/XXX\ XX XX XX X X XX XX XX X XX/ XX XX XXXXX X / XX XX XX X X X X XX /XXXX /XXXx /XXXx XXXXX\ XX X \ X X XX X XX X X X X XX X\ XX X XX\ X X XX X XX X XXXXXXX XX XX XX X X X X XX X XX X x X XX X/ XX \XXX/ \XX/X XX \XXXX \XXX/ \XXXX/ XXXX/ XX XX XX X/ Table of Contents I Opening Statements A Introduction B Thank You's C Versions II Items A Scrolls B Weapons C Armor D Accessories III Creatures A Neutral Creatures B Red Creatures C Blue Creatures D Green Creatures E Yellow Creatures IV Defense Creatures A Neutral Creatures B Red Creatures C Blue Creatures D Green Creatures E Yellow Creatures V Support Creatures A Neutral Creatures B Red Creatures C Blue Creatures D Green Creatures E Yellow Creatures VI Creatures with Territory abilities A Neutral Creatures B Red Creatures C Blue Creatures D Green Creatures E Yellow Creatures VII Creatures with First Attack ability A Neutral Creatures B Red Creatures C Blue Creatures D Green Creatures E Yellow Creatures To make it easier to get to desired section, please use the search function (CTRL F). Just type the corresponding Roman Numeral follow by 2 spaces and then the letter of the section you wish to see. (example: a search for "III B" will take you to the table of Red creatures. I Opening Statements =-=-=-=-=-=-=- I A Introduction =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Welcome to my Culdcept FAQ. There isn't anything new included in this FAQ, but I just wanted something to make it easier to compare the various cards that are included in the game. I have the cards categorized by type. and then sorted by cost. I hope it can be of assistance for some deck designs or even just for knowledge about how some of the cards can work. I need to throw out some thanks, because this wouldn't have been created without some help. =-=-=-=-=-=-= I B Thank you's =-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks to NEC: the makers of Culdcept (it has quickly become one of my favorite games). Also, a big thank you to ExMortis and his Card/Medal FAQ: It's a fantastic reference guide (especially for the cards that I do not currently possess) and has a lot of useful information. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/culdcept_card_medal.txt Also, I need to plug The Culdcept Forum website for its dedication to the game with some great people and enough information for anyone and everyone with an interest in the game. http://culdcept.proboards27.com/index.cgi Most importantly - I need to thank my wife for her love and support while I'm off playing my games and for just putting up with me in general. =-=-=-=-=- I C Versions =-=-=-=-=- Version 1.0 to 1.3 were rejected due to various formatting errors on my part I'm new to FAQ's and ended up having to learn as I went to finally get it straight and in good enough condition to be accepted by GameFAQs. The dates for these submitted versions was Feb 4 and 5, 2004. Version 1.4 was happily accepted on Feb 6, 2004. It just has the pure Basics(meat and potatoes) of this particular FAQ. It lists all Culdcept items by category and by how much G that each item card cost to play (plus effects) Version 1.5. (Feb 7, 2004) Its finessing time. Time to try an add a little style to the FAQ and try to give it a half-way descent looking title and straighten out the tables so that they line up a little bit better. Version 1.6 (Feb 8, 2004) Added Neutral creatures with cost, abilities and special types. Version 1.7 (Feb 10, 2004) Massive update - Added Red, Blue, and Green creatures with cost, abilities and special types. Version 1.8 (Feb 11, 2004) Added Yellow creatures. Added easier search design. Thanks for viewing, any questions, comments, constructive criticism please feel free to email me at: dragonmak2@sbcglobal.net Mark (dragonmak2) =-=-=-=-=- The FAQs =-=-=-=-=- II Items II A Scrolls Name Cost Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Bolt 40 ST=30 (Penetration). Critical hit to Blue creatures. Freeze 40 ST=30 (Penetration). Critical hit to Red creatures. Stone Hail 40 ST=30 (Penetration). Critical hit to Yellow creatures. Wind Cutter 40 ST=30 (Penetration). Critical hit to Green creatures. Sleep 40 Does status effect of "Sleep" to opponent. Death 80 Death to opponent (60%), Death to user's creature (40%) Hell Blaze 80 ST=40 (Penetration). Critical hit to creatures with 20 ST or less. Tearing Halo 80 ST=30 (Penetration). Critical hit when user's creature is not Neutral. Ignore item destroy/capture effect. Nuclear Fusion 120 ST=50 (Penetration). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II B Weapons Name Cost Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mace 0 ST +20. Nunchaku 0 ST +30. HP -10. Air Slasher 10 ST +20. Critical hit to Yellow Creatures. Flame Tongue 10 ST +20. Critical hit to Blue Creatures. Icicle 10 ST +20. Critical hit to Red Creatures. Long Sword 10 ST +30. Rock Biter 10 ST +20. Critical hit to Green Creatures. Spear 20 ST +20. HP +10. Battering Ram 30 ST +20. Death to "Defense" creatures. Battle Ax 30 ST +40. Aura Blade 40 ST + value of HP. Boomerang 40 ST +20. HP +10. Recycles back to hand. Dagger of Mite 40 ST + game ranking x20. Glaive 40 ST +20. HP +20. Morning Star 40 ST +30. HP +10. Vorpal Sword 40 ST +30. Critical hit to creatures with 40 MHP or more. Kris 50 ST +30. Ignore item destroy/capture effect. Masamune 50 ST +50. HP -10. Claymore 60 ST +50. Storm Causer 60 ST +60. HP -30. Crossbow 70 ST +30. HP +20. Trident 70 ST +40. HP +10. Lance of Odin 80 ST +50. HP +10. Prismatic Wand 80 ST +40. HP +40. Only if creatures are of different elements. Catapult 90 ST +30. HP +30. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II C Armor Name Cost Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Armor 0 HP +20. Chain Mail 10 HP +30. Magic Shield 10 HP +20. Neutralizes scroll attacks. Earth Shield 25 Neutralize Green creatures attack; If Green creature uses it then all attacks neutralized (except scrolls). Fire Shield 25 Neutralize Red creatures attack; If Red creature uses it then all attacks neutralized (except scrolls). Water Shield 25 Neutralize Blue creatures attack; If Blue creature uses it then all attacks neutralized (except scrolls). Wind Shield 25 Neutralize Yellow creatures attack; If Yellow creature uses it then all attacks neutralized (except scrolls). Buckler 30 Neutralize attacks of creatures with 30 ST or less (except scrolls). Chameleon Armor 30 HP = level of territory battle is on x20. Shadow Armor 30 HP + (7 - level of territory) x10. Scale Armor 30 HP +40. Knight Shield 40 Neutralizes creatures with 40 ST or more (excluding scrolls). Magus's Mirror 40 HP +20. Reflects scroll attack/effect back to opponent. Tower Shield 40 Reduce damage taken by half (excluding scrolls). Vestment 50 HP +30. Ignores the item's destroy/capture effect. Diamond Armor 60 ST -30. HP +60. Plate Mail 60 HP +50. Spike Shield 60 Reflects 1/2 damage received back to opponent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II D Accessories Name Cost Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandit's Glove 0 Bonus attack. Takes damage given to opponent x2G of magic power. Changing Salve 0 During battle, creatures ST and HP are switched. Coin of Piety 0 After winning the battle, gain 10 of the same symbol element as the territory where the battle took place. Golden Goose 0 Receive HP x10G if the creature is destroyed in battle. Offering Doll 0 Depending on if the User wins invading or defending a territory, the element symbol value of the creature will increase by 30%. Protean Ring 0 Creature transforms into random creature. Bell of Law 10 Destroy card with the highest power in opposing Cepter's hand. Recycles back into the book. Claw of the Ghoul 10 Bonus attack. Does status effect of Paralysis to opponent. Hourglass 10 First attack. Neutralizes opponents' First attack ability. Neutral Amulet 10 Changes creature's element to Neutral and is treated as a Neutral creatures during battle. Recycles back to the book. Winged Boots 10 First attack. Recycles back into the book. Gem of Life 20 Destroys opponent & user's creatures if they have less than 20HP or less at the end of the battle. Phoenix Amulet 20 Recycles to User's hand if creature is destroyed. Stink Bottle 20 Destroys the tool items and support creatures. Recycles back into book. Trapezon 20 Transform creature into "Ba=Al". Venom 20 Does damage of 50% HP to opponent after battle. Black Orb 30 Ignore opponent's Neutralize or Reflect ability. Earth Amulet 30 ST +10. 1st attack. Critical hit if Green creature uses it. Emerald Ring 30 ST +20. Penetration to Green creature. Fire Amulet 30 ST +20. HP +10. Regeneration. Critical hit if Red creature uses it. Heart Fibula 30 ST +20. MHP +20 when the opponent is destroyed (max 80). Marker Flag 30 Offense Cepter will be able to use Territory command or fight battle again. Mujina Mask 30 HP increased by the # of cards in opponent Cepter's hand. Power Bracelet 30 ST is doubled. Ring of Succubus 30 First attack. Bonus attack reduces opponent ST to 0. Ring of the Vampire 30 First attack. Bonus attack - Combine damage given to opponent to HP. Ruby Ring 30 ST +20. Penetration to Red creature. Sapphire Ring 30 ST +20. Penetration to Blue creature. Smoke Torch 30 Neutralize scroll effect and attack from Penetration. Water Amulet 30 ST +30. Critical hit if Blue creature uses it. Wind Amulet 30 ST +10. HP +10. Critical hit if Yellow creature uses it. MHP +10 if opponent is destroyed (max 80). Amber Ring 40 ST +20. Penetration to Yellow creatures. Sling 40 First attack. ST +10. HP +10. Bell of Chaos 50 Opponent's item card will be removed from all books and hands. Ignore item destroy/capture effect. Dynamite 50 ST +60. Creature is destroyed after battle. Iksear 50 HP increased by number of Blue territories the Cepter owns x20. Ignores item destroy/capture effect. Luna Stone 50 Interchange opponent's ST & HP at the end of battle. Petrify Stone 50 ST =0. HP = 80. Rainbow Piece 50 HP +40. Neutralize effect of scroll. Remove status effect that was on the territory where the battle took place. Rat Hunter 50 Bonus Attack. Transforms opponent into "Giant Rat". Terrair 50 ST increased by number of Yellow territories owned x20. Ignores item destroy/capture effect. Necro Scarab 60 If creature is destroyed, the creature transforms into a "Zombie". Gaseous Form 70 ST =0. Neutralizes attack (excludes scrolls). Gremlin Amulet 70 Destroy opponent's item at the beginning of battle. Holy Grail 80 Neutralizes all attacks. User will lose damage attack x2G of magical powers (excluding scrolls). Counter Amulet 100 ST =0. Reflects attack back to opponent (excludes scroll attacks). Silver Plow 100 Territory level +1 after battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- III Creatures III A Neutral Creatures Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Rat 0 ST: 20. HP: 10. First attack. No scrolls. Goblin 0 ST: 20. HP: 30. Golden Totem 0 ST: 0. HP: 30. DEFENSE. Territory[0] User will be given 300G in magical powers and self-destruct. Mystic Egg 0 ST: 0. HP: 30. Egg hatches into different creature during battle based on item used. Squonk 0 ST: 20. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Returns to hand if opponent is destroyed. Doppelganger 10+C ST: 0. HP: 30. Transforms in the same creature as the opponent's during battle. Amber Mosquito 10 Transform into "Tyrannosaurus" or "Giant Rat" during battle. No scrolls Baldanders 10 ST: 0. HP: 30. During battle, transform to random. Clockwork Owl 10 ST: 0. HP: 20. Territory[30] target Cepter can move a direction of choice in the next turn. Wolf 10 ST: 20. HP: 40. No scrolls. Bandit 20 ST: 20. HP: 20. SUPPORT. Bonus attack, damage to opponent of 2G magical power taken from opponent. Lunatic Hare 20 ST: 20. HP: 20. Switch opponents ST and HP after battle. Statue 20 ST: 0. HP: 50. DEFENSE. Statue can't get recover area. No weapons or scrolls. Zombie 20 ST: 20. HP: 40. Decrease of 20HP at the end of battle. No scrolls. Wonder Wall 30+C ST: 0 HP: 30. DEFENSE. Neutralize Red, Blue, Yellow, Green creature's attacks. No weapons or armor. Dancing Doll 30 ST: 20. HP: 20. Territory[70] Lowers value of the symbols by 20%. Living Sword 30 ST: 30. HP: 1. Adds ST+30. HP+1. Can be used as a item. No weapons, armor, or scrolls. Skeleton 30 ST: 30. HP: 40. Regenerate. No scrolls. Thief 30 ST: 20. HP: 40. Steal opponent's item at the beginning of battle (if User hasn't used it). Werewolf 30 ST: 30. HP: 30. Bonus attack, transform opponent into "Wolf" (60% chance of success). Decoy 40+C ST: 0. HP: 10. Reflects attacks back to the offense (excluding scroll attacks). No weapons or armor. Wraith 40+C ST: 10. HP: 30. Death (50%). Destroyed at the end of battle. No armor. Brass Idol 40 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. All the Cepters will draw 2 cards on their turn. No Weapons or scrolls. Ebony Idol 40 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. All creatures cannot use territory abilities. No weapons or scrolls. Fighter 40 ST: 40. HP: 40. Horned Chameleon 40 ST: 20. HP: 30. Land effect can be gained from any land element. No scrolls. Iron Idol 40 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. Only 4-6 will be rolled. No weapons or scrolls. Living Shield 40 ST: 0. HP: 30. Adds HP+30. Can be used as a item. No weapons, armor, or scrolls. Little Gray 50+C ST: 10. HP: 20. Bonus attack. Randomly send opponent to vacant land. Basalt Idol 50 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. No creature can use ability if destroyed or at end of battle. No weapons or scrolls. Berserker 50 ST: 40. HP: 50. Confusion (You receive 30% of the damage done to opponent). Borgess 50 ST: 30. HP: 30. BOOST (Neutral creature HP +20). Jade Idol 50 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. No territories receive lowering level effect except for territory commands. No weapons or scrolls. Living Spear 50 ST: 20. HP: 20. Adds ST+20. HP+20. Can be used as a item. No weapons, armor, or scrolls. Silver Idol 50 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. All defense creatures will gain First attack. No weapons or scrolls. Trojan Horse 50 ST: 0. HP: 30. Penetration. SUPPORT. No weapons, armor, or scrolls. Cleric 55 ST: 10. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Death to Neutral creature (80% chance). Archbishop 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. Territory[50] Remove status effect. Ignore item destruction/capture effect. Battle Gear cx 60 ST: 40 HP: 20. SUPPORT. Coalition with Battle Gear B. Untargetable by Spells or territory abilities. Battle Gear B 60 ST: 20. HP: 40. SUPPORT. Coalition with Battle Gear cx. Neutralizes scroll attack. Cray Idol 60 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. Damage will decrease by 10 for all the creatures based on Spells and Territory abilities. No weapons or scrolls. Cyclops 60 ST: 50. HP: 50. Last Attack (first attack given to opponent even if on offense). Granite Idol 60 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. All Cepters are unable to choose Spells except for "Dispel". Ivory Idol 60 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. The S Rarity cards are 1.5 times stronger. R and E cards are 2x the magical usage power. No weapons or scrolls. Steam Gear 60 ST: 50. HP: 50. The toll fee of the played territory will be halved. No scrolls. Gold Idol 70 ST: 0. HP: 20 DEFENSE. Creatures will ignore all conditions except for magical powers when creature is summoned. No weapons or scrolls. Marble Idol 70 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. Creatures that are already played cannot be summoned. No weapons or scrolls. Sanctum Guard 70 ST: 40. HP: 40. First attack. If opponent is destroyed, user will gain 5 symbols of the same element of the territory where the battle was fought. Migoal 80+C ST: 40. HP: 40. Critical hit to Blue and Green creatures. Neutralize Red and Yellow creature's attacks. Tyrannosaurus 80+C ST: 50. HP: 60. No armor or scrolls. Ninja 80 ST: 40. HP: 40. First attack. Scroll critical hit. Samurai 80 ST: 50. HP: 30. Death to creature with 30 MHP or less (60% chance). Colossus 120 ST: 70. HP: 70. Cannot get Recover Area, cannot be affected by spells or territory abilities. Cannot use any items. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: +C = + Offering Card from hand. III B Red Creatures Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domovikha 10 ST: 10. HP: 20. Territory[70] Cast "Land Protect" on target creature. Domovoi 10 ST: 20. HP: 20. Territory[30] Does "Phantasm" effect to target creature. Heat Imp 10+C ST: 20. HP: 20. Territory[50] decrease symbols that the opposing Cepter has by 40%, and self-destruct. Sulfurous Balloon 15+R ST: 10. HP: 30. Opponent's HP is -30 if destroyed in battle. No scrolls. Dragonfly 20 ST: 30. HP: 20. First Attack. No scrolls. Kobold 20 ST: 20. HP: 30. Fanatic 25+R ST: 20. HP: 20. Territory[60] Decreases its own HP by 20, and does 20 damage to target creature. Bard 30 ST: 30. HP: 30. Bonus attack. Warps to vacant land when the opponent could not be destroyed. Barrow Wight 30+R+C ST: 20. HP: 30. Bonus attack. Put "Sleep" effect on opponent. Pillar of Flame 30 ST: 30. HP: 50. DEFENSE. No Blue land, armor, or scrolls. Boggart 40 ST: 10. HP: 30. Placed territory's toll is 2 times higher. If destroyed by spell or territory ability, card returns to hand. No armor. Conjurer 40 ST: 20. HP: 30. Territory[80] Summon Ba=Al to a selected vacant land, and self-destruct. Scroll critical hit. No weapons. Old Willow 40+RR ST: 20. HP: 40. DEFENSE. When placed in Red land, Cepters other than the user will be stopped in territory. No weapons or scrolls. Phoenix 40 ST: 30. HP: 30. Return to hand if destroyed in battle. No scrolls. Sorcerer 40 ST: 0. HP: 30. Scroll critical hit. Use ST=20 In scroll attack if item is not used. No weapons. Manes 50 ST: 30. HP: 40. If the territory that the battle took place has Status Effects, HP is +20. Mephistopheles 50+C ST: 40. HP: 30. When destroyed by Spells or Territory abilities, Spell user will lose 200G of magical power. Peri 50+R ST: 30. HP: 30. Of opponent's book has 3 more the user's, ST+20, HP+20. Untargetable by Spells or Territory abilities. Pyrallis 50 ST: 30. HP: 40. ST=# of Red lands owned x10 during battle. If user owns Blue land, HP-20. No Blue land or scrolls. Sharazad 55 ST: 20. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Territory[30] Erase status effects on all Cepters. Cait Sith 60 ST: 20. HP: 30. Untargetable by Spells or Territory abilities. Neutralizes attacks or creatures with 40 ST or more. No Blue territory. Efreet 60+C ST: 40. HP: 60. Last Attack, Scroll attack - User will lose the same amount of HP as magical powers. No Blue territories. Executer 60+C ST: 70. HP: 20. No weapons. Golem 60 ST: 40. HP: 50. ST-10, HP-10 at end of battle. Son Ascetic 60 ST: 0. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Will O' The Wisp 60 ST: 10. HP: 50. Last attack. Bonus attack, using Cepter takes the remaining HPx2G in magic power from opposing Cepter. Gas Cloud 70 ST: 30. HP: 30. Only get half damage during battle (excluding scrolls). No armor. Gladiator 70 ST: 40. HP: 40. Critical hit to Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow creatures. No Armor, Accessories, or Scrolls. Manticore 70+R ST: 0. HP: 50. ST and HP is User's hand x10 during battle. Minotaur 70 ST: 40. HP: 40. Valkyria 70+R ST: 30. HP: 30. First attack. SUPPORT. ST+10 if she destroys opponent (max 80). Larvae 75+C ST: 30. HP: 50. If User holds 3 more cads than opposing Cepter, ST+20, HP+20 during battle. Ba=Al 80+R+C ST: 50. HP: 50. First Attack. Destroy one upper hand card at random at the end of the battle. Catoblepas 80+R ST: 20. HP: 50. When an item is not used, creature inflicts damage equal to opponent's ST. Chimera 80+R ST: 30. HP: 50. First Attack. Every time User gain a lap bonus, ST +10 (max 80). No scrolls. Hell Hound 80 ST: 50. HP: 40. Does half damage to Blue creatures. Pyro Drake 80 ST: 30. HP: 40. During battle, ST+20, HP+20 if no item is used. No Blue lands or armor. Salamander 80+R ST: 40. HP: 50. When attacked by Red creature, regains HP corresponding to the damage level. No Blue lands or armor. Ares 90+RR ST: 50. HP: 60. BOOST (offense creature ST +20). No Blue territory. Dragon 90+RR ST: 40. HP: 60. Changes ST+20, HP-20 when used on offense. No Blue territories or Armor. Lava Worm 90+R ST: 40. HP: 50. Penetration to Blue creature. Ignore land effects and causes damage. No armor. Fire Giant 100+R ST: 50. HP: 50. Critical hit to Blue creatures. Flame Lord 140+RR+C ST: 70. HP: 70. BOOST (Red creatures HP+10). User will lose 100G at end of battle. No Blue territory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: +C = Requires an offering Card from hand to be discarded. +R = Requires that at least 1 Red land must be owned to play. +RR = Requires that at least 2 Red lands must be owned to play. +R+C = Requires that at least 1 Red land must be owned plus an offering card must be discarded. +RR+C = Requires that at least 2 Red lands must be owned plus an offering card must be discarded. III C Blue Creatures Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suiko 0+C ST: 20. HP: 30. Put "Vitality" effect on defense creature at end of battle. No Red land. Book Worm 10+B ST: 10. HP: 20. Territory[40] Choose 1 card from target Cepter's hand and destroy it. No scrolls. Mad Clown 10+B+C ST: 10. HP: 20. BOOST (ally creatures HP+10). Banshee 20+BB ST: 10. HP: 40. Territory[60] HP damage increase of 25% will be given to all places creatures. No weapons. Marfolk 20 ST: 20. HP: 30. Alga Sphere 30 ST: 10. HP: 40. DEFENSE. Territory[30] MHP+10. No armor or scrolls. Bloody Pudding 30 ST: 20. HP: 20. SUPPORT. At the beginning of battle, support creature's HP combines with MHP (max 80). No scrolls. Remora 40 ST: 20. HP: 40. Bonus attack. Destroys 1 of opposing Cepter's hand cards at random. No Red or Yellow lands, No scrolls. Wall of Ice 40 ST: 0. HP: 40. DEFENSE. HP+30 during battle. No Red land. No armor or scrolls. King Tortoise 45 ST: 10. HP: 50. Last attack. No scrolls. Pirate 45 ST: 10. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Wizard 45 ST: 0. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Scroll critical hit. No weapons. Giant Amoeba 50 ST: 30. HP: 30. Neutralize Red and Green creature attacks. No armor or scrolls. Hyde 50+B ST: 30. HP: 30. Territory[50] Put "Paralysis" on target creature. No Red land. Lung 50+BB ST: 0. HP: 30. During battle, ST and HP=# of Blue symbols that the Cepter owns. No weapons or armor. Medusa 50+C ST: 30. HP: 30. Bonus attack. Turn opponent into "Statue". Mujina 50+B ST: 0. HP: 30. During battle, ST and HP=# of opposing Cepter's hand x10. Nymph 50+B ST: 10. HP: 30. Neutralize Red creatures attack. Bonus attack, opponent with HP <=30 will be taken as upper hand (40% chance). No Red land. Shell Creeper 50 ST: 20. HP: 30. Neutralize Red and Yellow creature attacks. No scrolls. Fate 60 ST: 30. HP: 40. Territory[40] Draw 1 card. If it is destroyed in battle, draw another card. Fungonoid 60 ST: 30. HP: 40. At the end of battle, MHP+10 (max 80). No scrolls. Grindylow 60 ST: 20. HP: 40. Neutralizes attacks from creatures with 30ST or less. Undine 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. HP=# of Blue lands owned x20 during battle. Neutralize Blue creature's attacks. No armor. Anubias 70+B ST: 30. HP: 50. During battle, HP=# of creatures previously destroyed x5. No Red land. Charon 70+B ST: 20. HP: 30. Neutralize creature's attack (except scrolls) and user loses neutralized damage x2G. No armor. Drool 70 ST: 0. HP: 40. Penetration. During battle, ST=# of Blue lands possessed x10. No weapons or scrolls. Kelpie 70+B ST: 30. HP: 30. DEFENSE. When placed on Blue land, Cepters other than user will be stopped in territory. No scrolls. Lizardman 70 ST: 30. HP: 40. First attack. Megarodan 70 ST: 50. HP: 50. No scrolls. Can only be played on Blue lands. Sea Bonze 70 ST: 20. HP: 40. DEFENSE. No effects or abilities can be used during battle. No Red or Green lands. Amazon 80 ST: 40. HP: 40. Bonus attack, when item is not used, User takes their number of laps x20G from opposing Cepter. Kraken 80+B ST: 50. HP: 50. Neutralize Neutral creatures attack. If user has Red land, HP-20 during battle. No Red land or scrolls. Lilith 80 ST: 0. HP: 30. First attack. During battle, ST=# of deals x10. No armor. Vision 80 ST: 40. HP: 50. During battle, HP=30. Neutralize Yellow creature's attacks. Yeti 80+B ST: 40. HP: 40. Neutralizes Red creature's attack. 60% chance of Death to Red creatures. No scrolls. Behemoth 90+B ST: 60. HP: 60. Last attack. Destroy 1 of user's cards at random at the end of battle. No red land, armor, or scrolls. Bunyip 90 ST: 50. HP: 40. Neutralize Penetration attacks (other than scrolls). No armor. Hydra 90+B ST: 40. HP: 50. Regeneration (except in Red lands). No armor. Vodyanoi 90+B+C ST: 40. HP: 40. First attack. Death if joined in the battle as a defense (80% chance). Grendel 110+B ST: 50. HP: 50. Critical hit to creatures with 20 ST or less. Storm Giant 110+B ST: 40. HP: 60. Critical hit to Red creatures. Leviathon 120+BB ST: 30. HP: 60. The land element becomes Blue if defeated. No armor. Dagon 140+BB+C ST: 60. HP: 80. BOOST (Blue creatures HP+10). User will lose 100G at end of battle. No Red land. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: +C = Requires an offering Card from hand to be discarded. +B = Requires that at least 1 Blue land must be owned to play. +BB = Requires that at least 2 Blue lands must be owned to play. +B+C = Requires that at least 1 Blue land must be owned plus an offering card must be discarded. +BB+C = Requires that at least 2 Blue lands must be owned plus an offering card must be discarded. III D Green Creatures Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barometz 20 ST: 0. HP: 30. DEFENSE. Territory[0]. User gains # of laps x30G. No Red land or weapons or scrolls. Carbuncle 20 ST: 20. HP: 20. SUPPORT. Reflect scroll attack/effect back to opponent. Tiger Beetle 20 ST: 20. HP: 30. No scrolls. Gooba Queen 30+GG ST: 10. HP: 40. Territory[20]. Placement of "Gooba" in vacant land. No weapons. Wall of Stone 30 ST: 0. HP: 60. DEFENSE. No Yellow land. No armor or scrolls. Armadillo 40 ST: 20. HP: 50. In an odd-numbered round, HP=60. In an even-numbered round, HP=30. No scrolls. Blynx 40 ST: 20. HP: 20. Can move to a distant vacant land within the area. Untargetable by Spells or territory abilities. Mummy 40 ST: 20. HP: 50. DEFENSE. User will gain # of laps x50G if destroyed in battle. No weapons. Odradek 40 ST: 20. HP: 20. SUPPORT. Unable to receive or regain damage by Spells or territory abilities based on Spells or territory abilities. Quake Beast 40+GG ST: 50. HP: 30. Territory[60] Lower one level adjacent land and self-destruct. No armor. Green Mold 45 ST: 10. HP: 50. DEFENSE. Regeneration. No weapons or scrolls. Basilisk 50+GG ST: 30. HP: 40. Death (50% chance). Level of territory that battle took place on will decrease by 1. Cerberus 50+G ST: 20. HP: 40. Attacks 2 times per battle. No Yellow land. No scrolls. Ghoul 50+C ST: 40. HP: 30. Bonus attack. Put "Paralysis" effect on opponent. If opponent is destroyed, it gets Regeneration. Healer 50 ST: 10. HP: 40. Regeneration. Territory[20] increases HP+30. Leeshy 50 ST: 30. HP: 40. DEFENSE. Territory's level increases by 1 after battle. Mandrake 55+G ST: 10. HP: 50. If it is 20HP or less at end of battle, opponent and Mandrake will be destroyed. No Yellow land. Coati 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. During battle, ST increased by # of placed Green creatures x5. Cockatrice 60+G ST: 30. HP: 40. Bonus attack. Turn opponent into "Stonewall". No scrolls. Dryad 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Move to a distant Green land within area (must be vacant). No Yellow land or weapons. Gnome 60 ST: 20. HP: 40. Placed territory's toll fee is 1.5 times higher. Grimalkin 60+G ST: 20. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Untargetable by Spells or territory abilities. Pan 60 ST: 30. HP: 40. Bonus attack. Use "Confusion" effect on opponent. Woodfolk 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. SUPPORT. No weapons. Mudman 65 ST: 20. HP: 40. During battle, HP increased by # of placed Green creatures' number x5. No yellow land or armor. Dark Elf 70+G ST: 40. HP: 30. First attack. Critical hit to Yellow creatures. Death Gaze 70+G ST: 50. HP: 30. Neutralize scroll. Remove opponent's card from the game if it destroyed in battle (80% chance). Dwarf 70 ST: 30. HP: 50. Huge Spider 70 ST: 30. HP: 40. Bonus attack. Does "Paralysis" effect to opponent. No scrolls. Raksas 70+G ST: 50. HP: 30. If destroyed, the opposing Cepter loses 30% of its most common symbol. Sage 70 ST: 20. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Ignores item's destroy/capture effect. Spitting Cobra 70 ST: 40. HP: 40. Territory[0] Does "Poison" effect to target creature. No scrolls. T'ao t'ieh 70+G ST: 40. HP: 40. If opponent is destroyed, ST+10, MHP+10 (max 80). No Yellow land. Troll 70 ST: 40. HP: 40. Regeneration. No Red or Yellow lands. Angostura 80 ST: 20. HP: 60. DEFENSE. Death to creatures with 30 MHP or less (80% chance). No weapons or scrolls. Hunbaba 80+G+C ST: 50. HP: 40. Bonus attack. Use "Poison" on opponent. BOOST (Yellow creatures ST-10). No Yellow land. Vampire 80+G ST: 40. HP: 40. First attack. Bonus attack, damage given to opponents combine with own HP. No Blue or Yellow lands. No armor. Wereboar 80 ST: 20. HP: 40. ST+30 if used on offense. Gargoyle 90+G ST: 30. HP: 50. First attack. If placed, ST=50. Gigantherium 90+G ST: 50. HP: 60. If the territory where the battle took place on has Status effects, HP-20 during battle. No scrolls. Trench Worm 90+G ST: 40. HP: 50. Penetration to Yellow creatures. No armor. Dragon Zombie 100 ST: 40. HP: 60. No Yellow land or armor. Dark Master 140+GG+C ST: 60. HP: 80. BOOST (Green creatures HP+10), Cepter will lose 100G of magical power at end of battle. No Yellow land. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: +C = Requires an offering Card from hand to be discarded. +G = Requires that at least 1 Green land must be owned to play. +GG = Requires that at least 2 Green lands must be owned to play. +G+C = Requires that at least 1 Green land must be owned plus an offering card must be discarded. +GG+C = Requires that at least 2 Green lands must be owned plus an offering card must be discarded. III E Yellow Creatures Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Eater 0 ST: 1. HP: 1. Increase while moving, placed in both original land and the new moved location. No scrolls. Virus 0+Y ST: 10. HP: 10. BOOST (all creatures HP-10). No Green land. No weapons, armor, or scrolls. Igneous Fatui 10+YY+C ST: 10. HP: 30. Last attack. Death (80%). No Red or Blue lands. Sprite 10 ST: 20. HP: 20. Neutralize attack of creatures with 40MHP or more. No Green land. Wind Imp 10+C ST: 20. HP: 20. Territory[50] Reduce enemy Cepter's magic power by 50%, then self-destruct. Giant Bat 20 ST: 20. HP: 30. No scrolls. Spectre 30 ST: 0. HP: 30. Transform ST and HP randomly from 10-70 during battle. Trample Weed 30+Y ST: 20. HP: 60. DEFENSE. Changes in level cannot be made to land. Archer 40 ST: 20. HP: 30. Territory[30] 10 damage to target enemy creature. No weapons. Chonchon 40 ST: 20. HP: 30. Gain 20HP, and cast "Anti-element" on defense creature if item was not used. Leprechaun 40+Y+C ST: 20. HP: 20. At beginning of battle, gives User's item to opponent and lets them use it. Hurricane 50 ST: 20. HP: 50. DEFENSE. First attack. No Green land. No armor or scrolls. Nightmare 50+Y ST: 30. HP: 30. Penetration. Succubus 50+C ST: 40. HP: 40. Bonus attack, change opponent ST to 0. No Green land. Witch 50 ST: 20. HP: 30. Territory[30} Takes 20G times the # of Spell item cards of the opposing Cepter's hand. Scroll critical hit. No weapons. Gouda 60+YY ST: 0. HP: 40. ST and HP during battle equals the placed Yellow creatures x10. No Green land. Harpy 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. First attack. Holy Llama 60 ST: 20. HP: 40. Territory[30] Make target Cepter's die roll a 6 and can move to a distant Yellow land within the area (vacant land). No scrolls. Hornet 60 ST: 40. HP: 30. Bonus attack. Use "Poison" effect on opponent. No scrolls. Mermeloleo 60 ST: 20. HP: 30. Last attack. Transforms into Dragonfly if destroyed in battle. No Green land or scrolls. Nike 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. First attack. Bonus attack, Does "Paralysis" to opponent. No armor. Pegasus 60+Y ST: 30. HP: 20. First attack. Untargetable by Spells or territory abilities. Neutralizes scroll effects. No scrolls. Roadrunner 60 ST: 20. HP: 30. First attack. Move 2 spaces while using creature move command. No scrolls. Soul Collector 60+C ST: 20. HP: 30. During battle, ST increases by the number of creatures destroyed thus far x5. Cornfolk 70 ST: 30. HP: 40. User will gain 200G if destroyed in battle or Spell or territory ability. Elf 70+Y ST: 30. HP: 50. First attack. Critical hit to Green creatures. Giant Rattler 70 ST: 40. HP: 40. Cast "Disease" on defense creature if an item was not used. No scrolls. Gremlin 70 ST: 20. HP: 30. Destroy opponents' item at the beginning of battle. No scrolls. Night Fiend 70+YY ST: 0. HP: 40. First attack. During battle, ST=level of territory took place x20. No blue lands. No weapons or armor. Pushpull 70 ST: 0. HP: 40. Attack 2 times in battle. No scrolls. Wendigo 70 ST: 30. HP: 30. At end of battle, cast "Fog" effect on defense creature if item was not used. Centaur 80 ST: 30. HP: 40. First Attack. Item used in battle is Recycled back to book. Dhampir 80+Y ST: 40. HP: 40. Neutralize Green creatures attack. 60% chance of death to Green creature. Master Monk 80 ST: 20. HP: 50. First attack. If no item used during battle, ST+30, HP-30. Nue 80+Y ST: 40. HP: 50. BOOST (offensive creature -10). No Green land. Quetzalcaoti 80+Y ST: 30. HP: 50. BOOST (Creature with first attack ability that will not be obtained after ST+10). No armor. Sphinx 80+Y+C ST: 40. HP: 50. Bonus attack, Does "Confusion" to opponent. BOOST (Green creatures HP-10). No Green land. Wyvern 80+Y ST: 40. HP: 40. First attack. Can move to a distant Yellow land with the area (vacant land). No Green land or armor. Griffon 90 ST: 50. HP: 50. No Green land or scrolls. Knight 90 ST: 50. HP: 40. Critical hit to creatures with 50 MHP or more. Paladin 90+Y ST: 50. HP: 50. Critical hit to Neutral creatures. Then gains Regeneration. No Green land. Leveler 100+Y+C ST: 40. HP: 60. Territory lowered 1 level after battle if not a Yellow land. Beelzebub 140+YY+C ST: 70. HP: 70. BOOST (Yellow creatures +10 HP). User loses 100G after battle. No Green land. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: +C = Requires an offering Card from hand to be discarded. +Y = Requires that at least 1 Yellow land must be owned to play. +YY = Requires that at least 2 Yellow lands must be owned to play. +Y+C = Requires that at least 1 Yellow land must be owned plus an offering card must be discarded. +YY+C = Requires that at least 2 Yellow lands must be owned plus an offering card must be discarded. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IV DEFENSE Creatures -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IV A Neutral Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Totem 0 ST: 0. HP: 30. DEFENSE. Territory[0] User will be given 300G in magical powers and self-destruct. Statue 20 ST: 0. HP: 50. DEFENSE. Statue can't get recover area. No weapons or scrolls. Wonder Wall 30+C ST: 0 HP: 30. DEFENSE. Neutralize Red, Blue, Yellow, Green creature's attacks. No weapons or armor. Brass Idol 40 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. All the Cepters will draw 2 cards on their turn. No Weapons or scrolls. Ebony Idol 40 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. All creatures cannot use territory abilities. No weapons or scrolls. Iron Idol 40 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. Only 4-6 will be rolled. No weapons or scrolls. Basalt Idol 50 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. No creature can use ability if destroyed or at end of battle. No weapons or scrolls. Jade Idol 50 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. No territories receive lowering level effect except for territory commands. No weapons or scrolls. Silver Idol 50 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. All defense creatures will gain First attack. No weapons or scrolls. Cray Idol 60 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. Damage will decrease by 10 for all the creatures based on Spells and Territory abilities. No weapons or scrolls. Granite Idol 60 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. All Cepters are unable to choose Spells except for "Dispel". Ivory Idol 60 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. The S Rarity cards are 1.5 times stronger. R and E cards are 2x the magical usage power. No weapons or scrolls. Gold Idol 70 ST: 0. HP: 20 DEFENSE. Creatures will ignore all conditions except for magical powers when creature is summoned. No weapons or scrolls. Marble Idol 70 ST: 0. HP: 20. DEFENSE. Creatures that are already played cannot be summoned. No weapons or scrolls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV B Red Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pillar of Flame 30 ST: 30. HP: 50. DEFENSE. No Blue land, armor, or scrolls. Old Willow 40+RR ST: 20. HP: 40. DEFENSE. When placed in Red land, Cepters other than the user will be stopped in territory. No weapons or scrolls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV C Blue Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alga Sphere 30 ST: 10. HP: 40. DEFENSE. Territory[30] MHP+10. No armor or scrolls. Wall of Ice 40 ST: 0. HP: 40. DEFENSE. HP+30 during battle. No Red land. No armor or scrolls. Kelpie 70+B ST: 30. HP: 30. DEFENSE. When placed on Blue land, Cepters other than user will be stopped in territory. No scrolls. Sea Bonze 70 ST: 20. HP: 40. DEFENSE. No effects or abilities can be used during battle. No Red or Green lands. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV D Green Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barometz 20 ST: 0. HP: 30. DEFENSE. Territory[0]. User gains # of laps x30G. No Red land or weapons or scrolls. Wall of Stone 30 ST: 0. HP: 60. DEFENSE. No Yellow land. No armor or scrolls. Mummy 40 ST: 20. HP: 50. DEFENSE. User will gain # of laps x50G if destroyed in battle. No weapons. Green Mold 45 ST: 10. HP: 50. DEFENSE. Regeneration. No weapons or scrolls. Leeshy 50 ST: 30. HP: 40. DEFENSE. Territory's level increases by 1 after battle. Angostura 80 ST: 20. HP: 60. DEFENSE. Death to creatures with 30 MHP or less (80% chance). No weapons or scrolls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV E Yellow Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trample Weed 30+Y ST: 20. HP: 60. DEFENSE. Changes in level cannot be made to land. Hurricane 50 ST: 20. HP: 50. DEFENSE. First attack. No Green land. No armor or scrolls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V SUPPORT Creatures -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V A Neutral Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Squonk 0 ST: 20. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Returns to hand if opponent is destroyed. Bandit 20 ST: 20. HP: 20. SUPPORT. Bonus attack, damage to opponent of 2G magical power taken from opponent. Cleric 55 ST: 10. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Death to Neutral creature (80% chance). Battle Gear cx 60 ST: 40 HP: 20. SUPPORT. Coalition with Battle Gear B. Untargetable by Spells or territory abilities. Battle Gear B 60 ST: 20. HP: 40. SUPPORT. Coalition with Battle Gear cx. Neutralizes scroll attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V B Red Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharazad 55 ST: 20. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Territory[30] Erase status effects on all Cepters. Son Ascetic 60 ST: 0. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Valkyria 70+R ST: 30. HP: 30. First attack. SUPPORT. ST+10 if she destroys opponent (max 80). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V C Blue Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bloody Pudding 30 ST: 20. HP: 20. SUPPORT. At the beginning of battle, support creature's HP combines with MHP (max 80). No scrolls. Pirate 45 ST: 10. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Wizard 45 ST: 0. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Scroll critical hit. No weapons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V D Green Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carbuncle 20 ST: 20. HP: 20. SUPPORT. Reflect scroll attack/effect back to opponent. Odradek 40 ST: 20. HP: 20. SUPPORT. Unable to receive or regain damage by Spells or territory abilities based on Spells or territory abilities. Dryad 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Move to a distant Green land within area (must be vacant). No Yellow land or weapons. Grimalkin 60+G ST: 20. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Untargetable by Spells or territory abilities. Woodfolk 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. SUPPORT. No weapons. Sage 70 ST: 20. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Ignores item's destroy/capture effect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V E Yellow Creatures: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Yellow Creatures have "SUPPORT" ability. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VI Creatures with Territory Abilities -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VI A Neutral Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Totem 0 ST: 0. HP: 30. DEFENSE. Territory[0] User will be given 300G in magical powers and self-destruct. Clockwork Owl 10 ST: 0. HP: 20. Territory[30] target Cepter can move a direction of choice in the next turn. Dancing Doll 30 ST: 20. HP: 20. Territory[70] Lowers value of the symbols by 20%. Archbishop 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. Territory[50] Remove status effect. Ignore item destruction/capture effect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI B Red Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domovikha 10 ST: 10. HP: 20. Territory[70] Cast "Land Protect" on target creature. Domovoi 10 ST: 20. HP: 20. Territory[30] Does "Phantasm" effect to target creature. Heat Imp 10+C ST: 20. HP: 20. Territory[50] decrease symbols that the opposing Cepter has by 40%, and self-destruct. Fanatic 25+R ST: 20. HP: 20. Territory[60] Decreases its own HP by 20, and does 20 damage to target creature. Conjurer 40 ST: 20. HP: 30. Territory[80] Summon Ba=Al to a selected vacant land, and self-destruct. Scroll critical hit. No weapons. Sharazad 55 ST: 20. HP: 30. SUPPORT. Territory[30] Erase status effects on all Cepters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI C Blue Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Worm 10+B ST: 10. HP: 20. Territory[40] Choose 1 card from target Cepter's hand and destroy it. No scrolls. Banshee 20+BB ST: 10. HP: 40. Territory[60] HP damage increase of 25% will be given to all places creatures. No weapons. Alga Sphere 30 ST: 10. HP: 40. DEFENSE. Territory[30] MHP+10. No armor or scrolls. Hyde 50+B ST: 30. HP: 30. Territory[50] Put "Paralysis" on target creature. No Red land. Fate 60 ST: 30. HP: 40. Territory[40] Draw 1 card. If it is destroyed in battle, draw another card. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI D Green Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barometz 20 ST: 0. HP: 30. DEFENSE. Territory[0]. User gains # of laps x30G. No Red land or weapons or scrolls. Gooba Queen 30+GG ST: 10. HP: 40. Territory[20]. Placement of "Gooba" in vacant land. No weapons. Quake Beast 40+GG ST: 50. HP: 30. Territory[60] Lower one level adjacent land and self-destruct. No armor. Healer 50 ST: 10. HP: 40. Regeneration. Territory[20] increases HP+30. Spitting Cobra 70 ST: 40. HP: 40. Territory[0] Does "Poison" effect to target creature. No scrolls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI E Yellow Creatures Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wind Imp 10+C ST: 20. HP: 20. Territory[50] Reduce enemy Cepter's magic power by 50%, then self-destruct. Archer 40 ST: 20. HP: 30. Territory[30] 10 damage to target enemy creature. No weapons. Witch 50 ST: 20. HP: 30. Territory[30} Takes 20G times the # of Spell item cards of the opposing Cepter's hand. Holy Llama 60 ST: 20. HP: 40. Territory[30] Make target Cepter's die roll a 6 and can move to a distant Yellow land within the area (vacant land). No scrolls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VII Creatures with First Attack Ability -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VII A Neutral Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Rat 0 ST: 20. HP: 10. First attack. No scrolls. Sanctum Guard 70 ST: 40. HP: 40. First attack. If opponent is destroyed, user will gain 5 symbols of the same element of the territory where the battle was fought. Ninja 80 ST: 40. HP: 40. First attack. Scroll critical hit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII B Red Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragonfly 20 ST: 30. HP: 20. First Attack. No scrolls. Valkyria 70+R ST: 30. HP: 30. First attack. SUPPORT. ST+10 if she destroys opponent (max 80). Chimera 80+R ST: 30. HP: 50. First Attack. Every time User gain a lap bonus, ST +10 (max 80). No scrolls. Ba=Al 80+R+C ST: 50. HP: 50. First Attack. Destroy one upper hand card at random at the end of the battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII C Blue Creatures: Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lizardman 70 ST: 30. HP: 40. First attack. Lilith 80 ST: 0. HP: 30. First attack. During battle, ST=# of deals x10. No armor. Vodyanoi 90+B+C ST: 40. HP: 40. First attack. Death if joined in the battle as a defense (80% chance). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII D Green Creatures Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Elf 70+G ST: 40. HP: 30. First attack. Critical hit to Yellow creatures. Vampire 80+G ST: 40. HP: 40. First attack. Bonus attack, damage given to opponents combine with own HP. No Blue or Yellow lands. No armor. Gargoyle 90+G ST: 30. HP: 50. First attack. If placed, ST=50. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII E Yellow Creatures Name Cost Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harpy 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. First attack. Nike 60 ST: 30. HP: 30. First attack. Bonus attack, Does "Paralysis" to opponent. No armor. Pegasus 60+Y ST: 30. HP: 20. First attack. Untargetable by Spells or territory abilities. Neutralizes scroll effects. No scrolls. Roadrunner 60 ST: 20. HP: 30. First attack. Move 2 spaces while using creature move command. No scrolls. Elf 70+Y ST: 30. HP: 50. First attack. Critical hit to Green creatures. Night Fiend 70+YY ST: 0. HP: 40. First attack. During battle, ST=level of territory took place x20. No blue lands. No weapons or armor. Centaur 80 ST: 30. HP: 40. First Attack. Item used in battle is Recycled back to book. Master Monk 80 ST: 20. HP: 50. First attack. If no item used during battle, ST+30, HP-30. Wyvern 80+Y ST: 40. HP: 40. First attack. Can move to a distant Yellow land with the area (vacant land). No Green land or armor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last update: 2-11-2004 Version 1.8