RRRR EEEEE SSS IIIII DDD EEEEE N N TTTTT R R E S S I D D E NN N T R R E S I D D E NN N T RRRR EEE SSS I D D EEE N N N T R R E S I D D E N NN T R R E S S I D D E N NN T R R EEEEE SSS IIIII DDD EEEEE N N T EEEEE V V IIIII L 4 E V V I L 44 E V V I L 4 4 EEE V V I L 4 4 E V V I L 444444 E V V I L 4 44 4 EEEEE V IIIII LLLLL 44 4 4 *************** Resident Evil 4 *************** ************************** Resident Evil 4 Walkthrough and FAQ For PS2, Gamecube, Wii, PC Version 3.6 Written by Brad Russell "TheGum" Email: lunatic_252000@yahoo.com Website: www.herostrike.com Twitter: TheGum25 ************************** Version 1.0 - finished main game (1/14/06) Version 1.1 - included A. Ada and Separate Ways guides (2/5/06) Version 1.2 - some huge boss tips and others added (2/15/06) Version 1.3 - added two new sections: 5 and 6 (2/23/06) Version 1.4 - Mercenaries added at long last (3/1/06) Version 1.5 - added to 'Basic Info' (3/18/06) Version 1.6 - found Beerstein in SW and small adds (6/28/06) Version 2.0 - first revision and not that big (8/6/06) Version 3.0 - long time coming, second revisioning, no 'official' Wii stuff yet (6/20/07) Version 3.5 - got the Wii Edition, and I have added all that I could see (6/22/07) Version 3.55 - updated the contact info (7/25/07) Version 3.6 - updated author info and acknowledged existence of iOS version; resisted urge to fix the guide again, lol (1/30/11) ***************** Table of Contents ***************** Use Ctrl + F and type in (1001***) to quick find 1. A Brief Foreword 2. Basic Info 1001bio 3. Weapons 1001wea 4. Enemies 1001ene 5. Treasures 1001tre 6. Merchant Guide 1001mer 7. Walkthrough 1001wth 1.1 The Woods 1001woo 1.1 The Village 1001vil 1.1 The Farm 1001far <<< !!GLITCH!! 1.1 The Hillside 1001hil 1.2 The Valley 1002val 1.2 The Barricade 1002bar 1.2 The Chief's House 1002tch 1.3 The Village Pt 2 1003vp2 1.3 The Tunnel 1003ttl 1.3 The Church 1003chu 1.3 The Quarry 1003qua 1.3 The Dock 1003doc 1.3 The Swamp 1003swa 1.3 The Lake 1003lak 2.1 The Lake Pt 2 2001lp2 2.1 The Cave 2001cav 2.1 The Waterfall 2001twf 2.1 The Dock Pt 2 2001td2 2.1 The Quarry Pt 2 2001tq2 2.1 The Church Pt 2 2001cp2 2.2 The Ashley 2002ash 2.2 The Church Pt 3 2002cp3 2.2 The Tunnel Pt 2 2002tp2 2.2 The Village Pt 3 2002vp3 2.2 The Farm Pt 2 2002fp2 <<< !!GLITCH!! 2.2 Assault of Los Ganados 2002atg 2.3 Round 2 With EL Gigante 2003r2g 2.3 Last Defense 2003ldf 2.3 Battle With the Chief 2003bwc 2.3 The Castle 2003cas 3.1 Castle Entrance 3001cet 3.1 A Castle Under Siege 3001cus 3.1 Castle Quarters Combat 3001cqc 3.1 Castle Guard 3001cgd 3.1 Prisoner of the Castle 3001poc 3.1 Assault of the Cultists 3001atc 3.1 Moment of Silence 3001mos 3.2 Dungeon of Doom 3002dod 3.2 Leon's Ambush! 3002leo 3.2 The Big Block 3002tbb 3.2 Another Calm 3002anc 3.2 A Maze Apart 3002ama 3.3 Break Fast! 3003brf 3.3 Fight for the Rocket 3003ffr 3.4 Guardian Angel 3004gua 3.4 Ashley's Adventure 3004asa 3.4 Armored Puzzles 3004puz 4.1 Reunited 4001reu 4.1 Dragons of Fire 4001dof 4.1 Brief Pit Stop 4001bps 4.1 Close Calls 4001ccs 4.1 Armored Entanglement 4001ent 4.1 Insects Worth a Fortune 4001iwf 4.1 Siege of the Clock Tower 4001sct 4.1 Storming the Tower 4001stt 4.1 Nasty Encounter 4001nec 4.1 Something's Watching Me 4001swm 4.1 Battle With the Right Hand 4001brh 4.2 Time to Recover 4002ttr 4.2 Mines of Madness 4002mom 4.2 The Two Giants 4002ttg 4.2 Light at the End 4002lae 4.3 Fresh Air 4003fre 4.3 More Underground Fun 4003muf 4.3 Los Ganados Ride 4003lgr 4.4 Art Gone Mad 4004agm 4.4 Last Defense of the Cultists 4004ldc 4.4 Showdown With the Castellan 4004stc 4.4 Off to a Better Place 4004obp 5.1 First Line of Defense 5001fld 5.1 Leon's Breach 5001leb 5.1 Kitchen From Hell 5001kfh 5.1 Glimpse of the Target 5001got 5.1 Tactical Advantage 5001tad 5.1 Where Monsters Dwell 5001wmd 5.1 Cold Encounter 5001cec 5.1 Dirty Job/Locked Up 5001dir 5.1 The Miracle of Science 5001mir 5.1 Something Subliminal 5001sub 5.2 Double Your Pain 5002dyp 5.2 Construction Zone 5002con 5.2 Of Death and Doors 5002odd 5.2 Bull Ride on a Cattle Drive 5002bul 5.3 Not Again! 5003not 5.3 An Old Friend 5003aof 5.3 Lasers For Losers 5003lfl 5.3 Last Minute Merchant 5003lmm 5.3 Caged In With "It" 5003cag 5.3 Out of the Darkness 5003ood 5.3 Clash With a Soldier 5003cws 5.4 Chopper Assault 5004ntb 5.4 Alone Again 5004alo 5.4 Last Defense of the Commandos 5004ldc 5.4 Free From the Plague 5004ffp 5.5 The Final Battle 5005bat 5.5 Jet-Ski Fun 5005jsf 8. Bosses 6006bos EL Lago 6006lag EL Gigante 6006gig EL Gigante Round 2 6006eg2 Village Chief (Bitores Mendez) 6006vic The Right Hand (Verdugo) 6006trh Los Dos Gigantes 6006ldg Salazar 6006sal "IT" (U3) 6006itu Krauser 6006kra Saddler 6006sad 9. Assignment Ada assiada 10. Separate Ways sepways 11. The Mercenaries mercena 12. PRO 9999pro 13. Hardware Warz 14. Wii! 15. Award Ceremony 16. Unlockables/Author Info/Copyright/Misc. ***************************************************************************** *1. A Brief Foreword * ***************************************************************************** Resident Evil 4 is STILL by far my favorite game of all time, and it's been ages and a new generation since I first played it. I lost count of how many times I've already played it (has to be close to around 50) and I imagine I'll add a few more with the latest version. Just FYI, this game led to my first guide and after about eight more guides, a spot in a magazine, and a friendship with a forthcoming video game site. It's all come full circle; and it's only fitting. This game has seriously changed my life (and if you laugh then you're a COMMUNIST!!) There's nothing more to be said. Greatest game of all time and you got the guy who knows this game by memory. Terrible story though, but that's okay. Happy Blasting! TheGum PS - I redid the whole main guide, but the mini games are the same as before. For anyone keeping track, I've also kicked all the junk I had from before. Hmm, maybe I should redo my Dead Rising guide too... ***************************************************************************** *2. Basic Info (1001bio) * ***************************************************************************** Just nuggets of info that someone will find useful. ATTACHE CASE MANAGEMENT ----------------------- *The mark of a good player is simple: you have trouble managing the space in your attache case. Remember, if you must make room for more items then try to sell your crap to a nearby merchant (use this guide to know where the shops are). *Combine herbs, toss excess ammo, put excess ammo in guns, move items around, and then start using excess grenades when you must conserve space. *Here is the hierarchy of items to toss from the case from least needed to most needed: incendiaries, handgun ammo, eggs/fish, flash, TMP ammo, rifle rounds, shotgun shells, green herbs, and hand grenades. *Combing yellow herbs with green herbs only is a wise choice to maximize all the herbs you're given. This means you can quickly heal those small wounds with Y+G, and then save up your R+G for when you are about to die. The problem, you will use up much more space in managing this practice. Do this if your case is not always full. *When tossing ammo, always look on the smallest amounts first. Compare three shotgun shells to 20 handgun bullets. It takes about two shells to kill an enemy, but it can also take about 10 bullets to kill one. This is a dead draw, either way is fine. But never replace full boxes with incomplete boxes. What I'm really trying to say, consider all factors before you toss something. *NEVER buy the stocks for the weapons. None of them are worth the space. COMBAT POINTERS --------------- *Menacing music means danger. When it stops, the coast is clear. *Use whatever handgun you have by default. It's better to run out of handgun bullets, than to run out of shotgun shells. *My favorite attack for almost any enemy: shoot the legs so that they fall to the ground, run up to them, aim down, and then watch brain fly. *The laser sight (PS2 and Cube) can be abused. It will glow a brighter red and you can see the dot when it's on a target, and you can't see the dot otherwise. *Depending on your system, you must know how to execute the 180 degree turn. If you don't know how to do this then you will spend much time on the 'You Are Dead' screen. *Aim for the knees. Will stagger enemies for a kick attack, or you can shoot them again to knock them to the ground if they try to get up. *When you see an enemy stagger backward or forward, you should run up to them and press the button prompt to perform a free physical attack. *Kill Las Plagas with a rifle round, it saves loads of ammo. GENERAL TIPS ------------ *Kick doors open to move through them faster; just double-tap the button. You can also damage enemies this way. *Use the knife to open crates and barrels. The knife is your last resort when you run out of ammo, but you can use it on downed opponents to save ammo (and for one boss fight). *Don't forget to run, not walk. *Reload every time there is a break in the action. *Use your G+R+Y vials when you're almost dead, and all health in general unless you know you need it. *The game does use a slight bit of rubberband AI, which means it will adjust the game a bit to fit your level of play. If you suck you will be handed lots of free goodies and a few less enemies in places. If you rock then expect only the bare minimum in items and the maximum amount of enemies. Go to the PRO section for more nuggets. Go to the Wii section for that system's unique qualities. ***************************************************************************** *3. Weapons (1001wea) * ***************************************************************************** This is merely a list of the weapons with a rating (my rating) and some info. 1.) Handgun: 4/5 Only good if you stick with it to the end. FREE! 2.) Punisher: 4/5 It is free, and shoots through two enemies. Free 3.) Red9: 3/5 I heard it has its uses, and Luis uses one; I never liked it 4.) Blacktail: 5/5* Good aiming, fast, and powerful upgrades; must have for every zombie-hunter 5.) Shotgun: 4/5 Good if you stick with it. FREE! 6.) Riot Gun: 4/5 Better for crowd control, on par with an upgraded Shotgun from the start 7.) Striker: 5/5* Best for crowd control, good handling too; weak at long range 8.) Rifle: 4/5 Can be better than the SAR, if you take it to the end; bolt-action though 9.) Semi-Auto Rifle: 5/5* Awesome when upgraded 10.) TMP: 5/5* I like it a lot, but it can waste lots of ammo fast, though, not essential for a PRO runthrough 11.) Broken Butterfly: 3/5 Long reload time, and not all that powerful. Low ammo. Free 12.) Killer7: 5/5* Can take out Los Gigantes in a few shots. Low ammo 13.) Mine-Thrower: 4/5 Stupid delay in the boom; if you buy exclude the scope. Good with skill 14.) Rocket Launcher: 5/5 Kills many BOSSES in one shot, good since it has only one shot. One is free at least *Starred guns means you should get them in a basic runthrough. Ammo Types: A.) Handgun ammo is red, used in: Handgun, Punisher, Red9, and Blacktail. B.) Shotgun shells are green, used in: Shotgun, Riot Gun, and Striker. C.) Magnum ammo is black, used in Broken Butterfly and Killer7. *Hard to come by. D.) TMP ammo is blue, used in TMP, what else? Grenades: A.) Hand Grenades are green and have a wide blast radius, good in close combat. *Most close blasts do not hurt Leon if he is facing it, for some reason. B.) Incendiary Grenades are red and have a small blast radius, but leave fire. C.) Flash Grenades are blue and cause enemies to stagger in blindness. *The flash kills Las Plagas instantly, except in boss fights. ***************************************************************************** *4. Enemies (1001ene) * ***************************************************************************** Just a run-down of enemy types and their weaknesses. --------------- 1.) Los Ganados In the Village be sure to aim for the head; in fact, do it all the time no matter what. Later enemies will yield Plagas, but just use a sniper round and be done with it. And when you face a single enemy, stagger them to the ground, run up, and knife them. Bodyshots seem to do little damage, but limbshots can knock weapons out of their hands. Ganados come in three flavors: villager, cult, and commando. And many have implements of doom, few armed with crossbows, and some rare ones use a gatling gun! --------------- -------------- 2.) Las Plagas These parasites control the various enemies throughout. They emerge from enemies after it turns dark. Some are unavoidable, but headshots increase the chances. The hardest thing about the razor types is how they stagger forward when shot. Razor Plagas will be fought throughout the game, but are the only type found in the village. The second type are the worm Plagas. They only have one attack, an instant death move. If left alone long enough, and with even a decent range away, they are able to extend towards you and take off your head in one bite. Not too bad, just handle them from a distance. The last type are the mature Plagas. They can spit acid when close enough, and they too have an instant kill attack. These ones can also break away from the host and scurry toward you. Kill these with a handgun round (two on PRO). All types can be shot to death, killed by flash grenades, or sniped with one rifle round. Only the mature forms will survive while in the host. -------------- ------------------- 3.) Special Ganados The chainsaw villagers are the toughest in the game, I believe. And you can run into two in the second area! Tough but not the best. They are pretty easy if you knock them down and keep them down with a shotgun. If you cannot take them out, then at least you get a cool death scene. They yeild great rewards when killed. There are even stronger, blue maniacs found in just two places. One is tough and is found in the mine. The other is on the mine cart ride, but can be avoided. JJ's carry a huge machine gun. They must be staggered with strong weapons to bring down. Headshots help. The last type are found only on the island. They aren't too different from normal Ganados, but they are a bit tougher and wear armor. Headshots are a must for these, but legshots will also work. May sprout Plagas. ------------------ ------------- 4.) Colmillos You seldom encounter these puppies, and they are pretty weak. They will either jump on you or slash you with whips. Just shotgun them with two shots. ------------- ------------- 5.) Garradors Blind, at least for a length. They rely on hearing mostly. I consider them mini boss fights and will tell you how to handle them when we get there. Only one will wear armor. ------------- --------------- 6.) Novistadors The first you encounter are invisible, but the flying ones are not. A couple of shotgun shells do it for these things. Especially when they are in the air, one shotgun blast kills them. They can slice your head off, and more so in PRO. And they easily jump onto you and spew acid, so shake them off ASAP or you're dead. --------------- ------------- 7.) Armaduras Armored enemies with weapons. Shoot the helmets off to reveal the plagas, then shoot the plagas. ------------- ---------------- 8.) Regenerators They regenerate! On my first run-through, I had no knowledge of how to properly kill them; I would just shoot till they blew up. This works because they have a set number of hit points. You will have to do this for the first few encounters until you find the thermal scope. A Killer7 helps (good game too). Don't shoot the legs! It only leads to more problems if you are close. ---------------- ---------------- 9.) Iron Maidens A step above Regenerators. Keep your distance, unless you enjoy impalement. Just use the infared scope and after that start shooting. ----------------- ***************************************************************************** *5. Treasures (1001tre) * ***************************************************************************** This new addition was put here for the benefit of those who don't know where or what to do with treasures. For the uninitiated, treasures are little trinkets found in hidden locations throughout the game. Most are easy to spot and run across, but some are hidden pretty good or require extra effort to obtain. The ultimate purpose of finding these is to sell them to the various merchants for a nice profit. The money earned will usually only pay for an upgrade or two, but it does add up in the long run (as do most things in life). There are three types of treasures: small, regular, and combo. Small treasures include the spinels, velvet blues, emeralds, jewels, and the jewel-less big treasures. Regulars are simply the ones that can be sold as is. Combo treasures will require at least two jewels added on in order to reach maximum value. The combo jewels and treasures will usually be kept for long periods of time while you collect all the components. If you missed treasure, or failed a combo treasure, don't sweat it. The effect of missing a few are small, but miss more and you will be crying later when you need that little extra change for a purchase. And no, key items cannot be sold. Even in Separate Ways, where some treasures have been turned into keys for Ada. *Legend* Name: Location: (by my titles) Value: (both initial and final) Jewels Needed: (number and names) Comment: Some treasures are found in more areas, so I will name it but that is all. **********************************VILLAGE Section****************************** ---------- Small: Spinels, worth 2000; found everywhere! ---------- Name: Ruby Location: Dropped by Chainsaw Maniacs, only two I think Value: 10,000 Comment: Can be pulled from the dead bodies of the first maniacs in the game --------------- Name: Beerstein Location: The Farm, over the side of the ledge Value: 3000 without; 10,000 with one; 15,000 with two; 20,000 with all three Jewels Needed: Green Catseye, Red Catseye, and Yellow Catseye Comment: First Combo in the game, hold onto it until you reach the chairlift area, where it can be completed. ----------------- Name: Red Catseye Location: The Hillside, in a nest in a tree by the house Value: 3000 Comment: combine with the Beerstein and the other catseyes ------------------- Name: Green Catseye Location: The Church, via the twin puzzle Value: 3000 Comment: combine with the Beerstein and the other catseyes -------------------- Name: Yellow Catseye Location: Last Defense, in the cave area after you exit the chairlift Value: 3000 Comment: combine with the Beerstein and the other catseyes ------------------- Name: Pearl Pendant (Dirty) Location: The Farm, above the well; Dirty if dropped into well Value: 10,000; 1000 if dirty Comment: Shoot the stick holding up the well, shoot the pendant, and then grab it; if you lift the lid, you're out of luck ------------------ Name: Elegant Mask Location: The Barricade Value: 3000 Jewels Needed: Green Gem, Purple Gem, and Red Gem Comment: Following my guide, you will not complete the first mask; sell at the chairlift area --------------- Name: Green Gem Location: The Cave, around the merchant's store Value: 3000 Comment: combine with the Elegant Mask and the purple gem ---------------- Name: Purple Gem Location: Round 2 with EL Gigante, in the hanging bucket Value: 3000 Comment: combine with the Elegant Mask and green gem ------------- Name: Red Gem Location: The Other Passage, somewhere (not in guide, you're on your own here) Value: 3000 Comment: combine with the Elegant Mask and other gems ------------------------ Name: Brass Pocket Watch (Dirty) Location: The Chief's House, another well Value: 10,000; 1000 if dirty Comment: repeat well procedure ----------------------- Name: Elegant Headdress Location: The Tunnel, on the ceiling Value: 10,000 Comment: shoot the lantern and shoot the ceiling ------------------ Name: Antique Pipe Location: The Swamp, in a nest Value: 10,000 Comment: shoot the nest and go collect in the mud ----------------------------- Name: Gold Bangle with Pearls Location: The Lake, in another nest Value: 10,000 Comment: before the first boss ---------------- Name: Amber Ring Location: The Waterfall, in a wooden beam Value: 10,000 Comment: shoot the wooden beam over the fall's entrance at the bottom ****************************CASTLE Section************************************* ------ Small: Velvet Blues, Spinels ----------------- Name: Gold Bangle Location: A Castle Under Siege, Assault of the Cultists, Armored Puzzles, Reunited, and Nasty Encounter Value: 8500 Comment: found in the castle area only, in many places ------------------ Name: Elegant Mask Location: Leon's Ambush, in a chest --------------- Name: Green Gem Location: Prisoner of the Castle ------------- Name: Red Gem Location: A Maze Apart (you can complete the first mask now! kidding) ---------------- Name: Purple Gem Location: Brief Pit Stop -------------------- Name: Butterfly Lamp Location: Dungeons of Doom, and Insects Worth a Fortune Value: 4500; 32,000 with all jewels Jewels: Blue Eye, Red Eye, and Green Eye (from dead Novistadors) Comment: Completing these depends all upon how lucky you are; shooting the big hive will yield at least one eye set; three big Novistador fights in all; after you emerge from underground bedroom, sell what you got whether complete or not. ------------------------------- Name: Red, Blue, and Green Eyes Comment: found from dead Novistadors, depends on their eye color when they were killed (random); three big fights in all, but one small encounter on the Cube (during the Reunited area) ----------------------------------- Name: Mirror with Pearls and Rubies Location: A Maze Apart Value: 12,000 Comment: by the merchant in a drawer ------------------------- Name: Illuminados Pendant Location: Leon's Ambush and Dragons of Fire Value: 12,000 Comment: triggered by killing a special cult member ------------------------------- Name: Hourglass with Gold Decor Location: Break Fast! Value: 12,000 Comment: will have to fight for this one; can be picked up during Reunited too ---------------------------- Name: Elegant Perfume Bottle Location: Reunited, in the target area Value: 10,000 Comment: in a chest near the Broken Butterfly ------------------------ Name: Elegant Chessboard Location: Close Calls Value: 13,000 Comment: in the drawer ---------------------------------- Name: Crown (Salazar Family Crown) Location: Something's Watching Me Value: 9000; 48,000 with both jewels Jewels: Crown Jewel and Royal Insignia Comment: pick it up from dead cultist; completed when you are above ground ----------------- Name: Crown Jewel Location: The Right Hand (Verdugo), must kill him for it Value: 11,000 Comment: freeze him and rocket trick! -------------------- Name: Royal Insignia Location: Light at the End, at the end, duh Value: 13,000 Comment: can't be missed; combine with Crown Jewel and Crown ---------------------- Name: Staff of Royalty Location: More Underground Fun, in the tomb Value: 20,000 Comment: a single Ganados guards this, watch for traps ********************************ISLAND Section********************************* ------ Small: Emerald and all types I believe ----------------- Name: Golden Lynx Location: Leon's Breach, blow up the barrel Value: 15,000; 35,000 when finished Jewels: Green Stone of Judgment, Red Stone of Faith, and Blue Stone of Treason Comment: Completed after "IT" fight ------------------------ Name: Red Stone of Faith Location: Glimpse of the Target, in a case Value: 3500 Comment: Combine ----------------------------- Name: Green Stone of Judgment Location: Not Again! Value: 3500 Comment: combine --------------------------- Name: Blue Stone of Treason Location: Out of the Darkness Value: 3500 Comment: finishes the cat ------------------------ Name: Brass Pocket Watch Location: Where Monsters Dwell ----------------------- Name: Elegant Headdress Location: Lasers for Losers Comment: above throne entrance ------------------- Name: Pearl Pendant Location: Alone Again Comment: last treasure in the game, behind ladder As you can see, the least are on the Island. ******************************************************************************* ***************************************************************************** *6. Merchant Guide (1001mer) * ***************************************************************************** Here are the locations of every Merchant in the game: (I hope this is all) 1) The Valley* 2) The Tunnel 3) The Dock 4) The Cave* 5) The Tunnel Pt 2 6) Assault of Los Ganados 7) Last Defense (two at both ends) 8) Castle Entrance* 9) A Castle Under Siege 10) Moment of Silence/Leon's Ambush* 11) A Maze Apart 12) Fight for the Rocket 13) Reunited 14) Brief Pit Stop 15) Siege of the Clock Tower 16) Something's Watching Me 17) Time to Recover 18) Fresh Air* 19) Last Defense of the Cultists 20) Off to a Better Place* 21) Leon's Breach* 22) Tactical Advantage 23) Something Subliminal 24) Of Death and Doors 25) Not Again! 26) Last Minute Merchant 27) Out of the Darkness 28) Free From the Plague 29) The Final Battle *stars equal importance Here is a list of the various upgrades that the merchant sells. Purely for those who want to see what weapons are better and how much upgrades cost, also when they are available. I will list the big weapons only. Mainly the ones I recommend. No Round 2 guns, magnums, or the mine thrower. You can figure them out on your own. You can tell where the gun is first available by where the first upgrade can be bought. The pattern of where upgrades are found are as follows: the first is the same for every quality, the 4th in fire and capacity are the same as the 3rd in the speeds, and the six levels are the same in fire and capacity. But I will tell you where each is. Some numbers may be off for the different versions of the game, but this is a great way to plan ahead. How you get them and when is up to you. *** Key *** Name of Weapon: Cost Quality Level: Value Pesetas Chapter EXCLUSIVE: obtained after you buy all other upgrades for the gun Firepower value = power, duh Speed values = frames (30 frames = 1 second) Capacity value = number of bullets held, important for how much free ammo you get and when you have to reload *** *************************************************** HANDGUN: 8000 *************************************************** Firepower Lv1 1.0 0 Lv2 1.2 7,000 1.2 (valley) Lv3 1.4 10,000 2.1 (cave) Lv4 1.6 15,000 3.1 (gates) Lv5 1.8 18,000 3.1 (hall) Lv6 2.0 20,000 4.1 (clock) Firing Speed Lv1 14 0 Lv2 12 5,000 1.2 (valley) Lv3 10 12000 3.1 (gates) Reload Speed Lv1 52 0 Lv2 44 4,000 1.2 (valley) Lv3 26 10,000 3.1 (gates) Capacity Lv1 10 0 Lv2 13 4,000 1.2 (valley) Lv3 16 6,000 2.1 (cave) Lv4 19 8,000 3.1 (gates) Lv5 22 10,000 3.1 (hall) Lv6 25 12,000 4.1 (clock) EXCLUSIVE: Critical Headshot x5; 57,000 *************************************************** *************************************************** PUNISHER: Free; 20,000 after (medallions) *************************************************** Firepower Lv1 0.9 0 Lv2 1.1 10,000 1.3 (dock) Lv3 1.3 15,000 2.2 (tunnel pt2) Lv4 1.5 20,000 3.1 (gates) Lv5 1.7 25,000 4.1 (clock) Lv6 1.9 35,000 4.3 (fresh air) Firing Speed Lv1 14 0 Lv2 12 10,000 1.3 (dock) Lv3 10 20,000 3.1 (gates) Reload Speed Lv1 51 0 Lv2 44 8,000 1.3 (dock) Lv3 25 18,000 3.1 (gates) Capacity Lv1 10 0 Lv2 13 8,000 1.3 (dock) Lv3 16 10,000 2.2 (tunnel pt2) Lv4 20 15,000 3.1 (gates) Lv5 24 18,000 4.1 (clock) Lv6 28 24,000 4.3 (fresh air) EXCLUSIVE: Shoot through 5 enemies; 40,000 ************************************************* ************************************************* BLACKTAIL: 24,000 ***************** Firepower Lv1 1.6 0 Lv2 1.8 15,000 3.1 (gates) Lv3 2.0 18,000 3.3 (maze) Lv4 2.3 24,000 4.1 (clock) Lv5 2.7 30,000 4.3 (fresh air) Lv6 3.0 40,000 4.4 (castle dock) Firing Speed Lv1 14 0 Lv2 12 10,000 3.1 (gates) Lv3 8 20,000 4.1 (clock) Reload Speed Lv1 51 0 Lv2 44 8,000 3.1 (gates) Lv3 25 15,000 4.1 (clock) Capacity Lv1 15 0 Lv2 18 8,000 3.1 (gates) Lv3 21 10,000 3.3 (maze) Lv4 25 15,000 4.1 (clock) Lv5 30 20,000 4.3 (fresh air) Lv6 35 25,000 4.4 (castle dock) EXCLUSIVE: Firepower = 3.4; 80,000 *************************************************** Shotguns' firing speeds are set in stone *************************************************** SHOTGUN: Free; 20,000 (in village) ********************************** Firepower Lv1 4.0 0 Lv2 4.5 15,000 1.2 (valley) Lv3 5.0 18,000 2.1 (cave) Lv4 6.0 24,000 3.1 (gates) Lv5 7.0 30,000 4.1 (clock) Lv6 8.0 40,000 4.3 (fresh air) Firing Speed Lv1 0 Lv2 0 Lv3 0 Reload Speed Lv1 91 0 Lv2 73 7,000 1.2 (valley) Lv3 45 15,000 3.1 (gates) Capacity Lv1 6 0 Lv2 8 8,000 1.2 (valley) Lv3 10 10,000 2.1 (cave) Lv4 12 12,000 3.1 (gates) Lv5 15 15,000 4.1 (clock) Lv6 18 20,000 4.3 (fresh air) EXCLUSIVE: Firepower = 6.0 at long range; 40,000 *************************************************** Riot gun has a goofy order that is unique *************************************************** RIOT GUN: 32,000 **************** Firepower Lv1 5.0 0 Lv2 5.5 15,000 3.1 (gates) Lv3 6.0 18,000 3.1 (hall) Lv4 6.5 24,000 3.3 (maze) Lv5 7.0 30,000 4.1 (clock) Lv6 8.0 40,000 4.4 (castle dock) Firing Speed Lv1 0 Lv2 0 Lv3 0 Reload Speed Lv1 91 0 Lv2 73 7,000 3.1 (gates) Lv3 45 20,000 4.4 (castle dock) Capacity Lv1 7 0 Lv2 9 10,000 3.1 (gates) Lv3 11 12,000 3.3 (maze) Lv4 13 15,000 4.1 (clock) Lv5 15 20,000 4.2 (time to recover) Lv6 17 25,000 4.4 (castle dock) EXCLUSIVE: Firepower = 10.0 and 8.0 at long range; 120,000 *************************************************** *************************************************** STRIKER: 43,000 *************** Firepower Lv1 6.0 0 Lv2 7.0 25,000 4.1 (pit) Lv3 8.0 28,000 4.3 (fresh air) Lv4 9.0 32,000 4.4 (castle dock) Lv5 10.0 40,000 5.1 (breach) Lv6 12.0 60,000 5.1 (tactical) Firing Speed Lv1 0 Lv2 0 Lv3 0 Reload Speed Lv1 90 0 Lv2 72 8,000 4.1 (pit) Lv3 45 15,000 4.4 (castle dock) Capacity Lv1 12 0 Lv2 14 10,000 4.1 (pit) Lv3 16 12,000 4.3 (fresh air) Lv4 20 16,000 4.4 (castle dock) Lv5 24 18,000 5.1 (breach) Lv6 28 25,000 5.1 (tactical) EXCLUSIVE: Capacity = 100; 60,000 *************************************************** *************************************************** RIFLE: 12,000 ************* Firepower Lv1 4.0 0 Lv2 5.0 10,000 1.2 (valley) Lv3 6.0 12,000 2.1 (cave) Lv4 8.0 20,000 3.1 (gates) Lv5 10.0 25,000 3.1 (hall) Lv6 12.0 35,000 4.3 (fresh air) Firing Speed Lv1 0 Lv2 0 Lv3 0 Reload Speed Lv1 71 0 Lv2 58 8,000 1.2 (valley) Lv3 35 18,000 3.1 (gates) Capacity Lv1 12 0 Lv2 14 6,000 1.2 (valley) Lv3 16 8,000 2.1 (cave) Lv4 20 12,000 3.1 (gates) Lv5 24 18,000 3.1 (hall) Lv6 28 25,000 4.3 (fresh air) EXCLUSIVE: Firepower = 30.0; 80,000 *************************************************** *************************************************** SEMI-AUTO RIFLE: 35,000 *********************** Firepower Lv1 7.0 0 Lv2 8.0 15,000 3.1 (gates) Lv3 9.0 18,000 3.1 (hall) Lv4 11.0 24,000 4.1 (clock) Lv5 13.0 30,000 4.3 (fresh air) Lv6 15.0 40,000 5.1 (breach) Firing Speed Lv1 0 Lv2 0 Lv3 0 Reload Speed Lv1 70 0 Lv2 57 9,000 3.1 (gates) Lv3 34 18,000 4.1 (clock) Capacity Lv1 10 0 Lv2 12 10,000 3.1 (gates) Lv3 14 12,000 3.1 (hall) Lv4 17 15,000 4.1 (clock) Lv5 20 20,000 4.3 (fresh air) Lv6 24 25,000 5.1 (breach) EXCLUSIVE: Firing Speed = 12 Frames; 80,000 *************************************************** *************************************************** TMP: 15,000 *********************** Firepower Lv1 0.4 0 Lv2 0.5 7,000 1.3 (tunnel) Lv3 0.6 14,000 2.2 (tunnel pt2) Lv4 0.8 18,000 3.1 (gates) Lv5 1.0 24,000 3.1 (hall) Lv6 1.2 35,000 4.1 (clock) Firing Speed Lv1 0 Lv2 0 Lv3 0 Reload Speed Lv1 70 0 Lv2 57 9,000 1.3 (tunnel) Lv3 34 18,000 3.1 (gates) Capacity Lv1 10 0 Lv2 12 10,000 1.3 (tunnel) Lv3 14 12,000 2.2 (tunnel pt2) Lv4 17 15,000 4.1 (clock) Lv5 20 20,000 4.3 (fresh air) Lv6 24 25,000 4.4 (castle dock) EXCLUSIVE: Firepower = 1.8; 100,000 *************************************************** *************************************************** Upgrade these yourself, because I wouldn't waste the money: Red9 can be found at the Tunnel Pt 2. Mine Thrower is bought at the castle gates. Broken Butterfly is free at Reunited, but is also at the gates. Killer7 is at Leon's Breach. Replay (bonus weapons) guns are for your pleasure only. Attache Case Upgrades: Medium is at the Valley. Large is at the gates. XX is at Fight for the Rocket. Of course every gun with a stock has it available when the gun is. I would recommend you skip all. Sprays are 10,000 on the Gamecube, but only 5,000 on the PS2; which makes way more sense. But you should never need to buy any if you are good. All ammo is worth something, but magnum ammo is worth 500 a bullet, so if you don't buy a magnum and sell all the ammo you find it can be profitable. Grenades are worth: Frag = 2,000 Incendiary = 1,000 Flash = 500 You should never need to buy treasure maps with all this info. And if you do... then curse you for not trusting all my hard work!!! ***************************************************************************** *7. Walkthrough (1001wth) * ***************************************************************************** (++) These plus signs mean items of interest. *********************************MERCHANT************************************** This big line is for anyone trying to plan ahead and see where the next greedy merchant resides. Hope I got them all. Make sure you read ahead of where you are in the game. Exploring an area is crucial for getting through this game, so don't miss out on the items. I will tell you what items to look for, but you should be able to see what resides in an area. Sorry, I hope you know, or learn, how to explore areas. And most crates have random stuff, so most are empty. Look in cabinets and drawers for items. You will not need a treasure map for any section with this guide. *stars* (something of interest) **I erased the items section in each area. Just too unreliable and possibly the wrong way to hunt down items. I have instead focused more on telling you where to find items.** **Also, I have added little notes called 'PRO TIPS' into the guide. They are intended to give you the heads up on advanced play in the game. If you follow them, many benefits you make.* ************* 1.1 The Woods (1001woo) ************* +Save any and all blue grenades for a boss fight.+ *Last chance to look at the PRO section of this guide for advanced tips.* *NOTE: For all players, but especially you Wiiers, check the controls and test them out behind the car. You need to know how to knife, how to run, how to turn, how to reload, and how to shoot. And know that you will need to master these skills for the heat of the battle, which will be soon.* As you can see, you only have a handgun, so take time to get familiar with the controls. Walk up a ways and shoot the three crows in front of you for some rewarding target practice. Just don't scare them away. *Try to cross the bridge and speak with the policia for extra scenes.* To the left of the house is a crate that might be empty. Enter the house and you'll get a scene. You'll find that you won't be able to put the controller down for any cutscene in this game. Shoot the guy in the legs and then run up and knife him on the ground. Another scene. Grab anything he may have left and then run up the stairs, but only for the ammo on a table. Come back down and jump out the window to exit the house turn around and dispatch the trio of goons with legshots followed by headshots and knife slashes. *You could have jumped out of the window from the second level, but then you would have been in the open.* *You can return to the car area for a little scene if you like.* Continue up the path, enter the little shack, collect the items, and then save. Shoot two more crows for free items and then free poor Fido (why not?). Look in the grass to the right of the path, in a partially fenced off area, for a red herb. *I hope everyone knows to knife boxes at this point, I'm not saying it again.* Watch where you walk. Down the path are more traps and also some bombs. Be careful and slip past the traps by hugging the left side of the area (you're trying to avoid everything here). Up the path is another enemy. *To set off a trap, get the knife out and swing at the trap; saves ammo. But do shoot at bomb wires (though, not this time).* In the little shack, get all the stuff and exit. Then be quick to drop the two enemies nearby, around the corner. Cross the bridge (ignore the guys on the cliff above), but stop before you enter the last shack. Get to where you can peek through the window from a distance, and then take a shot at the waiting villager. Let him exit and then take him out, and you just avoided a cheap scare! Collect the goods and enter the gates. *On normal you should have over 100 rounds of ammo. On PRO, much less.* *************** 1.1 The Village (1001vil) *************** +Winner! of 'Best Part of the Game' Award, Congrats!+ +Treasure in chainsaw guys+ +Shotgun+ +Last time I say it, save any and all blue grenades for a boss fight.+ +In fact, save as many Hand Grenades as you can.+ *You need to kill around 14 to move on.* *Wii Tip: Yes, as you can imagine, this part is especially difficult for you.* Goodness, your gaming skills will be put to the test early, I still find trouble playing this area. Go forward and spy on the peasants if you like. Then just go for it! Run into the town center and start shooting legs, yes, aim for as many legs as possible. Avoid the left side of the town, and make a path to the nearby house on the right of the policia (not the two-story house). *You're in the right house if you don't get a cutscene.* In here you are only going to make a temporary stand. Quickly push the nearby drawer in front of the door to buy time. Slash the crates, and then enter the other room to get a few other items (you are mainly here to get those extra shotgun shells). Return to the main room and hopefully the furniture is still holding up, it should be. Get in position behind the door, and then shoot at head-level on the door. This will open up a hole and let you kill a bunch of enemies with headshots, so just do it already! *If you got the grenade from the crow earilier, you may want to use it when they bust open the door. In which case you don't need to shoot a hole in the door.* There should have been a whole bunch, and enough killed to trigger a scene of more villagers rushing in the village. Hopefully the dead dropped some much needed ammo. When the coast seems clear enough, push the drawer out of the way and exit, picking up what you can, and head into the two-story house. Watch the scene. *And at all times, please ignore the throwers up above.* The trap is sprung! After the scene run to the bookcase by the window and push it in front of the window, then collect the ammo in the back and go ahead and break the crates. Run upstairs to grab the shotgun, grenade, and ammo. Now run to the broken window and knock down the ladder, do an about face (180), and shoot the people coming inside if any. You got options now, you can stay here and mind the mobs, or you can move to a new location. It is entirely possible to remain by this bed and fend off the horde. However, things will get hairy when you have enemies climbing a ladder behind you, crawling from the bottom level, and entering through the window. It can be done, but I don't advise this. *Wii Tip: On the Wii, and only on the Wii, I noticed that there were a couple of bad guys covering the top floor window from the outside. Not a big deal if you ignore the fact that this will slow you down enough to let everyone converge upon you. By the time I was finished with the two on the window the ENTIRE village had poured into the house and the chainsaw guy was then outside the window! So, if you get caught in this as well be sure to toss a Hand Grenade to clear the place. Then hop out and you're free; and now the battle is much shorter, so it's sort of okay.* Instead, quickly clear a path and jump out of the window near the stair case so that you are on a walkway on the outside of two homes. There is a box of ammo on the chimney and a ladder you might want to knock down. Follow the walkway around the two-story house and you'll find a spinel. Grab it and stand where you took it; turn around. This is where you will mind the mob. Now you have only one direction to think about. Of course, this means you will have more work to do, but at least it's all concentrated to one side. Cap knees, blow up skulls, and kill enemies, but whatever you do, stay on the roofing. The chainsaw maniac will eventually show up. This is the cue for you to use that shotgun. Pull it out and use it to blast back the maniac, and use a bullet or two to shred the villagers (don't shoot from too far away or you'll be wasting ammo, yes, that means run up a bit if you must). *If all else fails, just start wildly shooting at heads because you only need to kill so many before the fight will stop. May save you, or not.* After about 15 or so kills, the battle ends and you are free to pick up what your enemies dropped and all other items. *If you get low on health, wait to recover with a G+R+Y herb after the battle. But of course, use what you must while still fighting.* Collect the few rewards lying around and then explore the whole area, make sure you grab the two green herbs, and each of the other colored herbs. Mix all three together if you need to recover health. There are items in almost every inch of this area, so explore in detail. And check each little log storage on the sides of walls to find a few hidden items (about 4, I believe). Collect the shells in the tower too. Just too much to list off. Need sharp eyes to spot most items. Head behind the tower, check the shack on the right for a document and ammo. Exit through the gates. *If you wish to do your own fight with the villagers, feel free; there are way too many ways to fight this fight (watch out for the extra maniac too)* **Save any and all Flash Grenades for a later boss. Also, don't forget that you can adjust the brightness from the pause menu if things are too dark.** ************ 1.1 The Farm (1001far) ************ +Glitch items+ *PRO TIP: I'll say it one time: DON'T USE THE SHOTGUN UNLESS YOU HAVE TO! And, you may as well save as many Hand grenades as possible.* *The enemies are now tougher than the ones from the first area, FYI.* Move in front of the tiny shack with the typewriter and shoot at the guy minding his own business inside the barn. Kill him and another farmer in the same area. Now turn to the right and shoot at another Ganados from afar, but let him get up close, and you can use the fence to your advantage. Hop over, grab the blue paper, but go toward the barn. Look past the house and you should see another enemy lurking about, so draw him out and kill him. This leaves only one more farmer on the second level of the house, so climb up and kill him, or shoot him from the ground. *Yes, the cows hit hard. And there are multiple chickens in this area that usually lay eggs.* Go to the tree near the front and pick up the blue paper. Use your map and shoot the seven medallions in the area; they are all hanging above the ground. Check the boxes, barrels, and blue cabinets inside the home. There is a barrel inside the barn and another behind the tiny shack with all the dead bodies nearby. Now go back to the front of the area where you'll find a well (not flowing with water). Shoot the piece of wood holding the lid up, shoot the pendant, and then pick it up; you'll get a worthless pendant if you shoot it while the lid is up, and don't open the lid once you close it or you're out of luck. Save inside the shack and return up the ladder in the house. Cross the bridge and check the shack on the other side for some stuff. After you make sure you shot all the medallions, cross back over the bridge and jump off the side that's in front of the window. You'll land in a secret little area that holds the Beerstein. Push your way out and exit through the gates. *FYI, you can find the medallions by using the map in game.* **************** !!GLITCH ALERT!! Thanks YouTube! And remember kids, save before you commit this glitch just in case your game is screwed for it. And I've only tried this on the Cube, so it probably won't work on the other versions. *Nope, not on the Wii.* Follow the fenceline from the cow barn to the north end. You may have to try a few times, but it can be done. Stand on the east side of the fence and try to hop over onto the area of dirt on the other side. If done correctly you will officially be in glitch land where there are no rules. I found success doing this by looking north and then pressing the jump button on the last stretch of fencing. You can walk forever! You can walk all around the real gamespace and see what it takes to design a level. Not too much interesting though. What you want is to walk around near the well area. Walk directly behind it until you slide down and back to ground level, but still in glitch land. Now run back a bit and look under the surface to find two objects floating in the white space nearby. There is an item pile full of a bunch of items, however, you must take each one at a time. The homing darts are useless, and you can toss the real dart too. The other items might be useful, so hold onto them. There is also a dirty pendant nearby. After you've had your fun, simply walk back to the real game area and you should revert back to ground level. Good times. And remember, save in a different slot, or just load your clean game back up if you want to play it safe. ***************** **************** 1.1 The Hillside (1001hil) **************** Go forward, and read the red warning sign; get ready to button mash! Go down the hill to trigger the boulder scene. You should be really fast! And be fast about hitting the two buttons at the end. It may take some trial and error, but you will need to get used to it, these sort of cool action scenes happen quite a bit. *I always put the controller on my knee and use my index finger to get past these sequences; you'll use the wrist muscles, but pushing the combo at the end is a bit tricky. Up to you* *Wii Tip: Make fast slashes back and forth.* *You can go back up the hill and shoot the guys on a bridge, but don't bother.* Go through the tunnel and look up for two spinels along the way. Be warned there are beartraps, trip wires, and dynamite happy villagers to greet you at the end of the tunnel. Go for the first bomber in front of you, then move to the right side of the house and try to take out the ones in the house through the door, but watch out for the beartraps(3). You may want to just toss in a grenade. Collect the stuff in the house then exit. Usually, the last villager kills himself, but you may need to take him out. *If you run out of the tunnel to the house, maybe the villagers will kill themselves; remember to shoot live dynamite!* *Wii Tip: Now you get it extremely easy! Everyone can aim at the dynamite while in the villager's hand, and everyone can blow it up. But thanks to the better aiming system on the Wii, you can really breeze past this part. Aim for the bomb in the first guy's hand, aim for the stick barely visible through the window of the house, and then go to the left and blow up the second guy's bomb. Then all you have to do is watch out for traps and finish off the survivors in the house.* Watch for the traps as you enter the shack to grab the items. Shoot the nest in the tree near the house to get the first gem that fits into your Beerstein. Hit the box on the corner of the house and then enter. Ammo, cabinet, and a save. Don't run into the hallway. Stand by the wall and then shoot both bomb wires to clear the path. There's money on the table, herb in the cabinet, push over the bookcase, and then a Luis in the closet (zing!). *Wii Tip: You can quick knife boxes, traps, and spiders too!* *Do the button push when the guy is about to swing. Does he look familiar?* *Wii Note: My accuracy was 96%!!! That means this aiming system is too broken.* ************** 1.2 The Valley (1002val) ************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** *After the interactive cutscene.* *For all those who thought that stoopid jacket made Leon look all the more like a metrosexual, REJOICE! I wonder what ever happened to that stoopid jacket? See Separate Ways for more on this developing story.* Grab the two ammo and save. Go to the merchant, sell your treasures but not the beerstein, not yet anyway. I recommend buying the rifle and the attache upgrade. Then grab the 2-3 items in the area before you start your snipe. *You do not need the scope if you are a good shot, just a waste of money.* *NOTE: You do not need any upgrades, seriously. If you want to save your money and give yourself a slight challenge, then don't get any. All weapons you have right now will be sold, so if you can hold out you will net huge gains.* *PRO TIP: don't buy any upgrades.* Take a spot in the little break in the wall to the right of the gate, and aim for the heads of the visible villagers. I believe there are seven in all, but one or two sometimes won't pop up (watch out for the one on top of the nearby building, get him before you snipe if you can see him). *Don't mind it if they drop stuff.* Once you pop out of the gate, one villager will be waiting and more will come. I elected to stay near the gate and handle the mob. Many dynamite throwers will come from up top, so aim for their live explosives if they get too close. Somehow, the bombers ended up taking care of their buddies without me doing much (so let them come without shooting them from afar). Use the shotgun if you must. There will be two waves and then the coast is clear. After the huge wave you have many options. The two high points you sniped a few guys off of are great places to take out enemies from. You need the two key items from two nearby chests. One is near a high point to the right on the cliff; this is where I went first. Grabbing the half will spawn more Ganados, 3 waves. Wait for the first guy to get near the red barrel and shoot his legs so that he's on the ground; shoot the barrel when the rest catch up. And then you just handle the next wave of bad guys that come up the slope. Then stand on the perch up here and snipe any Ganados you may have missed in your first sweep. Drop from the cliff, and then to the ground. If the music is still on, but you see no enemies, this means that someone is inside the shack to the south. It's hard to tell you exactly what to do because most enemies require you to do something before they will charge out. All I can say is that you can relax once the music stops. Be sure to grab the other half of the hexagon on top of the building near the entrance. Collect the items in and around the shacks; use a R+G+Y herb if you are low on health. Combine the hexagon pieces and leave. *Lockers have items too!* ***************** 1.2 The Barricade (1002bar) ***************** +Free Fish!+ *Try to reframe from using health items, as there is free health at the end* Collect the items around the entrance then go in and break the crate in here. Open the door and take the villager out, three more come at you, but try to take them out with only your Handgun. Now go around the corner and get ready. Jump through the window and quickly aim to the left and shoot one of the two dynamites as they fly in the air (it's not that hard). After this friendly fire, knife all the traps in your way. A few more enemies will be on to you, so keep an eye on the door. Break the crates, open the ovens, and then exit. In the water room (waterless on the PS2) break the wooden window to grab the tucked away mask, and then grab the other items before you enter the hallway (there is a guy in this hallway on the PS2). Move toward the ladder and finish off the final bad guy and end the music. Any wounds you may have suffered, heal them with the fish in the water below. Jump down and knife as many fish as you can carry (it's not that hard, but don't make space for any fish, it's not worth it). Climb up and out of here when ready. *Take as many as you can carry, but toss them first if your case gets stuffed.* *Wii Tip: It's Wii Fish! There is one less, but on the Wii it is easy to just get near a fish and then shake the Wiimote to hit it. Also, for some reason, I found that I had more space and you should too, so pack 'em up.* ********************* 1.2 The Chief's House (1002tch) ********************* +Must grab Key+ *Remember, if you have to make room, toss the fish first.* Immediately, get back and don't spook the crows; shoot the closest one and then aim for the wire to kill two birds with one stone (zing!). Watch out for the traps (3); use your knife. Go to the well, remember shoot support, shoot watch, and collect. Get stuff in shack and proceed to your first puzzle. Simply move it UP and then LEFT. Go inside and collect the four things in the room. Then exit for a scene (make sure you have the key). *Return to the fancy room for a secret scene.* Collect the herb behind you and go downstairs. Collect the three items in the rooms, but there is a villager in the bathroom by the stairs (don't bother). Save. When exiting the house, barely step out of the doorway. Take out your rifle and aim for the chainsaw man up the path who stares at you. Depending on where you hit him, one or two more villagers will come (sometimes you can hit one right behind him). Take out the approaching maniac by shooting him when he stands up, and sometimes you can stop him from starting up his chainsaw. Keep some distance between you two. Collect the ruby he drops and continue until another villager approaches; take him out. *You may consider retreating back into the house for help taking out the maniac, probably use the stairs to funnel him into sight* Look up in the trees before the shack and shoot the nest. Near the shack another enemy will come out. Get the herb and continue until you see some more villagers. I would just snipe them all for easy kills. A TMP ammo resides in a nest; may as well grab it and go. *Throw away fish first if you really need to.* ******************** 1.3 The Village Pt 2 (1003vp2) ******************** Same as before on items, nothing new. Just run to the metal door in front of the town square. As you would expect, many villagers are in the way. I recommend not fighting at all, seeing as there are a good number in the village and you will spend needed ammo if you fight. I would just run around the locked barn, run right when you spot a woman, squeeze between two buildings, run through the empty town center, and then exit through the steel door with the insignia. *If you must fight go into one of the houses and funnel the enemies* ************** 1.3 The Tunnel (1003ttl) ************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Use a fish or something to recover life lost in the last area. Grab the stuff and save. In the next room shoot the lantern, but stand back and then grab the spinel. Open the door and drop into the tunnel. Proceed until you reach the water, no zombies down here. Shoot the lantern to reveal three treasures in the ceiling, then shoot the treasures (a random crate is in a small hole in the wall). Then proceed to the merchant. You should sell every treasure except the cup and the mask, and sell the big fish if you still have it. Sell some stuff if your case is full. Don't really need many upgrades. Up to you. *PRO TIP: don't buy any upgrades.* *NOTE: Capacity upgrades are good to use when you have little to no ammo for a gun; you can try to plan the upgrades to get maximum ammo, but that is more work than necessary. Also, I like putting items in my case in certain areas for easy access, like guns toward the top. If you don't know, you can turn items around to make them better fit into place.* *NOTE: The TMP is good for beginners to buy here, since you may run out of ammo for other weapons. If you want to buy it for safety, don't use it unless as a last resort and save ammo for a boss fight. If you are confident you can do without and want the open space, wait to buy it.* +I know you're saving those blue grenades and TMP ammo for a boss fight...+ ************** 1.3 The Church (1003chu) ************** Two nest in the trees, grab the grenade and keep it for later. Hear the birds? At the end of the path, shoot the three crows on the graves. Two villagers will come, but those items won't be there forever. Now grab the stuff in the shack, but wait, there are three medallions in the graveyard area. I would shoot them, hopefully putting the count to ten, and go back to the last area to pick up the Punisher for free! *You can sell the Punisher back if you wish* *ALTERNATE: Sell the handgun! Keep the Punisher. My reasoning, both were free yet the Punisher has a cool ability. One upgrade of its power will put it at 1.1, which makes it just as strong as the Handgun. Try it if you want. Or save up for a new handgun not too far away.* *Or just wait to get the Punisher if you're case is full of stuff.* Back in the graveyard, go to the church. Three villagers await, good time to put that new gun to use (aim for the live dynamite). Shoot the nest and go around the side behind the church for two more Ganados. Go ahead and fix the puzzle: turn it by 3 increments until all symbols are on, then turn it by 4 increments five times, and then a 3 space turn for the Green Catseye. Stick it in the Beerstein and go to the church for a scene. *If you continue down the path before going to the church, you can have a somewhat hidden conversation.* Take the scenic route on the cliff. Four villagers await, so don't disappoint. In the shack grab the paper, knife the crate on the table and knife the snake inside (first snake). Proceed to one last enemy before the exit. ************** 1.3 The Quarry (1003qua) ************** *Get out a hand grenade and quietly take out the murder of crows in one shot.* *If you are trying to save grenades, just shoot the crows with your gun. After you exit the dock, kill whatever ones you missed.* Collect the items, including two spinels (if you need to sell items for space go to the dock first and get the stuff when you come out). Hear the roaring? Save all flash grenades from this point on, try to at least. Turn right at the door to enter the dock. The other spinel is in a wagon full of rocks. *You'll be back later, don't worry. I know you're still holding onto those blue grenades and blue ammo... I bring it up for no reason of course.* ************ 1.3 The Dock (1003doc) ************ *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Some stuff in here, but you can't take the fish. Now you may sell the Punisher, I did for the space. Or you can sell the handgun, or keep both. Save. *NOTE: The TMP is kept for most of the game, so upgrading it early is not a bad idea. However, the Handgun, Shotgun, and Rifle are phased out in later chapters so don't upgrade them beyond a few capacity and power upgrades; your call.* *For beginners, you may want to consider getting the power upgrades.* Exit past the Quarry to the Swamp. ************* 1.3 The Swamp (1003swa) ************* Grab the shack and proceed to another boulder sequence; be quick for the last two buttons. Turn around for a spinel under the cliff. You only need your handgun for the three enemies near the wire bombs. The one at 12:00 is easy to blow up, as is the one in the water to the left. There is another to the right, one in the tiny shack, and another in the water ahead. Just handle them as you wish. The music should start up, turn off after they are dead, and then come back on when no one is around. That means there is a wave of five approaching from behind. The rifle can take out two or more at a time, so it shouldn't do too badly. After they are gone, another wave will come forth again, so do what you just did. Don't miss the grenade by the water nearby. After the two waves, proceed through the shack for the items (snake on the shelf). Two more guys are in the water, and another nearby on the platform. Shoot one in the water so he runs into the wire, and then take out the other two from a distance. Run up to the platform, shoot the nest in the tree, grab the red grenade, pick up the pipe by going into the water, and then go back to the platform. Shoot the enemy in the distance with your pistol so he blindly runs into the wire. There is one last enemy in the shack (snake on a table), and then you are free to leave. And if you're really crafty, you can get both to run into the wire with only a few handgun bullets used. *May be snakes all over the place, free eggs!* ************ 1.3 The Lake (1003lak) ************ +Nominee for 'Best Part of the Game' Award+ +BOSS: EL LAGO+ *If you have any empty guns keep them that way, trust me* Go up the path taking a left at the fork, and get a scene (yes, you will be crossing this lake). Collect a herb in the grass and go back the other path. A treasure is in a nest, then get the stuff in the shack. Continue to the next shack, collect items, save. *Before getting in the boat, you can shoot the water while standing on the dock; at least you saved!* Get in the boat and get ready for your first boss battle, with El Lago. Drive forward to trigger the fight. *Aiming the harpoon is the same as a gun* EL Lago is the first boss battle of the game and is fairly easy; at least you need not worry about weapons and ammo. The top priority is to avoid any logs in the water as you are being dragged around. If you do fall off the boat, then be quick to get back on the boat before Lago reaches you. I advise you to use the harpoon only when you are clear of any logs. EL Lago will constantly dive underwater. When he does this toward a side of the lake move way out to the right to avoid his attack. Then try to harpoon him but only when clear of trees. Try to get in two hits before he gets to the other side of the lake. Sometimes he will disappear and you will automatically be aiming. Look around and hope he pops up in your view. If he doesn't use the red arrows to locate him and fire the harpoon high when he is far away; put the sight right on his mouth as he is closer and fire. If you hit him, he will not ram you into the water. Rinse and repeat until he leaves/dies (I don't know which). You're not done, cut the rope by pressing the button rapidly to finish the fight. *Takes about 12 harpoons to finish; also if you fall into the water late in the fight, you are less likely to make it back to the boat* *Wii Tip: Harder to throw (delay), easier to aim, and harder to steer. Expect to get thrown off if you played this before.* ***************** 2.1 The Lake Pt 2 (2001lp2) ***************** *It's not worth it to go back across the lake and into the swamp. It's just more enemies and little ammo for it.* *Use a R+Y+G herb to recover health. Also, you can hop in the boat and go harpooning for fish (it will take forever, and not worth it).* Grab stuff if you have room for it, and grab the paper then save. Outside you can continue or you can get in the boat and go to a hidden merchant across the lake (the big blue fires). Grab some big fish to sell if you have room - I didn't. When you return just continue, you should save again. ************ 2.1 The Cave (2001cav) ************ *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Various stuff is around the shack, one spinel in a lantern to the right, and more items on the roof to the left. You can drop down behind the counter from the roof to grab a rifle ammo and talk there. *The Green Gem goes into the mask* Get any capacity upgrades for empty, or close to empty, weapons. Then feel free to grab whatever else. Use this time to sell items for some space. Leave. ***************** 2.1 The Waterfall (2001twf) ***************** +Grab the Key+ Proceed a bit for your first encounter with a Las Plagas. Use the rifle on it to make it drop Gold Bars. Kill the other guy, Las Plagas or not. Proceed to the falls, jump over from platform to platform and go to the edge of the cliff for a grenade. Take out your rifle and snipe the lone villager on the left side in a structure, aim for the torso. Jump over the falls and drop down to the bottom with the rope. *Since it is now dark for the rest of the game, headshots up the odds of having to fight a Las Plagas.* Turn around and shoot the spinel from the cliff, then collect some stuff on the platform your victim was on. Go to the falls and aim right for the crate hooked to a chain, shoot the box for your platform to cross. You can see a shinny blink in the wood in front of the falls, shoot it for an Amber Ring. Go up the ladder for a herb, then shoot the two crates for more platforms. Cross them (random behind the ladder) then go up the ladder for a lever, pull it for access to the cave behind the falls. Go down and when you get over to the middle, villagers will emerge. Try to use only a few handgun rounds and a single grenade (red is your first choice). Or, if you think you can't handle the heat, perhaps you should jump back over the rushing water and pick them off one by one. It's really up to you. Go through the path to the door, grab the key, and proceed. ***************** 2.1 The Dock Pt 2 (2001td2) ***************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** +No new items+ A spinel is in the lantern and there are some items (ignore the bats), then get in the boat. Back to familiar territory. Upgrade the TMP, it is my weapon of choice for the upcoming fight. Do what you need to, a boss fight awaits. Save then exit. *I hope you have three flash grenades and some TMP ammo!* *PRO TIP: Only if you don't have the TMP. Free up 16 boxes in the case, or whatever it takes to get a rocket to fit. A rocket equals instant kill on the boss. The problem is space may be really tight this early in the game. The TMP and four Flash Grenades equals the same space and does the same to kill Gigante. A rocket is just faster. Also, if you haven't been buying upgrades, didn't buy the TMP, and you have some TMP ammo and a few Flash grenades to sell, then the purchase will be easy.* ******************* 2.1 The Quarry Pt 2 (2001tq2) ******************* +Nominee for 'Best Part of the Game' Award+ +BOSS: EL Gigante+ Grab the Herb and equip a flash grenade. *NOTE: CUT fast to kill him quicker.* As soon as the battle starts throw a flash grenade, as it flies in the air get out your TMP or something. Start shooting as he staggers and don't let up; I was unable to make the Plagas appear with one TMP clip so quickly reload and keep firing even if he approaches you. He SHOULD not hit you and instead reveal the Plagas in his back for you to cut. Run up and cut (be warned, you may be tricked into pressing the wrong button, as this fight introduces the second button to press), press the correct button and be fast about it too. *Avoid the shacks! Stay away and try to prevent him from crushing them!* After this is done, repeat. Get out the flash and shoot fast; the dog you freed way back in the beginning should appear to save you this time. While El Gigante is trying to crush the dog, shoot him. Cut, flash, shoot, and the battle should be over in three cuts. Collect the gold and other items lying about, and in the shacks if they still remain. Exit. **PRO TIP: Or just use one rocket to end the fight quicker. And you better not freaking miss, or I will disown you!** *Notice that his body does not fade away, interesting. Continue to save all flash grenades... for no reason of course.* *NOTE: This is a really easy battle for me; if you need more help or something goes wrong, refer to the boss section for more help. You can always RETRY the area.* *NOTE: Other weapons work too! but most are slow. If you do something different you will probably just need to heal yourself at some point and take his hits.* *Wii Tip: Took two flash grenades, about 175 TMP rounds, a hit, and two rounds of furiously cutting the Plagas, and that was it. So yes, this boss has been dumbed down a bit.* ******************* 2.1 The Church Pt 2 (2001cp2) ******************* Proceed across the cliff, grab the stuff in the shack along the way. At the end pull out your rifle and aim for a Colmillos in the distance (scary!). Then get out your shotgun and blast him and the other two away. Go inside the church. *You can also collect the items in the nests and shacks right now from the places you found before, or you can wait, it doesn't matter.* ************** 2.2 The Ashley (2002ash) ************** Go forward for some pesetas, then to the right for a flash. Go up the ladder and then cross over with the chandelier, then grab the item on the side. Now is time for another puzzle: turn red twice, green thrice, and blue once; COMBINE and enter the opened room. The game now becomes an escort mission, yipeep! It won't be too bad though. Get the items in the room and exit, then down the ladder for a scene. *Oh, I see you being naughty! Shame Shame. 'Dude, you're like 34!'* Outside, get these items and exit. +I'll say it here for no reason. If you beat the game on PRO on the versions other than the Gamecube, you can equip the 2nd set of costumes and Ashley will be bullet and damage proof. She will also cause a funny scene everytime you CATCH her.* ******************* 2.2 The Church Pt 3 (2002cp3) ******************* Shoot the wagon, then handle the two remaining villagers. That's all; collect the stuff in the shack and in the nest in the trees as you return to the tunnel if you hold out. ******************* 2.2 The Tunnel Pt 2 (2002tp2) ******************* *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Merchant time! The Red9 becomes available, but I passed on buying it. Tune up the TMP if you wish. *PRO TIP: Da Red9 SUCKS!!! (haha, I just ticked off about one person!)* *You should still have the Beerstein (2 catseyes) and a Mask (1 gem)* Continue for a crate; no lantern treasures this time, and proceed. In the room get back against the wall and shoot this lantern for a spinel. Grab the stuff in the next room and save, then exit. ******************** 2.2 The Village Pt 3 (2002vp3) ******************** +New items in a few of the same places+ There are way fewer enemies here than ever before. I usually camp out around the door and kill Ganados one at a time as they find you. It's a worthwhile strategy to leave Ashley somewhere and then kill the villagers as they pick her up; not worth it when there is a big mob. After you feel all is safe, keep an eye open as you scan the old area for a few new items. Watch out for beartraps down and around the tower path to the Farm. Take this path for a few more enemies as well as more traps. *Sorry for the brevity, but you have been here before.* ***************** 2.2 The Farm Pt 2 (2002fp2) ***************** +New items in a few of the same places+ *The rifle can take out Plagas in one shot; remember that.* Get out your rifle and take out the guy in the barn. Then hide Ashley in the trash can; save if you must. Move over toward the well and snipe the two Ganados on the bridge; more may come so snipe them too. Two more remain around the house area so handle them when you get close. Take care of the beartraps inside and explore for items. Then go up and take care of the villager in the fenced off area. Take care of the beartraps; then call for Ashley. Look in the little shack while she makes her way to you. CATCH when she is there then PIGGYBACK to enter a new area. *If you have been using the Shotgun in spite of my advice, leave it at empty when you exit this place so you can get some free ammo. And if you haven't been using the shotgun, pat yourself on the head - you've earned it!* **NOTE: if you want to do this again, feel free. Just make sure you make another save slot. That should equal three, with only your first one being the truly 'clean' version. And you get the same items.** **************** !!GLITCH ALERT!! Thanks YouTube! And remember kids, save before you commit this glitch just in case your game is screwed for it. And I've only tried this on the Cube, so it probably won't work on the other versions. *Nope, not on the Wii.* Follow the fenceline from the cow barn to the north end. You may have to try a few times, but it can be done. Stand on the east side of the fence and try to hop over onto the area of dirt on the other side. If done correctly you will officially be in glitch land where there are no rules. I found success doing this by looking north and then pressing the jump button on the last stretch of fencing. You can walk forever! You can walk all around the real gamespace and see what it takes to design a level. Not too much interesting though. What you want is to walk around near the well area. Walk directly behind it until you slide down and back to ground level, but still in glitch land. Now run back a bit and look under the surface to find two objects floating in the white space nearby. There is an item pile full of a bunch of items, however, you must take each one at a time. The homing darts are useless, and you can toss the real dart too. The other items might be useful, so hold onto them. There is also a dirty pendant nearby. After you've had your fun, simply walk back to the real game area and you should revert back to ground level. Good times. And remember, save in a different slot, or just load your clean game back up if you want to play it safe. ***************** ************************** 2.2 Assault of Los Ganados (2002atg) ************************** *******************************MERCHANT(x2)************************************ *PRO TIP: This is where all your saving up on shotgun shells and hand grenades will pay off.* *NOTE: if you've followed the PRO TIPS, your case if full of hand grenades and shotgun shells, and you did the glitch twice, then you're more than ready.* All I advise buying is one capacity upgrade for your shotgun; not only for free bullets, just do it anyway. And maybe a power upgrade, but that is your choice. Now return to the farm, and then come back and cross the bridge (this is so the game will autosave your buying in case you die and you won't have to do it again). Maybe get the firepower of the shotgun up to 5, just in case. *Just know that you need to kill a whole bunch of enemies (40).* As soon as the battle starts block all windows on the bottom level and grab the various items. Wait until they break in and unload; stay near Luis for both items he may give and to help each other. Try to keep villagers from entering the cabin; watch out for Plagas, they are what make this a tough area as Luis will usually aim for the head. He provides a good way to earn kills so keep him close. Stay near the stairs, but don't whimp out of getting good dropped items. Use healing items when needed and be a surgeon with the shotgun. *If you got the goods, don't be shy on blasting shells wildly.* *Note: going upstairs to funnel the bottom enemies in the first level usually never worked for me, so just fight it out on the first level.* *In both rooms, seriously, one hand grenade to the center and the whole place will clear without either of you taking damage. Only do it when you are mobbed by enemies.* When Luis says, "Upstairs Leon!" go, because enemies will enter from the top level. Quickly grab any items and drop the ladders as they come. This is where it gets really tricky, as enemies now come from all sides! I let Luis do a lot of the work as I would knock down ladders and shoot enemies. Use grenades if needed, but save your flashes. Stay near a ladder and knock it down periodi- cally while you shoot Ganados (just hope Luis covers you). Anyway, the battle ends at some point and you are free to collect the items around the area. *This battle will end, don't worry about that; and if you run out of shells, consider going into the fetal position where Ashley is hiding (kidding).* *Avoid shooting Luis too much, as he will kill you* Several ammo boxes are near the house outside, as is a merchant, a paper, and a save point. Save and grab whatever stuff seems good in preparation for another fight with EL Gigante. Choose the right-hand path and proceed. *Make sure your TMP is fully upgraded and you have two flash grenades* *PRO TIP: Get another rocket, especially if you lack either the TMP or flash grenades. If you need space, and you plan to trade in the Shotgun, go ahead and sell it now. You don't need it anymore.* *Note: Yes, you may go through the left path, but I don't like it that much. It seems to take a lot more effort while you get less in return. Also, you have already fought one Gigante before, so it should be easier. All that is worth noting on the left side is a gem for the mask, big woop. And I know you're not reading this and are a whimp! Shame shame.* *************************** 2.3 Round 2 With EL Gigante (2003r2g) *************************** +BOSS: EL Gigante, again+ +All items are in your path, including the key+ This time, it should be a cakewalk for you. I know there are many things in this area to help you, but with a 100 clip of TMP bullets it is easier just to fight him in the first area. Equip your flash grenades and run forward. Let Ashley run back to you then throw a flash; as before, get out your TMP and unload until he reveals the parasite. Tell Ashley to wait then run up and cut it. Easy as that; do it again and make sure you press the correct buttons to dodge his collapse. Unless you do something horribly wrong, that should be it; that was all I had to do. Maybe I cut the parasite faster this time; so cut it fast as well! *PRO TIP: Stand back and fire a rocket over Ashley's big head. Yeah!* *Did you notice that this time he faded away?* *Note: This fight is optional. You can knock boulders onto him, shoot up the doors, and grab the key to exit, but that's crazy! Be a good gamer and fight! Only run if you have absolutely nothing to fight him with; and in which case I would tell YOU to restart the game.* After the battle, kick the door open and collect the plethora of items that you would'a missed if you chickened out. Then break a crate on the side and get an ammo on a the wall as well. Shoot the gem from a bucket up high. Grab the key and make your way to the exit. *Note: If you wish, turn around and go back to the lever to take the left path. All I will say is HIDE Ashley.* **************** 2.3 Last Defense (2003ldf) **************** *********************************MERCHANT(x2)********************************** *May be some ammo on a trash can.* Go to the shack to grab the items and the last paper for the area, and save. You can talk to the merchant, but no need. Just proceed past the big gate to the chairlift thingy, and then snipe the two waiting Ganados on the left side. And then get on (just get on at anytime). Try to snipe oncoming enemies in groups of two or more, and no, you do not need headshots, just hit them. Be on the lookout as enemies will just magically end up on lifts at the end. *NOTE: if you really rock, you will only need six bullets. That means there are six cars of enemies.* *Don't reload the rifle unless you are completely out; it's not a big deal.* Collect the items in the lockers in the control station and go down the stairs. Leave Ashley and go to the pathway into the cliff; get your handgun ready. As soon as you round the corner, shoot the bomb in the villager's hand. Proceed up the ladder and take out the last Ganados in the area, then collect your final catseye for the Beerstein. *Place all three catseyes into the cup, and put both gems into the mask. You will now be empty of treasures.* Go back, scoop up Ashley, and go down to the merchant (two in one area?). Grab any ammo, sell the Beerstein, sell the mask, and save; onto the last boss fight of the section. The TMP should be upgraded as much as possible if you have it. Other than that, you don't need to buy anything. *Alternate Choice: you will only need four incendiaries, but almost anything will work; even four extra hand grenades. * *PRO TIP: DON'T buy a rocket. We will use other tricks to get past this boss.* ************************* 2.3 Battle With the Chief (2003bwc) ************************* +BOSS: Village Chief Mendez+ +You will get the eye needed to exit the Village+ *FYI, the shotgun is the weapon of choice, but if you don't have that then you better have the TMP and alot of bullets.* Before you get near the shed make sure you have full health, full clips of ammo for all guns except the rifle, and at least one grenade in hand. When you enter the shed be ready for a quick button press after you've been slammed to the ground. You need to choose one of these two methods to destroy the first form of this boss. Both work really well, so it depends on which one you qualify for. ******************************************************************************* This fight has been made easier thanks to Sgt Zeke. He has pointed out a very useful trick that hopefully works on the Cube and PS2, at least. *On the Cube, all that is different is that there is more junk in the way of your view.* You can run around and try to fight him like a man, but if you would rather not waste a lot of health and ammo for this first section of the fight then listen to me. From the start point, turn around and go up the ladder. Run to the left and then south, but stop when you get behind a 'pillar' structure. You should be near the other ladder and you should be able to see the ground through the pillar. When he makes his way to your side, hug the wall and he should walk in place. *You must be directly behind the structure and next to the wall, or else he may swipe at you.* *Also, you may need to use his targeting to wrestle him into place, it is a little hard to explain. Just think of you two as connected by a line that will not bend, it is straight.* Mendez might take a swing at you, but he should not reach. He will try to get a better position to attack you from the ground. You will see him start to walk your way, and he will get to the direct opposite side of the pillar. If you did this correctly, he will walk in place and never be able to reach you. He should just walk in one spot, but he may also do a little back-and-forth thing in a small area. He may also break free and go to a side; all you have to do is get him back into the spot by going in the opposite direction. Now that he is stuck in place, whip out your handgun and shoot him through the structure until he separates. This is highly recommended for PRO. Only takes about 50 bullets to sever his torso. *On the Gamecube, I believe it was much easier to outmanuveur him on the ground so this may be unneeded, but it works just as well* ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *Alternate Choice: This is a cool trick that works really well. Really, you could use eight Incendiary Grenades and be done. You have to toss, let him stagger and regain himself, and then toss again. You may be able to just keep chucking away, but then your timing will be off. And regular grenades will work too. For the second form, you could even do the same. Thanks to Dustin Orner for giving me this tip!* ******************************************************************************* Okay, thanks guys. Now I will combine both tips into one solid tip. Toss the incendiary/frag grenade as soon as the battle starts. Now turn and climb up the ladder. Go to the left and around the corner and stop behind the pillar. Now shoot him through the pillar and the job is cut. Simple. The best plan for the swinging torso is to run up the ladder behind you. Turn to the right and stand right next to where you picked up the yellow herb. Wait for him to swing near you, but let him settle into his spot before you go and shoot. What I mean is don't shoot him as he is in his swinging animation or the blast won't count. It's hard to do, and possibly has no effect either way. And from the yellow herb position he can reach you, but hopefully you would have shot him down before he could; and if you shoot him down to the walkway that you're standing on, switch sides because he will pop up right in front of you. The shotgun is the weapon of choice, but a fully upgraded TMP should do fine too. *You could stay on the ground for the torso battle too, and continue tossing grenades under him, but staying on the ground is the wrong way to go.* *Wii Tip: I found this on the Wii, so I would think it works on the others as well. What I did was, for the torso battle, was climb up the ladder, went to the LEFT as far as I could, he followed, and he ended up on the farthest side that he could get to; basically, when you blast him from this position, he will fall to the upper level walkway, not the ground. And he should now stay up here with you. Next I scooted over a couple of steps so that the vertical, wooden beam was about on the right of me (I know this is hard to follow). From here, and with him stuck on the farthest side, he will now try to take swipes at you, but if you are just out of his range he will miss. But he will keep trying, and he will keep missing. And you can keep blasting your way to victory at last! Probably works on the other side too.* *Wii NOTE: It seems that he won't as easily be knocked to the ground. That is what allowed the last tip to happen.* After he is dead, pick up everything. Shoot the red barrel for a spinel. Ten items in all, not including the jewel, bars, and eye. Jump out and exit. ********************* *Don't reload any weapon! All you need is ONE bullet in the rifle* (unless you plan to keep your weapons) Go back up, save if needed, but you don't need to stop by the merchants. Go up the chairlift (no enemies), go to the Retinal Scan and use the eye to exit. *This ends the VILLAGE section of the game, first third of RE4* ************** 2.3 The Castle (2003cas) ************** Get out your rifle, but do not fire! Go up the path until the car comes down the trail and fire at the driver; quickly turn around and go toward the back to avoid being run over. Quickly run up the hill and when you pass the truck a whole mess of villagers will come. Run to the left side and smash the barrels in the open spot for some stuff, since you have time. Then run until you see the final scene of the village Ganados. *Don't cry, you will meet them again* Welcome to the CASTLE! ******************* 3.1 Castle Entrance (3001cet) ******************* *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Smash all crates in the area, may have a snake in one, and grab the gold bars in the chest. Go into the shack, snag the herb, and meet this most crucial of merchants in the game. Sell your handgun, Shotgun, and Rifle; buy the Blacktail, Riot Gun, and Semi- Auto Rifle. These shinny new weapons are about at the level of their former selves with only a small margin of lessness (they have smaller capacity than their predecessors). And of course buy the attache case Large upgrade for the much needed room. Then you may get any number of upgrades available; I got the Riot gun's power, Blacktail's all available, but you don't need anything for the rifle just yet. Get the scope for this rifle too. Also, if you bought the TMP, go ahead and upgrade it too. *NOTE: It you held off on the TMP because of space for those rockets, then now is the time to buy it if you wish. There are no bosses for a long time. Or, you could continue selling the TMP ammo you find and skip the gun altogether. It's not required for the game. That said, I still say get it, but skip the stock for it. Try to save the ammo for it too and only use as a last resort.* *NOTE: If you kept the Punisher, then you don't have to buy the Blacktail. Just know that the Punisher will be about half as powerful as the Blacktail when both are fully upgraded, but all else is about even.* *NOTE: Buy the Mine thrower, but not the scope. Will be like more grenades. But only buy if you have lots of space.* *NOTE: Yes, you may keep every weapon and buy whatever, but you will get plenty of money to buy anything in this runthrough. However, if you want to challenge yourself a bit you can keep these weapons and never change; this means less effort to obtain the new weapons in a Round 2. The old weapons will prove to be archaic as they only upgrade to a point, which the newer weapons can easily pass. All depends on your skill level.* *NOTE: Yes, there are two other new guns: the Broken Butterfly and the Mine Thrower. The BB will be free later so don't buy it, ever. The MT is great if you're into that sort of thing* *NOTE: The Riot Gun is a small improvement on the upgraded shotgun, but does have improved handling. However, you won't have the Riot Gun for long either. It will be sold by the last third of the game. Give it a few upgrades here and there if you do buy it.* Get the new Rifle out and proceed to the first Castle fight, and it's a big one (not really). *FINAL NOTE: You are out of the Village, so you no longer need to save your grenades and shotgun shells. In fact, you will use them quite a bit in the Castle. I will let you know when to hold onto stuff though.* ************************ 3.1 A Castle Under Siege (3001cus) ************************ *********************************MERCHANT************************************** *Do not leave Ashley by the door, or anywhere, she will be carried away* When you turn the corner, you will see two monk Ganados on the upper ledge. Shoot the one farther left then the other before he takes off. Grab the ammo on the crate and go up the stairs to begin the barrage. When the rocks land run quickly to the area where the monks patrolled. Go over to the cannon and grab any items. Now come back to the stairs and run forward just a bit so that you're under an archway. Look up and snipe the lead cultist in red. Now run up the stairs, but pause on like the third to last step. Look to the right with your rifle and snipe the catapult driver in the distance, and snipe the cultist inside the little shack (don't shoot the helmet and he needs two bullets). Now quickly run forward so that you can look to the area below (you're looking down to where the barrage started firing at you). If you were quick enough you should see two monks down below; and if you don't then that means they are coming up the steps. *Wii Tip: Actually, everyone can do this, but it's easiest on the Wii where the rifle's little red arrows on the corners let you know when you got a target in your sights. From the cannon doorway on the bottom, look up through the open area and see the catapult, but you can't see the driver. Well, you can. A full sliver of his head is visible, and it will bob in and out of sight as he sways. So just barely hit this sliver and you will make the job a bit easier; might need to reposition yourself a bit.* Now run across the bridge and behind the shack so that you find the chest. Leave Ashley here. Get the three items in the shack and stay in. Now you should be able to snipe the engine driver on the left, and then run across the bridge and into the smaller shack to snipe the last one. Turn the crank and then fire. Go toward the exit door and slash the torch to get a free gem. Now talk to guy. He offers you an upgrade for the Riot Gun, so take it. That should be all. Now exit through the door. ************************* 3.1 Castle Quarters Combat (3001cqc) ************************* *Here will be your first run-in with the instant-kill Las Plagas* Grab the stuff in here including the sword on the wall. If you wish to play it safe, then go to the bottom of the stairs and tell Ashley to wait. This should trigger the cultists to approach and allow you to pick them off as they come down. When you run upstairs another group will enter from below. You want to toss incendiaries as they come up and finish them off with the handgun or whatever. Then snipe the red guy and his Plagas. *NOTE: If they don't bite on you calling to Ashley, then just poke your head up the steps and go back down.* Replace the swords and put them in their matching place to exit, but don't forget the items littering the room (cabinets). **************** 3.1 Castle Guard (3001cgd) **************** +Key+ Go forward for a run-in with Luis, afterward leave Ashley there and go through the small door. Kill cultists as they come out. When they stop go around the building where the red barrel is and shoot the guy if he is in the doorway (when he comes to you, shoot the red barrel if he gets near it). Kill any remaing Ganados then collect the items inside. Go to the window near the door and snipe a guy up high. Go out through the door and when you round the corner of the building snipe the waiting cultist at the end of the path; another will come, just snipe him through his shield and proceed. *Wii Note: Don't worry about the first group of bad guys, they will all come at you at one time.* In the small room gather the items (see the red barrel? I had success using it on the Gamecube every time). When you nab the key to the castle, some guys will pour in to get you (I would always shoot the barrel and that would be it). Aim for the barrel and take out whoever remains (on the PS2, they would pour in by little waves and I could not get them in one shot). *Wii Note: It's the same as the Gamecube, in that all of the enemies that rush in will do it as one; not in two groups as the PS2.* Back to the gate, grab Ashley and enter the Castle. ************************** 3.1 Prisoner of the Castle (3001poc) ************************** +MINI BOSS: GARRADOR #1+ Go up and see the new enemy of the castle section. Collect the items in jars and look up over the archway for a gem; save. *Yes, you are taking a big detour in order to advance* In the next room, two barrels, a jar, gold behind a portrait, ammo on a chair, yellow herb, a paper, and the key to the prison. Also, before you enter the prison look through the window where you smashed the jar and shoot the ammo from the wooden beam. This prison holds a new enemy type, the Garrador. I consider them a mini boss and will tell you how to beat them now. Grab the herb and ready yourself. Walking into the cell activates him, so quickly back out. Notice the two curiously placed bells in the prison? They are your friend in this spot, so break out the Blacktail and shoot a bell. The blind Garrador will get his claw stuck in the wall where the bell was; now whip out your trusty rifle and fire at his Plaga. IF you are lucky he will stagger into a position allowing yet another shot at the Plaga; only shoot it from the side or back. When he is on his feet, he may charge the spot you last shot from so back away. *The mines work good to stagger him for a sniper bullet* *NOTE: NEVER RUN AROUND THESE GUYS! Walk.* Shoot the other bell and snipe him again. Now the waiting game begins; he will walk around the center pillar waiting for you; you should do the same waiting for the perfect shot. Use hand grenades by throwing them behind him. Four rifle shots and he is finished. Collect the prize and pull the lever in the cell. *PRO TIP: Shoot at him while standing by a wall and then move to the side to let him get stuck in the wall.* *Wii Note: He seemed dumber than usual.* Go back for Ashley and some cult dudes will approach, shoot the lantern to burn a few alive. Handle the rest and round the corner, if you are fast enough, you can shoot the dynamite in the bomber's hand to take the group out. Otherwise, avoid being blown up and kill the archers. If the bomber fled he will be by another cult follower to the left in the next room. Grab the ammo and get a hand grenade (along with your wits) ready for the next battle. *************************** 3.1 Assault of the Cultists (3001atc) *************************** *Whatever you do in this area, try to save as many rounds of rifle ammo as you can for the last part.* *PRO TIP: This area is most difficult on PRO, and it will be just as hard if you have done well on NORMAL.* Run forward and chuck your grenade up the middle. Whip out the old Riot gun and blast away. The cultists will try to swarm you so don't allow it. Keep Ashley safe since it is particularly easy for them to carry her away. Try to back up to a corner. Remember, shields are unaffected by handguns. More will pour in from the sides as you waste the originals. Sitting in a corner seems the best idea. *PRO TIP: If you rock or are playing PRO you should expect two archers. They make the strategy of running around and blasting a bad idea. So instead (and even without the archers you may want to consider this) run forward after you toss the grenade and enter the room with the pressure pads. Don't step on them just yet. It will be a long waiting game of letting the bad guys come into the room and your picking them off; watch the hole in the ceiling too. When there is a long period of silence, come outside, make sure the ground enemies are dead, and then play peek-a-boo with the archers (use the rifle or mine darts).* *WUSS TIP: (Ha, new idea) you could die two times and the game will figure that you really suck and it will take out the two archers. This makes the first set of bad guys much easier as you can just camp in a corner by the water pools and pick off enemies. But this also makes you a wuss! (obviously I'VE never done this...)* *PRO TIP: The alternative is to chuck a grenade and then immediately whip out the rifle and snipe the two archers. This will more than likely cause you to take a hit, but if you don't mind then do this instead of all the other stuff.* When all is clear collect the items around the water area, then go down the stairs and take out some cult people. Smash the jars, enter the room, collect the items, leave Ashley on one pad, and you stand on the other. Don't rush outside just yet. Instead call Ashley to your side and wait. Cultists will come in through the doorway two at a time, and two will drop from the hole in the ceiling. When the coast seems clear, exit and deal with the rift-raft that remains. Leave Ashley in a spot, then snipe the archers on the ledges one at a time by going to the opposite side and popping out while they reload. Do it two times and then go to the raised crank; either put Ashley on it or do it yourself if the coast is clear. *PRO TIP: Doing well will make five enemies rush down the new steps when you drop it. Either toss a grenade or blast away.* Collect the items on either side up here then proceed; Ashley will let you in on what to do next. Grab the ammo in the jars then PIGGYBACK Ashley to the right side (just a preference). Get out your rifle and snipe the cultists on her side first, then shoot any approaching you, and then any on the opposite ledge. After that, shoot any more coming after her. Only two waves should bother you. She will bring the first platform up and then switch sides. Kill the guys on the side she is approaching. Rinse and repeat. Once the last platform is up, go to the CATCH point and catch; cross the water to kiss this place goodbye. *Wii Note: Well, if you're low on sniper ammo, yeah, your handgun is just as well; you just won't get the red target, but you will hit.* *Don't reload any empty weapons if you want to get free ammo.* ********************* 3.1 Moment of Silence (3001mos) ********************* *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Items all around, there is also a spinel in the eye of a hanging statue. This merchant allows some nice upgrading. So do so as you wish. Once you are done, go inside the blue door. At least grab and read the paper for the shooting range. I recommend not wasting time here. If you must, do a few rounds and collect the first row of bottle caps for a cash reward. Back in the room, save. Go up the hall for a scene. This is nice, now you are free to think about yourself only. When the scene is over enter the door on the wall. *PRO TIP: Save the Hand Grenade from this room; just have one by dinner time.* ******************* 3.2 Dungeon of Doom (3002fdod) ******************* *Any rifle bullet to the eye for these guys means death. So if you trust your skills, you can try for the one shot kills* *Wii Note: And of course, it's easier on the Wii.* Grab the stuff and enter the sewers. Walk forward and notice the sound in the hole on the left wall? Turn the corner and go into the tunnel with the crate at the end, then come back and pull out your rifle. Aim toward the end of the hall and do you see it? Shoot where the breath is eminating from. Proceed and collect the colored eye he dropped (you just killed a Novistador). Proceed with caution by hugging the wall opposite the railing; when you reach the corner aim into the pit and shoot the waiting Novistadors in the water. Jump down and grab the various items in the water, don't miss the pipe, and climb up. *The eye color depends on what color its eyes were when it died; in order of value and rarity: blue, red, and green* Open the door and pull out your shotgun for the prison part. You may as well walk up and fight the enemy in the hole in the ceiling, though it is possible to snipe him I never pulled it off. Aim for the head of course, but be warned that when they are knocked down they usually fling themselves to the ceiling and come after you. Be a surgeon with the your Riot Gun. Another is in a cell so get him to come out; the music still plays. Go up the hallway and hug the left wall, as soon as you can look around the corner pull out your Rifle and take out the last Novistador. Go back to the first part and collect the various items in the cells, as well as a very informative paper on parasites. *Wii Tip: Ha! I knew it would. Don't run into the prison area with guns blazin'. Take out your rifle and look to the drool coming from the hole in the ceiling. Yes, the red corners will light up and you can kill this guy before he sees you. The rest are the same.* Go back up the hallway, through the cells, and into the pump room. Grab the things in here including a cool Butterfly Lamp that takes the three colors of eyes. Turn the valve and whip out your Rifle, again. Open the door and barely tiptoe out just so you can see the two insects clinged to the ceiling-hole. Shoot them one at a time and collect their items, then run back to the first hallway but bring your riot gun with you as an enemy will burst out of the last closed cell. There may be another to drop from the hole in the ceiling; depends on your progress. Drop down into the water pit and RUN through the door. Stop when you just pass the door and turn around. Blast him and stay behind the doorway. The bug can only get you by crawling along the ground, so just keep your sight in the doorway and he can't get through. There is a velvet blue in the corner of the water. *PRO TIP: And if you are good, the bug will be in the ceiling hole after the last one from the cell.* *Remember the sound in the very first sewer? You can go all the way back for another Novistador eye (not worth it).* Go up the steps collecting the items then go to the final part of this area. Pendulums! You need only a small background in platform gaming to pass these blades. Get right in front of them, when they pass by you immediately run forward, and repeat with jumping where appropriate. Grab the treasure on the floor, climb up, and grab the last items. Get out a grenade and exit. *With any luck you may or may not have a completed Lamp, don't worry if not* ****************** 3.2 Leon's Ambush! (3002leo) ****************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** *Use any kind of grenade. Flash means you have to kill all the guys; Flame means you will have to kill survivors; and Frag means you will clear the mob.* Yes, time to plan your own trap. There are many ways to proceed: you could just scare them off and not worry, take out a few, or you could get the whole gang. I recommend going to the edge on the left, by the ladder. Take out your frag and toss it through the opening. Then hop down from the ladder and run to the typewriter to close off the area. Now the trap is complete and all you have to do is finish off the leader and a minion or two. Go back up to the ledge with the ladder in the back, and cross to the other side with the chandelier. Grab the items and cross to the other side with the other chandelier; snag the mask and pull the lever. Meet with the merchant and upgrade as you see fit, but don't sell all your eyes, you need them for the lamp. Save, and then exit through the top door. *Here is the deal with the lamp and the eyes. If you got a B+R+G eye set, then put each into the lamp and sell it. If you cannot complete the lamp, then save the eyes and lamp for later. Otherwise, just sell all of it.* *You may be tempted to max out the Riot Gun, but it is going to be phased out in a little while, so keep that in mind. Maybe just stop upgrading past this point. The capacities are okay though.* ***************** 3.2 The Big Block (3002tbb) ***************** *PRO TIP: Make sure to save at least one Frag for a later area.* Nab the herb and go into the next room. Get the ammo and paper on the table, go out the door with rifle in hand. Don't move and quickly snipe the two archers, snipe the two masked dudes, and then off the cultist below. One more is on the other side of the center column, don't let him scare you; smash all the pots and then enter the door. Smash the barrels and kill the enemy at the top of the stairs. Go to the balcony, grab the ammo on the table, and get the rifle out; go to the locked door then jump down. *A red barrel is by the archers as well.* If you do the following correctly, I believe you can snipe the red cultist on the balcony before having to chase the gatling gun. Turn around and snipe him quickly, it will take quite a few shots; good job if you kill him! If not, then he will go through the door. Grab the shotgun shells and pesetas then follow his lead; get out the shotgun. As soon as you open the door, blast him before he runs, or run around the shieldist to chase him down; good job if you take him out now! If not, handle the dude and prepare to dodge a barrage of bullets (I believe your first run-in with modern weaponry). Run out the door in between the bullets and avoid being hit by running around the base of the gun. Shotgun his back as he reloads, and then grab the key once he falls. The more damage you do before he rides the gun, the shorter the fight. *Okay, duh. Can't believe no one told me, or that I didn't find this during my 10 billion other playthroughs. The trick to killing the red cultist is to flush him into the room on the top level. After you get the cash and shells from his old hiding place, come down the walkway and hop off from a small opening in the railing. Now go through the door on the bottom that leads to the stairs and shoot him in the legs. Now he is yours to toy with and all that is left is that little punk upstairs. Easy.* After you get the key, go up and through the gallery door. Shoot the deer and grab any items. This puzzle has several solutions, but: push 1, push 3, push 2, push 4, and then OK. Go to the next area for a scene. Quickly run into the door to the right after the scene ends. Turn around and equip any Incendiaries, throw them at the bottom of the stairs when the Ganados enter (about 4 guys). Then archers will appear on the top level, some guys will come through the top door so take them out. Grab the yellow herb and run out to chase down the archers (use the lanterns to burn a few). More will come out of the revolving doors; also there will be two rocket toting cultists that will pop out from behind a picture on the north wall, only if you go that way. Once all are dealt with collect the odd items lying on both levels. Push the red button near the picture and run to the west side before you are blown away (you can shoot the dudes, but just run). Go in the door, break the jar, and push that button. Run to the door, don't open it! and run back so the rocket guys waste their shot; go out and kill them at last. Nab the goat ornament and exit. *PRO TIP: There will be guys with Scythes for you, but don't let them come in. Just make the rocket guys waste their shots, and then handle the guys with an incendiary, or extra grenade.* **************** 3.2 Another Calm (3002anc) **************** Save. Grab the ammo up the hall and go through the unlocked door. Shoot the spinel and continue to the fountain; snipe the crows with a handgun and collect the items all around the fountain. Smash the crates and leave. *You will be back.* **************** 3.2 A Maze Apart (3002ama) **************** +Nominee for 'Best Part of the Game' Award+ *********************************MERCHANT************************************** *PRO TIP: Make sure to save at least one Frag for a later area.* Go right until a conversation, yes you must tread through this maze. Go down the steps and ready your Riot gun. Smash the barrels and when you go to pick up the items a Colmillos will attack! Fire two shells and that should be it. Go around the center structure and grab a herb, then come back and take the path to the left (south). You should be by a gate with three dogs in the nearby cage, running in place. Whip out your rifle and snipe one through the open space where the hedge is not touching the gate (should be obvious); the other will burst out and chase you, so kill him when he breaks down the gate (there will be time). Head east, past the stairs and have your riot gun in hand. Turn north by the wall and follow the path to a chest with ammo; as soon as you pick the ammo up, two pups will rush you (one through the path, the other will jump through the hedge). Do a 180 to face them. Go back to the stairs and cross them to the other side, and pick up the item in the chest to the left. Go to the fountain and pick up the first piece of the moonstone; equip an Incendiary. When you approach the steps three more dogs will rush you. I advise tossing the grenade in front of the steps, hopefully taking out all three (shotgun any survivors). Return to the cage. *NOTE: This one time, for the upcoming encounter, two dogs ganged up on me after I snagged the yellow herb.* *Wii Tip: There will be two dogs from the front after you grab the yellow herb. Or, looking at that last note, perhaps it's a bit random everytime?* From here head west all the way to the wall and snag the herb. Come back a bit and go north, but as soon as you begin taking the path a Colmillos will charge you from behind (turn around when you hear the beast!). Go up and turn into the short path for a red gem. Now, you can go right for the last moonstone and make a beeline for the exit, but there are more things to get! Take the path under the bridge and turn around in anticipation of a beast. Continue and don't worry about the sound of the dog. Go to the little path and grab the first aid spray, then whip out something powerful (rifle). Kill the slightly stronger than usual Colmillos in the last pen (he may or may not burst out). *Don't reload your shotgun if you want an upgrade soon.* Go east from here, and try to sneak up on the last dog in the area. Grab the spinel in the ground and head back to the stairs you didn't take. Go up and nab the other half of the moonstone. Hop down and head for the locked door to use the complete moonstone on the door. Enter for the cool scene. After the scene, snatch two treasures, the paper, and the other items in the rooms. Merchant time! Various upgrades, but don't go crazy. Save and exit. *PRO TIP: If you don't have a Frag on you, then now is the best time to buy the Mine gun, sans the stock. Not as good, but it will take place of a frag.* *************** 3.3 Break Fast! (3003brf) *************** *PRO TIP: Make sure you have saved a Frag for THIS area, or the Mine gun.* A quiet spot, for now. Grab the odd items on the tables and head through the southern exit. An old place, but now you are in a new room. Take the numerous items around here and kick the lock (snake in one!). Then back to the dinner hall. When you return go to the strange bell counter, and duh, ring the bell. The picture may seem odd, but just shoot the wine glass with a steady held pistol, or waste a rifle round if you can't hit. *Wii Tip: Duh, the handgun will snipe the wine much easier.* Now, several things may happen here: a Garrador may fight you, nothing but cultists will fight you, or you have a grenade (you better have one if you've been paying attention). Depends on your luck! Go into the unbarred room and toward the center for a trap. A blind maniac may fall in the cage (usually for me) and more enemies will surround the area. You can be smart and fight the whole bunch (not!) or just go in with a grenade in hand and blast the lock off a door, then run out of the whole room through the door. *NOTE: If you press pause as soon as the scene for the trap starts you will get some extra time.* If you do not have a hand grenade, poor you. You will have to deal with the Garrador somehow; if no Garrador, then blast away! I would recommend tossing an Incendiary at the Garrador then quickly blast away a lock with the riot gun; hightail it out of there once again. If you fight, good luck; you will probably take many hits by fighting both the cultists and the maniac at the same time. Three items are in this part, if you survive. *If you do want to fight the Garrador, the best thing is to return to the table area and fight him there.* *PRO TIP: You will be back, so you can pick up the items then.* *WUSS TIP: Yet again, if you keep dying here, the game will only send down a cultist - you wuss!* ************************ 3.3 Fight for the Rocket (3003ffr) ************************ *********************************MERCHANT************************************** *Don't even try going back to last room if you fled, trust me* Get out your rifle, or whatever, and go to town on the band of Ganados in this area. One will reveal the last Plaga type, the one that detaches and spits acid; one shot does it for them. Kill the visible ones and then hop down, first collect any items then flip the switch. Go back up and get out a pistol; once you start to cross the bridge more enemies will surround you. Shoot the lantern when the forward enemies burst from the door, then turn and kill the others from the other door. Get out your rifle and head to the area behind the wall, take out the bowman in the far window. Snatch the pesetas on the table then drop down, and go up the stairs to face any enemies behind the locked door. Yes, there is a shinny new rocket launcher in the glass on the floor; first grab all the items around it (aim the gun at the desired item if you have trouble). Pick up the velvet blue in the drawer, kick open the locked door, and cross the bridge. Take the few items in the hall, and then meet this important merchant; buy the XL upgrade at least. You should have more than enough space for the rocket now. Go back, pick it up, and come back to save. Then exit. *You could always sell the rocket, but no point in it; just keep it* *Wii Note: I remember from all my travels on the Cube and PS2, there was always the first mature Las Plagas in this area. Regardless of whether this means it's random, it is certainly not a given on the Wii. But that's a good thing.* ****************** 3.4 Guardian Angel (3004gua) ****************** *Wii Tip: The handgun, yet again, can replace the rifle in this sequence.* Watch the scene, goodbye friend! Run around smashing jars and topple the picture for some gold bars. Then pull out your rifle and get into position; shoot the three restraints holding Ashley captive. Once the enemies start flowing, your best course of action would be to keep your aim on Ashley and shoot the heads of anyone who gets close. At some point some archers will rush in and start shooting you; take them out first and keep an eye on the girl. Kill the red cultist and continue to snipe Ganados. After all is clear, Ashley will pick up the key and begin her quest. *The handgun is your default weapon if you are out of rifle rounds.* *PRO TIP: you will face an extra wave of enemies.* ********************** 3.4 Ashley's Adventure (3004asa) ********************** *Do not heal Ashley if you can help it.* *NOTE: Ashley controls just the same as Leon, only without weapons.* Grab the spinel and herb in the room, then save if you like. See the enemy up ahead, what will you do? Run behind him and grab the herb on the table, and then quickly run to the right, and under a table on the right, near the wall. You should now be in a place where this enemy cannot get to. Crawl through the hole in the wall and you'll be in the second area. *You could also push the crank to the gate, get through, and then trap the first dude in the first area. And you could even use the lanterns to burn him, but it's hard all too hard.* *NOTE: the number of lanterns to kill him depends on your skill. It takes two if you are an average player, while PROs will need to use all three. Go to the lantern on the table in front of you. Throw it when you know that the enemy is either standing close to you, or if he's walking. Now, while he's down, turn to the left and go grab that lantern, wait for him to almost stand up, and then toss it. Now run to the right side of the table separating you from the final lantern, crawl under, wait for him to get close, and then chuck this one too (and you only need this one if you've been doing very good on this game). Now grab two items from a drawer and a cabinet. Turn both cranks and you're free. *NOTE: Another entry in the Why-Didn't-I-Try-This-Sooner file. Instead of going for the first lantern you see when facing the second guy, slink around the corner and go pick up the one by the gate. He will not see you and then you can get the one you first saw, and then the one that's closed off.* In the small room before you enter the next area you will find a spinel, velvet blue, box of ammo, a note, and a red herb on your way to the next area. ******************* 3.4 Armored Puzzles (3004puz) ******************* *PRO TIP: Remember, hold out on health, this area is almost over.* In this area you have a flashlight, because it is dark. Turn left and crawl under the table to push the first button; go through the opened gate to push the next button. Collect the tablet and go through the next opened gate, and don't miss the herb. Push back the shelf and push the button. There are two items to grab near the door. Go through and pick up a treasure in the hallway on some chairs (though, there is none on the PS2). Watch out for the spooky ghosts and make your way to a puzzle (I was kidding about that ghost comment). Yes, another puzzle, worst of all it's a jigsaw puzzle! Here is the solution: This is the key: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This is the answer: 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 9, then insert the tablet. *You will move the piece on the 6 slot first and then the next and so on.* Hope I helped. Go into the room, grab the three items. The ornament slot will be replaced with the key to get out of here; once you grab it prepare to dodge some big axes. The room will open and let the four living Armaduras in to get you. No use trying to fight, just run! Use the table to out manuever them; when they get close to the south side of the room, run up the side of the table and out the door (stay still and wait for all of them to get real close). Run back from whence you came, but watch out for the two statues in the hall; press the correct button combos, or you will lose lots of life. When you are back to the gate room, push the first button you see; now the Armaduras are stuck behind the gate. Or you could just run out the door, but be ready for the final statue near the exit. *If you are hurt, no need healing once you are out of here.* Go to the fancy room in front of you, insert the insignia in the dial, and then turn it to be free at last. Climb up, grab the pesetas at the top, and exit. ************ 4.1 Reunited (4001reu) ************ +You're both healed up now+ +Backtracking, no new items in old places+ +It is crucial that you save at least three rifle rounds for the next area+ Alright, back together at last. Now you can obtain the last free weapon in the game, but it was way back there. Go back to the dinner hall. *NOTE: Make sure you free up at least eight blocks of space in the case by selling junk to the merchant.* In the dinner hall, scythe enemies will be waiting, four in the cage room, two by the dinner tables, and one by the exit (if you didn't get the items in the cage area the first time, get the three now). Exit via the southern exit. *Remember, you don't HAVE to kill every enemy in a room.* *NOTE: As soon as you enter the storage room, stop! You're fine to move on if you are not playing the Gamecube. You Cube owners must pull out your rifle, look up, and snipe this Novistador. Walk where he fell, look across the room, and shoot the other one. Again, only on the Gamecube.* Get through the room and go to the fountain area. Go up to the door, and do the PIGGYBACK thing by the window; go inside and collect some big rewards for your efforts (Broken Butterfly, Perfume, herb, and gold). Now make your way back to the spot where you reunited with Ashley (no need to save at any point). *ALTERNATE: Buy the Mine Thrower to make life easier in the next area; you do not need the scope. Unless you have a few sniper bullets. But, I still think you should grab it anyway.* Go through the door, grab a few items, and then save your game. One more ornament to go. Get on the molten transport to enter the Dragon Room, alone. ******************* 4.1 Dragons of Fire (4001dof) ******************* *Wii Tip: I should just say 'Wii Snipe' and you'll know that it means to use the handgun instead of the rifle. That is of course unless you have terrible control of your arm.* Try to snipe both dragon operators quickly! Move toward the stairs and snipe the one on the right side of the room. Now quickly run back to the railing in front of the door and snipe the other operator on the left side, in front of you. Or shoot mines to the area above them if you are out of bullets or you can't see them. The rewards are in chests along your path. If you can't do this for whatever reason, then you will have to dodge extra fire. *You can always use the RETRY option in the pause menu if you fail and want to take another crack at it. Because you want those rewards.* *You can also shoot the chains holding the dragons up, but you have to use a TMP, handgun, or anything but the rifle, for some reason it don't work.* Continue, jump the gaps, and quickly now, shoot the two cultists down to the ground. Hurry forward and when the cutscene begins with the dragon coming down, quickly press START and skip the scene. Then run to either corner and quickly snipe the last operator; or shoot a mine. If you for some reason fail to do this in time, then the best thing to do is shoot a mine onto the structure that housed the operator (it's white and circular). And if all else fails, you will have to dodge the pouring cultist from behind, stand on one side, run to the other between the blasts of fire, and then shoot the operator. But the first choice is the best. *Wii Note: For the last driver of the dragons you will have to do a bit more. He will descend into position in whatever direction you are facing. So if you run to the right side, you will need to run to the left and then shoot him. It's basically the same as the normal strategy to kill him, I guess.* *The quicker you kill the last operator, the quicker the stream of badies will stop. The mine thrower does wonders for this.* Grab the last ornament, kill any survivors, pick up the item from the chest if it's there, and then exit to the previous area. ********** No need to save. Take the train to get to where you need to be; get any items then return to the first room of the castle. *********** Place the three ornaments into the big door, go up the stairs, smash the jar, topple the painting for gold, and continue onward. *********** Hop the railings on both sides for items and then take a little trip. At the end, smash any jars, then topple the painting for more gold, and exit. ***************** 4.1 Brief Pit Stop (4001bps) ***************** +Save as many Flash Grenades as you can manage, but it's not crucial+ *********************************MERCHANT************************************** *You will now complete your Mask. Keep holding onto your incomplete Lamp too.* There are many things in this room. Grab the grenade ahead of you, then go to the area with open windows, and shoot down all four treasures in the statues. Go back and into the room with a big table, pick up the three things, and read the paper. Go into the smaller room, pick up several items, and talk with the merchant. Some good TMP and rifle upgrades so grab them; sell your completed mask and all other treasures (not imcomplete lamp). *I would advise holding onto the revolver and the Striker is not far away.* You may collect more bottle caps if you wish at the range (remember, you will only be paid if you get all six). Then you may exit to either the left or right room; you will go into both either way. *************** 4.1 Close Calls (4001ccs) *************** If you take the left door first, you will be greeted by a puzzle. Just push the two statues onto pressure pads, leave Ashley on one, and you step on the other. Go through the open door, watch the scene. Whip out your Blacktail and quickly shoot the four blinking lights on the falling ceiling, you should have plenty of time. Grab the ammo in the corner of the room and proceed down the hall. *Wii Snipe* Ashley will be locked behind a door with a drill machine coming her way. Pull out your rifle and snipe them both, and if you're out of ammo you will have to snipe with a handgun. Grab the numerous items in the room (7-8), kick the door open, and exit. Go to the door on the right end, the other door, whatever. ************************ 4.1 Armored Entanglement (4001ent) ************************ +Here is where any saved Flash Grenades will pay off+ Leave Ashley near the door and proceed. Grab the ammo, see all the knights? Only two will suprise you (one on each side), so be ready. Go into the room at the end and search it for two items, then touch the sacred Grail. Three Armaduras will spring out. Now, you can waste your rocket here, but only if you have to. Shoot the knights to make them kneel, run past them, dodge the blows, and whatever else to avoid being sliced up. A few shotgun blasts should make the Plagas inside emerge; try to make all three Plagas reveal themselves so you can toss a flash grenade to kill them all. If no such luck, handle the Plagas like any other Ganados. Collect any items they drop. *A magnum weapon brings them down very quickly, sometimes hits two with one bullet. Also, use the mines, but put them on the ground so you don't kill yourself.* *PRO TIP: Use the TMP until it is almost empty and then don't reload it. This way you can go buy one of the capacity upgrades for it and not waste a bullet. Of course, this only applies if you haven't been using the TMP; thus you are a PRO and that is why you might find this tip useful.* Three more will enter, they are slightly stronger, but it's essentially more of the same. The only real difference is the Plagas. Instead of the cutting type you get the head swallowing type. However, there is a trick. If one does get too close for comfort (a Plagas), then run right up to the knight's armor; it saved me one time because the Plagas will extend over you (only use this as a last resort). Collect all the treasures and exit. *The last three are easy if you got the mine gun; there is a big delay between the first group and the second. Just whip out the gun fire it as the door spins open to reveal the knights. Try to stick two, but don't let them get close.* *************************** 4.1 Insects Worth a Fortune (4001iwf) *************************** Go to the merchant if needed. The next fight is easy with either a mine or the rifle, your call. Leave Ashley by the merchant room door and go to the window hallway; kill the seven or so cultists in any manner. Call her back, and go up to the pink and blue statues; yes, place in the correct grail into the corresponding hands. Go through. *NOTE: I say sell an empty Broken Butterfly right now. It has almost no more use after you expend the bullets. And you might need that space, or money. And if you didn't use the bullets on the knights, then maybe you still need to think about selling it.* *********** Collect the items in the jars, the cabinets, and jump out the window (a snake in a jar). Grab the herb on the balcony and go up the ladder; another Butterfly Lamp by the window. Jump down and catch her, then go to the center for a mixed blessing in the form of the cutscene (I don't know, seems like a good thing). *Shoot the hive to crash it for a full set of eyes for the new lamp.* Kill all Novistadors while they are airborne. Try to shoot them onto solid ground for their eyes. Shake'em off if they get you; the Riot gun is the weapon of choice for the short fight. Collect all treasures and go to the lever. After you pull it, shoot the two chains, and exit. *Don't let them touch the ground or they are hell to kill.* **************************** 4.1 Siege of the Clock Tower (4001sct) **************************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** *Save your Butterfly Lamp if still incomplete.* Grab the ammo, talk to the merchant, and save; riot gun is almost gone. Proceed and smash the barrels; knife the torch for a spinel. Go up for a quick scene, and then don't cross the bridge. Pull out the rifle and snipe the guy up above. And then wait for another guy to patrol, but he will take forever. If you manage to kill both lookouts, then you will skip the whole catapult aspect to this section. Run up the stairs, kill two last cultists, break two barrels, and then enter the tower. *If you somehow can't avoid being spotted, then you will have to dodge the barrage again. However, you don't have to kill the operators, but it would make things easier.* ********************** 4.1 Storming the Tower (4001stt) ********************** Move forward, see the piece of wood in the gears? Shoot it and the one above you a bit upward (go up to shoot if you can't see it). Go up to the next level collect the stuff, and go up one more. Go to the table for a herb and a paper. Turn to the lever, but shoot the last block next to it first; now pull the lever. The bridge is ready to go, but Ganados swarm the tower. Go down and one cross- bowman should be firing at you; go down again for two more. When you drop to the bottom level, you will be trapped, sort of. Go back up the ladder, kill the cultist approaching you, but not the dynamite thrower; stay near the ladder, and keep him in view so he will toss bombs onto his approaching pals below (see, I know them tricks!). Then kill him, mop up survivors, there should be one crossbowman around the corner, collect the items, and then exit. ******************* 4.1 Nasty Encounter (4001nec) ******************* +A save point will be here on the PS2 & Wii, not needed though+ +MINI BOSS: Garrador #2 & #3+ Outside, three shieldists will approach so take them out with a grenade. Run forward to activate a trap; you will once again be surrounded from both sides of the bridge. Throw a grenade at the front enemies, then run back to the doors and kill the two cultists waiting. Pull out your best weapon and start to blast away the pouring enemies from across the bridge. Many crawling Plagas should appear from their hosts' heads. Wait for all to die, and kill the leader for his bangle then enter the next area. Also, watch out for his rocket; when you hear the sound, run to another location. *Wii Note: Yet again, no mature Plagas, but I did see one on a run where I died, so they can appear, but not often.* The next area has two Garradors and many cultists! The Garradors are difficult to fight, but it is possible. I recommend now as the time to use your free rocket launcher. Aim down the room to the doors in between both Garradors and fire; do so immediately once you enter. They should fall and leave only the cultists to battle you. Kill them all, including a wave from behind once you advance through the room. Be quick to grab the Garradors' treasure or it will disappear fast, and pick up all items in the corners. Go through the door and pick up the two spinels before proceeding. Watch the scene, but be quick to the correct button press while you fall. *If you must fight both Garradors then you will have to dodge them and the cultists. The best thing is to let big guys get stuck in walls and then use the bells to finish them off.* *PRO TIP: You get a Garrador in armor. All this means is that he will survive the blast. He will immediately charge your position by the door. Let him run, and you step out of the way to avoid the blow. Now he is stuck and you can finish him off with a magnum round or whatever. Let him stick into a wall again, or just use a bell. But be sure to get the other dead Garrador's loot before it vanishes.* *You can always RETRY this section if you fail miserably.* *NOTE: If you are horribly low on funds, meaning you lack 30,000, then you may need to consider holding onto that rocket. If you're close to that number and you have a few spare items and some treasures (count all the stuff you will earn after you would kill the Garradors), then you will most likely have the funds for the second rocket in the next area.* *************************** 4.1 Something's Watching Me (4001swm) *************************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Collect the spinel, crown, ammo, and herb in the gruesome pit. BUY THE FREAKING ROCKET LAUNCHER! Save and go up the ladder. Proceed, checking the pipes in the walls for three items in the sewer, then exit. *Get the new Striker if you can, and you should have money after you sell either the Riot Gun or Shotgun. But put the rocket first.* *Also, remember that you want to max out the capacity of each gun when it's empty.* *Yes, the rocket is for the thing following you! And don't sell the crown.* ****************************** 4.1 Battle With the Right Hand (4001brh) ****************************** +BOSS: VERDUGO+ Run into the room to the right (yes, it's here!). Pick up the items on the table and check the elevator. Pull out your newest weapon and run out the door. You will be jabbed at from the ceiling and floor, so do the correct presses (will happen about 5-8 times). Run to the end of the hallway and into the room, ignore the items and just run to the back corner of the room. Pull the lever, you should be jabbed at, and then run to the locked door, press the button. *FYI, if you did not visit the elevator first and headed for the power room right away, it evens out to about the same number of button presses.* Now, the fight is on. You can do any of the following: battle him, battle him and wait to exit the room and to get on the elevator, or fight one of the easiest boss fight in the game. Do the last one for kicks. As soon as you press the button turn around and run past him; he should roar and not take a swipe at you. Run to the nitrogen tank on the right and knock it over. Now whip out the old rocket launcher, aim, fire. That's all there is to it, but you better not miss, and if you do, RETRY. *Treasure fits into crown, one more to go.* Pick up all the items in this room, another room, and then take the elevator. *NOTE: This is an optional boss. I avoided him on my first game, but it took a lot of time. Fighting him the old fashion way takes just as much time. Refer to boss section if you did not bring a rocket, but you should'a, it was the only weapon you really needed.* ******************* 4.2 Time to Recover (4002ttr) ******************* *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Grab all items in here, including the last paper for the section. Then talk to the merchant, but he has nothing of interest. Save. *More bottle caps, but skip if you've been skipping so far.* *Save all flash grenades, you know what this means.....* *PRO TIP: If you are dry on Flash Grenades, or you don't have a TMP, might I suggest buying yet another rocket launcher? The boss is one room away, and you could even come back and get it if you must. Up to you.* ******************** 4.2 Mines of Madness (4002mom) ******************** Return of the villagers! Go forward and kill the two villagers in your path. Collect the items and the velvet blue in a cart. Read the caution sign and proceed until you meet the main group of workers. Don't let guys throw sharp objects at you and remain on the high ground. Shoot any enemies trying to climb the ladder. Hop down and take out the rest, then nab the items (two will drop from the ledge above so beware). Don't mind the guys behind the big rock, unless you want to. Then go to the lever and pull it. Great, now go to the circuit breaker up top and throw it. When you go back down the ramp, more Ganados will pour in and a chainsaw maniac will join the fray. Kill them all; the Striker will make short work of the maniac and the rest. Pull the lever again and grab the payload. Plant it on the big rock and stand back, kill the two dudes if they survive. Grab the items and exit. *Gold behind the breaker.* ****************** 4.2 The Two Giants (4002ttg) ****************** +BOSS: Los Dos Gigantes (that means TWO)+ From one boss fight to another. Slowly collect the three items on the walls near you. Get a flash grenade ready, and go toward the big door. Yes, two for the price of one, and both are very strong. Run up the ladder behind you, and fast! Without a moment to spare, slide down the line to the lever, and hold onto the lever. When one giant is on the center of the floor, throw your flash grenade, and then pull the lever. *The lever can't be used again, and you can't get both, and don't go near the lava pit while it's open.* One left. You must fight the next one the old fashioned way. You should know how to do this, but these Gigantes are stronger so it will take a bit more effort. Flash grenades prove valuable here, as will the TMP. But it takes three cuts to take him down, and he must be shot more. Use the zip line to out manuever him, but be careful to avoid his charge attack. After three cuts, prepare to dodge his fall, and collect the reward. Grab items near the exit. *In the PS2 version, you cannot come back to this room and expect to find the melted Gigantes treasure. On the GC just come back and it will be in the center of the room.* *NOTE: You can fight both at once, but it proves vastly more complex. Refer to the boss section for more info.* *NOTE: if you do fight both, only do so if you have a lot of flash grenades and TMP ammo, and you should. Seven flashies will do.* *PRO TIP: Even for a PRO, two Rocket Launchers is crazy talk. Just drop the one giant and then blast the other.* ******************** 4.2 Light at the End (4002lae) ******************** +Last chance to grab those eyes+ Take out your Striker for this area. You may think that the Novistadors are endless, but there are only so many. Run up to the statue and turn to the bottomless space, shoot down the insects in the air; if you need eyes really bad to finish off your lamp, then perhaps wait til they fly over ground. Stay around this statue, stand by the wall, and look up and around for all the bugs in the area. When you think it's clear, run up the ramp and all the way into the rock wall. Look up and around for incoming hostiles. Grab the ammo and then run along the walkway up here, avoiding entering the small rooms. Run all the around from either side and enter the room on the opposite side of the cavern; keep a sharp eye out for bugs and items. *The difficulty lessens on the PS2 version either way.* Inside, press the button, grab the herb, and come out; either the bugs were inside the cave before you went in, or they will swarm the exit once you press the button (I've seen both). Now walk the other way around to the other room. Grab the herb, press the button, and turn around for a guaranteed fight. This fight is nasty no matter what. The bugs tend to land outside and then rush inside while more swarm in from the sky. The ground ones are top priority, but try to hit both at the same time; a grenade might help here. Anyway, now that the path is open, run to the door and go through. The bugs will not enter the tunnel, and you can use this to your advantage if you need more eyes. Simple piston running here, so be fast about it. When you reach the slope, throw the lever on the wall, go to the safe spot you just created, and then pass the last pistons. Go to the bed for the last crown piece, and exit. ************* 4.3 Fresh Air (4003fre) ************* *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Grab the items, the paper, and meet the merchant. Sell the B. Lamp if complete or not; sell the crown if complete or not. Lots of new upgrades, so do what you gotta do. Save and ready your rifle. Go to the old tree stand and snipe the two villagers near you, not in the distance, and killing one will alert the other. Then target the Ganados in the distance, all should run your way (wait for two to be in the sight and then fire if you can). Kill them and any stragglers, but be quick for any dropped items. Three items wait in the first ruined structure, three in the second (check the well), and two around the last. Go into the last one from the back, do the crank, and hop down. *It's entirely possible that you don't have the TMP, maybe. But if don't have that or any shotgun shells, then now you should finally cough up the dough and space and buy it. Otherwise, you're a bad dude.* ************************ 4.3 More Underground Fun (4003muf) ************************ +Have and save one flash bang for this room, which won't be hard to do+ Go forward, and get any items in the crates. About five guys wait for you in this area. You want to try and snipe them, but making them come to you works. See the big blue maniac? I'm sure you do, but he cannot come down to you. Watch for any beartraps hiding in the dirt, knife'em. Kill any remaining villagers and scour the area for two velvets, a herb, and a rod in the tomb. The big chainsaw villager is slightly tougher than others. Post up near the locked door and start sniping away at big blue. When he goes silent, climb the ladder, grab the herb, and grab the key; don't go downstairs! Three villagers will appear outside as soon as you are up, so grab the maniac's treasure and jump back out to handle them. Make a path and run back to the entrance area where you sniped everyone the last time - you're essentially doing it again. This time there will be a huge mob to fight you for both getting to the top level and taking the key. Stand by the steps on the right side and just blast away with your Striker. You are free to use the key and leave if you are running low on stuff. But if you want some plunder, go to the door around the side of the 'house' and just open it so you can look in. Yes, another maniac! If you have like ten or more sniper bullets, then use them on him; otherwise, just run in with the Striker and pound on him unmercifully. Grab his loot, the few treasures in here, and now take the door. Grab the items and get a flash bang ready as you enter the next little room. Toss it as soon as the scene is over, and that is so you kill the little ones. Now shoot the panels on the ceiling as before, check the coffin for loot, grab the ammo in the corner, go down the stairs, more loot, and exit. ******************** 4.3 Los Ganados Ride (4003lgr) ******************** +Nominee for 'Best Part of the Game' Award+ *Wii Snipe: In a sorta different way. This sequence becomes a old arcade rail gun shooter. A fully upgraded Blacktail kills.* Grab the stuff and get in. If you have the ammo for it, snipe the villagers in the distance. Either way, shoot the left lever to get this train moving. Get out either the TMP or the Striker for the road. All villagers will take only a shot to kill, if and only if they are shot while not in the carts. The Striker has a spread shot, but could miss; while the TMP will waste a lot of ammo in the process (if you're a bad shot). Either is fine. Try to kill anyone before they jump in with you (you'll be rewarded). After a time, boards will be in your path and threaten your health; either shoot them with one shot or do the correct button press (enemies will die if they are hit by one). Two maniacs will attempt to get in along the path. Just kill anyone who gets in with you the good old way. *At ambush points don't worry about the ammo on the other ends of the train, just get what is close to you.* At a point, you will be stopped at an ambush station. Villagers will jump in from both sides, including a sack-face. Two boxes of ammo are on either end to take from inside the carts. Just hit the lever at the end to keep moving, and kill all who made it in. Dodge the plank, collect any treasures, and have fun. After the long downward spiral, you will need to be quick to press the button combo to jump out of the doomed train; then rapidly tap the button to get up. Go forward and in the room, turn to the left and search the bones for hidden treasures (equal to how many villagers were killed with one bullet). Grab the key and go back up. *Sorry if I was not detailed enough, but this is a fun part.* Use the key on the door and use the elevtor. *NOTE: You can return to the merchant and max out your capacity upgrades. Also, this is the last merchant for a while.* **************** 4.4 Art Gone Mad (4004agm) **************** Proceed to the ammo and the typewriter. Go forward, collect the stuff to the right first. Then move forward as if the pathway will kindly stay open for you - it won't. Run forward to the edge of the water, turn around, and look up to snipe two bad guys on the middle platform. Look to the sides and try to take out the other two on each side, but watch yourself as one enemy will come for you after a while. Now take the ladder on the right and kill anyone up here. Go to the edge, but don't hop over onto the hand. Instead, look up and over, and all around to pick off enemies with your handgun; they should fall off the edges. Now jump to the hand, turn around, and anticipate an archer on the top level. Kill him after a series of up and downs, and try to kill the other guy in the back; if you don't kill him and you jump over, he will slash at you. When it's safe, jump over, collect some items, and then throw the lever. *Wii Tip: The enemy I've talked about will in fact move on the Wii, just thought I'd let you know.* More cultists will spawn in the lower levels. Snipe/take out, any visible ones from up top, and then go to the middle platform. Throw this switch to get the right hand going. Go up and get any items, but that's pretty much it. Get back on the hand and get off on the floor below. The red cultist will be around, so take him out from above, collect some items, and then hop down to collect more. When you're ready, and when you're sure no more enemies are afoot, throw the final lever and then run out the gate; you could stay and fight, but there's not much point. Head for the exit to begin the race. Rapidly tap the button to run from the big Salazar. Press the correct shoulder button when the corresponding pillar falls toward you; do this three times with one as a combo of both. *Wii Tip: It's much easier to run up to the door, swing the Wiimote, and then kick open the door.* When you get full control back, quickly shoot the lock and kick the door open to do more running. Repeat with only a single combo press to jump to safety; press more to get up. Now that that is over, one more gaunlet to go. Enter. ******************************** 4.4 Last Defense of the Cultists (4004ldc) ******************************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Watch the scene (after the funny part, be ready for a quick button press). Go to the side and get the two items around the boxes. Go up the ramp, avoid the barrels just like Mario, and get to the scaffolding in the center. Take out any approaching cultists, and may be a few atop the ladder. When you get to the "Donkey Kong Mechanism," more cultists will spawn below you and a guy will be hurling dynamite above (it can't reach you so don't worry about it now). Issue forth barrels to eliminate any ascending enemies. Stay up here a while and keep sending them. Watch for any that might sneak by your traps. When no more appear to be coming, hop down and head below. The leader won't move, so you can get close to him and eliminate however you like; knifing saves ammo. Now go back up, kill the bomber, and then go up the stairs to a dead end where you'll find a herb. Return to the elevator and collect the three items. Push the boxes off the lift and press the button. Get out the Striker and quickly position yourself on the side of the lift, not the corner. This is so you can blast enemies straight off the side. *Wii Note: The cult leader on the ground floor will move, FYI.* Part of the PRO thing may be increased archers, but either way you need to hit any archers as the ride starts; there will be two at the most. Now you can focus on the red cultists which are already on board. Just keep the Striker blasting, hit enemies as soon as they fall, and kill Plagas. The madness will be short and it will end, so hang in there. Go along the tower sides, collecting any items you come across. Before you hop in the elevator, jump over the tiny ledge and grab a bangle from a box. Now jump on the elevator (you're done with the cultists!). Grab the items near the merchant. Do whatever you must, but I am requiring you to buy a ROCKET LAUNCHER. Don't sell your guns, but make room for another big monster in your case. Don't reload an empty Broken Butterfly, just sell the thing. Here are your priorities: you only need ten rifle rounds, combine all your green herbs and sell the x3 ones, only need 50 handgun bullets, don't need any flash bangs unless you can't afford a rocket, and keep as much health as you can. Do whatchu gotta do, just make it fit. Don't need any upgrades if you have a rocket. And you keep as much magnum ammo as you can, but that can go to if if must; you kinda need it though. *Also, free up two blocks in the case if you are completely full.* Save, get the TMP or Striker ready, and enter. *PRO TIP: Get the TMP maxed out, you should have the money.* ******************************* 4.4 Showdown With the Castellan (4004stc) ******************************* +Items all over the place!+ Now you are seeing the Left Hand as the monster and Salazar is inside; so really you are fighting the Left Hand (lots of 'hands' with Salazar). Anyway, after the scene, pull out your TMP, shoot the big eye. When the little guy reveals himself, take out your launcher, aim, and that is it! You gain a profit and all the items you did not waste in battle. Grab the items lying on each side, on the floor, and the reward. You may leave now. *Sometimes it will require an extra few shots to kill him if you don't get a direct bullseye.* *Take a hit or whatever if you fail the first time, or RETRY and get it right* *NOTE: Yes, there is a way to battle the boss, and it takes lots of time and effort. This way is the best way to go about this fight. Refer to boss guide for more info.* ************************* 4.4 Off to a Better Place (4004obp) ************************* *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Get the stuff out here, and rappel down. Smash the crates, but watch the snake inside one; take the elevator. Go to the merchant zone, get all the items, and speak with this crucial merchant. You may now max out the TMP and the Blacktail as well as getting others very close to max. Get out and Save. The next section is the ISLAND. *NOTE: It might sound tempting to get the exclusives at this moment, but you had better hold off.* +Switch discs on the Cube+ *NOTE: Chapter 5 is shorter than any other section, so my description of each area may be short and brief, but will help you in new situations. The challenge arises mainly from the boss confrontations, where you will fumble a bit.* ************************* 5.1 First Line of Defense (5001fld) ************************* +I'll say it one time, save as much TMP ammo as possible+ Go forward until the fork and continue forward for some crates on the cliff. Go back to the fork and go left. Jump the gap to alert the new type of Ganados to come forth. Jump back across the gap and shoot them when they get right to the edge so they will fall directly into the water. *For this next part, consider running to the steps leading to the locked door and blasting the enemies from there. An archer will show up from the the two- story building, so you need to quickly snipe him.* When the coast is clear run into the center area with some sort of grenade in hand. When the gatling gunner jumps down, lob the explosive at his feet, and then run up and start shooting him with the Striker. More commados will come from above, from other buildings, and from the bunkers near the stairs; just don't let them surround you. Once the coast is again clear, loot the place and then run up the steps. Push the left button, point the mirror to the other one, and point that one to the right lens by the door. Go in. Grab the ammo and proceed to the bridge, be quick to dodge the boulder. Proceed until you meet the last two enemies. Grab the stuff in the small cave and exit. *You get shotgun shells in the cave on the Gamecube, and nothing on the PS2.* ***************** 5.1 Leon's Breach (5001leb) ***************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Turn around and grab the emerald then go forward to kill the enemy. Cross the gap and go into the window to attract the attention of the shock-stick Ganados, and let them funnel to you (use the window). Go through the catacombs for a herb and to shoot a barrel; go inside the room for the new incomplete treasure and then come back. Outside is a rocket guy, so tread carefully. There are several archers, many bombers, and a flow of enemies in the next part. Snipe who you can see, and then run up the left path taking out the three enemies in your way; grab the two items at the end. When you come out more enemies will spawn, so jump off the bridge and go behind the wagon (wait for some enemies to be in the path). Shoot the wagon, and more enemies will approach, dropping from above and coming from the hole in the rock wall. Handle them all, and then proceed cautiously to make sure there are no more straggling enemies above you. Go through the door for the first island merchant. Don't sell the cat, but try to get the Striker way up the scale. Save and whip out your rifle. Snipe the five or so commados at the end of the path; then enter the building. *PRO TIP: If you have some magnum shells and you have the cash, go ahead and buy the new magnum, the Killer7. You will put it to good use in a coming encounter (it was a good game too, hey yeah, Killer7 on the Wii, that's a good idea!). However, if you don't have the cash and would rather upgrade the Striker's firepower, then sell all you shells and do as you wish. Or play it safe and keep 60,000 on you for a coming purchase.* ********************* 5.1 Kitchen From Hell (5001kfh) ********************* +Nominee for 'Best Part of the Game' Award+ Grab stuff in the locker, in the dumpster, and make sure you get the jump on the enemy after passing through the door. Get the items and continue. In the kitchen is a oven on the wall. All I'll say is 'bring your Striker' and let you have it at that. Item in the sink, and then exit. *'It's f***ing BURNT! Piss off!' (get it?)* ************************* 5.1 Glimpse of the Target (5001got) ************************* *If you want to maximize the Striker's capacity upgrades, then use it and don't reload, then buy the next upgrade.* See the big armored guy? He's not much more than a big Ganados, but he often runs right up to you with great speed. Snipe him through the bars. Look down into the floor below and snipe the other one, and hopefully the archer will start to move and you can snipe him too. When you go down there, as soon as you step off the stairs, turn around and get ready to blast a couple of enemies who try to rush you. Now collect the three items down here, come back up, enter the room, grab the ammo, and move forward for a scene. When it's over, turn around and grab some gold in a locker and leave. *If you didn't realize, the stone fits into the cat.* ********************** 5.1 Tactical Advantage (5001tad) ********************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Look in the file cabinet for ammo. This is when you can purchase the Tactical Vest for 60,000 pesetas. Not a bad idea, but don't break the bank on this if you want other upgrades, or if you lack the money. You can always get it later, or never get it (which is what I advise for better players). *Striker can now be maxed out, though I doubt you can do so; the EXCLUSIVE upgrade for the gun is a cool 100 shells in the clip.* The next part has a wall with a window, a garage door, and an emerald in a file drawer. When you go past the protective wall the door will open and two bombers will bomb you. Run back to the wall and just stay behind the window to remain undamaged. All you need to do is shoot the dynamite as it's in the air, twice. After the bombers are bombed out, they will be replaced by archers. Hide behind the tiny little sliver of wall between the window and the open. Barely peek out just enough so that you laser point hits the center archer and shoot a mine dart at him. This won't kill them, so now get behind the window, pull out your rifle, and kill all three as they get up. Now go through and look behind the bricks on the right for another bad guy. Grab the herb, some ammo in a box on the wall, and leave. ************************ 5.1 Where Monsters Dwell (5001wmd) ************************ +Nominee for 'Best Part of the Game' Award+ +KEY+ *Ready your Killer7 if you got it.* Go to the left (the door leads to the kitchen) and save. All the hallways have at least one item so check red boxes and check a shelf. Go into the only room you can enter (to the south). *If your full on items, then wait for later. However, if you don't have a red grenade, be sure to get the one in the red box on the wall.* Look through the window, then go to the panel. Here is the solution: turn blue panels once, green twice, and red thrice; go in the room. *NOTE: This is one of the spots where the PS2 version's graphics really suck.* Collect some ammo and read a paper. Then go grab the key. Now turn around, pull out your strongest weapon (Striker, Rifle, Killer7, grenade) and unload all you got onto the Regenerator. Here is the best plan: pull out your fairly upgraded Striker, go stand in front of the door so the it stays closed, aim a bit up, and then blast away at the monster's torso unmercifully. DO NOT SHOOT ITS LEGS! If you do you will provided it time to perform an attack. Just blast the head off, the arms off, and the stomach out and then just keep on blasting at its gut until it blows up. My Striker was at 9 firepower and I only had to use 13 bullets, and I did not take one hit; I expect the same from you. DO NOT SHOOT ITS LEGS!!! Collect your reward, there is a gem in the monster's room, and then get out. *Killer7 just needs a whole clip at default to waste these things.* Hear the sounds of TERROR!!! The best thing is to have an incendiary in hand, run down the hall, round the corner (second from the door), and then toss the flames at the feet of the monster. Then get real close and blast away as you did before. Grab the reward and go through the fence door. You can enter the cold door now and save the other Regenerator for later, but if you got the shells and another grenade, then read on. From the door, there is a path to the left and a path to the right (two really). Both paths to the rights lead to new rooms, but the next monster is in the second path, semi-hidden from view. You want to squeeze over to the left path and look at him clearly enough so that you can toss a grenade at his feet. Then run up and blast him. If you round the corner and try to blast him head on, expect to get whacked to the ground. Now make sure you have the four items in this hallway area and then enter the freezer room. ****************** 5.1 Cold Encounter (5001cec) ****************** +KEY+ Go to the glass for a herb, get the rifle ammo, and go into the first room. Use the machine to get the next key card and then deactivate the freezing unit in the other room. Go and claim the Infared Scope. Once you do a Regenerator will appear to let you test your new ability. Equip it and run to the door, do a 180 and aim at the numerous Plagas on the creature's body (may be on its back), and it should explode from being unstable. Collect your reward and get out of here. *NOTE: It is easier to just run out of the little scope room and just start blasting him with the Striker.* Kill whatever you didn't kill from before in the hall and go through the final door. *NOTE: Do not leave without the Scope, or else...* *********************** 5.1 Dirty Job/Locked Up (5001dir) *********************** Go into the room and use the controls, get the shadow over the dudes and use it (try to get the two with one grab). Any survivors will rush the room after the machine breaks. Go out and down, don't miss any items, and go into the room; collect the herb, ammo, and flash, and then exit. In the next room is one item in the red box. Around the corner are two "gladiator" type enemies. Use the Striker and quickly finish them; exit. When you open the door at the end you will be in the midst of several Ganados. I advise opening the door so that they see you and then back up into the hallway so that you can funnel them. When the coast is clear, come out and grab the items on both ends of the stairs; you will come back here later so you can leave them if you like. Take the door, go into the room at the end, save, and take the other door on the wall. *Don't reload an almost-empty shotgun, unless you have to.* ************************** 5.1 The Miracle of Science (5001mir) ************************** +KEY and a pseudo-MINI BOSS: Iron Maiden+ This encounter would be considered a mini-boss fight, if you had missed out on the scope; since you did it will be a breeze. Go through the door and the Iron Maiden will show herself, itself, whatever. Pull out the sniper rifle with the thermal scope attached and aim for the red spots on it's body; should be about five on the front and one on the back. If the thing don't fall and you hit all the Plagas, then just keep sniping it until it dies. When it is rubbed out, collect the key, and then go smashing all glass covers in the area in search of items. Then exit through to the next area. *If you cannot carry the items then just hold off, sell to the merchant, and then grab the items on your way back.* ************************ 5.1 Something Subliminal (5001sub) ************************ +Save at least one flash bang from here on out, on top of the TMP ammo, but three flashies would be better+ *********************************MERCHANT************************************** *I'll be honest, if the Mine Thrower is taking up space and you have plenty of ammo for all your guns, just sell the thing right now and use the money to buy another Striker firepower upgrade, or the vest.* *Also, the Killer7 has kinda run it's course. Now that you have the thermal scope you can take the monsters yourself. There is really nothing more you need it for, so I say be thankful for its services and get half your money back.* Step forward just enough so you can spot the six crows on the red beams above. Poach them for cash and real rewards, then smash the crates, and take the elevator up first, before the merchant. Grab the herb and the shells up here, and watch the short scene. Go back down and talk to the merchant if desired. Try to get the Striker boosted up. *If you don't kill the crows the first time, leave and come back to finish the job.* When finished go back to the previous room and grab anything you may have missed. Be sure to break all the glass, look at the containers on the wall, and check everywhere. Save in the closet and make your way to the area with the stairs. There is an ambush waiting for you. Use the mine gun if you got it, or just run up with a Frag in hand and toss it at the top of the steps, or just run up and start blasting away (this one will result in a few arrows though). Grab any items that you may have skipped and return to the holding cell. Go free Ashley and watch the scene. Afterward, grab the shells, the paper airplane, and leave Ashley here for now. Go out and get the waiting ambush to funnel into the small hallway, use a hand grenade if needed. You and your friend should exit to the waste area. Three dudes are waiting in here as soon as you enter. I avise moving back and bit and staying protected from the archer; I mean you're using the door and the wall as cover. The two other enemies will come to you and then you can run out and blast the archer, along with the fourth enemy, between the arrow fire. Now put Ashley by the chair the corner, to the right of the button on the console. You look toward Ashley, but make sure you can press the button too. When you press the button, press START and skip the scene, then turn around, and then blast the trio of bad guys before they can set. Now grab the girl and jump into the garbage pit. *NOTE: HOLD THE PRESSES! I found another secret! Before you move any farther into the garbage room, make sure to check the dumpster on the left for a hidden emerald. If you go too far into the room, toward the pit, then you won't have another chance to grab it. Haha! I'm so awesome!* ******************** 5.2 Double Your Pain (5002dyp) ******************** Yes, that is another Maiden, but it will only awaken once you open the gate up the way. Quickly get through and close the gate, locking the old thing on the other side. Now get to the other gate, turn around, equip the rifle with the thermals, and then snipe the Plagas as before. Collect your reward and some ammo. Go through the next gate and use Ashley's help to push the crate over the side. Now run forward to the wall of trash, turn left, stop at the red barrel, and then turn left again to snipe another Maiden. Collect the reward and the two items. Push the crate out of the way and exit. *FYI, there are dumpsters to hide Ashley, red barrels, and the gates that you can use to kill these Maidens if you, for some reason, don't have the scope or rifle ammo. The Striker will work, but the Maidens have a long range to grab you.* ********************* 5.2 Construction Zone (5002con) ********************* +This is where saving a few Flash bangs will pay off+ A small herd of enemies greets you, so blast away with the Striker. Collect the items run through the gate, and STOP before you hop down into the area with the lava pit, fire pit, whatever. Get you Striker ready and then get a Frag grenade in hand, then hop down. Press start to skip the scene and toss the grenade (or you could toss any type of explosive), and then run to the small control room in the corner. Quickly put Ashley on the controls while you toss a Flash through the door she is standing next to. Then you turn and guard your door. If an enemy is coming, then whip out the Striker and blast away, but if a group of enemies are forming outside then toss another Frag to clear them out. Make sure no one is coming for Ashley, use the Striker up close, a Frag from a distance (not mines), and just wait for the wall to crumble (if Ashley gets picked up you will have to put her back on). And make sure you grab the two items in here too. After the wall crumbles, run through Ashley's door. If there are enemies in the way use your final Flash grenade to cover your escape; if nothing, then you are free to leave. Whatever you do, don't dilly dally around here for long. *So long as you kill the big guy, the rest should be cake. Even if you take a lick or two.* ********************** 5.2 Of Death and Doors (5002odd) ********************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** *Remember, don't reload guns if you want to max out capacity upgrades. Can't stress this enough. In fact, you should be almost done will all your main upgrading. There SHOULD only be a few power upgrades for the Striker and rifle, and you should not have bought any Exclusives. Also, if you have the cash, be sure to buy the vest now. Otherwise you won't get much use out of it.* Get out your rifle with scope attached, go forward a bit, and tell Ashley to stay. This should trigger the nearby Regenerator to reveal itself, and for you to snuff it out. Go forward a bit and tell Ashley to return, and now you can take out the second Regenerator. Look in both tiny rooms for about three items, press the button in the second one, and then use Ashley's help to get through the door. Grab the herb and then go to the big door. Leave the girl on one side and you go to the other. The goal is to pull the levers as the big, red light in the center is lit up. May have to try a few times, but you can do it. Now before you move on, turn around and visit the merchant in the broom closet. An herb in the locker, buy the vest if you can and any other Striker upgrades, and then save before you move on. ******************************* 5.2 Bull Ride on a Cattle Drive (5002bul) ******************************* +Honorable Mention for 'Best Part of the Game' Award+ Get the stuff for your road ahead. Get on the bulldozer and postion yourself so that you face the back. Like the last ride you took, just don't let anyone make it on your transport. If they do, blast them off the back. Items are good, but do what you need (you can't jump off while moving). And the Striker is the weapon of choice. At some point, a truck will try to run you over from the back; just shoot its front to stop it. Continue the routine until the truck starts back up, and do the same once again. The half-way point is when you arrive at an elevator shaft. Jump off and climb a ladder on the right. Now you have a choice: either run around the top and kill dudes, while at the same time sniping dudes who approach your woman; or you can jump right back down, jump back on the dozer, and defend Ashley more effectively from here. Either way, you must at some point go up, collect the items, kill anyone up here, and pull the lever. Get back on and get ready for herding. I would snipe the two guys up high before they jump in with you (they are seen after you start moving again). Now the fight heats up a bit, as enemies will drop from above, swarm the back, and reveal numerous Plagas. Flash bombs help, as will any type of explosive. You have to watch for the ones who fall directly behind Ashley. Otherwise, just blast the enemies off the back. At some point another truck will go kamikazee from the front. Just blast it in time and you will live. ************** 5.3 Not Again! (5003not) ************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** *Last time I remind you to max out capacity upgrades by not reloading.* *Now is a good time to sell all your spare Incendiaries and Flashes. But you don't have to toss the rest, you will get more.* Grab all items around here (second cat piece and look in drawers). Another good merchant, but still nothing new. Save and exit. Watch the scene. To the left of the steps are some gold bars. Grab the little note and continue for another scene. Snipe the guys you can see in the room with boards on the window. Some may try to rush you, so handle them; also there is an emerald in the ceiling window. In the boiler room, several enemies await. I recommend running under the metal catwalk on the left side; let them come to you, but watch for the arrows. One may be in the small closet, which has two items, and more may still be in that one room, which also has items. After you explore, exit. ***************** 5.3 An Old Friend (5003aof) ***************** +Nominee for 'Best Part of the Game' Award+ Go forward for the only item here, and then up the lift. Go forward. Now, this is not a cutscene; it is an interactive fightscene with a boss character, but is not a boss fight. There are seven times when you must push two buttons at once; five where you are, and one plus a button mash on the bottom level. I do not want to deprive you of the coolness in this encounter; so I will be extremely unhelpful and say "Do It Yourself!" (you can see Leon die in many cool ways, I sure did). Anyway, when it's over, leave. *Be sure to pay extra attention during the final button mash.* *TIP: If the camera is zoomed in, expect a press; if it feels like a press is coming, it probably is.* ********************* 5.3 Lasers For Losers (5003lfl) ********************* +Nominee for 'Best Part of the Game' Award+ The first laser is real easy, just run through. The second calls for you to wait for the triangle to appear and the moving laser to be going upward, then run through. Have quick finger muscles for the third approaching set. When a whole bunch line the walls, run in, press the combo, and be ready to do it again all in one motion. Once you press the door button, more will pick up speed as they approach from behind you. If you are too close to the door, they will kill you in the blink you an eye. So after they appear, run toward them to get more response time and do the combo. Then go into the next room, turn around, and look up; shoot the treasure down. Go to the throne for an emerald and do the "?" command. Use the elevator to leave. ************************ 5.3 Last Minute Merchant (5003lmm) ************************ *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Get the stuff under the stairs. Go to the caged area behind the merchant and get the things. Then pick up the paper, and then talk to your friend. Here you should upgrade the Striker to max or whatever, also consider doing the same for the TMP (now is the time to get the bodyarmor, if you haven't already). Go through the big doors. *PRO TIP: Get a rocket and free up more spaces so you can gain all the items.* ********************** 5.3 Caged In With "It" (5003cag) ********************** +BOSS: U3 aka "IT"+ Part 1 ------ Grab items along the path. Watch the scene of the new boss. This is the first half of the battle. When the fight starts, shoot it about four times with the Striker and he will go away. Go to the back of the cage, whip out your handgun, and shoot the green light; press the button. On your way back, IT should appear and try to take you with him; again, four-six shots does it. Pick up any items in your path (2), and shoot the green light to go for the last button. Then make a mad dash for the exit. *As you move around and IT is not present, it will take jabs at you, so dodge.* In the next cage, pick up the stuff(2) and enter the center area to confront IT once again. Here is a trick, go to the right where you can see a green glow, but can't see the light; if you shoot when the red dot from your gun is on the metal beam, you should hit the green light. After your skirmish, go to the panel in the front area of the cage. Then head toward the back area, shoot the green light above the door to get to it. Once you push it, run to the door, and get out. *Sorry for using IT and it in the same sentences. 'IT' means the boss.* After you press the first button, be ready to run into IT's transformation. IT will grow a big tail; that is the weak spot. This fight may require some licks on your part, but don't let him get you. Blast the tail and it should go away in no time. Go through the center aisle, and quickly go to where you can shoot the green light behind some bars. Go all the way back and follow the path where the last panel should be; press it and make a dash for the exit (if you manage to get inside the narrow passage, IT will not be able to attack you). Jump over and be done with the first part. Part 2 ------ *Wii Note: You're given the items before the battle.* Get either your TMP or the Striker out. When you run up, IT will come back, and activate the fight (any damage prior will not count). There are three items, two barrels, and a trap point for him. Depending on how hard you hit the tail, IT will always be approaching you, so hit IT often. The levers lead to the trap which is done by leading IT in one end (use the barrel in here), and then pulling the lever on the outside to temporarily trap IT inside. This is when I pulled out the TMP and unloaded all it could take on the tail. *This did it on the Cube, but on the PS2 it will break from your stream of fire and go underground.* When IT is underground, proceed around cautiously; he will take about three- five jabs at you before surfacing. Try to use a barrel after he surfaces. When IT reveals IT-self, unload your clips of either TMP or Striker bullets to take him down. You will need to repeat this process a few times, but be careful of his lunge attack which can slice you in two. Remember, the tail is the weak spot, and possibly the only spot. I would advise running to avoid taking too much damage. Grenades will help. *PRO TIP: A rocket at the start will end this battle. On PRO it may take a few extra hits, so just use the TMP if so.* *Wii Tip: It took a rocket and one TMP bullet. So go figure.* When over, collect any things lying around and take the door. If you cross back to the other side, there is a herb for you. Go up the ladder to exit. *********************** 5.3 Out of the Darkness (5003ood) *********************** *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Go up the ladder, get the two possible things, and leave. Go to the edge and aim for the red barrels surrounding the campsite; one or two may survive. Grab any dropped items, search for more items, and then head down. In each little cave are great treasures; now you can complete the cat. This is the point in which I got the last upgrade for the Striker, and boy does it pay off in the next boss fight. Do what you must, save, and then enter your next boss battle. *Oh yeah, an emerald in the ceiling of the cave in the front part.* *If you managed to somehow scrape by without ever buying the TMP, then gosh darn it, you probably don't need it! But this is a time to consider it yet again.* *NOTE: Don't worry about the vest if you still haven't got it. It would almost be worth buying, but an upgraded Striker is probably a better choice.* *If you got the dough go ahead and buy the final upgrade for the TMP.* ************************ 5.3 Clash With a Soldier (5003cws) ************************ +The knife does quite a bit of damage to him for this whole fight+ *NOTE: Either the TMP or Striker are good gun choices.* Part 1 ------ A herb lies in a little aclove. Jump down for and go forward. Once you get control back, run to the building ahead. Go up the ladder and ready your Striker for the coming confrontation. When Krauser gets up with you, unload on clear shots, but he will try to dodge your attack. When he does get right next to you, just back up, no need to run. He should miss you, and you can get in another attack. When he takes enough licks he'll toss a flash and run away. Snake any items in the shanty. *When he gets close, you get a small window to knife him before he knifes you.* *You can also wait in front of the ladder opening and knife him for as long as you are able.* When you go out the open door, he will be waiting behind some cover. He will toss a grenade if given time, and then try to shoot you with his TMP. Just blast him so he stops shooting, and eventually goes away. Go to the bottom of the steps and snatch the ammo in the window. Get out your rifle, with the normal scope, and run up to the start of the bridge and aim toward the top of the building; shoot him as soon as he is sighted. A few shots will force him to jump down and charge at you, so stop his advance. The building has a few good items in and above it. Proceed down the right path until you confront him again. Shoot him with your Striker to force him down, and repeat the same pattern as necessary. He will talk at one point, so just respond. Don't let him shoot you, and avoid his grenades. When he vanishes once again, a statue will pop up. Grab any items, and push the statue over, then up, then in between the opening, and get it on the pad. Pull the lever to go out. Get some Frag grenades ready. When you round the corner of the building (the southwest corner), toss your bomb over to where you can see his shadow; if you do it right, your grenade will blow his up and cause him to leave. If he stays around, just do more of the same. Pull the lever to drop down. Get the Blacktail ready. Robots, not really enemies though. Shoot the two you can see, and then go to the path by the destroyed wall. A little bugger will pop up, so pop it first. Just run up and face the hallway, quickly blow up the dudes in the hall, and then run through it. A converstion, after which two droids will pop up and chase you, so go back into the hall to handle them safely. Go up the stairs with your Striker in hand, and climb the ladder. Remember, you don't have to kill all the enemies to move on. Part 2 ------ *IMPORTANT: If you wish to make this one of the easiest boss battles in the game, listen to this new info.* Get the items up here before you grab the second piece. Do the dodge combo. Now is the time for my cool (original?) strategy for beating him and not moving from the start point. After the dynamite scene, whip out the knife, wait for him to charge right next to you and try to attack, and SLASH HIM! Slash him when he staggers, slash him when he attacks again, slash him when he doesn't stagger, and slash him at every chance. Its okay if you get hit a few times, just wait until he gets close. Believe me, if you do it right you never have to move an inch, but if you want to chase him down and keep slashing, that is fine too. It seems that slashing his head will make him kneel down more often. *Bottom line: the knife is all you need, you may need to move or take some damage, but the knife is all you need.* The knife does massive damage to Krauser and Krauser alone. Every time I fought him he would charge, but if he doesn't then you should try to see if you can get out of the fight without losing much; if you do end up losing a whole lot after a failed knifing attempt, don't be afraid to RETRY until you get the best result, or just take what you get. Maybe a little bit of gunplay wouldn't hurt. *Wii Tip: The knife plan does not fully work on the Wii. Instead, you will need to mix bullets and blades. Get some distance and use the TMP to nip at his legs. When he gets close, back away and hope he does the kick attack or anything that will miss. When he misses on a physical attack, that is your chance to run up and swing the Wiimote. Granted, you'll take a few hits, but you should survive with only the bare minimum healing items. It's not that hard people.* When he falls, quickly pick up the last piece and run to the big door. Put in all the pieces and exit. ******************* 5.4 Chopper Assault (5004ntb) ******************* *PRO TIP: Just do the work yourself. Seriously, he won't do much after the first turret. He either takes way too long or does nothing. Mines work well for this area. He helps only after a long time of being pinned down.* *NORMAL: You just have to wait for the chopper, you can't control it at all.* *Wii Note: You get the fastest service in the house! No really, the copter will move quickly to the major chokepoints and clear them for you. Makes one of the longer levels about half the usual time, and you only need to do very little.* *When he says 'Take cover!' he means it.* Save. Go forward and watch the cool scene. When you get control, go to the little safe point where some crates are, or in the tent, so long as you avoid being hit. Try to use the chopper and wait for him to blow up the gatling gun. Proceed along the upper path, taking shelter behind the blast shield. Waste anyone who gets too close and wait for the gate to be blown away (herb up the ladder). *PRO TIP: Don't wait for the chopper, just clear out the guys up above and then climb the ladder. This should cause the chopper to blow away the gate.* *There is a lower path to take, but it is a bit more complex; you may try it* When you crosss the bridge you are under more fire, so run back to the shield and once again wait for supporting fire. Go in, get stuff, then exit through the left door. Make a dash to the little shack that will stop the next gatling gunner's fire. Kill the few dudes who try to take you out. When he stops his firing, make a dash for the top of the stairs to a spot where he can't hit you. Take out your rifle and hit his head; take the zip-line to his former spot and collect the reward, the grenade, jump down, throw the lever, and get down. *You can also zipline to damage the gunner, but then he is right next to you.* Lots of goodies behind a small wall and some more down by the tents. When you enter the next area, you are locked in and you come under heavy fire. Make a dash for the tunnel to the left, but stop near the entrance and blast enemies that make it past their buddy's suppressive fire. Wait for a gun to be taken out and then go up the ladder. Run to the blast sheild, fending off any enemies that try to attack. When another is taken out, quickly run along the catwalk and stop in the area where the the gun can't reach you; more waiting. When the last gun falls, go up the path, kick down the door, and go press the button. Collect any odd items and do the same button pressing on the other side. EXIT. *PRO TIP: No help for you. You will have to snipe, Frag, Mine, or whatever the operators yourself. You'll find your helping fire come AFTER you neutralize the guns, so ... yeah. I don't have to tell you what to do, you'll find a way.* *************** 5.4 Alone Again (5004alo) *************** Go up watch the sad scene, oh well. Turn around and shoot the emerald in the pillar, and then get any odd items around. Another Emerald is in a piller toward the exit. Go to the cliff to see the crash site, then exit. ****** Go down the ladder, turn around and nab the last treasure in the game. Go into the next area for a quick scene, then pick up the ammo and exit. ****** Collect all items around here, and save if needed. Open the dumpster and put a round in whatever that is; this should cause the last regenerating creature to appear from a cell. You know how to bring him down; two items in cell areas and then exit. *Wii Note: The jail is a bit different; more festive or something. But the Regenerator will not come out on his own. What you should do is run all the way to the end of the hall and climb to the platform where he cannot follow, and then just unload on him.* ********************************* 5.4 Last Defense of the Commandos (5004ldc) ********************************* *Use everything that isn't tied down. Only four enemies and a boss after this. And all you need for the boss is a few shotgun shells, and shells might be all you need for the enemies too.* This is the last big enemy encounter. Grab the few items in the start and then go forward. There are many commandos in this area; more than I can count. Two are in the front, so take them out. More should close in, so use the red barrels where applicable. If needed, run to the start area and let them funnel. But you might as well just run around blasting dudes. *Try to use as many barrels as possible* When so many are killed, a gatling gunner will appear so handle him. Wait until the coast is clear and then collect all the items in the area (check lockers). When you are ready, push one of the green buttons. This will spawn a whole battalion to show up and rush from about every direction. I suggest going to the area below the building to reduce the swarm factor (or the start area). Anyway, this is your chance to go Rambo on them, so I'll let you have at it. Once the coast is clear, and you have the card. Go to the top and put it back into the card slot, then go push both green buttons. In the next part are two shieldists. Blast them away, nab the ammo, and split. ************************ 5.4 Free From the Plague (5004ffp) ************************ *********************************MERCHANT************************************** Go in for a scene. Go out for two gold bars, ammo, and a paper. Talk with the old merchant, get your guns up there, but you only need the Striker and some ammo in the big clip. Proceed. *Wii Note: Just for the record, by this merchant I was about 13,000 short of getting the last upgrade for the Blacktail, a gun that I didn't need anymore. I had the Striker, SA Rifle, and TMP all on max. If anything, please get that final Striker upgrade because all you need are some shells to get through the rest of the game.* ******** There are two big guys here and some others. Handle them as needed (no more enemies in the game!). Go down the path that takes you back to the last room, and go up the catwalk for a few items. When you get back, proceed onward. *Wii Note: Only one other guy with the two big ones.* ******** After the scene, go up for some stuff and the last paper; exit. ******** Here you are the last merchant in the game. Some items are around, but don't go down the steps until ready. Get last minute upgrades, but you only need the Striker for the final battle. *Sell any extra R+Y+G herbs, you should be at max and they are worth a lot.* Save and go down the steps. ******************** 5.5 The Final Battle (5005bat) ******************** +BOSS: LORD SADDLER+ The final battle at long last. Target the eyes on the legs. Use the red barrels and use the cranes when he gets close to the control box. Watch out for the few beams standing up that Saddler will toss at you. If you are on a different strip of platform than him, he will hurl more beams at you; for both types just use the dodge buttons. Crossing the falling bridge is simple, just do the button press to make it and tap rapidly to get up. Items on both sides of the platforms if you need them. Shoot the eyes when they open with your shotgun. Then climb. Something that might come in handy are a few explosive grenades, but they are not needed. After you have climbed and cut his eye, try to run to the back of him and quickly target one of the back eyes. If you fail and he turns around, start backing away or resort to some explosive. *Wii Note: Perhaps one of the easier bosses. Just get the front eyes twice, a back eye, two explosive cuts, and then one crane, or any combination and Ada will save the day.* *Grenades, mines, and any explosives will stagger him and allow you to knife him. Though, I think the eyes are more important.* Regardless of how you get him damaged, at some point Ada will toss a special rocket launcher onto one side of the platform. It is special because all you have to do is aim at him and shoot to end the battle. Just make your way to the rocket, free up room for it, and then fire. *You are done fighting, and you really don't need anything.* Afterward, grab the pesetas and run back, collect any easy items (for that round 2 you want to play). *************** 5.5 Jet-Ski Fun (5005jsf) *************** +Don't leave Ashley behind!+ Just run until you reach the vehicle. Press the analog stick forward to go a little faster. You will always stay on track, but you are controlling where you are on the track. So you can only move left or right. When you reach the various obstacles in the way, just dodge and know that the next will be on the other side. After the speed picks up, make sure you are at max speed. It is not that hard so enjoy this last little ride. Watch the end scene and congrats, you just beat one of the best games ever! (would you like some more cheese with that ending?) *Now make sure you save so you can load that file and start a round 2; and I expect you to do so. 'DJ, rewind the tape!'* ************** ***************************************************************************** *8. Bosses (1001bos) * ***************************************************************************** The references obviously mean the info is above; I did not want to waste any space with the old COPY and PASTE, so get up out my FACE!!! The info here is if you do not do what I tell you. Only a few bosses have added information here. *NOTE: All bosses have different attacks. Some hurt you, some grab you, and some will kill you in one shot. Some are unavoidable, but most will give you the DODGE press; if you are grabbed usually turn the stick rapidly. And always keep your distance.* *Also, a rocket seems to work on just about every boss.* *Wii Note: Yes, you get slightly weaker versions. As in they do a little less damage and they have less health.* ******* EL Lago (6006lag) ******* Refer to The Lake. Code: (1003lak) Only one way to fight this boss. Throw a freaking harpoon! ********** EL Gigante (6006gig) ********** Refer to The Quarry Pt 2. Code: (2001tq2) It takes preparation to fight him properly. After you've made the decision that you don't want to wait around for a rocket, then you must start saving all your flash grenades and TMP ammo. You must also start maxing out the TMP as far as you can. After the battle starts toss a flash bang. While he is stunned pull out the TMP and blast away. Stop when he kneels and stop for nothing else because he should fall. Now run up and make sure you press the right button. If done quickly enough he should fall after three rounds. When you get off him just toss another grenade and repeat. When the dog appears, use that time to get him down. But the dog will not have his attention the whole time. Your attack pattern may need to include running around and trying to avoid his blows, but this will become tedious. Use bombs, the shotgun, rifle, whatever you think will damage him the most. ****************** EL Gigante Round 2 (6006eg2) ****************** Refer to Round 2 With EL Gigante. Code: (2003r2g) This time he is optional. You may run for the exit, but you will miss many good items. Use the boulders on the cliffs when he is under them, and you will have a little more time. Blast the chains on the doors to proceed. You will need the key in a shack to exit. Flash grenades will help you flee. Again, if you bring flash/TMP, then you're good to fight him the old fashion way. ****************************** Village Chief (Bitores Mendez) (6006vic) ****************************** Refer to Battle With the Chief. Code: (2003bwc) Make sure you use the cheap tricks I discussed earlier. Nothing to add here. ************************ The Right Hand (Verdugo) (6006trh) ************************ Refer to Battle With the Right Hand Code: (4001brh) You must utilize all four nitrogen tanks in the area. One in the power room, one in the tunnel, one in a side room, and the last one in the elevator room. Going in and out of doors is tough, and all about luck. When he is frozen, whip out the TMP and start shooting his head. Do this four times and he should die. If not, then keep the TMP and keep shooting his head until he spews blood and dies. The hardest part is running around during the first part of the fight when you are trapped with him. Just turn tail and run around like crazy and hope you two don't cross paths. You can always run in circles and wait for the elevator to show up. It is up to you if you fight him. But if you do just wait him out, then perhaps finishing him off is not a stretch. **************** Los Dos Gigantes (6006ldg) **************** Refer to The Two Giants. Code: (4002ttg) This will be difficult to fight both at once (only way to get both rewards on the PS2). I would recommend bringing a ton of flash grenades, and while one is blinded shoot the other; throw another when both recover. They will cover each other when you climb on one, so good luck. A magnum helps, but missing a shot is easy. Could try to ground both at once with mines and hand grenades. I recommend just swallowing your pride and melting one in the center. Then you only have one to deal with and you can repeat the flash/TMP combo to finish it off with ease. ******* Salazar (6006sal) ******* Refer to Showdown With the Castellan. Code: (4004stc) You have to irritate the eye in order for Salazar to show himself, he is the actual weak spot of the monster. I would recommend going to the right side of the ledge (so the eye is visible), and shooting the tentacle on the side so it will not bother you. The head's big crushing attack should miss you and so should most other attacks. I would use either the TMP, or the Striker. Just keep shooting the eye until the little guy shows himself, and shoot him with a strong gun (could use the Broken Butterfly). Just continue doing this until he falls. There are numerous items everywhere, and little Plagas will always be on the ground. Save up Flash bangs for them if you come into this battle with little ammo, and use them down there to grab some. ********* "IT" (U3) (6006itu) ********* Refer to Caged In With "IT". Code: (5003cag) When the battle starts, run to the caged area to the side. Enter and follow it to the otherside, and then turn around and shoot the red barrel as IT gets near it. Now open the gate and run through, then close it before he can get through. Now unload everything you have on his face. The TMP is the weapon of choice. If you can't kill him before he goes underground, then all you have to do is press the button combo a few times before he pops up. There is one more barrel by the rock and that should be enough for you to finish him off. If you are playing PRO, then it usually takes a rocket at the start and then just a few extra TMP rounds. ******* Krauser (6006kra) ******* Refer to Clash With a Soldier. Code: (5003cws) Go see what the knife strategy is in the guide. I may have been the first to find it, I do not know and will not say so. *NOTE: My original strat for Krauser* Here is the big fight. First grab the items on the end, and then pick up the piece behind the ladder entrance. Do the button combo to avoid death. With this battle, all you really need to do is be able to hit his legs. Not his shield, as some shots won't count for being on the shield-arm and will not get the spread damage either. He will perform many attacks that give you the button press to dodge, except for his kicks. So aim for the legs, and shoot the head when exposed; shoot his head anytime it is exposed, even after attacks. Just relocating when he does an attack will usually mean he misses; depends on the attack motion. Also, stay away from the edges, or you will be forced to tap rapidly to get back on. Keep in mind the time limit, and just be aggressive. *NOTE: All Krausers in Ada's games are basically the same as this one. So use the knife tactic when you have one.* ******* Saddler (6006sad) ******* Refer to The Final Battle. Code: (5005bat) Use the sniper rifle from afar, grenades can randomly hit eyes, and you don't have to CUT, you can attempt to position behind him for a back shot, but don't count on it. Hand Grenades, Mine Darts, and even a rocket will all help in this fight. Especially after the front eyes are blown away. Getting the back ones are the crucial element of this battle and the hardest thing to do. If the big eye is ever visible, shoot it! ************ ***************************************************************************** *9. Assignment Ada (assiada) * ***************************************************************************** This is for the people unsure of what to do for this brief minigame. QuickNotes: *No knife *No Merchants *No money or treasures *Kill Plagas with the rifle *Only difficulty is in managing your small case *Has to be completed in one runthrough, no saving *Just a single boss ***** From the start, go forward until you can see two enemies and shoot at one, this causes both to run toward you. Stay on the first side of the gap and shoot them as the approach to drop them into the water. Go forward and you may do the same tactic for these four guys if you wish. Up the cliff to the north are two items that must be shot at. Come back and cross the gap to enter the base area. Three commandoes wait in the open area behind the broken wall, I tossed a grenade to take them out. When you go forward a ways this will trigger the onslaught of a mob of soldiers and a gatling gunner. I ran back across the gap and sniped the archers, then I made sure when I shot at the rushing enemies it would hit two (just make sure they line up). When the big guy appeared I sniped him too, takes five shots. Either way, when all is done mop up the survivors and grab all remaining items. Go up the steps and proceed to take out the three guys in your way; I believe the two barrels in the nook to the right are empty, but you can try. Grab the herb and then exit. ***** Go forward and the nearby Ganados should come forth of their own will; kill them with the gap, not gat. Snipe the guys along the path while standing from the edge of the building. Go inside and stand by the green glowing area, or whatever, as long as you take out the guys inside the catacombs. Find the few items and come back out. A dynamite thrower will appear on the ledge above, so take him out. Take the small path to the left and follow it all the way to a red herb. When you come back you will run into a number of enemies, use grenades for the larger group. After them, take out the archer, but when you go to where the archer stands a group of soldiers will come out of the door (I think it was just one). Anyway, go to where the merchant once did business, and this will trigger a group of enemies to rush you from the door behind you. Kill them and then snipe the guys at the end of the path. Climb the ladder and INFILTRATE. ***** Below your position is a lone commando and in the small room are a few items. Get the items scattered around the upper area; check red boxes, on shelves, and watch out for two-three enemies around. I guess go to the surgery room first, though the freezer room may be better, oh well. In here, two enemies wait in the little room; just draw them out and have at it with them. When you enter the dark room four more enemies will pour in from the entrance, as well as the one guy in the room already. Toss a grenade at the small mob and handle the dude. When they are finished, grab the sample and head back to the corridor area. Hit up the freezer room, no enemies but plenty of items, including the sample. When you come back out, you will run into a small ambush that includes some armored dude, so the rifle is the weapon of choice. Or just run for the exit. ***** You can't use the crane, but take out the two guys up here. As for the enemies on the bottom, snipe them through the broken windows; worry about the gatling gunner first and then the archers. One enemy may come up. When you get down to the waste area some bombers will run in, but hopefully they will commit suicide in stupidity. In the control area, kill the one guy and go in to trigger a lock of the door. Kill him and unlock the door; do a 180 and mow down all the enemy soldiers with the TMP. Collect any items and exit. ***** Grab the two items and then snipe all the enemies in the closed room through the opening in the door. When it is clear snatch the third sample and exit. ***** *If you are low on space and you should be, toss the scope, trust me on this* In the big room kill anything that moves; two enemies are on both sides of the stairs. After you get the free things go to the door at the bottom, this will trigger a small trap. Use the TMP, but draw out the shieldists and stay on the small nook by the door, or you can try to run for the area below the steps. Kill the grunts and toss grenades once the gunner gets close to the grunts. When you try to exit more enemies will approach from the door, about four or so will come forth. When you get to the end of the hallway two bombers will appear and try to smoke you, but use their bombs against them. Grab the things in the closet and exit. ***** No Iron Maiden, but a couple of enemies are in here. Take out the few enemies and get whatever items you can carry, there is quite a bit. When you are ready go ahead and snake the forth sample in the tube. Once you do, enemies will pour in, so I advise running to the area by the console (near the explosive tank and computers). Blow up the tank when it looks good and then whip out the rifle to take out the metal guy and the remaining commandoes. More should be waiting behind the door after you use the console. Get any last minutes items and exit. ***** Proceeding forward will trigger the boss fight with Krauser. Turn and aim your TMP at his legs, keep a steady stream on him. Take some hits if you want to get in damage, so long as you have the healing to back it up and you should. One good tactic is to let him get real close and shoot while he is attacking, just hope he is stopped. After you get him stunned and make him reel back in pain about two times, it is up to you but you can exit to the last area. This will save the progress you have made, in case he instant kills you, and you have a little bit of time to reload and heal. Also, when you come back he will be way back and you get a clear shot. Up to you, but this is the only boss fight where such a tactic can be used. Whether you fight fair or not, grab the last sample when Krauser flees and use the lift, then the controls to finish the minigame. *You realize any items after the fight are useless* ***************************************************************************** *10. Separate Ways (sepways) * ***************************************************************************** Yes, at the request of some I have added this little guide to Ada's minigame. QuickNotes: *No weapons upgrades, but you do get some cool new toys along the way. *Only five short chapters, with just three bosses (one is shorta-new). *You get a knife! *Ada is slightly faster than Leon, so take note. *This is for the most part a retread of Leon's quest in different order. *Every area is different, even areas that were safe will be choke points. *I will assume you know the basics in this guide. *Also, items are in new spots; like laying on ledges off the paths. *No "Item Guide", I will tell you what to do as far as items. *Merchants are in new locations too. *I love the scenes with Leon fighting in the background and the new scenes, reasons enough to play this minigame. ********* Chapter 1 ********* -Ring the Church Bell- As soon as you start, begin shooting the five or so villagers nearby (aim for the heads, in case you forgot it is daytime). Avoid entering any houses as they will trigger an infinite stream of Spaniards. Just run around the houses and grab all the free goodies. Also free things at the exits, so don't miss out. *One or two guys may linger in the area, if you go to the first south gate four dudes will run into the center area* Go inside one of the two houses Leon didn't go in to trigger the familiar scene. Now a none-stop horde of villagers will pour into the area, but I think only a few will ever be present (don't quote me, but I don't think you will run into a maniac). Anyway, after a spell a chicken will leave a key on the roof of that two-room house. Go get the key with the Grapple Gun option, and then jump down. Now you can go into the houses and collect the last few items, and don't miss the Elegant Mask in the two-room house on the bed. When you are good and ready leave through the door. Shouldn't be too hard. ***** A merchant is waiting here, just buy the TMP and the case upgrade if money allows. Proceed as you did before, but when you get in the tunnel and go down a ways, two villagers will drop down from where you did so turn around and handle them. Proceed while collecting all the items in the nooks and crannies, just don't miss the gem. When you get to the old merchant spot an ambush is sprung, two from behind and two from the door; either run back if you are afraid or just fight'em. After that exit. ***** As soon as you get control shoot the lone enemy in front of you. Don't forget the nests in the trees and the crows on the graves, but when you enter the yard about five villagers will approach you, so just fall back and let them funnel toward you. Shoot the crows, grab the items, snake the red gem, and proceed. Two or three enemies will be in your way as you pass the church. Go along the cliffs killing this and grabbing that on the way to the Quarry gates. At the end is a chainsaw lady and two cohorts; just shotgun them and use hand grenades. Snatch the catseye and return to the area behind the church. If you forgot how to solve this puzzle: turn 3 until all are lit up, then 4 until only two are lit, and then 3 for the last symbol. Grab the key, and oh no! two villagers. When done with them, place the catseye into the slot to open the gate. On your way out about six-eight enemies will try to rush you, but you have a narrow passageway that is great for funneling, just watch out for all the projectiles (use the TMP). Shoot the nest in the nearby tree and enter the church. ***** When you enter I advise you to go right and let the villagers funnel to you in the narrow spot, there are only four (or you can fight if you wish). Grab the few items laying around and then go up, about three dudes are up here so take them on one at a time. A new puzzle, only because it is flipped upside down. Here is a solution, do you see the little symbols on the edges of the circles? For the red one have it pointing west, have the green one pointing east, and the blue one pointing south. That should do it, but if for some reason it doesn't, just use your best guesses to have each color land on the central symbol; in otherwords red, green, and blue must hit a part of the symbol. That is it. ********* Chapter 2 ********* -Rescue Luis- Go back to the area were you first came as Leon, by the well. There are three crows, a pendant, and a few items. When you come back to the bedroom get any items here and talk to the merchant. Really you can get what you want, but you won't need the map and the rifle takes too much room. Downstairs, one guy is in the small room at the back. When you exit you will see a chainsaw man in front of you; handle him as you wish and his buddies. Ammo is on a log nearby. The rest is the same as before: kill the villagers, shoot the nests, kill more, and then exit. ***** Back in the village are just a few bad guys. Take them out as you wish, but now new items are all over the place. After being here a minimum of four times, you should know where to look. Two villagers will be in your path to the exit, one waits in the shack behind the big house. Exit to the farm when ready. ***** Go forward and shoot at the guy minding his own business in the barn, this, besides being mean, will cause all the villagers to rush toward you. Just back up and kill them as a group, use the shotgun or whatever. The only new item location is on the top of the barn; get to a side on the front of the barn and use the grapple gun to get there. Same item placement, by the well, over the side of the catwalk, etc. Just watch out for the numerous beartraps on the out- going path. And don't forget the items that are in the fenced-off area. Save if you really want to, and exit out the north gate. ***** No boulder sequence here. Just go to the end of the tunnel and kill the bomber in front of you, another the the left, one behind the broken door, and another waiting inside the little house. There are a whole lot of dudes in here so try to blow them all up somehow. Go to the broken door from inside for the next scene. Great more backtracking. Explore the area for the usual items. In the big house is a guy when you barge in, and another in the back room. Collect all items and run back through the tunnel. Here two guys will be waiting, try to use the bombs against them. When you go forward some more about six villagers will charge you, so employ your usually mob tactics. On top of the hill are two enemies between you and the exit. *NOTE: Big find! Go to the area near where the villagers jump down from a bridge, no big deal right? you can't get up there. BUT WAIT, ADA CAN! There is a little indent in the ground by some trees, a little raised area where the ground pops up. Stand there and use the Grapplegun to get the darn Beerstein.* (thanks to my friend cockateal for this) ***** At the farm there are only a few new items. One along the path, one on the edge of the path near the exit (can't miss it), and ammo by the save shack. EXIT. ***** You have two options here, after you kill the two villagers in front of you and go forward for the funny scene, you can run past everyone and exit or you can fight it out. I recommend going Rambo-style and mowing down all opposition (afterall, this game is for the zombies). Anyway, you now know where Leon's stupid jacket went. No new items so exit. ***** Just run forward, watching scenes as you go. ***** Prepare for the DODGE prompt while the villager with the axe prays. Now it is nighttime and your worst fears are realized, Las Plagas! Kill the immediate threats and then grab the catseye in the chest. When you jump down try to kill the villagers using their own bombs. Go out, kill, and go up the stairs to enter the control room. Check the lockers and you really don't need to talk with the merchant if all he has is the rifle and scope. Grab the key and head back down the stairs to the exit. ***** Go to the right side of the shed for some goodies, and then enter for a maniac and company. Just bust out the TMP and kill anything that moves. When your insanity is finished, go around collecting what needs to be collected. On your way to the exit two guys will want you to kill them before you leave. ***** Yet again, TWO more villagers will be in your way, one has an explosive. As you traverse the stairs you will run into three enemies. Ignore the merchant and just turn on the lift, jump out the window and take a ride. As you proceed, don't miss the spinel on the ground. Ammo behind the building and items in the building; save if you need to. You can also ignore this merchant, but grab the little item before you grapple gun your way over the gate. ***** Two grapple gun points are in the second section, the first on the right and the other on the left, just don't miss the catseye. Items all over, you have eyes, they are in open sight. When ready go into the last section for your first boss fight. Suprise! its EL Gigante, again. I counted it and it takes just 22 TMP bullets to stun him. I will hunt you down and give you a good scolding if you don't know how to finish off one of these puppies by now. *This fight may be optional, but just fight* Just exit and walk forward to finish the village part. *NOTE: If anyone knows where the beerstein is please let me know. And if you bought a treasure map to find out, you will notice that there is one last treasure in the cabin area, but you cannot move past the door exit. Must have been a mess up, oh well. Not like you need a lot of money.* ********* Chapter 3 ********* -Retrieve the Sample- *Save any grenades you come across, especially hand grenades* The merchant right in front of you (so much for modesty) has quite a bit of new things for your money. Get the attache upgrade first, then the rifle, and then the bowgun if applicable; sell anything not glued to the floor. I hope you can see the bolts right behind this guy. When you try to go up the bridge you will be rushed by some cultists, watch out for the flying scythe. After them, get out your rifle and snipe the archer on the stairway, then kill the red cult leader behind you to the side of the chest. There is another cultist you can see in the maze nearby. Collect any items around the bridge area and just wait for a group to run in and open the gate; kill, kill, kill. Now you have the choice, either run around the maze collecting small items and killing annoying cultists with Plagas, or just run up the stairs (at least grab the few items around the center fountain). If you wander the maze, there are only four more cultists and about five more items; usually an enemy to each item. When you leave the maze be sure to grab what is in the room, but exit through the door on the outside. *Space should be tight after the bowgun* ***** A shieldist and an archer are there to greet you. When you turn the corner you will be fired upon by two archers; try to quickly snipe the open one and then the one by the door. Another is at the far end of the path, so snipe him too, but with his Plagas showing he will charge in your direction very quickly. Grapple over the opening to land in the area that once held the magnum, but be quick to snuff out the cultist in here. Grab the items and go back over. When you get to the door you should here a chanting, just open the door and kill the fool on the other side. In the storage room, grab all items and talk with the merchant for the bowgun if you didn't get it before. EXIT. ***** Smash the jars here, since he won't attack you. Then get out your rifle and step out into the open when the archer is not firing at you, where you are behind the red cultist. Shoot him, because he is stupid, and then handle the archer. Another enemy will approach you, and there is one last archer at the very end of the room. Grab the items, ready a grenade, and enter the trap. Toss your grenade at the door, where it will damage the Garrador and blow off the lock. Toss as many grenades as you have and then exit the cage. Just run back to the dinner area and take out cultists as they approach. The bowgun will help finish off the Garrador, as will any of the old tactics. Kill whoever survives the blasts and then place the hourglass in the chest; exit. ***** Run forward. Don't worry about Leon, worry about the bad guys ambushing you! About four will come from the front and two from behind; use the lantern and whatever else to get free. Go through the door, and in the next part are the two last cultists you fight. Don't miss the item on the ceiling, and exit. Just run forward, no items; that is it for the Castle. ********* Chapter 4 ********* -Stop Leon's Assassination- Now is your chance to get the bowgun, but if space is tight don't worry about it for now. Go forward for some commandoes to rush you, possibly an armored guy will join in. Go to the small room for some supplies and then proceed. Shoot the red barrel to blast the enemies and then wipe up whatever lives. Keep an eye out for any items that blend into the background. In the next room are just a few Ganados, but when you go forward more will rush in. Get the items before leaving to fight more enemies. If you back into the room you will have some sort of protection. After them, snipe the archer and then go back to where the truck is buring (don't miss the velvet blue) and grapple up. Get out the shotgun and jump into the vent, try to take out the gladiator dude before he attacks. Jump down, kill, grab item, go out, grab lynx, climb up rubble, grab item, climb more rubble, jump down, grapple up to catwalk, and exit. ***** This cool new level is a little bit hard and annoying. Go forward for some free stuff just laying around. Go past the gun and before you reach the bottom of the stairs pull out the shotgun. Once you are down, the guns on the ship will commence firing upon you and a mob will swarm you, fun. Blast the nearby dudes, but don't move until the guns stop firing, then get to some cover. Make sure everyone is dead before trying to get the items and the key; dash for them when the guns stop. *Just wait to get any of the items* Once you have the key go back up the stairs between the fire and activate the gun. I'm not entirely sure if the gun protects you, but try to kill some of the soldiers while you have it before you destroy all the turrets. When all is burning, go back to the key area and get any stray items (look everywhere). Go up the ladder and get any items up here; go ahead and grapple up to get these few items, then drop back down. Cross the gap with the lifts, just press X at any time. On the otherside, three-four enemies will drop down to you and there is an archer in the distance. Grab items and climb the ladder, up here do more of the same (items are on top of things too). Climb the ladder, kill, grab stuff, and walk toward the door to trigger six turrets; one is in your face! Move to the right and grapple with haste. Here grab the key and then run to the little railed box to grapple over. Run to use this cannon; do what you did before, but do it faster and keep shooting turrets until you automatically lose control of the gun. Jump down, cross the gap, and repeat what you did before once again, but don't stop to fight anyone but the last enemies by the exit. As soon as you go through the door the battleship will sink. Grab the ammo and bolts here, talk to the merchant if needed, and exit; no need to save. ***** This place sucks. Go forward, you should find two things of ammo that are hard to see. Kill, forward, kill, items; this repetition is really getting to me. When you get to the drop off point, kill more :( . Once they are done with, get out the rifle and snipe the guys far away. Go and get any items before gunning your way up to the catwalk. Here, turn and go get the stone up the steps and then come back to get the attention of the enemies; shoot one in the leg and wait for the whole group to get right next to the barrel, then shoot it. When you try to walk out the door a guy will rush you. Try to snipe the soldier you can see from behind the door and then proceed. Cross the bridge and on the other side two shieldists will attack. Go where they came from to kill one last enemy before you return to familiar territory. ***** Grab the bars on the side of the steps and go back to the crash site. Nothing here but loads of things, including a stone for the kitty. Come back to the save point and save if that is your thing. Go out and kill the two guys here to meet you; shoot the window above for the last stone. You've been here before so have at it with the killing and the snatching. EXIT. Grab the lone item and grapple up. For the scene, all you have to do is press the combo when Leon is almost killed, hence the mission name. You should know when to do it. ********* Chapter 5 ********* -Obtain the Sample- *Save a good number of bowgun bolts for the end, and buy the bowgun* Get the last case upgrade, that should be it. Go forward and kill the archer. When you forward some more, a gatling gunner will drop in; either bust out your rifle or the bowgun to take him out and the commando. Grapple up the building for some items and a guy; a blue eye is in the barrel, but at this point money really means nothing. Back down, when you move forward some more you will be rushed by more enemies, just back up and handle them. An archer can be sniped by peeking around the corner, then back up to behind the barbed wire and try to snipe the bomber. When you get to the gate, even more guys will attack (hopefully the dynamite will take care of them. Up the ladder is an enemy and an item. Cross the bridge to a choke point. When inside, just blow everyone up with grenades and the shotgun. After you have proved yourself the door will open. Blast the barrel for the guys ahead of you. Then take out the archer. Do the zip line thing, pull the lever, and go down for all the items before going into the battlezone (watch for the lone guy in a tent). Nothing but archer in the last part. Shoot the barrel in front of you and then look for some cover. All you have to do is peek out and snipe one of the four to five archers one at a time until all is quiet. Careful as you scavenge for items, when you get to one of the sides up top on the catwalk you will trigger a gatling gunner to fall next to one of the levers you are close to (one dude is waiting in the little nook on the right side). Just use four rifle rounds to take each one out as you activate the levers. Get all the items and leave. ***** An archer is at the top, a rocket man is by the chopper crash site, and two archers guard the exit. Check the first and second to last pillar for items. You should snipe the archers and the rocket guy. If you wish, you can go for the yellow herb in the barrel, but when you go down the narrow path four guys will drop in behind you. Either way, exit. In the next area grab the ammo, drop down, grab the bolts, watch scene, jump through hoop, do a triple 360, land on feet, and exit. ***** There are only five guys in the area, no monsters (though one is there). Snipe the archer at the end of the hallway, and four more will rush you from the cell a Regenerator lays in (no, he won't wake up). After them, scour the area for the various goodies. Save and talk to the merchant, though neither will really help at this point. EXIT. ***** *Go ahead and attempt to use the knife trick* Ready the TMP for the next boss fight. Drumroll please........... it's Krauser! It is no different than Leon's fight, so know how to beat him. Other than that you will just change location three times with some new items on the last two platforms. The shotgun works well and so does the TMP, try the shotgun out for this fight. After three big hits he goes down. Items, merchant, and a save, sadly none really matters at this point. Just grapple out of here. *There is a lamp on the ledge, but you don't need it* ***** After the scene you will fight a new boss, at least he is different. Regular Saddler is fairly easy, if you listen to me. As soon as you get a clear beat on him, fire your TMP at him. If he tenses up but you don't get a dodge prompt just move from where you are standing. Try to unload about 70 bullets onto him and a scene will play where he turns your bullets against you. Try to run down the ramp and avoid the spray. The only useful item is the herb near the end of the ramp, but you won't need it if you have some healing stuff already. *Ignore the ammo around the area* After he fires, whip out the bowgun, it is the only weapon you can use with the desired effect. Aim for his head! One shot does not do much, but if you can get in a second you should be able to stun him and he will reveal his weak spot: aim for the eye! Get in the second shot at all costs! Even if he is charging at you, shoot that head. If you do this enough, he is toast in no time. If you are too chicken to take your licks, you will be at this for a while longer. Sit back and watch the scenes. ***** When you get control, just run! Run past everything and everyone, take your licks and use healing items where necessary, but you shouldn't need to. When you are grappling no hits will damage you. If you don't see a path in front of you, turn around. For some reason, the rockets at the end did nothing to me? At point blank the blast killed the guy who shot the thing. The time should not be a problem. Just run and toss the rocket to finish the minigame. ***************************************************************************** *11. The Mercenaries (mercena) * ***************************************************************************** At long last I have finally worked up the courage to beat this minigame. This section is by no means a guide, just a reference point. Your goals in this game will affect how you play. If you want the highest score possible, then you need to find every time boost and bonus time on the map. But if all you want is the satisfaction of unlocking Wesker so you can be done with the thing, then you will need to play strategically. I'll explain. The high score is as stated above, just find everything possible and integrate your skills in each round. This will unlock a new character, and will most likely lead to the handcannon, but all is put on the line. If you want Wesker and that's it, then you only need to reach 30,000 and wait for the chopper. Your goal will be to reach the score and then let the time go by; so don't grab every single bonus in the area, you will only have to stay alive for that much longer. You can even stop grabbing time boosts once you get near 25,000. TIPS: *You better be fast *Knife boxes with Leon and Krauser *Time equals scores, so do the math *Rack up combos (consecutive kills) *Use red barrels whenever possible *Extra time is different from bonus time *Bonus time gives a bonus for 30 seconds on all combos *Do your best to combine bonus time with high combos, duh CHARACTERS LEON (the surgeon) 4/5 Duh, who else would you start with? He has two simple weapons, the handgun and the riot gun, with the access to hand grenades. He is run and gun. Not Rambo- style, but close. I would advise focusing use of the shotgun, as a far-away shot usually blasts off the heads of enemies. ADA (tactical) 2/5 Of course the second choice. She had a punisher, TMP, and semi-auto rifle, with access to both incendiaries and flash grenades. She has her uses, but I did not use her to unlock anything. You can try her out, though I grow tired of her. KRAUSER (brute force) 5/5 Finally, after all of the fights with this guy, you get to use him. He comes with only a bowgun (not to be confused with the Separate Ways bowgun); this one fires simple arrows that are one-hit kills (sorry, two hits on the PS2 I think). He is cool because of his special ability, he can perform that thrust attack with a transformed arm (the game will inform you how). On the Cube, he is my favorite. HUNK (rapid-fire) 4/5 Apparently a crucial player in RE2. He is pretty cool, as he has a custom-made TMP and comes with many hand grenades. He does an awesome neck-breaking move on stunned enemies. WESKER (powerhouse) 3.5/5 The mastermind behind RE4's story. Packing a silencer, Killer7, and a 24-round rifle, as well as access to all grenade types. He does a neat little thrust- punch on stunned enemies. I don't like him only because I am not a fan of using any of his guns on this fast paced game; they just take too long. NOTE: I'm not sure exactly on the grenades everyone uses. NOTE: ratings are pure opinion. STAGES ******* Village - 4 Star/30,000 unlocks Ada ******* You should be sick of this place, but there is reason to come back. As with all stages, this one has a few new changes. The one building that was blocked off in the main game has been opened; it's got two stories and two bonuses. Window placement is altered so that there is no place to set up camp. Just use the knowledge you have gained from the main game to find out where to find stuff. You only face villagers here so it should not be too bad. Since there are only a few bonuses, I advise running around in the early game and collecting them along with whatever you can find. You need to watch out for the dual chainsaw ladies that will spawn whenever you reach a certain kill point. They take a lot to die and come in two, so do what you do best. Your only choice is Leon, but feel free to test out all new characters here after you unlock them. ****** Castle - 4 Star/30,000 unlocks Krauser ****** This stage is completely new, at least as a whole. You will notice that it has incorporated sections of the castle into one stage, but every part is different from what you remember. Just know that there are three levels that are joined by a series of close-together stairs. You know what the cultists pack: shields, scythes, bows, and Garradors. Going out into the open will leave you vulnerable to bolt fire, but fighting in any closed off area gets tough quickly. As in the village, the Garrador will appear after a period (blast grenades help). Also one on the top level. I advise Leon, using the shotgun for everything. Run forward and kill the guys in the immediate vicinity, and the next few groups. After the scythe guys start to show up, run up the door and fight it out on the second level. After another spell and you have all the stuff (avoiding arrows), go to the third level. This is where I made my stand, by the barrels in the open area opposite the door. All I did was blast enemies and wait for time to expire. I was able to run past the Garrador on the second level, but your results may vary massively. This approach netted me Krauser, but to each his(/her) own. ************* Commando Base - 4 Star/30,000 unlocks HUNK ************* One word, Krauser. He rules this stage and all in it. The bow is awesome! The level comes with tweaks, but I believe in you. The "JJ's" as they are called (gatling gunners) drop in much faster than the other big enemies did, but just know that Krauser's health can handle a few licks. Try to use his special whenever possible and when you are surrounded, but don't try too hard. It was actually pretty easy, as far as getting HUNK goes. ********** Waterworld - 4 Star/30,000 unlocks Wesker ********** Completely new, and completely hard. Depending on luck, or possibly character choice, you will eventually notice that this stage is ruled by a HUGE CHAINSAW MANIAC! He takes way more to drop, and is unaffected by the red barrels, unless it is enough to kill him. He stops for nothing, and I don't even know how he shows up in high areas, or how he climbs ladders, I'm too busy running as fast as possible. HUNK was my tool of choice here. I didn't see the big guy until late in the the fight; whereas with Leon, the big guy was there from the start. I remember a large amount of explosions going one here, with the barrels, grenades, and the constant stream of bombers. I barely squeaked by with nabbing Wesker, so I'm not about to attempt to tell you guys how to go about tackling this stage. NOTE: all stages have alterations of their originals. Again, 60,000 for the Handcannon. Good luck for getting just one 60,000. ***************************************************************************** *12. PRO (9999pro) * ***************************************************************************** First off, PRO is harder! For anyone, you will die at least once, trust me. There are just way too many one-hit kills this time around. So here are all the big changes from normal to hard: *Less mercy, you will get less items *More damage taken *Enemies take more damage to kill *Added enemies in some spots *Enemies tend to dodge bullets more The way to play is conservation of ammo, money, and health. Which seems like a no-brainer, but where you found difficulty on normal, now it should be harder with all the new factors. It should be like playing the game the first time, you just know what's coming. Expect to take a lot of one-hit kills, even in times where you think you are winning, a hit may come from nowhere and end it all. So, how do you play PRO? Basically, two hits and you are dead until way late in the game. The game plan is to avoid damage, and more so than in normal. This is how I play: use the handgun by default. That's simple. Just aim for the knees and any enemy will hit the floor, except for monsters. This will get you past the village section hopefully ahead of the curve. I used the shotgun on the maniacs and during the cabin shootout, a few other places too, and that was it. Use the handgun for almost any situation. If you want to run out of ammo for any gun, it is the handgun. Save all shotgun shells for fatties and crowds. And when you get the TMP for the giant fight, only use it on other giants and Mendez, and a few other spots. The rifle should equal headshots, and you should be chasing rifle ammo the whole game. Use the magnum to your best judgment, or sell it, but just pick one or the other soon after you get it. And the Mine Thrower is a good choice, but your call. Another thing, do you think keeping your basic weapons will save money? It may, or it may be money well spent. I mean at the start of the castle, you have to decide whether to upgrade, or rough it out, but do it at the start of the castle. Don't forget the decision on Punisher vs Handgun. And which shotgun you want to finish the game with. You will get a little less money in PRO, believe me, so you can't get every shinny new gun, or you could, but with less upgrades. Grenade managment is key too. Use a green one when surrounded, or you see a mob incoming. Save all flash grenades until you face the last giants (use some on the Armaduras too). Incendiaries are good on Mendez, other than that, I guess toss them first. Health is abundant, but will be eaten up fast once you hit the castle. Usually two hits is death, and you will take a hit and still have a lot of health. So that will affect the game later on when you are hurting for health. Those are factors I think about each time I play, seem obvious, but I know someone uses the shotgun and grenades like they grow in crates. And saying that, the game isn't brutal, it will toss you some ammo and health if you need it, but not all the time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are tips to get through the village section easy: *Use the shotgun only when needed, save every shell for the cabin fight if able *Save grenades for Mendez once the sun goes down *Consider the Rocket Launcher for both El Gigante fights, if you got the space and don't want to waste money on the TMP for the whole game *If you do skip the TMP, sell flashies and TMP ammo ASAP *It is easier on the PS2, both in less enemies in the cabin and you can just give Ashley the stupid armor, which kills any challenge (you can lead her to any place, leave her, and all the enemies will try to grab her) *Just play smart. And try to make it through the village with a filled case. That should equal success. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************** *13. Hardware Warz * ***************************************************************************** Okay, three versions and a PC release. What are the differences? Not much, really. But if you only have one to buy I will try to help you make that decision. Gamecube Pro/Con: $20 - That helps Better graphics than PS2 I feel the controls are better than PS2 The button press sequences are smoother Sadly, you don't get any of the PS2 exclusives *NOTE: the same lag on the PS2 seems to be present when you play this disc in a Wii. Unless I'm just mad, but the button presses seemed extremely long.* PS2 Pro/Con: $20 - You could get both! More extras than the Cube However, the graphics are not as solid Because of the graphics lag, scenes like the Krauser knife fight are not so smooth Wii Pro/Con: $30 - What else is there to play on the Wii right now? All the extras Wiimote control scheme, and added touches Tweaked up graphics Trailer for Umbrella Chronicles PC Pro/Con: Not sure, don't have the game I would guess you can now take RE4 wherever you go if you have a laptop The only Con is that it might be hard to find??? Maybe the 'Tank' control scheme is better to play??? I found that the game does not support mouse functions, but mods will fix that (I would only get this one if that was your only choice) iPhone: It may be on the iPad, not sure. All I know is it wasn't completely finished last I checked, so I didn't buy it. It's probably decent though, but overkill. Buy a Wii and enjoy this game properly. In short, buy the Wii version!!! ***************************************************************************** *14. Wii! * ***************************************************************************** This section is purely dedicated to the Wii version of the game. Every single detail worth mentioning is here. You can tell I'm just eyeballing everything. If I'm wrong on any count, I'm sure I'll hear about it and it will get fixed. Graphics -------- Leon's Jacket seems a bit more wavy. Certain other... physics, have been added as well (or maybe I just didn't notice from before). Exploding heads seem a little extra juicy. Items on the ground are shown, instead of just a colored beam of light. I mean the items from fallen enemies and a few others. The Novistador hive is bulging as if there are little Novistadors inside. Las Plagas are slightly better to look at. They seem bigger. The lighting has been made more noticable, but no sharp shadows. There are just more of the little touches. Like more goo hanging from Salazar's dead body. And extra junk in the freezer room. The little things. Gameplay -------- Yes, all the bosses are weaker. Gigante needs only two flash bangs, Krauser takes less time to get to his actual fight, and everyone does less damage to you. Shaking the Wiimote while not holding the knife will perform the auto-quick knife. This lets you strike at a target without having to precisely aim. This helps a bit, for opening crates, but not in battle (unless you really suck). Actually, it does help in the early going and against single enemies. All you have to do is run over their fallen body and then slash back and forth. Reloading is also a slight chore. You can press DOWN on the D pad, or you can shake the Wiimote whiling aiming. The shaking one is the way to go for the heat of the moment, but you will also move the cursor around with this. For both of the above points, be sure to do a slashing motion to one side and that will be enough. Someone said that you could not move the camera while aiming, but that person was wrong. Just move the control stick. If you remember the slight difficulty in aiming from the last game due to the shaking of Leon's arms; now it all depends on your arms. It really boils down to how well your brain has control of your arm muscles. If everything is good, then you will have extremely precise aiming. The laser point is gone, for better or worse. Frankly, I thought it looked cool and the new cursor looks dumb. But, the new cursor on the screen gives you the advantage in shooting. It's green when there is no target, and red when there is. Now, instead of waiting to see the hard-to-tell-if-it's-there laser point, you will have a big red target over the Ganados' head. However, you won't get the target for far off enemies, but if you know you're shot is clean then you can still hit them. There is much less handgun and shotgun ammo for some reason. I found myself clinging to whatever 9mm bullets I could find, but since I usually save all my shells, the two boxes I maintained the whole game were enough. I think what it really meant for me was that I didn't have to toss so much ammo, which I guess is a good thing. But the developers probably knew that the aiming was much easier, so they toned down the ammo count. Either rifle essentially becomes the instant-kill gun for you. If you don't need a one-hit kill, then use a handgun instead, it will be just as accurate. Darn, I had some profound point to add, but I forgot it. Maybe someone else knows? ------------ Now to the jist of all of this. Basically, this is the version of the game that you want to own. It's the easiest to play, the best looking, and it has expanded controls. Of course, you probably won't fully appreciate this without having already played the others. To be honest, after having played from a few different positions and on two different TVs, I can see how the aiming system could be a problem. When the TV is up high, things are easy; but on my widescreen HDTV, I slowly saw my accuracy decline. But, despite this minor gripe, I don't see myself ever playing the old versions of this game. Plus, the box is just kick arse! --------------- So I called the game store and asked, "Do you have RE4 for the Wii?" and the minimum-wage dude says, "Yes, it's a preorder. Did you preorder the game?" And I say "No." He says, "Well this is for someone else and that is why for the big titles we always encourage people to preorder." I say "Good day sir," and he says "Thank you kindly." (I'm kidding) And so I go to the store and ask them in person, with a cigar in my mouth and a big bump in my shorts; my wallet. I says, "Did RE4 come out on the Wii yet?" as if I were a fool. He says, "Yes." I ask if they have it. He says "Yes, we have one copy left. Would you like it kind sir?" I say "Yes, I had no idea it was even out!" In closing, the people who buy preorders are getting a fast one pulled on them by the store, not me! They could have said the same thing they said to me on the phone, but the did not. And then I preorder the Umbrella Chronicles. Ha, I slay myself! ***************************************************************************** *15. Award Ceremony * ***************************************************************************** Yes, this is the final of my un-coded sections added to the end of my guide. I thought I needed something to spice up the guide after I axed so much from the original version. So here it is the Award Ceremony for Resident Evil 4! This is a one-award show, everything is at stake, win or go home. This award is given to the best scene of the game. Not the best CUTSCENE, I mean the most memorable moment that you will think about long after you are done playing. The scenes should, on their own, paint a complete picture of what this game is all about. These are the moments you will look forward to when you play again, and the moments you will talk about to your friends after you're done playing, or in between playthroughs! So here are your nominees: 1.1 The Village (1001vil) 1.3 The Lake (1003lak) 2.1 The Quarry Pt 2 (2001tq2) 3.2 A Maze Apart (3002ama) 4.3 Los Ganados Ride (4003lgr) 5.1 Kitchen From Hell (5001kfh) 5.1 Where Monsters Dwell (5001wmd) 5.3 An Old Friend (5003aof) 5.3 Lasers For Losers (5003lfl) Honorable Mention: 5.2 Bull Ride on a Cattle Drive (5002bul) And now I will list off the qualifications for each in order from least to greatest. ------------- #10. The Bulldozer Ride This one did not make the cut because I already had a similar riding sequence. But what really took it out of consideration was the fact that it was both slower than the other one, and it was broken up with a regular combat situation in the middle. A good moment, but not one of the greats. ------------- #9. Oven Scare It was the shortest moment on the list, and that is why it is dead last. This one, cheap scare probably added a lot of the scare factore for people playing the game the first time. It made them a little bit more cautious as they played and it was pretty cool. Though I could not ignore it in my guide, I tried to toss you under the train if you were reading. But alas, not the best moment. ------------- #8. Laser Jumping For how much I dislike the movies, this is one of those scenes from both the films and the games that I always enjoyed. It adds that other element of super-high techery to the game that had otherwise been missing. Whenever I think of the Island segment, it's this scene that I remember first. But, because it came from a bad movie I have to knock it a bit. ------------- #7. The Monsters Pretty much every encounter with the Regenerators/Iron Maidens on your first runthrough. If I didn't spoil it for you, then you know you completely FREAKED OUT when that first one came through the lab door; head twitching around, slow walking, make that creepy noise. And then you had no idea what to do when all of your weapons seemed to nothing. Then you blasted the legs away only to make yourself even easier to munch on. Sadly, because these things are ACTUALLY no sweat, they fall down the list. ------------- #6. Wolf Maze Oh yeah, you didn't want to go inside, but you had to. Colmillos jump from the hedges in all directions and pounch! 'Nuf said. All you wanted to do was grab both moonstones and run. The little bastards are not that tough, so no top five for them. ------------- #5. The Giant Ah yes, the infamous encounter with El Gigante that probably sparked most of the curiosity in the title. If fought properly this boss can prove to be one to the most adrenaline-inducing in the game. Unfortunately, he shows up about three more times in the game. Not the same one most likely, but all the others should have been more different than the first. ------------- #4. The Lake Monster El Lago is here purely because of the build-up leading up to the fight. You watch him snack on the policia, you know he's in the lake as you glide over the water, and then you see that shadow underneath the water before the battle starts. Not to mention all the times he throws you off the boat and you have to quickly swim back. And you know you love the sound of the harpoon piercing into his skin. If that weren't enough, casual gamers who thought the fight was over with the scene were rudely awakened when they found out that they could never rest the controller while they played this game. My personal preference kept this one out of the top three. ------------- #3. Mine Cart Ride Yes, perhaps the FUNNEST moment in the game. All you do is stand in the back car and shoot at Ganados as you approach. What really sells it is when you get stuck at a pit stop and then swarms of enemies flood the train. Even worse is when they block your view of the lever, and then it becomes a much more intense affair. Just sit back and enjoy the ride! ------------- #2. Knife Fight Also one of the most talked about moments from the game. The selling point for the all the button-pressing sequences that are now staples of the gaming world. You will find contact sensitive scenes in pretty much every game from Kingdom Hearts to God of War. It doesn't matter what games featured it first, it was the infamy of this fight with Krauser that has made button-press scenes a must in almost all new games. Not to mention it was cool watching Leon die in so many different ways. Well, it was. ------------- #1. Trapped in the Village Was there any doubt? This is the moment that sold Resident Evil 4 to the masses. You run into this fight right after you start the game. There is almost no planning you can do, no grand saving up on ammo, and no way to stack the odds in your favor. You have to fight. And you could run around and try to defend yourself with the weak handgun, but it should not take long before you stumble into the trap. You cover the doors, grab what you can, and then you go upstairs to find the BOOMSTICK. And then it becomes a battle of you versus the chainsaw maniac outside when he breaks in. Can you survive? This moment is the absolute number one because it sets this game apart from the others in the series. All previous titles of Resident Evil were survival horror where you had to barely get by with limited resources. Maybe once in a while there was a big brawl with a horde of zombies, but in this game, fighting hordes of Ganados (not zombies) is the norm. There are moments of creeps akin to previous RE games, but this moment let you know right from the beginning that this was going to be the best action game of all time; if not the best GAME of all time. ------------- Well there you have it. My list of the best of the best in this game. Hope you had fun. Now I can only hope that I'll be making another list like this after Resident Evil 5 is out. ---------------------- ***************************************************************************** *16. Unlockables/Author Info/Copyright/Misc. * ***************************************************************************** ----------- Unlockables For beating the Gamecube version you unlock the following: Professional Difficulty Mercenaries minigame Assignment Ada minigame Many new weapons for a Round 2 Cop outfit and Teeney Bopper outfit PS2 Exclusives added on: Beat Pro for the laser gun (it's not as exciting as you think) Separate Ways minigame Movie Viewer (don't concern yourself with the empty slots) Gangsta Outfit and Knight outfit Wii has everything from both games, as does PC. You can load your saved data from your first game for a Round 2. This lets you start with all your weapons and money. You also get to buy a few new weapons; cheat guns basically. Both of Ada's side-games are basically retreads of Leon's quest, but Seperate Ways has a few little perks added. Beating these various minigames yield more weapons to play with. The initial unlockable weapons are somewhat changed up between the versions. Just know that beating all the games will equal more guns. ---------- -------- Credits: Sgt Zeke - for the cool trick Dustin Orner - for another cool trick -------- ----------- Please contact me if you need any help, if you want to thank me, if you want to talk, or if you want to ask a question. Efforts to get in a guide need to be exceptional as I dislike updates unless it's absolutely necessary, and I don't think I've updated an older guide. The golden rule: keep it short. If I see a wall of text I'm probably moving on. I've gotten real bad with emails lately. And flamers don't even bother, it won't work. My email: lunatic_252000@yahoo.com Title of your email should be: RE4 PS - To GameFAQ's users, if you like the guide, click "recommend" at the top of the guide, but only if you like it. PPS - I cannot fix bugs, glitches, or achievements/trophies not hitting. ----------- ----------- I have other guides floating around too. They are: Resident Evil 4 Dead Rising Gears of War Lost Planet Crackdown GRAW 2 Rainbow Six Vegas TES IV: Oblivion Shivering Isles Knights of the Nine The Darkness BioShock Halo 3 Half-Life 2 HL2: Episode One HL2: Episode Two Call of Duty 4 Assassin's Creed Mass Effect Advance Wars: Days of Ruin Perseus Mandate Sam & Max Episode 203 Devil May Cry 4 God of War: Chains of Olympus Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Okami Grand Theft Auto 4 Condemned 2: Bloodshot Metal Gear Solid 4 Alone in the Dark (360) NCAA Football 09 Madden 09 Dead Space Gears of War 2 Prince of Persia (2008) Call of Duty: World at War FEAR 2 Resident Evil 5 GTA IV: TBOGT Modern Warfare 2 Assassin's Creed 2 World of Warcraft Mass Effect 2 Heavy Rain Splinter Cell: Conviction Crackdown 2 Halo: Reach Dead Rising 2 CoD: Black Ops -------------- --------------- I've also been published in GamePro magazine, June 2007. Pretty cool if you ask me, and all because I write these little guides. Also, I am in the October issue as well, which should be out at the time of this guide's release. At least I ain't a one hit wonder. In a nice surprise, I didn't even know I was in the March 2008 issue of GamePro, but I am. Look to gamerstemple.com for a slew of random reviews. ---------------- ---------------- Here is my list of sites: GameFAQs (main host site) GameSpot IGN GamersTemple (http://www.gamerstemple.com/) OCModShop.com chaptercheats.com TheGameReviews wiredgamingcommunity.com neoseeker SuperCheats GamesRadar CheatCodeCentral (cheatcc.com) My360.com.au gamerevolution.com *NOTE: There are many more with single guides, and then others with a few, and some that I just don't keep track of.* All other sites must ask permission if they want this. All I ask is that the guide be ad-free and in this text format. ---------------- ------------------- Here is my site: www.herostrike.com Here is my list of guides on gamefaqs: (copy & paste) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/60816.html?type=1 Follow me on twitter @ TheGum25 ------------- --------- Copyright --------- This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2011 Brad Russell