___ _ _ / __\ |__ ___ __ _| |_ /\ /\__ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ / / | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | __|/ /_/ / _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '_ \/ __| / /___| | | | __/ (_| | |_/ __ / (_| | |_) | |_) | __/ | | \__ \ \____/|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__\/ /_/ \__,_| .__/| .__/ \___|_| |_|___/ Presents |_| |_| .com Son Of Nor Trainer ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSiON: 1.0.69 STEAM ------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAiNER OPTiONS: +7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: elDDS ------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR NOTES: This game creates the game code on the fly. Make sure to activate each option during gameplay. You may have to shoot your weapon, kill an enemy, run, jump or get some money the normal way before activating any option. just fallow the trainer instructions, It will tell you if you need to do anything in order for you to get an option working. ! Press F1 during gameplay and listen for, Trainer Activated ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAiNER OPTiONS: 01: NUMPAD 1 = INFINITE HEALTH 02: NUMPAD 2 = SUPER HEALTH 03: NUMPAD 3 = INVINCIBLE 04: NUMPAD 4 = SUPER SPEED 05: NUMPAD 5 = SUPER JUMP 06: NUMPAD 6 = STEALTH MODE 07: NUMPAD 7 = LOW GRAVITY ------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAiNER NOTES: ! Press F1 during gameplay and listen for, Trainer Activated ! Option 01: This option will give you infinite health. Falls from high places and scripted events may still kill you. Option 02: This option will increase your max health to 1000000. Option 03: This option will make your character invincible. Enable this option if you are gonna use the super jump option. Scripted events may still kill you. Option 04: This option will give your character the power to run faster. Press the key [Shift] after you activate this option to enable it. Option 05: This option will give your character the power to jump higher. Option 06: This option will make your character undetectable. Option 07: This option will reduce the games gravity by alot. Use this like if it was a float mode option. ::: :) If you get killed by an scripted event. You may have to re-enable all the options that you were using. ------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO USE A TRAiNER: 1: ALWAYS RUN THE TRAiNER AS AN ADMiNiSTRATOR iF UR OPERATiNG SYSTEM iS: WiNDOWS ViSTA WiNDOWS 7 WiNDOWS 8.0 WiNDOWS 8.1 WiNDOWS 10 2: RUN THE GAME 3: ENABLE THE TRAiNER OPTiONS 4: HAVE FUN ::: ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUiREMENTS: OPERATiNG SYSTEMS: WiNDOWS XP 32/64 BiTS WiNDOWS ViSTA 32/64 BiTS WiNDOWS 7 32/64 BiTS WiNDOWS 8.0 32/64 BiTS WiNDOWS 8.1 32/64 BiTS WiNDOWS 10 32/64 BiTS ------------------------------------------------------------------- TiPS: 1: ALWAYS RUN TRAiNERS AS AN ADMiNiSTRATOR 2: DO THiS iF THE TRAiNER DOESNT WANNA WORK ADD THE TRAiNER TO YOUR ANTiViRUS EXEPTiON LiST ADD THE TRAiNER TO YOUR FiREWALL EXEPTiON LiST RiGHT CLiCK ON THE TRAiNER AND CLiCK ON RUN AS ADMiN ------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMPAD EDiTOR: ONLY THE FALLOWiNG NUMPADS / KEYS ARE SUPPORTED BY THE EDiTOR FOR RiGHT NOW NUMPAD_1,NUMPAD_2,NUMPAD_3,NUMPAD_4,NUMPAD_5,NUMPAD_6, NUMPAD_7,NUMPAD_8,NUMPAD_9,NUMPAD_0,NUMPAD_*,NUMPAD_/, KEY_F1,KEY_F2,KEY_F3,KEY_F4,KEY_F5,KEY_F6, KEY_F7,KEY_F8,KEY_F9,KEY_F10,KEY_F11,KEY_F12, KEY_1,KEY_2,KEY_3,KEY_4,KEY_5,KEY_6, KEY_7,KEY_8,KEY_9,KEY_0,KEY_-,KEY_+, TO SAVE THE NEW OPTiONS JUST SELECT THE KEY THAT YOU WANT AND CLOSE THE EDiTOR, YOU CAN CHANGE ALL THiS NUMPADS / KEYS ON EACH OPTiON OF THE EDiTOR. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CHiPTUNE: LHS - RLD 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- GET MORE TRAiNERS AT: www.CheatHappens.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- Finito ::: :D -------------------------------------------------------------------