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4.122 Cool As Ice 4.131 Do The Locomotion 4.132 Sand In Your Eyes 4.141 Not Mushroom Out There... 4.142 Big Shot 4.143 Water Suprise 4.151 Jurassic Worm 4.152 Chemical Warfare 4.153 No Substitute ------------------- 4.200 Honarary Missions 4.211 Who Left The Flood Gates Open? 4.212 Super Sheep To The Rescue! 4.221 Hot Stuff 4.222 Trouble On Mount Wormmore 4.231 Chateau Assassin 4.232 Rescue Agent Dennis! 4.241 Horny Nuke 4.242 Rumble In The Farmyard 4.243 Wooden Ambush 4.251 Go Bananas! 4.252 The Drop Zone ------------------- 4.300 Elite Missions 4.311 Countdown To Armageddon! 4.312 Mars Star 4.313 Mad Cows 4.321 Bazooka On The Rocks 4.322 Stolen Goods 4.331 Sinking Ice Cap 4.332 Aim Long, Aim True 4.333 Goody Two-Shoes 4.341 Trouble In The Toy Store 4.342 Spectral Recovery? 5.0 Deathmatch Guide 5.1 Ranks & Descriptions 5.2 Enemies 5.3 Tips 6.0 Multi-Player Mode 6.1 Weapons Select 6.2 Rules Select 6.3 Map Select 6.4 Team Select 6.5 Multi-Player Awards 6.6 Wormnet 7.0 Options 7.1 Worms 7.2 Game 7.3 Audio 7.4 Graphics 8.0 Mapmaker 9.0 And The Rest! 9.1 F.A.Q 9.2 E-mail Guide 9.3 Website List 9.4 Credits 9.5 Legal Disclaimer To search for the section wanted in this Guide, Highlight the Number beside the subject (Such as 3.3) and press Ctrl + C, then F, and then V. This will activate a finding system to look for the text put in (in this case, a number with a decimal) and simply click “Next”. ================== 1.0 >Introduction< ================== Good morning readers! Raining Metal is high speed, low drag! I decided to make this guide because no other series is like this game, which I'm interested in. This game doesn't take itself too seriously, with all the animal explosives and such. Worms Armageddon was originally to be an expansion for Worms 2, but then Team 17 and Micro Prose decided to make it independent. What a smart choice that was! Remember: This isn't a guide, IT'S AN ADVENTURE! -------------------- 1.1 >Version History -------------------- Version 0.97 Added new ASCII art to the title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.96 Thomas Toth has added the note to the Drill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.95 Some people have contributed to some additions to this Guide, however, everything explained below is still needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.90 I could use some additional information on the mapmaker and wormnet, as well as some names for the enemies in Deathmatch mode. ============ 2.0 >Basics< ============ Here's all the stuff to know about the game! -------------- 2.1 >Controls< -------------- Here's what's needed to control the worms. Left Arrow: Move Left, Angle Strike to the left, Rotate Girder clockwise, Swing left on the rope, Rocket left on the Jetpack. Right Arrow: Move Right, Angle Strike to the right, Rotate Girder counter- clockwise, Swing right on the rope, Rocket right on the Jetpack. Up: Climb up the rope, Rocket upward on the Jetpack Down: Extend the rope. Space Bar: Fire, Use weapon, Hold to increas the trajectory of the weapon, place Girder. Enter: Jump, Jump Backwards when pressed twice. Drop weapon from rope, Jet pack, and parachute. Backspace: Jump upwards. Backflip when pressed twice. TAB: When there's a rotating circle of arrows above the worm, that means that the select worm is active. Use this to switch between worms. R: Manual replay. Press at the end of the move. S: Slow motion. Do slow motion while in a replay! 1-5: Set fuse time, set amount. -: Lower bounce. +: Higher bounce. ------------- 2.2 >Weapons< ------------- Here's the smash inventory! Note that the crate stats is on intermediate mode. ********* *Bazooka* ********* Rate of Fire: Charge. Power: Average. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Very High. Range: Medium. Weight: Medium Crate: None. Notes: Affected by the wind, can skim across water for a limited time. The most versitale weapon in this game, this weapon can do almost anything. Use the wind for the best effects. **************** *Homing Missile* **************** Rate of Fire: Charge. Power: Average. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Short. Weight: Light. Crate: Low. Notes: Can go underwater. Can be charged up. The missile requires a straing and direct path, because it does not guarantee a safe trip. Only rarely should this weapon be tested underwater. ******** *Mortar* ******** Rate of Fire: Launch. Power: Average. Accuracy: Low. Usage: Low. Range: Very Long. Crate: Low. Notes: When blown up, shrapnel comes out the opposite direction. Not many players use this weapon because it is hard to control. The benefit of using this is that it can fire at a long distance. Experts find this weapon useful. **************** *Homing Pigieon* **************** Rate of Fire: Launch. Power: High. Accuracy: High. Usage: High. Range: Medium. Weight: Light. Crate: Medium. Notes: Avoids contact with land unless targeted. The pigeon has a natural brain, so it doesn't go suicide on an undesignated part of the earth. The only drawback is that unlike the missile, it cannot breathe below sea level. Very easy to use, and good for beginners. **************** *Sheep Launcher* **************** Rate of Fire: Launch. Power: High. Accuracy: High. Usage: Low. Range: Long. Weight: Light. Crate: Medium. Notes: Similar to the regular sheep (see below). The sheep with the motor cycle helmet can be launched at first and then behaves like the regular sheep. Keep in mind that the first launch should be for the long gaps if needed. The reason to choose this over the super sheep as a special weapon is in caverns, where the super sheep would be cramped and would be of limited use. Sheep don't blow up when colliding with terrain when launched. ********* *Grenade* ********* Rate of Fire: Throw. Power: Medium. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: High. Range: Medium. Weight: Medium. Crate: None. Notes: Fuse can be changed along with bounce. The simple grenade can used as an alternative to the bazooka, in case if the wind is blowing against the worm. Make use of the bounce and fuse options. Very basic and simple. ************** *Cluster Bomb* ************** Rate of Fire: Throw. Power: Medium Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Medium. Crate: Medium. Notes: Fuse can be changed along with bounce. When blown up, shrapnel comes from above. Similar to the grenade, but weaker at the first strike. Better to use on grouped enemies as well as the ones in pits. ************* *Banana Bomb* ************* Rate of Fire: Throw. Power: Very High. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Medium. Crate: Low. Notes: Really bouncy. When blown up, bananas come from the explosion. Like the cluster bomb, but a LOT deadlier! Use this on well-grouped enemies. Can cause lots of damage, and should be spared for the oportune moment. ************ *Battle Axe* ************ Rate of Fire: Single. Power: Varies. Accuracy: Confident. Usage: Medium. Range: Melee. Weight: N/A. Crate: Medium. Notes: Halves HP. Can hurt multiple worms simultaneously. Only use this on strong opponents, which will maximize the damage caused. Also, it can hurt multiple worms. ************ *Earthquake* ************ Rate of Fire: Instant. Power: None. Accuracy: Confident. Usage: Low. Range: Infinite. Weight: N/A. Crate: Low. Notes: Moves worms and items around. This is a good weapon to use on worms that are above cliffs or edges. ********* *Shotgun* ********* Rate of Fire: Double. Power: Medium. Accuracy: High. Usage: High. Range: High. Weight: Light. Crate: None. Notes: None. There's no infantry weapon like the shotgun! Use this to snipe other enemies or use it up close. Useful for making chain reactions. ********* *Handgun* ********* Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic. Power: Low. Accuracy: High. Usage: Low. Range: Medium. Weight: Light. Crate: None. Notes: Angle can be changed when firing. Only use this as a last resort for knocking opponents off cliffs. And only do that if the enemy is out of range for a punch. ***** *Uzi* ***** Rate of Fire: Automatic. Power: Medium. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Medium. Crate: None. Notes: Angle can be changed when firing. This is a very basic weapon. Useful for knocking worms off edges. ********* *Minigun* ********* Rate of Fire: Automatic. Power: High. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Heavy. Crate: Medium. Notes: Angle can be changed when firing. The heavy cousin of the Uzi SMG. Can be used to knock worms off the edges or to shoot them to death. ********* *Longbow* ********* Rate of Fire: Double. Power: Medium. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Long. Weight: Medium. Crate: Medium. Notes: Can only aim up to 45 degrees up and down. These are an alternative to the shotgun. Instead of destroying the terrain, they add to it. Can be used to make bridges. Good for close and far ranges. ************ *Fire Punch* ************ Rate of Fire: Single. Power: Medium. Accuracy: Confident. Usage: Medium. Range: Melee. Weight: Light. Crate: None. Notes: Cuts through terrain vertically. The best way to use this is to punch somebody off a cliff. This does light damage. ************* *Dragon Ball* ************* Rate of Fire: Single. Power: Medium. Accuracy: High. Usage: Low. Range: Short. Weight: Light. Crate: None. Notes: None. This is rarely used. But it can be useful for clearing obstacles and worms. It can be used from a short distance. *********** *Kamakazie* *********** Rate of Fire: Single. Power: Medium. Accuracy: High. Usage: Low. Range: High. Weight: Light. Crate: Low. Notes: Kills user. Limited angles. Only use this as a last resort. And only do it if the user's health is low. **************** *Suicide Bomber* **************** Rate of Fire: Single. Power: Low. Accuracy: Confident. Usage: Low. Range: Melee. Weight: Light. Crate: Low. Notes: Kills user. Sends toxins flying. Again, only use this rarely. ****** *Prod* ****** Rate of Fire: Single. Power: None. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Low. Range: Melee. Weight: Light. Crate: None. Notes: None. Only use this to push someone off a cliff to the water. Good for humiliating scores. ********** *Dynamite* ********** Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: High. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Drop. Weight: Medium. Crate: Medium. Notes: Can be dropped by rope or parachute. The classic cartoon style explosive. This weapon can also be used above cliffs to be dropped down the cliff. ****** *Mine* ****** Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: Medium. Accuracy: High. Usage: High. Range: Drop. Weight: Light. Crate: None. Notes: Will only go off next to a worm. Can be dropped by rope or parachute. Can be used the same as the dynamite. However, it can also limit the enemy's movements as well, along with trapping a frozen bad guy. Drop this close to an enemy, or it won't detonate! ******* *Sheep* ******* Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: High. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Light. Crate: Medium. Notes: Jumps when coming across a ledge or cliff. Remeber how the sheep jumps. Press the space bar to detonate. Avoid using this on ropes. ************* *Super Sheep* ************* Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: High. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Long. Weight: Light. Crate: Medium. Notes: None. Press the space bar when the sheep's active to set it flying. Press space bar again to take away its cape. When losing the cape, it will explode when it hits the earth. ************ *Aqua Sheep* ************ Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: High. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Long. Weight: Light. Crate: Low. Notes: Can go underwater. Like the Super Sheep, except can breath underwater. *********** *Mole Bomb* *********** Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: Low. Accuracy: High. Usage: Low. Range: Short. Weight: Medium. Crate: Medium. Notes: Burrows into the ground. Press space bar to make it jump when active and burrow into the ground. Used on well-trenched worms. ************ *Air Strike* ************ Rate of Fire: Set. Power: Medium. Accuracy: Very High. Usage: High. Range: Infinite. Weight: N/A. Crate: Medium. Notes: Cannot access burrowed targets. Unavailable in caverns. Pressing left and right sets strikes to a different angle. Use it on worms on the surface. Resented by many. *************** *Napalm Strike* *************** Rate of Fire: Set. Power: Medium. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Infinite. Weight: N/A. Crate: Low. Notes: Cannot access borrowed targets. Unavailable in caverns. Affected by the wind. Very similar to the air strike. The flames are affected by the wind, so pay attention. ************* *Mail Strike* ************* Rate of Fire: Set. Power: High. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Infinite. Weight: Light. Crate: Medium. Notes: Affected by the wind. Unavailable in caverns. Good for wind-based battles. Does more damage than the air strike. ************* *Mine Strike* ************* Rate of Fire: Set. Power: High. Accuracy: Low. Usage: Medium. Range: Infinite. Weight: Light. Crate: Low. Notes: Very bouncy. Unavailable in caverns. It is best used in rigid terrain, as the mines bounce a lot. *************** *Mole Squadron* *************** Rate of Fire: Set. Power: Medium. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Infinite. Weight: Medium. Crate: Low. Notes: Digs. Moles and an airstrike put together. Good for breaching a secure area. ************ *Blow Torch* ************ Rate of Fire: Automatic. Power: Medium. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Melee. Weight: Medium. Crate: High. Notes: Used on terrain, but can be used as a weapon. Can only aim up to 45 degrees up and down. Good for dark-sided games. Dig the trench to be protected from airstrikes. Beware of moles. ***************** *Pneumatic Drill* ***************** Rate of Fire: Automatic. Power: Medium. Accuracy: N/A. Usage: Medium. Range: Melee. Weight: Medium. Crate: Medium. Notes: Dills downward only. A good way to use this is to drill some worms in a pit. Then keep drilling. Thomas Toth states that this is a safe way to drop from high distances. The worm will not be harmed by the fall and will instead keep drilling. The drill will also not penetrate through crates and will instead allow the worm to collect the crate. ******** *Girder* ******** Rate of Fire: Set. Power: None. Accuracy: N/A. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Heavy. Crate: High. Notes: Makes a bridge to walk across or to make a barrier. In missions, this item is very valuable. It can also affect the way grenades bounce. ************** *Baseball Bat* ************** Rate of Fire: Single. Power: Medium. Accuracy: N/A. Usage: Medium. Range: Melee. Weight: Light. Crate: Low. Notes: When a worm drowns from a swing from this, a home-run message appears. Good for knocking out worms. Also, the victim can be reflected across walls. ******************** *Girder Starter Kit* ******************** Rate of Fire: Five Set. Power: None. Accuracy: N/A. Usage: Medium. Range: Long. Weight: Heavy. Crate: Low. Notes: Makes bridges. This makes five girders in one turn! Wow! ************ *Ninja Rope* ************ Rate of Fire: Rope. Power: None. Accuracy: High. Usage: High. Range: Long. Weight: Medium. Crate: High. Notes: Useful for getting around places (especially caverns). Can drop bombs. Knowledge of using this is vital to completing some missions. If the user is already hanging from a rope, he can drop and use it again. In multi-player, this method can only be used two times. Also, swinging from the rope can certainly change the tide of the battle. ******** *Bungee* ******** Rate of Fire: Use. Power: None. Accuracy: N/A. Usage: Low. Range: N/A. Weight: Medium. Crate: Low. Notes: Prepare this for unsafe falls. Can drop bombs. This can also be used to drop explosives. Keep in mind, however, that the worm will drop. Good for going down high cliffs. *********** *Parachute* *********** Rate of Fire: Use. Power: None. Accuracy: N/A. Usage: Medium. Range: N/A. Weight: Light. Crate: Medium. Notes: Affected by the wind. Can drop bombs. The wind is the judge of this one. Just to be safe, press the right or left arrow keys to increase the distance of the float. Up and down also work. ********** *Teleport* ********** Rate of Fire: Use. Power: None. Accuracy: Confident. Usage: Medium. Range: Infinite. Weight: Light. Crate: Medium. Notes: Ends worm's turn. Use this if the worm is trapped in a hole or if he is out of ropes. This will end his turn, making him vulnerable. ******************* *Scales Of Justice* ******************* Rate of Fire: Instant. Power: Varies. Accuracy: Confident. Usage: Medium. Range: Infinite. Weight: N/A. Crate: Medium. Notes: Evens out the worm's health. Only use this if the user is loosing. ******************* *Super Banana Bomb* ******************* Rate of Fire: Throw. Power: Insanely High! Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Medium. Crate: Very Low. Notes: Really bouncy. When blown up, bananas come out. Manual detonation. The premier weapon in the game! If the space bar is pressed twice after being thron, it will do massive damage. ******************* *Holy Hand Grenade* ******************* Rate of Fire: Throw. Power: Very High. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Heavy. Crate: Medium. Notes: Only detonates when still. Fuse cannot be changed. Remember to put this in a secure spot. If it keeps moving, then it won't detonate! Avoid using this on a round edge. ************** *Flamethrower* ************** Rate of Fire: Automatic. Power: High. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Short. Weight: Medium. Crate: Medium. Notes: Good for sinking worms or lifting them. Angle can be changed when firing. Affected by the wind. Remeber about the wind. Worms can be lifted from the flames and into a trap. ************* *Petrol Bomb* ************* Rate of Fire: Throw. Power: High. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Short. Weight: Medium. Crate: High. Notes: Detonates on contact. Flames stay until worn out by turns or worms. Effective on frozen worms and trapped worms. Best used on a pit. ******* *Skunk* ******* Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: Low. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Light. Crate: Medium. Notes: Emits toxins. Jumps when coming across a ledge or a cliff. Behaves like a sheep. Note that when the space bar is pressed when deployed, it will let out the anthrax, poisoning the victims from turn-to-turn until one of the team's personel finds a medkit. *********** *Ming Vase* *********** Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: Very High. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Short. Weight: Heavy. Crate: Low. Notes: When blown up, shards come out. Similar to the dynamite and the banana bomb. Fun to use. Run to avoid damage! ******************** *Mike's Carpet Bomb* ******************** Rate of Fire: Set. Power: Very High. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Infinite. Weight: Medium. Crate: Low. Notes: Bounces and explodes in contact. A bouncy version of the airstrike. I love this. Good in pits and the like. ********************* *French Sheep Strike* ********************* Rate of Fire: Set. Power: Very High. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Infinite. Weight: Heavy. Crate: Low. Notes: Bounces and explodes in contact. Firey version of the carpet bomb, along with the French Anthem. ********* *Mad Cow* ********* Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: High. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Heavy. Crate: Medium. Notes: More than one can be used in one turn. The number keys determine how many cows to release. Also, the cows cannot jump and instead blow up on contact with an unclimbable surface. This is where the herd concept comes handy. *********** *Old Woman* *********** Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: High. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Medium. Crate: Medium. Notes: None. The senior is like the mad cows, but only one can be used. However, when she walks, she doesn't blow up when in contact with an unclimable surface and instead turns around. Good for pits. Five second countdown. ************ *Sally Army* ************ Rate of Fire: Plant. Power: Very High. Accuracy: Medium. Usage: Medium. Range: Medium. Weight: Medium. Crate: Low. Notes: When blown up, tambourines come out. Similar to the old woman and to the banana bomb. Very rare. Custom detonation. ********* *MB Bomb* ********* Rate of Fire: Set. Power: Very High. Accuracy: Low. Usage: Medium. Range: Infinite. Weight: Light. Crate: Low. Notes: Affected by the wind. Unavailable in caverns. Or should it be named "Martyn Brown Bomb", as it resembles him (the director of this game). Needs patience and smarts to use this well. Massive damage. ***************** *Concrete Donkey* ***************** Rate of Fire: Set. Power: Very High. Accuracy: Very High. Usage: Medium. Range: Infinite. Weight: Heavy. Crate: Very Low. Notes: Bounces straight onto land until it reaches the water. Very powerful and can make a HUGE dent in the land. Keeps bouncing vertically until it sinks into the sea. ********************* *Indian Nuclear Test* ********************* Rate of Fire: Instant. Power: N/A. Accuracy: Confident. Usage: Low. Range: Infinite. Weight: N/A. Crate: Medium. Notes: Poisons everybody and raises the water. This is a risky choice. Use it only to poison the others to gradually weaken them. ************ *Armageddon* ************ Rate of Fire: Instant. Power: Insanely High! Accuracy: Confident. Usage: Low. Range: Infinite. Weight: Heavy. Crate: Low. Notes: Bombs the arena with craters. Use this when the user has a good enough barrier. This attack can turn girders into a junkyard in seconds! ************** *Magic Bullet* ************** Rate of Fire: Launch. Power: Very High. Accuracy: High. Usage: Medium. Range: Long. Weight: Heavy. Crate: Very Low. Notes: Avoids contact with the land. An advanced prototype of the homing pigeon. Very cool indeed. ************* *Select Worm* ************* Rate of Fire: Instant. Power: None. Accuracy: N/A. Usage: High. Range: Infinite. Weight: N/A. Crate: Very High. Notes: Allows players to switch between worms. When activated, players can select their own worms, regardless of their location on the terrain. In multi-player mode, this option can be turned on automatically. ******** *Freeze* ******** Rate of Fire: Use. Power: None. Accuracy: N/A. Usage: Low. Range: N/A. Weight: Heavy. Crate: Low. Notes: Protective surface. Unfortunately, the frozen worm is not always invulnerable. They can be trapped by mines, petrol bombs, or even be sunken in! --------------- 2.3 >Utilities< --------------- Here's the enhancers for the battle! ********* *Jetpack* ********* Description: Allows worms to fly freely for a limited time. This is very valuable for collecting crates or just getting around. ************* *Low Gravity* ************* Description: Lowers gravity for higher jumps. Along with jumping, this also affects the bounciness of grenades. *********** *Fast Walk* *********** Description: Lets the user walk faster. Excellent for short turns. ************** *Laser Target* ************** Description: Extends the crosshairs' range. Turn the shotgun into a sniper rifle! Good for open maps. ************** *Invisibility* ************** Description: Turns the user invisible. Only on the net. Not much is known about this utility. ****************** *Double Turn Time* ****************** Description: Extends the turn time being used. Instant. It's good for making plans in the spare time or to relax the tension. *********** *x2 Damage* *********** Description: Doubles the damage. Instant. See if there's any crazy weapons to use... ************** *Crate Shower* ************** Description: Spawns six weapon crates. Instant. There's a chance that one of the crates contains a superweapon. *********** *Crate Spy* *********** Description: Reveals what's in crates. Instant. This way, worms will not waste their turns picking up a useless box. ------------ 2.4 >Crates< ------------ There's bound to be a crate dropping here and there. There's three types of them: Weapon Crates give the team additional weapons, some coming in groups. Crate Showers spawn six crates in one turn. Utility Crates give the team tools to use in the battlefield. They enhance weapons or give the team a special ability. Health Crates give the shopper some health. The amount of health depends on the settings for the game. --------------------- 2.5 >The Worms Team!< --------------------- Want to customize a team? Here's how: Names: Here, there's a team name along with eight worm names. Click the ? to get a random name. Stats: This makes the team available to human hands, or controlled by CPU. The higher the number, the more intellegent. Grave: When a worm dies, he always leaves a grave behind, unless drowned. There are six animated graves, and a lot of still graves. Special Weapon: In deathmatch and in some settings for multi-player, there will be a special weapon available in the inventory. Some have special settings. Voice: There are many languages here, as well as novelty voices. Most are very squeaky and high pitched. Anthem: At the end of the round, the winning team's anthem plays. There's some serious ones, like America's, and goofy ones, like the Funny-Machine. Flag: Beside the total health for the team in the game, there's a flag. The serious ones are at the top, the funny ones at the bottom. -------------------- 2.6 >Unique Tactics< -------------------- The human can do a lot more than the CPU. Here's why: -The CPU teams usually use the bazooka, the shotgun, grenades, mines, dynamite, the fire punch, air strikes, and teleport. The human can do a lot more than that! -Careful planning is vital to some missions and deathmatches. -Remember that it's easy to drown an enemy than to beat him to a pulp. -Girders and arrows change the terrain immensly. -The ninja rope is the grail of this game. Use it well. ==================== 3.0 >Training Guide< ==================== Here's the guide for basic training, as well as for the extra challenges. -------------------- 3.1 >Basic Training< -------------------- This covers all three stages in Basic Training. ------ Bronze ------ Grenade Skills Grade 1: Here, the fuse time is useful. Both targets can be taken out with one second on the fuse. Shotgun Skills: This is easy. Simply fire at the targets from the worm's position. Bazooka Skills Grade 1: The first target should be no problem. The second requires the guidance of the wind. Aiming upward should do the trick. ------ Silver ------ Rope Skills Grade 1: In Single-player, the rope can be used like Tarzan's vine or Spider-man's web rope for an infinite amount of times. Do this to the girder above, collecting the crate on the way, and reach the target. Then beat up the flashing circle. Grenade Skills Grade 2: Do the same thing, except that the final target needs more than one second. Three or two will do it. Using The Firepunch: First of all, backflip underneath the crate and use the punch to collect it. This will give the team twice as more punches, allowing the worm to destroy both targets. ---- Gold ---- Rope Skills Grade 2: Go left and collect the crate. Then go above the target and drop the dynamite, getting out of the way. Bazooka Skills 2: First off, there really WAS a bouncing bomb in the British arsenal. Shoot both targets here, and take down the one on the left. Fire the rocket across the water to skim it across, taking the target down. Grenade Skills 3: Take down the first three targets likewise from Grade 2. Fire the grenade so that it just barely misses the girders above to hit the fourth target (four seconds). Then just aim upward with a well timed explosive to get the final target. ------------------------ 3.2 >Super Sheep Racing< ------------------------ Level: Mars. Score: -Gold: 3:30. -Silver: 2:30 -Bronze: 1:30 Reward: Aqua Sheep Enabled. Here, the worm MUST have good skills with the super sheep. He must collect the crates to increase the time allowed to spend. There's a pattern for the sheep to follow. Memorize this so that a record can be obtained. There's also a crate that spawns at the farthest point at the last tower (the red one). Crash the sheep so that the worm can make another one and save off a few seconds. Oh, and remember: Don't let the worm get killed by the sheep! ----------------- 3.3 >Rifle Range< ----------------- Level: Cars. Score: -Gold: 2:30. -Silver: 2:00. -Bronze: 1:30. Reward: Stronger Shotgun. This is tough. The worm starts on the tip of the tallest car. He is surrounded by landmines. The best way to do this, obviously, is to shoot the targets from his starting point. He CAN move, but he should only move if necessary. Targets spawn at two different sides. Precision with a rifle is recommended for this challenge. ------------------ 3.4 >Crazy Crates< ------------------ Level: Horny. Score: -Gold: 4:30. -Silver: 3:00. -Bronze: 1:30. Reward: Crates Containing Sheep Only. Here, the worm must rope across the cavern to get to crates, increasing the time he can spare. Repeat swinging of the rope is the best, and maybe, the only way to do this correctly. Keep swinging and collecting those crates! If the worm touches the ceiling or the floor when he swings in the air without a rope, he will loose his momentum on the rope swinging and will waste some seconds! --------------------- 3.5 >Artillery Range< --------------------- Level: Village. Score: -Gold: 3:30. -Silver: 2:30. -Bronze: 1:30. Reward: Stronger Grenades. This is, in my opinion, the hardest challenge here. Timing the fuse will save seconds, as does skill with throwing, and the bounce options. Also, the worm cannot move. ---------------- 3.6 >Euthanasia< ---------------- Level: New York (unplayable). Score: -Gold: 2:30. -Silver: 2:00. -Bronze: 1:30. Reward: Stronger Longbow. Here, it gets easier. Unlike the other exercises, this includes various weapons to play with. Most of the senior citizens are in good range of the bazooka, but some are better dealt with grenades or cluster bombs, and one spot requires a homing missile or an airstrike! The one at the far left CAN be taken out with the RPG, but it needs practise. =================== 4.0 >Mission Guide< =================== Here are all the missions, where a certain strategy must be used. Good thinking, some experementing, and guides are essential to completing them. ======================== 4.100 >Amateur Missions< ======================== These are available when a bronze medal is acchived ------------------------ 4.111 >Pumpkin Problems< ------------------------ Level: Pumpkins. Reward: None. Difficulty: Easy. Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Rope up the pumpkins and knock the bad guy into the minefield with the bat. -Turn 2: Collect the Crate. The Worm starts out on the left side of the pumpin patch. Use the rope, avoiding the guards, and knock the artillery with the bat into the minefield, where he will detonate the mines (hopefully, all of them), and die. If the hole isn't big enough or isn't there, use the shotgun or something to get through. Then collect the crate. The enemies are sitting ducks here. ------------------------------- 4.112 >Operation Market Garden< ------------------------------- Level: Flowers. Reward: None. Difficulty: Easy. Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -For Every Turn: Throw grenades into the pit. Will skill on grenades, this should be a breeze. Keep throwing grenades into the enemy position. There are two girders to use, if needed to get to the tip of the flowers. If the worms can make it over the top, they can also get up close. The falls aren't lethal. ---------------------------------- 4.121 >All Quient In The Library?< ---------------------------------- Level: Books. Reward: None. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: Nuclear blast at end of turn 6. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Grab the crate and use the bazooka to blast the grenadier on top of the book. -Turn 2: Attack the Officer. -Turn 3: Attack any enemy in the area. -Turn 4: Attack any enemy in the area. -Turn 5: Attack any enemy in the area. -Turn 6: Bat the nearby enemy into the sea. -For Every Other Turn: Attack any enemy in the area. It gets a bit more difficult here. First off, there is unlimited bazooka ammo, so use it. Second, on the end of the sixth turn, a nuke will go off and disease the worms. The first worm should grab the crate and use the bazooka on the grenadier on the top of the book to send him and his friend's souls to the depth of the sea. The second should attack the officer, as he will be a problem later on in the mission. The third should use an explosive to deal with the bad guys on the lower portion of the books. Do the same with the fourth and fifth. The sixth should bat the rightmost enemy off the map to get him over with. Then the nuke will blow up. From there on, it will be like a deathmatch game. Best of luck! ------------------- 4.122 >Cool As Ice< ------------------- Level: Polar. Reward: Laser Sight. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: Enemy can attack at end of turn 2. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Collect all the crates on the map, except for the utility and the crates on the arch. Then return to the top of the sleigh and fire a homing missile at the arch. -Turn 2: If the guard didn't drown, use dynamite. At first, this can be a nightmare. Ignore the utility crate, as it will only contain a crate spy, which isn't needed since the worm will collect all of the necessary crates anyways. Collect all the weapon crates except for the ones on the arch, which will come in handy. Once all the weapons are collected, return to the sleigh and fire a homing missile at the arch. This will blow up the crates as well as the arch and will burn the bad guy into the tiny hole to the ocean and kill him in one turn! If he didn't reach the waters, then use a stick of dynamite to kill him. ------------------------- 4.131 >Do The Locomotion< ------------------------- Level: Train. Reward: None. Difficulty: Easy. Notes: On a certain turn end, an earthquake will come and knock the crate into the water. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Fire punch the enemy on the tree off into the water. -Turn 2: Blowtorch throw the tree. -Turn 3: Get on top of the tree, collect the crate, and place the girder between the train and the tree. -Turn 4: Walk up, activate the mine, run away, and bungee down to collect the crate. Skip. -Turn 5: Jetpack over the post and collect the crate. Here, many methods can work here, but this one will work. Approach the tree and knock the enemy into the sea through the tree. Then get through the tree's trunk to the other side. Nab the crate and build a girder to be able to get up to the diesel. Then, make the mine blow up by walking to it and retreating when it starts. Bungee down to the bumper and get the utility and then skip the turn. Use the jetpack to get to the crate underneath the rails. Don't drown. ------------------------- 4.132 >Sand In Your Eyes< ------------------------- Level: Desert. Reward: None. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: On turn 7, the crate will appear and must be collected. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Rope up with worm 3 and use an arrow to knock the Soldier into the lower depths. Then use the second arrow on the right Sentry. -Turn 2: Use the flamethrower on the sentry to kill him. -Turn 3: Take out the other Sentry. -Turn 4: Take out the other Sentry. -Turn 5: Worm 2 should now use the longbow on the Agent. -Turn 6: Use a bazooka on the Agent inside the pit. -Turn 7: Collect the crate and kill the Soldier on the right. -Turn 8: With Worm 1 or 3, try to knock the Soldier off into the sea. This takes a lot of turns, but it is not the hardest mission at all. Switching between worms is vital to completion. With the 3rd Worm, rope up on the camel's head and use the longbow to knock the Soldier into a pit. Then use the second arrow on the nearby sentry. The enemy Soldier will only do something stupid here, so focus on him later. Then use the flamethrower on the sentry to slaughter him. Take care of the other sentry for the next two turns. By now, the Agent below breached the wall blocking him from the 2nd Worm, so switch to him and use the longbow on him to knock him into the pit. Then drown him with the bazooka to lower the pit of doom. With the 3rd Worm again, collect the crate on the drop zone and use the bazooka to blow up the Soldier on the right. This is guaranteed kill. Then use the 1st Worm (3rd Worm if roping skills are bad) and knock the remaining enemy into the water. --------------------------------- 4.141 >Not Mushroom Out There...< --------------------------------- Level: Mushrooms. Reward: None. Difficulty: Easy. Notes: Roping skills needed to get a gold. Indestructible Landscape. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Rope up on the first mushroom. Build four girders to cover the minefield and one for the gap between the first and second mushrooms. -Turn 2: Go across the girders and grab the crate below. Teleport to the crate on the right side. This is another "Race to the finish" style mission. There's a foolproof way to do this. One of the crates in the area contains a teleport. Simply follow the instructions for the small talk method. Also, for the silver and below difficulties, a girder starter kit will appear at the spawn point, making the rope climb much easier! ---------------- 4.142 >Big Shot< ---------------- Level: Kermit. Reward: Jetpack. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: Sudden Death occurs quickly. Briefing: Small Talk: None. The name of this is a bit of a misnomer. No shotgun ammo is available for some reason. Otherwise, this is a play-by-ear mission. Note that the blowtorch has infinite ammo, so use it to knock worms off their posts. When sudden death comes, the sea will eat up the worms. Sometimes, the guards and sentries will rebel against each other. When the pair on the left are weak enough, kill them. The crates on the leaves are valuable. Then get to the frog using girders or the rope. --------------------- 4.143 >Water Suprise< --------------------- Level: Paris. Reward: None. Difficulty: Insane! Notes: General gets napalm strikes on end of turns 8 and 10. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Build a girder next to the Eiffel Tower facing 75 degrees pointing to the gap in the top two white lines. -Turn 2: Shoot arrows at the girder. -Turn 3: Shoot arrows at the girder. -Turn 4: Shoot arrows at the girder. -Turn 5: Shoot arrows at the girder. -Turn 6: Shoot arrows at the girder. -Turn 7: Run under the bridge. -Turn 8: Run under the bridge. -Turn 9: Skip. -Turn 10: Go to an open spot. -Turn 11: Jump on the girder and shoot arrows at the girder. -Turn 12: Shoot arrows at the girder. -Turn 13: Jump on the bridge and collect the crate on the tower. Use the sheep to swim underwater and ambush the general. This one is one of the hardest missions ever! Firstoff, if the girder is placed near the tower and the bridge is extended like so, then the general will likely blow up the crate! The only way to prevent this is to make a diversion once he gets his second strike. First, build a girder facing 75 degrees next to the tower and pointing to the gap between the top two white lines. Then, with the second worm, shoot arrows to the tower. Take advantage of the fact that the highest angle with the longbow is 45 degrees and shoot arrows at the girder to build a bridge. The first worm should do the same. Keep repeating the worms' tasks until Turn 7, where they should take cover underneath their creation. Hopefully, the general's napalm strike will miss the worms. Send the second worm out away from the first to draw away the strike. This will let the crate survive. Continue extending the bridge until it is finished. Grab that crate and send the sheep to deal justice. --------------------- 4.151 >Jurassic Worm< --------------------- Level: Dino. Reward: None. Difficulty: Easy. Notes: If the Captain is assassinated, then the other enemies will surrender. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Rope up to the dinosaur's head on the left and grab the crate, then use the uzi to knock the mines across the dinosaur's back. -Turn 2: Rope up again and use the mole bomb towards the captain's position. -Turn 3: Rope up and climb down the hole and plant a mine in the pit. This is a quick match. However, roping skills are again needed for this mission. The first worm MUST rope up to the head and collect the glowing crate. Then, fire the uzi across the dinosaur's back to knock the mines towards the enemies on the dino's tail. Hopefully, this will kill BOTH worms. The second must rope like the first and use the mole to dig towards the captain's room. The third must repeat what the two worms did and then plant a mine in the captain's position, guaranteeing the kill. ------------------------ 4.152 >Chemical Warfare< ------------------------ Level: Chemist. Reward: None. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: Indestructible Landscape. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Parachute down the spoon and fire punch the Soldier to the sea, then take cover in the spoon's handle. -Turn 2: Get the mine out of the way to let worms get through the opening. Hurt any Major if possible (with the shotgun). -Turn 3: Use the skunk towards the larger "shield" and poison as many Majors as possible. -Turn 4: Rope up the bag and fend off the Soldier. -Turn 5: Collect the crates. -Turn 6: Fire punch the Major through the wires (or just use the minigun). -Turn 7: Shotgun the Major nearby. -Turn 8: If the Soldier is still alive, finish him off. If dead, rope up to help the third worm fend off the Majors and the Soldier. -Turn 9: Skip. -Turn 10: Use the skunk to poison the Major on the left. The skunk is essential to completing this mission easily, as the terrain cannot be breached and there's Majors being covered by it! The only way to do this is to use the skunk's poisonous aroma to the officers. The first worm should knock the Soldier on the right to the ocean, then retreat under the spoon, so that the Major's air attacks will be wasted. The second worm should focus on clearing the mine and attacking the two majors. The one on the left is the more secure one, so focus on him. The third should take care of his Major easily, while fending off the Soldier. The same applies to the fourth, except that there's no Major around, so use weapons with infinite ammo. Hopefully, the Majors are poisoned and will be weak. Wait for their health to go to 1, then finish them off. Most can be taken out with explosives or the shotgun or the minigun. However, the centre one is tough to kill, so use explosives. When it's the first worm's turn again, collect the crates. Otherwise, it's basically a deathmatch game. --------------------- 4.153 >No Substitute< --------------------- Level: Sub. Reward: None. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: Sudden Death Immediately. Water Rises. Briefing: Small Talk: -For Every Turn: Fend off any enemies and try to sink them into the water. This can't have a turn-based walkthrough. For the most, try not to drown and stay alert for any flaws in defenses. Keep fending off the bad guys until they die or drown. At least one worm must survive. ========================= 4.200 >Honarary Missions< ========================= That was just the beginning! Here is where it gets interesting... -------------------------------------- 4.211 >Who Left The Flood Gates Open?< -------------------------------------- Level: Tech (Extended). Reward: Fast Walk. Difficulty: Hard. Notes: Sudden Death Immediately. Water Rises. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Blast a hole through the top. -Turn 2: If the enemy didn't make a hole, extend the existing one. If so, then escape up. -Turn 3: Rope up to a safe ledge. -Turn 4 and on: Keep digging to the top, or at least above the highest enemy. The 2nd Worm cannot be saved. He drowns no matter what's done. Focus on the first and get out of the trap! Once the team gets ropes, rope up to a high enough place and dig up. Also, barricade the way he came through, to ensure his safety. The shelter is sufficient as long as it is higher than the enemy's position. Then wait for the water to shockingly rise. ---------------------------------- 4.212 >Super Sheep To The Rescue!< ---------------------------------- Level: Maze (Unplayable). Reward: None. Difficulty: Insane! Notes: European Version Glitch. Briefing: Small Talk: For Every Turn: Use the Super Sheep to fly across the maze and collect any crate. This is next to impossible. Unless there's Super Sheep skills present. I recommend practice at the "Super Sheep Racing" challenge before this mission is confronted. There's a foolproof to completing this in the European version, though. Simply suicide with the sheep to win. However, in the North American version, a draw will end up as a loss. The crates contain a fire punch, which the worm can use to kill the enemy. ----------------- 4.221 >Hot Stuff< ----------------- Level: Plumbing. Reward: None. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -For Every Turn: Fend off the Marshalls by tossing them into the water. The Marshalls are very strong, with 300 HP. That won't stop the heroes from killing them though, as they can still be drowned, taking all of their HP away. This is another deathmatch-style mission. Try to use the drums to take them down. Also, there are some crates that contain valuable weapons. --------------------------------- 4.222 >Trouble On Mount Wormmore< --------------------------------- Level: Wormmore. Reward: Invisibility. Difficulty: Easy. Notes: If the General is assassinated, then the other enemies will surrender. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: 2nd Worm should go up and shoot the mines away with the Uzi. -Turn 2: 2nd Worm should walk across the mountains and shoot through the sign to the General. -Turn 3: Keep shooting the General. -Turn 4: Keep shooting the General. -Turn 5: If low on health, Kamakazie. If healthy, keep shooting. -Turn 6: Get to the right side of the mountain and finish off the General. ------------------------ 4.231 >Chateau Assassin< ------------------------ Level: Chateau. Reward: None. Difficulty: Hard. Notes: If the General is assassinated, then the bodyguard will surrender. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Get the worms on top of each other and get the 3rd Worm to jump across the rooftops. -Turn 2: Build a Girder across the gap in the rooftops. -Turn 3: Build another Girder across the second gap. -Turn 4: Jump across and try to knock the Major down to knock the General off the land with him. -Turn 5: If failed, jump across. This one requires coordination. Get all the worms on top of each other and get one of the worms to the rooftops. The other worms will act as a diversion for the strikes led by the General. Then, build girders across the gaps that cannot be jumped. Then, use the handgun to knock the Major off the tree and into the General, knocking him into the depths of the ocean. If that failed, jump and get the worm colliding with the Major. ---------------------------- 4.232 >Rescue Agent Dennis!< ---------------------------- Level: T17 Logo. Reward: None. Difficulty: Hard. Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Use the Minigun to knock the enemies on the left to the water. -Turn 2: Throw a Banana Bomb to the right, blowing up the enemies. -Turn 3: Call in a Napalm Strike on the A. -Turn 4: Use the Old Woman on the enemies below. -Turn 5: Try to knock the bad guys on the lowest portion of land. -Turn 6: Sink the enemies. The 1st Worm plays as Agent Dennis. For "default" stuff (in my opinion), have his name as Agent Dennis and the voice as the Jock or the Soul Man voice. Now, Dennis will need to kill ALL of his assassins. He may have 200 HP, but he can be drowned. Therefore, save the enemies below for last, as he can be knocked down into the hole he will make later easily. First, use the Minigun on the bad guys on the T. An oil drum is also in their path, exploding and sending the pair off to Davey Jone's locker. Next is the villains on the 17. Use the banana bomb on them. The third group to destroy are the ones on the M. Use the napalm strike. Dennis' final act is to sink the two baddies on the bottom part of the E. Use the Old Woman to start the hole. Then, with an accurate weapon, knock them at the lowest part. Then sink the two. ------------------ 4.241 >Horny Nuke< ------------------ Level: Horny. Reward: None. Difficulty: Hard. Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Rope across the cavern, collecting the crates along the way, to the part above the glowing crate. Collect the drill and skip. -Turn 2: Drill towards the crate. -Turn 3: Rope back at the starting point. -Turn 4: Knock the sniper off his perch. -Turn 5: Knock the artillery off his post. -Turn 6: Activate the nuke. -Turn 7 and on: Dig up. This requires the worm to collect a crate, and then search for high ground. This is harder than it sounds, because if the worm touches the ceiling or the floor while swinging between rope firing, then he will loose the groove and will need to waste a rope. This cannot be allowed to happen when searching for the higher medals. Go down and collect the crates. Use the first rope to swing across the cavern. The horns are the ultimate bane for the swinger. Collect any crates available on the way and reach the leftmost crate, containing a drill. Use it to drill to the glowing crate. Once collected, rope back up. Here's the hard part. The worm MUST rope back to his starting point. Try not to hit anything on the way. When back at the safe point, try to knock the two snipers down to the ground. The banana bomb will work. Then try to push the artillery up high off his post to ensure that the worm will be the highest. The other enemy above the "drill" crate will do himself. Once the high enemies are fallen, activate the nuke! Then try to dig upward with the Uzi and wait for sudden death. Wait for the water to rise. ------------------------------ 4.242 >Rumble In The Farmyard< ------------------------------ Level: Farmyard. Reward: Low Gravity. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: Earthquake. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Rope to the pitchfork and try to land on top of the well's roof and knock the Soldier off the roof. -Turn 2: Rope to the pitchfork and get through the well to the Captain. -Turn 3: Dig down to flank the captain. -Turn 4: Attack the Captain. -Turn 5: Dig down. -Turn 6: Kill the Captain. -Turn 7 and on: Fend off the soldiers from the well. This one is very simple. The first worm should focus on getting on top of the well and fight the Soldier above. The second should try getting to the Captain's position. The Captain will try to send air strikes, so try to get him first. The Captain's position is very secure, so use that to kill the Soldiers. --------------------- 4.243 >Wooden Ambush< --------------------- Level: Woods. Reward: None. Difficulty: Hard. Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -For Every Turn: Switch Between Worms and collect the crates with the jetpack and avoid the mines. Try to dispatch as many enemies as possible. With all the branches and mines, it's impossible to give a certain walkthrough. The only thing I can do is that collecting the crates around the trees are helpful and that the mines should be avoided. Dig down and make sure that the Soldiers can't call in air support. This all depends on luck. ------------------- 4.251 >Go Bananas!< ------------------- Level: Fruity2. Reward: None. Difficulty: Hard. Notes: Earthquake on Turn 7. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Fire a rocket at the sniper on the apple branch. Then jump down. -Turn 2: Fire a rocket at the thin part between the leaf and the fruit. -Turn 3: Blowtorch through the banana. Advance through as much as possible. -Turn 4: Fire a rocket at the thing part. -Turn 5: Use the Parachute to get the crate. Warning: If the mission is not complete at the end of the sixth turn, then it's curtains for the vital crate! First of all, only use one worm, since the others can only be cannon fodder. Use the bazooka on the sniper on the stem of the apple. Jump down. It will cause damage, but it is minor. Then fire an RPG at the part where the leaf and the fruit connect. This will allow the worm to get through. Blowtorch through the banana next. Advance through so that the Captain will fire a rocket at the Worm. Then fire another rocket through the hole. By now, paracutes shall now arrive in a package. Use it to reach the crate. --------------------- 4.252 >The Drop Zone< --------------------- Level: Islands (Unplayable). Reward: None. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -For every turn: Suicide on the enemy worms. Punch the rightmost to the left. Here, it gets crazy. There may be six worms to use, but they must all suicide on the enemy. The rightmost should be punched to the left to take down his partner down with him. Use the parachute controls to steady the landing. If all worms are dead and ends in a draw, that counts as a win. ====================== 4.300 >Elite Missions< ====================== This is the last batch of insane scenarios! Prepare to be frustrated! -------------------------------- 4.311 >Countdown To Armageddon!< -------------------------------- Level: City. Reward: None. Difficulty: Insane! Notes: Armageddon at end of Turn 7. Mayor must survive. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Fire punch the Mayor to the left. -Turn 2: Build a girder. -Turn 3: Rope up and collect the crate on the far left building. Then use the starter kit. -Turn 4: Build a girder. -Turn 5: Build a girder. -Turn 6: Fend off any enemies. -Turn 7: Fend off any enemies. This is another insanely hard mission! The Mayor MUST NOT DIE or else the worms will surrender. First, rope to the Mayor's position and fire punch him to a secure spot. This will hurt him a bit, but will allow him to be covered by many buildings. The second worm should build a girder covering the Mayor's spot. The third should start roping up a certain building (Hope he hasn't been fallen into the hole on his left) and grab the crate. Use the starter kit to barricade the Mayor's hole. Keep building more girders until supplies run out. Then fend off any enemies that dare to breach the barricade. Then the Armageddon will come (When the message that says "Judgement Day" appears). On silver or lower difficulties, there will be more girders. Otherwise, just hope that the Mayor has the luck of the Irish. ----------------- 4.312 >Mars Star< ----------------- Level: Mars. Reward: Indestructible Landscape. Difficulty: Easy. Notes: Indestructible Landscape. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Build girders covering the gaps. Then launch the sheep and detonate it when it reaches the right ramp near the oil drum. Relief of the Hard missions. There is no Super Sheep to command here, but there is the regular sheep, and it has to jump. Use the girders and make a bridge for the ramps for the sheep to jump (it will jump accordingly) and then have it stroll across the spacecrafts. Once the sheep reaches the final structure, detonate it when it is close to the barrel on the other side of the support thing. This will destroy the objective. ---------------- 4.313 >Mad Cows< ---------------- Level: Mad Cows. Reward: None. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -For Every Turn: Try to kill the enemies. Here, time must not be wasted. Take advantage of the select worm starts and try to annihilate the opposition. Crates will appear, including either Damage x2, or the Mad Cows. Hurry up with the turns and the team will survive for the next task. ---------------------------- 4.321 >Bazooka On The Rocks< ---------------------------- Level: Rocky. Reward: None. Difficulty: Hard. Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Walk to the gap and place a girder in the gap. -Turn 2: Shoot the barrel with the bazooka. -Turn 3: Fire a rocket at the enemy. -Turn 4: Jump into the water. -Turn 5 And On: Fend off the bad guys. In the rockies, the terrain is harsh. This mission makes no exception. The bazooka must be used to defeat the opposing forces. The first move should be used to make a girder to cover the gap between the rocks. Try to fend off any forces. They can be pushed off their posts and into vulnerable spots. When it is the fourth worm's turn, make him die so that no turn will be wasted on him again. From here on, try to drown the two worms to the left. The best way to do this is to knock the second to the left and make the two go down to the blue. Also, try to detonate the drums or the crates. -------------------- 4.322 >Stolen Goods< -------------------- Level: MPSLogo. Reward: None. Difficulty: Insane! Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Go down the E, and blowtorch through the bottom crack. -Turn 2: Keep blowtorching through the word. -Turn 3: Keep blowtorching through the word. -Turn 4: Keep blowtorching through the word. -Turn 5: Shotgun through the thin areas. -Turn 6: Build a girder below the gap between the P and the R. -Turn 7: Build another girder leading up to the O. -Turn 8: Blowtorch Up-Left. -Turn 9: Get the crate with any means necessary (shotgunning through the O, blowtorching, etc.) -Turn 10: Initiate French Sheep Strike. -Turn 11 And On: Finish off the survivors. This one is hard, mainly because of the amount of care required to complete it and the possible banana bomb usage from the enemy. First, the first worm CAN go down to the second crack in the E. The second should commit suicide if he survives the attack. Keep blowtorching through PROSE, and make sure that the blowtorch attacks aren't wasted. When the worm reaches the R, he MUST make a girder below the gap from the P and R. Build another girder reaching to the top right from the O. Blowtorch through and get to the crate without destroying it. Then activate the French Sheep Strike! Use all other weapons available to finish off the perpatraitors! Here's an alternate method from Thomas Toth: You see, there's infinite shots for the rope. THIS means the advantage, and this this is the key to the method. -Turn 1: First start swinging down to the bottom of E. //Choose the rope, backflip, wait until you come down a bit, and let the rope go!// Continue swinging, reaching the place between P and R. Swing up to P, pull yourself up, and place a long horizontal girder directly below you. Do this in one turn./ You see, we got to the space between P and R in one turn, using NO BLOWTORCHES, only one rope (two for not so good ropers) and a girder! -Turn 2: Shotgun through the thinner side of P. If the second worm is not killed, suicide. -Turn 3: Shotgun through P, or if it's already done, shotgun into the O. -Turn 4: Rope into the shotgunned hole, blowtorch to get the Sheep Strike. Land safely! -Turn 5: If there's terrain between you, shotgun through it. If still, shoot again. If you could get the crate after the first shot, continue to get the strike, and shoot to continue. If you can get the Sheep Strike, or you've already got it, blowtorch to get the carpet bomb. DO NOT USE THE SHEEP STRIKE YET! Because it can make a hole so enemies can kill you! -Turn 6: Blowtorch again to get the carpet bomb! -Turn 7: Now, go back through the tunnel you have made with blowtorches and shotguns. Rope back to your safety hole. -Turn 8: Use the sheep strike! From now on, only use the next turns if neccesary! -Turn 9: Use the carpet bomb! -Turn 10: Probably the enemies are blown. If not (however, with correct using of these attacks, you could do like an armageddon), you still have a rope, swing up and kill!!!) I did it until Turn 9. I won a gold medal. So I used: - 3 ropes - 1 girder - 2 shotguns - 3 blowtorches - 1 sheep strike (...) - 1 carpet bomb (?!?) ----------------------- 4.331 >Sinking Ice Cap< ----------------------- Level: Winter. Reward: None. Difficulty: Hard. Notes: None. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Rope through the tree and land on the right of the stump. Blowtorch through. -Turn 2: Rope to the top of the tree and freeze. -Turn 3: Rope to the house and kill the worm at the bottom. Make shelter under the house as well. -Turn 4: Rope over the house and try to kill the worm while making another shelter in the house. -Turn 5: Kill the worm or rope back to the central tree and freeze. -Turn 6: Kill the last worm using the oil drum or the mines. This one needs precision, as the mines are even more deadly and no wrong move must be made! Roping is vital to completion, as well as the freeze ability. The first move made should be used on roping over the central tree. Then, go to the right side of the stump and blowtorch the way through, hopefully hurting and frying the bad guy. Stay in the stump so that the worm is protected from the airstrikes. Rope back to the top of the tree and freeze. Then, go to the bottom of the house and kill the worm, digging through the house. Rope up to the roof and kill the worm above while making a shelter. If the worm isn't dead, finish him off! Rope back to the central tree and freeze again. Rope back down the left side and use the enviroment to kill that enemy. The worm doesn't need to survive, so a suicide can work if necessary. One mistake on this lodge could send the worm into exile! -------------------------- 4.332 >Aim Long, Aim True< -------------------------- Level: Cyborg. Reward: None. Difficulty: Medium. Notes: Indestructible Terrain. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Use the girder pack to make slopes towards the enemy Grenadiers. -Turn 2 And On: Use the grenades to kill the Grenadiers. -After The Grenadiers Are Dead: Use the girder pack to make a slope to the Marshall. -After The Slope Construction Is Complete: Kill the Marshall. This one requires the slopes of the girder and the patience of the saint. Here, the girders are vital to sucess, as is careful planning. To begin, use the girder pack to make long slopes towards: 1. Left of the leftmost Grenadier sloping down. 2. Right of the leftmost Grenadier sloping down. 3. Left of the rightmost Grenadier sloping slightly down. 4. Right of the leftmost Grenadier vertical. 5. Left of the third girder horizontal. Then, send the grenades flying! The middle guy doesn't need girders. The fuel drums can be used to destroy the enemy. Once the three are down, use a second girder pack: 1-5: Make a slight slope towards the Marshall. Remember to have a wall to prevent the grenades to fly out of the area. Then, throw away! This might be tricky, but there's NO way that the worm can loose now! Remember to put the girders in the right way, or else the Marshall will be inacessible. ----------------------- 4.333 >Goody Two-Shoes< ----------------------- Level: Shoes. Reward: None. Difficulty: Insane! Notes: Sudden Death Water Rises REALLY Slowly. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Collect the crate and blowtorch up-left. -Turn 2: Blowtorch up-left. -Turn 3: Blowtorch up-left. -Turn 4: Collect the crates with the Aqua Sheep. -Turn 5 And On: Fend off the bad guys. This one deserves an insane rating because the enemies are very smart here and they won't let the worm get away with collecting the crates! To survive, collect the crate nearby and blowtorch out of that hole! Once done, use the aqua sheep to collect the crates. Hopefully, all will be collected. Then, use whatever's obtained to kill the enemy. Note that the rope and girder supplies are scarce. Start at one worm and kill from left to right. Use melee weapons to knock enemies off edges. The air strike is effective on groups of enemies, especially when they're near an edge. The handgun has infinite ammo. Sudden death will disable the select worm ability for the enemy, and the water won't rise quickly at all. -------------------------------- 4.341 >Trouble In The Toy Store< -------------------------------- Level: Toys. Reward: None. Difficulty: Hard. Notes: Scientist must survive. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Run up the teddy bear's head and launch a mortar towards the Assassin. -Turn 2: Run up the teddy bear's head, jump to the bike handles and launch a mortar at the Captain. -Turn 3: Collect the crate and fire a mortar at the sniper. -Turn 4 And On: Fend off the enemies. There are millions of variables here, and the worms must be prepared for anything that can happen. The first worm should target the Assassin below the scientist. The second should try to fend off the Captain and his henchmen. The third can kill the sniper in one shot, as he is surrounded by mines. The crates near the enemy should be blown up rather than to be stolen, as they can explode and damage the enemy. The best way to take out that Assassin is to dig down and drop a dynamite. The bad guys at the back are vulnerable to being knocked down into the blue. Strike hard and without mercy. -------------------------- 4.342 >Spectral Recovery?< -------------------------- Level: Speccy. Reward: Double Banana Bomb. Difficulty: Hard. Notes: At the end of turn 9, the objective will drop. Briefing: Small Talk: -Turn 1: Blowtorch left. -Turn 2: Blowtorch down left. -Turn 3: Blowtorch left. -Turn 4: Blowtorch down left. -Turn 5: Blowtorch left out of the hole. -Turn 6: Blowtorch down left. -Turn 7: Shotgun through. -Turn 8: Blowtorch down RIGHT. Collect the crate. -Turn 9: Place a girder beside the hole enterance. -Turn 10: Fend off any enemies. -Turn 11: Collect the crate! This one really needs practice and accuracy. One wrong move and the objective is done for! The worms need to rely on each other to complete the course. There's a different method featuring only one worm, but I think that way is too risky. The first worm MUST blowtorch to the right towards the other hole. The second should recover from the Grenadier's attack and blowtorch down left. Keep doing this until the first worm reaches the second hole. Make him blowtorch to the left edge. Once the second is far enough into the tape, make him blowtorch towards the bottom hole, where he can collect the girder crate. When the first almost reaches the edge, shotgun through. Once the second worm blowtorches to the girder crate, he MUST acess the hole and grab the crate! The first one MUST now place a girder close enough to the worm and balanced enough to ensure the crate's safety. There are many ways the second worm can bide his time. There's a chance that one of the Captains will be knocked down near the hole and the drum. Try to use a grenade on him, so that he will drown. The first can now nab the crate, claiming victory for the last time... ====================== 5.0 >Deathmatch Guide< ====================== Here, teams of worms face against some nasty teams. It gets harder every time! -------------------------- 5.1 >Ranks & Descriptions< -------------------------- If the team wins, they get promoted. If they loose, they get demoted. They also get demoted by quiting the round twice. Here's the ranks. 0: Absolute Beginner. 1: Beginner. 2: Inexperienced. 3: Rookie. 4: Novice. 5: Below Average. 6: Average. 7: Reasonable. 8: Above Average. 9: Fairly Competent. 10: Competent. 11: Highly Competent. 12: Veteran. 13: Distinguished. 14: Highly Distinguished. 15: General. 16: Major. 17: Field Marshall. 18: Hero. 19: Super Star. 20: Elite. As the ranks grow, sometimes at certain ranks, there are less worms to use. ------------- 5.2 >Enemies< ------------- Here are the opponents faced in Deathmatch. Some of the spaces are left out because I couldn't find all of the worms' names. ROYALTY: 1. The Queen. 2. Prince Charles. 3. Prince of Persia. 4. Price Andrew. 5. Queen Mum. 6. Henry 8. 7. Sal. 8. King Canute. TEAM17: 1. Lambo. 2. Zelda. 3. Boggy B. 4. Spadge. 5. Statan 6. Rob 7. 8. NASTYCREW: 1. Vinnie Jones. 2. Cilla Black. 3. Old Spice 4. George Graham 5. 6. 7. 8. DODGY 8: 1. El Presidente. 2. The Intern. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. VENOM: 1. Noggin. 2. Tebbitbreath. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ---------- 5.3 >Tips< ---------- Here's some tips if there's trouble: -Destroy the royalty team first. They have the highest chance of being the smartest out of all the enemy teams. -Try to drown rather than beat up worms. -Save airstrikes for a desperate attempt to kill. -Use the ninja rope. -Change the special weapons, because some weapons are better than others in certain terrain. -Not only are crates good for collecting, they can also explode, making it even quicker to dispatch worms. -There are three select worm items. Use these if it is necessary to select a certain worm to beat up a certain enemy. -Later on in the game, the amount of available worms will decrease. Therefore, play a dark-sided game, where worms camp in places. ======================= 6.0 >Multi-Player Mode< ======================= This is why Worms Armageddon is so perfect for parties. Here, lots of teams can duke it out! Six usable premade teams are here, as well as five CPU teams. Additionally, wormnet allows players to play on LAN or over the internet. -------------------- 6.1 >Weapons Select< -------------------- Here's all the weapons available. Note that utilities are unlocked as customizable weapons when completing certain missions. Ammunition: This is a rather obvious one. Just click on the weapon to increase the ammount of ammo for it. Right-click to decrease. The maximum is infinite. Power: This enhances the power slightly on the weapon. For collateral damage, maximize the power! Delay: This delays the weapon for a certain amount of turns. When the turn's done, the team's arsenal expands. Use this on cheap weapons such as airstrikes. The amount of clocks on the weapon indicates the amount of turns it gets delayed. Crates: This option changes the probability of getting a weapon in a weapon crate. The more the crates, the higher chance of getting that weapon. Special Weapon: Locking the door gives the teams their special weapon and their stats. If unlocked, the weapons can be customized like all the other weapons. Cheats: Utilities are found here, and are treated like normal weapons, except that they can only be changed by ammunition, and not delay or anything else. Weapon enhancers are also here, from a double banana explosion to better longbows. Superweapons: Turning this on will let "red" weapons available in crates. When off, they will not be present in crates. ------------------ 6.2 >Rules Select< ------------------ This area is for how the game is played. Note that some of these options are also displayed at the main menu of multi-player. Health: How much health a worms starts with. Rounds: How many rounds for a team to win to end the match. Worms Select: The arrow pointing down means that it's that worm's turn only (unless the team uses worm select). If rotating, then players can choose their worms at the start. Locations: The default action for this is random locations. If turned on, then players can choose where to put their worms individually. Movement: If the anchor is off, then worms can move. If on, then worms will need to rely on far ranged attacks. Arsenal Changes: For every match, the arsenal shifts. There are three types available. Regular refills the team's arsenal and replaces the old one, removing any old weapons collected. Plunder allows the teams to keep their previous inventory while getting a new one as well. Survival limits the teams to only one arsenal and has to last the entire match! Challenging for long games. Donar Cards: If there's more than two teams fighting, then when the last worm on a team dies, he will drop a card instead of a grave. This is dealed like a crate, except it collects all of what the team had in their arsenal. Fall Damage: Simple, turn off or on fall damage when a worm falls off a steep cliff. Round Time: In minutes, this indicates how much time there is in a round until sudden death, which will speed up the game immensly. Turn Time: Up to one minute can be enabled to give the worms time to make their moves. Escape Time: When a worm fires, he has a certain amount of time until he can no longer move. Transport Time: Like escape time, except with dropping an explosive via ninja rope, bunjee, or parachute. Hotseat Delay: Good for multi-player games. This delay is to allow the players to switch seats so they can make their turn. Time Display: Regular displays the turn time only. Expanded also shows the time until sudden death. Crates: This changes the probability of the crates. The more the crates, the more likely that kind of crate will appear often than the other crates. Also, the amount of health given to a worm when collected from a first-aid crate can also be changed. Maximum is 100. Objects: Oil drums and mines surround the terrain. It can be changed so that there's only drums or mines or not even either! Also, the amount of time for a mine to explode and dud mines can also be changed. Sudden Death Style: Four types of Sudden death are available. One Shot Kills, Water Rise, Armageddon, and End. One Shot Kills lowers worms' health to one HP. Water Rise does nothing. Armageddon nukes the place and poisons all the worms. End ends the game! Water rising levels also occur, so this can be changed. Water doesn't need to rise however. General Options: Replays can be funny, but can be persistently annoying, right? Change this so that automatic replays are off, and replays can only be accessed by human hands. Cheats are also acessed here. Red blood and immortal terrain can be changed here. ---------------- 6.3 >Map Select< ---------------- There are many pre-made maps here, and only some have default names and confirmed styles. All others are random. Picture Maps: Here's the list of maps that can be selected out of the map options. Note that the maps Pumpkins and down are unlocked by completing certain missions. -Artclass: Lots of holes here. Very basic. -Beach: Pretty dark compared to the real beaches. -Birthday: Like Artclass. -Canyons: Up high and crazy! Earthquakes are effective here! -Cars: Based on the level from the Rifle Range challenge. Pretty flat in most places. -Fish: Up high a lot. Very basic. -Fruit: Lots of seeds here, as well as some fun. -Gunbox: My favourite level. Nobody will get tired of this place! Verstatile. -Holland: The traditional Holland style. Windmills and flowers. -Junk: A bland, gloomy, cavern. -Windmill: Very texturized and realistic, ironically. -Space: Lots of odd things here. -Squiggle: Simple, four-year old work is this. -Treasure: Gold! Gold! Gold! And shiny too! -Village: Based on the Artillery Range challenge. -Witch: Bland with few objects and steady terrain. -Pumpkins: Based on "Pumpkin Problems". Wide and well balanced. -Flowers: Based on "Operation Market Garden". Stay away from the centre to avoid bombardment. -Books: Based on "All Quiet In The Library?". Bumpy everywhere. -Polar: Based on "Cool As Ice". Very unsafe for beginners. -Train: Based on "Do The Locomotion". The train and the post are the highest points in this map. Get that rope ready! -Desert: Based on "Sand In Your Eyes". The bad places to start are in the lower edges. -Mushroom: Based on "Not Mushroom Out There". Beginners will thrive here. -Kermit: Based on "Big Shot". Not too bad of a map. -Paris: Based on "Water Suprise". All that hard work paid off! Lots of french products! -Dino: Based on "Jurassic Worm". Two big dinasaurs cover most of the map. -Chemist: Based on "Chemical Warfare". Enable indestructible terrain to get the real feel of the map! -Sub: Based on "No Substitute". The water won't rise again unless enabled. -Tech: Based on "Who Left The Flood Gates Open?". Some of the top parts are missing, unfortunately. -Sci: Ice cream everywhere! This map makes no sense! -Pluming: Based on "Hot Stuff". Pipes make this a maze. -Wormore: Based on "Trouble On Mount Wormore". Along with the monument, there's also a sign to play on. -Chateau: Based on "Chateau Assassin". Very rough terrain. -T17 Logo: Based on "Rescue Agent Dennis!". Very easy to fall off. -Horny: Based on "Horny Nuke" and the Crazy Crates challenge. Another cavern with lots of bumps to hamper ropers. -Farmyard: Based on "Rumble In The Farmyard". Basic indeed. -Woods: Based on "Wooden Ambush". Ideal for dark-sided games. -Fruity2: Based on "Gone Bananas!". Small and cramped. -Stones: Resembles Stonehenge. Simple and flat. -City: Based on "Coundown To Armageddon!". No disaster is present this time, but is still a dangerous city to live in. -Mars: Based on "Mars Star" and the Super Sheep Racing challenge. There's already oxygen here, so don't bother bringing a space suit. Very steep. -Cows: Based on "Mad Cows". Flat and basic, good for beginners. -Rocky: Based on "Bazooka On The Rocks". Watch out for that pit! -MPSLogo: Based on "Stolen Goods". Unlike the other logo, this one is stable. -Snow: Based on "Sinking Ice Cap". Again, basic with two top points. -Cyborg: Based on "Aim Long, Aim True". Movement is available here. -Shoes: Based on "Goody Two-Shoes". Tall points make movement limited. -Toys: Based on "Trouble In The Toy Store". Very bright and quite simple. -Speccy: Based on "Spectral Recovery?". Boring. Random Maps: Click on the map image to randomise the map. There are two types of maps. Island and Cavern. Island is a usual map with everything available and a wide length of ocean. Cavern stays inward and is covered by land. Cavern cannot allow strikes, as the cavern's ceiling in impenetrable. ----------------- 6.4 >Team Select< ----------------- Here, players can select their own team, as well as play with or against CPU players. Select: Simply click on the team to enter it into for play. Up to six teams can play in a game simultaneously. Customize: Right-click on the team to customize it. Make new: Click on the "Make New Team" button to make a brand new team! Points: This is how many point the team has earned. While not absolutely necessary, this is for how many worms killed and how many died. The points decrease from suicides. Worms: This indicates how many worms the teams start with. Maximum is eight. Up to 18 worms can play all at once. Handicap: Finally, when the teams and worms are selected, there's a handicap box between the worms and the name. Plus adds a quarter of the default health to each worm to that team. X does nothing. Minus subtracts a quarter of the default health to each worm to that team. ------------------------- 6.5 >Multi-Player Awards< ------------------------- At the end of the match, the awards are displayed at the left. Note that * is a variable. Awards printed in yellow are good, while awards printed in blue are bad. Feel free to E-mail me any that I missed. Team Awards: -* Won The Entertainment Award: Awarded to the most Funny and Action packed team. -* Was The Most Boring Team: Awarded to the team that was the least efficient with weapons. -* Were Not Very Good At All: Awarded to the team that often suicided and didn't get any kills. -* Collects The Hot Water Bottle: Awarded to the team that used a lot of firey weapons. -Hail *, Masters Of The Dark Side: The team played a dark-sided type of game. -* Won The Sniping Award (*%): The team had this much accuracy on all of their weapons used. -* Won The Shopping Award: The team collected and hunted a lot of crates. Worm Awards: -Worm Of The Match: Worm with the most kills. -Most Kills With One Shot: Most kills in a single turn. -Most Damage With One Shot: Most damage done in a single turn. Damage can overcome HP. -Best Shot: Shot with the most kills with damage. -* Was A Liability: Worm that did the most friendly fire damage. -The Worm That Was Voted The Most Boring Was *: Awarded to the worm that used a certain weapon consistenly. -* Was The Most Useless: The worm died early all the time. -NASA Greets *, Who Flew High At *: The worm flew the highest. -* Turned A Strange Yellow Colour: Awarded to the worm that only drowned instead of dying. -The Dr. Dolittle Award Was Handed To *: The worm often used the sheep, the cows, or the pigeon. -The Happy Shopping Award Was Collected By *: The worm hunted down crates. -The Worm That Has Turned To The Darkside Is *: The worm used Girders, the Blowtorch, and the like. -The Babe Ruth Ball-Park Award Was Given To *: The worm mostly used the baseball bat. ------------- 6.6 >Wormnet< ------------- I don't really know how this goes. E-mail me information about this. ============= 7.0 >Options< ============= Here's all the options for games. ----------- 7.1 >Worms< ----------- Here's another place where teams can be customized. New teams can be created, all can be customized, and their performances on missions, challenges, and deathmatches can be revealed. ---------- 7.2 >Game< ---------- This sets the starting weapon set and options. Very similar to the one in the multi-player settings. ----------- 7.3 >Audio< ----------- The background music can be turned off or on. -------------- 7.4 >Graphics< -------------- Custom maps can be made here, as well as the resolution in the gameplay. ============== 8.0 >Mapmaker< ============== Coming Soon! =================== 9.0 >And The Rest!< =================== Here's everything else to cover the guide. ========= 9.1 >FAQ< ========= Q: I am missing some maps and default weapon settings! A: Download the update from the Worm's official Site. Remember: DO NOT download if it is for the Trymedia version! Q: I only want to get a certain part of this guide! What can I do? A: Select what's necessary and then right click and click on copy (or select and then press control C). Then go to some other word document, right click, and paste (or press control V). Print away! Q: I want to contribute to this guide by writing some information for it! A: Go right ahead. E-mail me at boocatcher5(@)hotmail(.)com (omit the brackets). FAQs from Eric McNair: Q. Where can I download additional maps from? A. There are two main Worms Armageddon sites that have many maps: and Q. Where can I download schemes, graves, flags, soundbanks, and missions? A. I've only found one site with a multitude of schemes, graves, flags, soundbanks, and missions for download: Be free to e-mail me some more questions. Rules for it are explained below. ================= 9.2 >Email Guide< ================= Here are some ground rules for sending me e-mails. 1. Spell correctly with good grammar. 2. Don’t ask something that’s already inside this guide. 3. Try to make your strategy neat, because I will directly take your strategy from your E-mail. Also, pressing enter at the end of each line would help. 4. Don’t forget about the subject (Worms Armageddon)! Then I will know what the topic is about. 5. Don't ever try to contact me through a messenger program. Ever. 6. If there's an error or a vital note for the guide missing, please inform me of it immediatley. 7. If you're going to criticize my guide, please leave some constructive criticism. 8. Don't forget to leave your nickname so that I can put it on the credits! Just give me these things if you want to contact me about the guide. 1. Strategies on incomplete stuff. 2. Additional FAQs. 3. Notable glitches. 4. Other stuff to make this guide interesting. Here's a list of things not to send me (I will block whoever sends me the following): -Spam -Death Threats -Invitations to Facebook, Myspace, any kind of blogging websites (because I never use them) ------------------ 9.3 >Website List< ------------------ This is a list of the Websites that this guide is available to: -GameFAQs. -GameSpot. -Neoseeker. -MMGN. ============= 9.4 >Credits< ============= -Me, the author. -Eric McNair for additional FAQs. -Thomas Toth for making an alternate method for the mission "Stolen Goods" and the extra note about the Drill. -Glass Giant for the ASCII art program. -Team 17, Hasbro, and Micro Prose for the game itself. -GameFAQs for uploading this guide. ---------------------- 9.5 >Legal Disclaimer< ---------------------- Copyright 2011 Brett Sim This may be not rewritten under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without permission before so. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly, indisputably prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Failure to comply with the above terms can result in a lawsuit. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. If you wish to get some information from this guide, they must be confirmed and chosen by the author, Raining Metal. If you do not agree with the terms here, you should not use this guide any further. Thank You.