. Eliminate the high level officers to drop moral quicker. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Yellow Turbans Scenario ~ --------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [ ]--[ ]--[ ]-------[ ]--[E] | | | | 2 [D]--[ ]--- [ ]--[ ]--[D] | | | | 3 [M]--- [ ]--[ ]-------[ ] | | | 4 [ ]--[ ]--[M]--[ ] [ ] | | | | 5 [ ]--- [ ] --------[D] | | 6 ---[M] --------[D] | | | 7 | --------[ ]------------[M] | | 8 [B]------------[S] My route: 7-4, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, 5-8, 4-5, 1-8 Chaos Difficulty: ** Notes: Pretty easy if you use a good enemy dispatching character. The goal here is to quickly finish each area battle because supplys are limited. The route I took leave open many places to advance quicker to the enemy base. Again I would use Roar + for the 4-5 fight. Another good stage to collect many officers as possible because it's so easy. 7-4: After fight move to 4-3 4-5: Use Roar + to make this quicker B a t t l e o f H u L a o G a t e BOHLG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Allied Forces Scenario ~ -------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 ---[M]--- >--------[M] | | ^| | 2 [ ] [D] [ ]-------[M]--[ ]--- | | | | | | 3 [ ] ---[ ]--[D]-- [E]--[M] | | 4 | [D] ---[M]--[D] | | | | 5 ---[ ]--[ ]--[ ]--[ ]--[D]--- | | | | 6 [ ]--- | [D]-------[ ] | | |____ 7 | ---[S] | | | | 8 [M]--[ ]--[ ]-------[ ]-------[B]--[ ] My route: 5-4, 4-4, 4-5, 3-4, 2-3, 3-5, 2-6, 1-6, 2-6, 2-7, 3-7 Chaos Difficulty: **** Notes: If you have Zhang Fei I would use him. His Fill Musou/Ordinance combo is great. For chaos I would use a Steward character because the supplies are super limited. Also when capturing a depot your supplies wont run low because of the healing. Also stay away from all high level officers and liberate each stage quickly as possible. Roar + is very helpful here. 5-4: Use Roar + 4-4: Use Roar + if available. 5-5: After fight take this route for the Supply depot at 5-6. For Chaos. Use Roar + here if available. 5-3: Take this route for the Supply depot at 4-2. For Chaos. 4-5: Quick fight for healing if necessary (I needed it). After the fight you might have to go back to 3-2 supply depot or else it will be taken. 2-3: Much needed supply depot (for Chaos difficulty) after 3-4 fight 3-5: After this fight go back to 2-3 supply depot to increase your supply. 2-6: Enemy - Lv 5. Lu Bu - Run away from him! He is too strong for you to fight. Just lower the enemy moral down to 0. 2-7: Enemy - Lv 5. Lu Bu - again stay away from him. 3-7: Use Roar + if available. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Dong Zhuo's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [ ]--[E]-------[ ]-------[ ]--[ ]--[M] |____ | | 2 | [ ]--- | | | | 3 [ ]-------[ ] | ---[ ] | | | | 4 ---[D]--[ ]--[ ]--[ ]--[ ]--- | | | | 5 [D]--[M]--- [D] | | | 6 [D]--[B] ---[ ]--[ ]--- [ ] | | | | | | 7 ---[ ]--[M]-------[ ]--[D] [ ] | |v | | 8 [M]-<----<- ---[M]--- My route: 6-5, 5-5, 5-4, 4-5, 4-4, 4-3, 3-2, 1-1, 1-2 Chaos Difficulty: * Notes: Pretty easy if you use a good startup character like Diao Chan. A great officer to use with her is Zhu Rong. She has great abilities attached to her like Life ++, Roar +, and Field Medic. In terms of the stage its nothing to hard. If you dont finish some battles like the 5-5 one other officers will invade the area. Other then that this stage is a cakewalk. 5-5: Sun Jian will be low in health so you can quickly kill him if you use Strike + on yourself. If you kill him you can liberate this area quickly. 5-4: Heal up if necessary. 4-5: Use Roar + here to end this quickly. 4-3: Supply Depot 1-2: Use Roar + when its available B a t t l e o f C h a n g B a n BOCB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Liu Bei's Forces Scenario ~ ----------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [E] | 2 [D]--- [M]-------[M] | | 3 [ ]--[ ]--[ ]--[ ] | | | 4 ---[ ] [ ]--[ ] | | | | 5 ---[ ] [ ]--[ ]-------[ ]--[ ] | | | | 6 ---[ ] ---[S]-------[ ] [ ] | | | | | 7 [ ] ---[ ]-------[ ] ---[ ] [D] | | 8 [B] [ ]--[D] My route: 6-7, 6-8, 7-8, 6-5, 7-3, 6-2, 5-3, 4-4, 3-4, 2-3, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 2-7, 1-7 Chaos Difficulty: ***** Notes: This is insanely hard in Chaos. For starters you only have 3 supply depots, 2 in which will be constantly invaded by the enemy. They are scattered across the scenario making it hard very to defend each one. If you try to defend each your supply line will most likely run out. On top of the Supply Depots being invaded constantly your main base will also be invaded as well. Its just very hard to juggle all these things in Chaos mode. If your bold enough to try this on Chaos you need officers with Roar + skills. The fights are really big in most areas so Roar will come in handy. To save supplies you also need to equip a Steward and Ordinance skills. You need to use a character with good enemy clearing moves that eliminate many enemys at once to survive this stage. I would try this stage on Chaos in Free Mode but not in Musou Mode. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Dong Zhuo's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [D]--[ ] [E] | | 2 [D] [ ]--- [ ]-------[ ]--- [ ] | | | | | 3 [ ]--[ ]-------[ ]--- [ ]--- | | | | 4 [ ]--[ ]-------[ ]--[ ] [ ]--- | | | 5 | [D]--[ ] [ ]--- | | | 6 [S]--[ ]--[ ]--[ ] | | 7 [ ]-------[ ] ---[D] | 8 [B] My route: 6-4, 5-4, 5-3, 5-5, 7-6, 6-4, 6-3, 6-2, 7-2, 8-2, 6-5, 5-5, 3-7, 1-7, 1-8 Chaos Difficulty: ** Notes: Pretty simple scenario here. The map has many supply depots for you to get heal and supply. The only thing you have to worry about is the Lv.8 Zhang Fei at 3-7. One combo from him might nearly kill you. Officer usage is pretty much open. I would use Roar + for the main battle as usual. 5-3: Supply depot. Move freely over to 5-5 afterwards. 7-6: Supply depot. 3-7: You'll face a Lv.8 Zhang Fei here. Best to stay away from him. 1-8: Use Roar + here. Stay away from Lv.5 officer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Meng Huo's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [D]--[ ] [E] | | 2 [D] [ ]--- [M]-------[ ]--- [ ] | | | | | 3 [ ]--[ ]-------[ ]--- [ ]--- | | | | 4 [ ]--[ ]-------[ ]--[ ] [ ]--- | | | 5 | [D]--[ ] [ ]--- | | | 6 [S]-------[ ]--[ ] | | 7 [ ]-------[ ] ---[D] | 8 [B] My route: 6-4, 7-2, 8-2, 6-4, 6-5, 7-6, 8-2, 7-4, 6-4, 5-4, 5-3, 6-2, 6-5, 5-5, 4-6, 3-7, 2-8, 1-8 Chaos Difficulty: *** Notes: A little rough but not that bad. You have to equip some Roar officers to assure victory here. Supplys are about half bar so I would be careful not to take any excess damage when fighting. You do have to save your supply line so no healing or you'll probably lose (in Chaos). What makes it hard is that you have to protect your main base or else it's game over. Some backtracking will be done to protect your base. 6-7: Enemy 8-2: if you need health (i would save supplys and not heal) 5-3: Much needed supply depot. Use Roar + or + here at the start. 7-6: Supply depot 1-8: I would use all your Roars here. B a t t l e o f Y i L i n g BOYL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Wu Forces Scenario ~ ---------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [ ]--- [ ]->[ ]->[ ]-<[D] | | ^| ^| |v ^| 2 | ---[ ]->---->[ ]-<[D]-<[M]->[ ] | | |v ^| ^| |v 3 [D]--- [ ]--- [ ]->[ ]-<[ ]-<[ ] | | |v 4 ---[M]--[ ]--[D]-------[ ]-<[ ] | | | | | 5 | |____ ---[ ]--[ ] [D]--- | | | | | 6 [M] [ ]-------[M] | [E] | | | | 7 ---[S]--- ____| [ ] | | | 8 [B]-------[M]-------- My route: 6-1, 4-2, 3-1, 4-4, 4-6, 2-5, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 2-7, 2-6, 2-8, 3-8 3-7, 4-7, 5-7, 6-8 Chaos Difficulty: ** Notes: I found this stage quite easy. It's just a bunch of tedious hack fests. Theres plenty of supplys on the map for you to take. Just follow my route for easy victory. At some points the enemy will try to take over a supply depot. I just ignored it since you have plenty of supplys on your bar to spend. Besides theres a supply depot right before the last main enemy camp battle. Officers to use is pretty much up to you. I always use a Roar + officer for the main enemy camp battle. 3-1: Supply depot. 4-4: Supply depot. 2-6: Supply depot. 5-7: Supply depot. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Shu Forces Scenario ~ ----------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [D]-------[ ]-------[ ]--[E]--[M]--- | | |____ | 2 | ---[D]--- | [D] | | | | | 3 ---[ ] [M]-------[ ]--- [ ] | | | | | 4 ---- | ----[ ]--[M]--- | | | | 5 [ ]--[ ]--[M]--[ ]-- | | | | | 6 ---[D] ---[D]--- ---[ ]--- | | | | | 7 [B]---- | [S]--[ ]-------[D] | | | | 8 --[ ]-------[ ]-------[M] My route: 7-6, 6-7, 7-8, 7-6, 5-2, 5-1, 3-2, 1-1, 1-3, 1-5, 3-6, 4-7, 3-8, 2-8, 3-6, 1-5, 1-6 Chaos Difficulty: *** Notes: This is a little rough but doable if you have a decent enemy clearing character. Use a officer with Healer + because with you'll need the healing and to save supplys. The enemy will try to conquer some supply depots and your main camp so you'll be running around thru the map to protect them. Roar is always good for Chaos but not necessary. I beat it in Chaos without any Roar usage. The goal here is to quickly finish a area as fast as possible. You can't afford to waste any time on one area battle, you need the supplys for the last fight. About the route I decided to take the long way and fight small battles instead of going the short way and fight the huge battles. In the long run you save supply this way. 2nd 7-6: after fight move freely to 5-2 1-1: Supply Depot 2-8: Supply Depot - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Meng Huo's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 ---[ ]-------[E] | | | 2 | [ ] [ ] | | | 3 ---[ ]-------[M] ---[ ]--[D] | | | 4 [ ]-------[D] ---[ ]--[M]--[ ] | | | |v 5 [ ]--[M]--[ ]--[ ]--- [ ] | | | | |v 6 ---[ ]-------[M]--[ ]--[D] [D] | | | 7 [B]--[S]-------[M]-------- 8 My route: 7-6, 6-8, 6-7, 5-7, 4-7, 4-8, 2-8, 1-8 Chaos Difficulty: *** Notes: Sort of tough but with the proper officers its very beatable in Chaos. The enemy will try to conquer your supply depots. If they do then it's game over. I would use at least 3 Roar officers to make this a little easier. Steward would also be good here too but not necessary. For the enemy main camp you must have all Roars available (thats the way I won this). Hopefully you have a character with an excellent Musou attack. You'll be needing it to eliminate has many enemies has possible. Make sure you are somewhat surrounded and use the Musou. Thats a good way to lower lots of enemy moral. Meng Huo does this best. Fill Musuo is another great skill to have on your character. 7-6: Use Roar + 6-8: Supply Depot. Use Roar to save supply. 6-7: Supply Depot. 4-7: Use all Roar's you have, end this quickly. 1-8: By the time you get here you should have some Roars available. Use a lot of Musou on a gang of enemies to drop enemy moral. Never fight a single higher level enemy. Let them chase you and find many small level enemies that are grouped together. When everyone is close together unleash your Musou. You should see the moral bar lower by a lot. You have to finish this before the enemy invades your supply or else its game over. B a t t l e o f W u Z h a n g P l a i n s BOWZP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Wei Forces Scenario ~ ----------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [M]--[ ]--- ---[E] |v | | 2 [ ]--[ ]--[M] --------[M] | | | | 3 ---[ ]-<----<[ ]--[ ] ---[ ] | | | | 4 [ ]-<----<[ ]--[D] [ ]--[ ]-------- | | | | | 5 ---[ ]-<[M] | | [ ]--[ ] [M] | |v | | | | | 6 [ ]--[M]-<- [ ] [M]->[ ] | | | | |v |v | | | 7 [D] ---[S]--[M]--[D]--- ---[ ] | | | 8 [B]--- ---[ ]--[ ] My route: 7-4, 5-6, 5-7, 7-8, 5-8, 5-7, 5-6, 6-6, 7-5, 7-8, 5-8, 4-6, 4-5, 3-5, 3-4, 4-4, 2-7, 1-8 Chaos Difficulty: ***** Notes: Wow this is really hard. I would not recommend playing this on Chaos with a startup character. You start off with a good amount of supplies but at some point the enemy will try to take your supply depots at certain points. Also the enemy will try to take over your main camp. Because of this you have very little time to fight any higher level enemies due to the limited supplies. Time is your main enemy on this stage. If you have a experienced character then I would attempt playing this on Chaos. If not then drop it down to Hard or Normal modes. You get more supplies by doing this but less bonus at completion. Use officers with Roar + or this will be very hard. Makes the fights easier especially on the higher difficulties. 7-4: Free move 7-6: Free move 5-8: Use Roar +. Backtrack to 7-5 supply depot afterwards. 7-5: After fight work your way back to 7-8. 4-6: Use Roar +. End this quick to get to 4-4 depot. 4-4: Supply depot - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Shu Forces Scenario ~ ----------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [D]--[ ]-------- [E]--- | | | | 2 >---[D]--[ ]--[ ] ---[M]--- [ ] ^| | | | 3 ^| ---[ ]--[M]--[ ]--- [M]--- ^| | ^| | | | 4 ^| [ ]<-[ ] [ ] ---[D]--- ^| | | | | | 5 [ ]--[ ] | | [M]->[ ]--- | | | | | 6 ---[M]--[ ] [D]--[ ]->---->[ ] | | | | 7 [ ]---- [S]--[ ]->---->[ ]--- | | | | 8 [B]-------- [M]--[ ]--[ ] My route: 6-3, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 1-4, 1-3, 2-6, 1-7 Chaos Difficulty: ***** Notes: This is a real challenge in Chaos. You start with little supply at your disposal which makes things real hard. Luckily I beat this in Chaos by using all Roar officers I had available. I used Zhu Rong for her Roar + and Life ++, Field Medic is always great too. Also I used Sha Moke because he's the only avaiable Roar officer I had enough points to use (My character was Lu Bu). I believe he brings Juggernauts (the flame shooting units) into the battlefield which helps the fight. Make sure you fight near them for the extra support. 6-3: After fight move to 2-2 freely 2-2: Supply Depot 1-3: Supply Depot 2-6: Use Roar here. Save Roar + for the last fight. 1-7: Use Roar +. Your Roar should be available after awhile; use it. B a t t l e o f C h i B i BOCB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Sun Jian's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 ---[M]--- ---[M]--[E] | | | | | 2 [ ]--[E]--[M]---- [ ]--[ ]--- | | | | 3 ---[M]--- [D]--[ ] [ ]--[ ]--[M] | | | | | 4 [ ]--[M]--[ ]--[ ]--[ ]--[M]--[ ] | | | | 5 [ ]--[ ] | | | | | 6 | --------[ ]--[ ]--[D] | | | | 7 ---[M]--[ ]--[S]--- ---[ ]--- | | | | | 8 [ ]-------[B]-------[ ]--[ ]--[M] My route: 6-6, 6-7, 6-8, 4-8, 3-8, 3-7, 2-6, 2-5, 3-5, 3-4, 1-5, 2-3, 2-2 Chaos Difficulty: *** Notes: This is rough if you don't use a good killing character. You start off with a almost full amount of supplys. The bad news is that you only have 1 supply depot to take meaning that you don't have any other chances to fill your supply line. With this being said I would equip officers with Roar + and a other Roar just for good measure. Obviously the goal here is to quickly finish each area in the route. Hopefully your using a good enemy clearing character to make this happen. One on one fights with the enemy is pretty useless. Look for groups of enemys that are clumped together and eliminate them. This will drop enemy moral by a lot. 6-8: Supply Depot, already taken by allys. 3-4: Supply Depot B a t t l e o f H e F e i BOHF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Wei Forces Scenario ~ ----------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [D]-------[ ] | | 2 ---[M]--[E] | | | | 3 -------------[ ]--[ ]-------[ ] | | | 4 [ ]-------[ ]-------[ ] [M]--[D]--- | ____| | | 5 | | | | | | | | 6 [ ]--[ ]-------[ ]--[ ]--[M]-------[ ] | | | | | | 7 [D] | --[D] ---[M]---- | | | | | | 8 [B]--[ ]---- --[S] My route: 6-5, 6-4, 7-4, 8-2, 7-1, 6-1, 4-1, 3-4, 2-5, 1-5, 2-5, 2-6 Chaos Difficulty: ** Notes: My route has many free moves to advance to the enemies main base. I found it quite easy in Chaos mode, even using a startup character to. Officers I used was Zhang Fei for his Roar + for the main enemy base fight, makes things somewhat easier. His Fill Musou will come in handy too if you get ganged up. I also used a Steward officer which is essential for Chaos. Even though the supply line his half filled I would still use it. For defense I used He Jin for his Defense +. If you got a Defense ++ use so. Third character is optional I suppose. Rally is a good option. 7-6: Free move 6-4: Fight this one thru. Your allys will capture a Supply depot. 6-5: Finish this quickly. Avoid the high ranks. 7-4: Free Heal/Supplies. 8-1: Free move/and Free Heal/Supplies 7-1: Free move and Free Heal/Supplies 6-1: Free move 4-1: Free move 3-4: Free move 2-5: Fight this one thru too. Your allys will capture the Supply depot at 1-6. 1-5: Much needed large supply depot for the last fight (if you didnt capture it automatically at 2-5) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Wu Forces Scenario ~ ---------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [D]-------[ ]--[ ]--[D] |v | | | 2 ---[ ]--[M]--[ ]--[ ] [E]--[ ] | |v | | 3 [ ]-------[ ] [ ]-------[M] | | | | 4 [ ] | [M]--[ ]--- | | | ^|_<__ 5 [ ]--[M]-------[ ]--[D]--[ ] | | | | | ^| 6 [ ] ____| [ ] ---[M]->- | | | | 7 [S]--[ ]--[B]-------[ ] [ ] | | |_________| 8 [D]--- My route: 7-2, 7-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-4, 5-6, 4-6, 3-6, 1-6, 1-4, 1-7, 1-8, 2-7 Chaos Difficulty: *** 1/2 Notes: Rough at first but it gets easier as you go along. The route I took you fight 2 huge battles at 5-4 and 5-5. I would suggest Roar + usage here to alliviate things. To survive this scenario you have to capture all 3 supply depots to win. Hopefully your using a good enemy killing character; if not this will be super tough. If you try a different route then the one I put up you have a strong chance of the enemy capturing your supply depots. So backtracking will have to be done which is not good when it comes to the supply line, which will decrease. 5-4: Huge battle. Enemy will invade this so use your Roar + 5-5: Supply depot. Another big battle here. Use Roar + when available 1-4: Supply depot 1-8: Supply depot 2-7: Use Roar + when available - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Dong Zhuo's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 --------[E]--[D] | | | 2 ---[ ]--[ ] ---[ ] | | | | 3 [D]-------[M]-------[ ]--[M]-------[ ] | | | 4 ---[ ] [ ] [ ]--- | | | 5 [ ]--[M] [D]-<[ ]-<[ ] | |v | 6 [D]->[S]--[ ]-<- | | | | | 7 ---[ ] [ ]--[ ]-------[M] | 8 [D] My route: 6-4, 7-3, 6-2, 6-4, 7-4, 7-5, 7-7, 5-7, 5-6, 5-5, 7-4, 7-5, 4-6, 3-8, 1-8, 1-7 Chaos Difficulty: ** Notes: Another simple scenario even in Chaos. You have enough supplys to go around the map and collect officers for you to use. You just have to be careful when the enemy trys to capture your supply depots. Some backtracking have to be done to protect them. 6-4: Fight this one thru. Your allys will capture a Supply depot at some point, increasing your supplies. 6-2: Supply depot. 5-5: Supply depot. Use Roar + to finish this quicker. 2nd 7-5: move freely to 4-6 1-8: Supply depot. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Meng Huo's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [ ]--[ ]--[E]--- | | | 2 | [D]-------[ ] | | 3 [ ]--[M]------------[M]--[ ]--- |v | | 4 | [ ]--[ ]--[ ] [D]--[ ] |v ____| | | | 5 ---[ ] | | ---[ ]--- | | | | 6 [ ]--[M]--[ ]--- [ ]--- [S]--[ ] | | | | | | | 7 [B]--[ ]--[D]--[ ]--[ ]--[ ]--- [M] | | 8 [D] [D] My route: 7-6, 8-6, 4-8, 4-7, 7-5, 7-4, 7-2, 6-1, 5-2, 4-5, 5-2, 3-6, 2-4, 1-4 Chaos Difficulty: * Notes: This is a piece of cake because you start off with a near healthy supply line. Also theres a lot of supplies throughout the map. You can probably finish this with even a good startup character in chaos. Officers to use is pretty much optional to you. I prefer to use a Steward type so you wont lower your nice supply line and a medic/healer type for the big battles. Make sure you kill a lot of enemy officers to add to your roster before finishing the stage. 8-6: Supply Depot 4-7: Supply Depot 7-3: Supply Depot 6-1: Big battle. Heal up afterwards. 5-2: Move free over to 4-5 afterwards. 4-5: I would go back to 5-2 and fight the high level officers here. If you have enough time to kill them that is because enemy moral is 0. Move freely over to 3-6 afterwards. 3-6: Big battle here. This area is close quarters so run around til your Musou bar is full and use it on a group of enemies. 2-4: Supply Depot 1-4: Huge battle but with the 600 supplies you picked up at 2-4 you should have more then enough Supplies to finish this stage comfortably. B a t t l e o f G u a n D u BOGD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Cao Cao's Forces Scenario ~ ----------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [M]--[E] | | 2 [D]--[ ]--- [ ]--- [ ] | | | 3 [ ]-------[ ]--[M]--[ ]--[M]--- | | | | 4 [ ]--[M]--- | | | | | | 5 | [M]--- ---[M]--[D] | | | | | 6 [ ] | [ ]--[S]--[M]--- | | | | 7 ---[ ] | --[ ] | | | 8 ---[B]---- My route: 6-6, 5-6, 5-7, 5-6, 3-6, 3-5, 2-4, 2-3, 2-6, 3-7, 2-8, 1-8 Chaos Difficulty: *** Notes: A little rough but nothing to hard. You do have to stratagize your officers for survival. I used a healer like Da Qiao or Xiao Qiao for the essential Healing + for Chaos. I also used Yang Feng for his Steward/Dispel combo, you'll need it to save supplies and dispel for the higher officers. A Fill Musou officer wouldn't hurt either. A Roar + character is needed for the rough fights and for the preemptive invasion that may occur. 6-6: Quickly drop moral to save supply time. 5-7: Supply depot. Use Roar + to make this quicker. 3-6: Take this route for the huge supply at 2-3 1-8: You should have more moral then the enemy. Also you should have enough supply to fight this area. Clear out the main enemies before trying to fight the high level officers. Use Dispel to negate the higher officers boosts. Use Roar + as usual. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Dong Zhuo's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 [D]-------[ ]--[ ]-------[ ] | | | | 3 ---[ ]--- | [E]--[ ] | | | 4 [M]--[ ] [ ]-------[M] | | | 5 [ ]--- [ ]--[ ]--[ ]--[ ] | | | 6 [ ]--[D] [ ]--- [ ]--[D] | | | | 7 [B]--[ ]--[S] [ ]--[ ] 8 My route: 6-4, 7-5, 7-3, 6-3, 7-3, 7-4, 6-4, 7-5, 7-6, 6-6, 6-7, 5-7, 4-7 3-7, 3-6 Chaos Difficulty: ***** Notes: Wow in Chaos this is very hard, especially with a startup character. For starters you begin the stage with a huge 6 enemy area fighting spirit. Supply bar is about half-filled so you have to end this quickly. Equip officers with Roar's because you'll be needing them. The enemy will try to takeover your supply depot at 6-3 several times. Meaning you have to backtrack to this depot a few times or else you'll lose some precious supply. This is a way to get some more supply time. The key to quickly finishing a area is to eliminate the high level officers on the battlefield. Good skills to equip is the Strike ++ to decimate the higher levels in little time. If your brave to do this stage on Chaos all the power to you. I had to drop it down to Hard mode to finish it. I would play this in Chaos on Free Mode with a good enemy clearing character like Meng Huo (one of my fav). Opening fight: Big fight so I would use Roar + or whatever officer you have with it. Eliminate the high officers with Strike ++. 6-3: Supply depot which will be attacked several times by the enemy. Come back here when the enemy has invaded or else you'll lose the supply depot and lose supply. 6-7: Supply depot 3-6: Use Roar + when its available. Go after the high ranking officers. Use Strike ++ on them. B a t t l e f o r N a n Z h o n g BFNZ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Meng Huo's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [ ]--[M]--[E] | | 2 [M]-------[ ]--- [ ] | | | 3 [ ]--[ ] ---[ ] ---[M] [D] | | | | | | 4 [D] | [ ]-------[ ] | | | | | | | 5 [ ] [ ] [S]---- [ ]--- | | | | | 6 | [M]--[ ] |___ | | | | | | 7 [B]--- ---[D] [ ]--- 8 My route: 6-4, 7-2, 4-4, 3-5, 2-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8 Chaos Difficulty: * Notes: Talk about easy. Even in Chaos this was a piece of cake. If your using Meng Huo it makes it even easier. His Musou attack is fantastic for clearing enemies and the damage is great. Making dropping enemy moral even easier. Officers to use is really up to you on this stage. Nothing much more to say here. 7-2: Free heal. B a t t l e o f X u C h a n g BOXC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Dong Zhuo's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [ ]->---->[M]--[D] [E]--[ ] ^| | | | 2 --<[ ]-<[ ] [ ]--[M]--- | | 3 [ ]-------[ ]--[D] [ ]--[ ] | | | 4 [ ] --------[ ] [ ]--[M] | | | | | 5 [ ]--[ ]--- [M]--[ ]--[ ] [ ] | | | | | | 6 ---[D] [S]--[ ] | [D] | | | | | | 7 [B]-- ---[ ]-------- 8 My route: 5-3, 4-5, 3-5, 3-4, 4-2, 1-3, 1-5, 1-6, 2-6, 2-7, 1-7 Chaos Difficulty: **** Notes: Another challenging scenario. Your supply bar is filled mostly on this stage. Equipping Roar ++ is pretty essential to winning. What make this scenario hard is that there are many high level officers scattered thru the area. In the later parts the enemy will invade your area sometimes, making things a little rough. You have to pretty much quickly end each area because your supply line will be drained by fighting these high level officers from the later areas. As you know you can lower a lot of enemy moral by killing the high levels, which is the key to ending a area quicker. Equip a officer with Recovery + and Healing which will help you a lot. 3-5: Supply depot 1-5: Big battle. Use Roar + 1-6: Supply depot 1-7: Use Roar + when available - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Meng Huo's Forces Scenario ~ ------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [ ]->---->[M]--[D] [E]--[ ] ^| | | | 2 -<-[ ]-<[ ] [ ]--[M]--- | | 3 [ ]-------[ ]--[D] [ ]--[ ] | | | 4 [ ] --------[ ] [ ]--[M] | | | | | 5 [ ]--[ ]--- [M]--[ ]--[ ] [ ] | | | | | | 6 ---[D] [S]--[ ] | [D] | | | | | | 7 [B]--- ---[ ]-------- 8 My route: 6-5, 7-6, 5-6, 5-7, 6-7, 4-7, 4-8, 3-8, 3-7, 2-7, 1-8, 2-6 1-6, 1-7 Chaos Difficulty: *** Notes: The final stage is a little rough if you don't use some officers that have Life ++ and Roar +, the key to winning this stage. Equip officers with these skills. Fill Misuo also will be good for runaway Misou tactics. I did a different route before I did the route I listed above and I find that you can be invaded up to 3 times by different enemy officers making it very hard. Also the enemy steals some supplies with the other route I tried to do. With the route listed above I niether get triple invaded or supply jacked so I find it best route possible (in Chaos that is). 6-5: Use Roar + to finish this quicker. 6-7: Supply Depot. 4-7: Use Roar + to finish this quicker. 1-6: Supply Depot. 1-7: You should have your Roar + available (or soon) by the time you get here. When you do use it asap. Many archers roam here so be careful. Use the gang up Musuo tactic here to lower moral. Many other officers will join the frey here later on (if you don't kill them earlier). Best is to stay away from them and kill the lower health enemies that are grouped together. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright 2005 MJ (goforbrokehub@yahoo.com) This FAQ was created by MJ. It may freely be saved to your hard drive, or printed, if it is not used for monetary transactions. You may post it on a Website if you e-mail me first to inform me of this, no changes are made, and that I am given credit for this FAQ. I reserve the right to require any website hosting this work to remove it. Dynasty Warriors 2005 KOEI Co., Ltd.