-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHEATHAPPENS.com Presents: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Plague Inc Evolved Editor ==================================== GET UPDATES FOR THIS EDITOR AT WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM Using this Editor ------------------ Read further. Options (Editor) ------- Edit: DNA Points Edit: Global Infectiousness Edit: Global Infectiousness Max Edit: Global Severity Edit: Global Severity Max Edit: Global Lethality Edit: Global Lethality Max Edit: Cure Requirements Edit: Cure Requirement Base Edit: Cure Base Multiplier Edit: Research Inefficiency Multiplier Edit: Research Inefficiency Edit: Global Cure Research Edit: Global Cure Research This Turn Edit: Cure Complete Percent Edit: Global Air Rate Edit: Global Sea Rate Edit: Global Land Rate Edit: Global Infected Percent Edit: Global Zombie Percent Edit: Infected Points Pot All Edit: Infected Points Pot Edit: DNA Points Gained Edit: Global Severity Plus Lethality Edit: Evo Boost Edit: Symptom Extra Cost Edit: Ability Extra Cost Edit: Transmission Extra Cost Edit: Symptom Cost Increase Edit: Ability Cost Increase Edit: Genetic Drift Edit: Genetic Drift Max Edit: Symptom Devolve Cost Edit: Symptom Devolve Cost Increase Edit: Transmission Devolve Cost Edit: Transmission Devolve Cost Increase Edit: Ability Devolve Cost Edit: Ability Devolve Cost Increase Edit: Wealthy Edit: Poverty Edit: Urban Edit: Rural Edit: Hot Edit: Cold Edit: Humid Edit: Arid Edit: Land Transmission Edit: Sea Transmission Edit: Air Transmission Edit: Corpse Transmission Edit: Mutation Edit: Mutation Counter Edit: Mutation Trigger Edit: Transmission Random Mutations Edit: Ability Random Mutations Edit: Mutated This Turn Edit: Nexus Min Infect Edit: Nexus Bonus Gene Edit: Global Infectiousness Top Multipler Edit: Global Infectiousness Bottom Value Edit: Global Severity Top Multipler Edit: Global Severity Bottom Value Edit: Global Lethality Top Multipler Edit: Global Lethality Bottom Value Edit: Cure Requirement Base Multipler Edit: Infected Points Pot Change Edit: Difficulty Edit: Difficulty Variable Edit: ZDay Done Edit: First Fort Selected Edit: ZDay Counter Edit: Zombie Decrease Turn Count Edit: ZDay Length Edit: Days Until Minifort Plane Spawn Edit: Fort Selection Day Edit: Num Alive Forts Edit: ZDay Dead Edit: ZDay Infected Edit: Zombie Conversion Mod Edit: Zombie Combat Strength Edit: Human Combat Strength Edit: Zombie Decay Edit: Zombie Infect Edit: Zombie Decay Tech Multiplier Edit: Global Zombie Decay Multiplier Edit: HI Zombified Population Edit: Fort Difficulty Modifier Edit: Global Decay Chance Edit: Global Battle Victory Count Edit: Hot Decay Flag Edit: EP2 Edit: Horde Speed Edit: Horde Size Edit: Reanimate Size Edit: Horde Water Speed Edit: Reanimate Zombie Combat Strength Mod Edit: Wimp Flag Edit: AA Cost Modifier Edit: Zombie Win Edit: Zombie Loss Edit: Is Speed Run Edit: Show Extra Popups Edit: Worm Plane Chance Edit: Worm Bubble Last Day Edit: Num Worm Bubbles Without Touch Edit: Days To Game Win Edit: Worm Bubble Hidden Status Edit: Total Infected Edit: Total Controlled Infected Edit: Total Dead Edit: Total Killed Edit: Total Zombie Edit: Total Healthy Edit: Total Uninfected Edit: Infected This Turn Edit: Dead This Turn Edit: Zombies This Turn Edit: Infected Apes This Turn Edit: Average Infected Edit: Average Dead Edit: Global Priority Edit: Global Awareness Edit: Cure Research Allocation Average Edit: Public Order Average Edit: Bonus Priority Edit: Priority Counter Edit: Recent Event Counter Edit: Global Dead Percent Edit: Global Healthy Percent Edit: Global Uninfected Percent Edit: Global Killed Percent Edit: Infected Country Count Edit: Uninfected Country Count Edit: Lethality Delay Turns Edit: Turns Until Game End Edit: Total Flask Broken Edit: Total Flask Researched Edit: Total Flask Empty Edit: Disease Type Edit: Zombie Tech Heat Decay Edit: T2 Edit: Is Scenario Edit: Num Cheats Edit: Cheat Flags Edit: Country Origin Edit: Population Immunity Edit: Ape Total Healthy Edit: Ape Total Infected Edit: Ape Total Dead Edit: Ape Total Alive Global Edit: Ape Total Healthy Percent Edit: Ape Total Infected Percent Edit: Ape Total Dead Percent Edit: Ape X Species Infectiousness Edit: Ape Infectiousness Edit: Ape Rescue Ability Edit: Ape Strength Edit: Ape Lethality Edit: Ape Intelligence Edit: Ape Survival Edit: Ape Speed Edit: Change To Human Immunity Edit: Ape Horde Stash Edit: Ape Horde Speed Edit: Days Since Global Drone Edit: Ape Priority Level Global Edit: Migration Country Distance Max Edit: Migration Distance Water Mod Edit: Migration Distance Land Mod Edit: Ape Noticed Edit: Intelligent Ape Noticed Edit: Ape Total Labs Edit: Ape Max Labs Edit: Ape Total Colonies Edit: Ape Max Colonies Edit: Ape Days Since Last Colony Bubble Edit: Ape Colony Chance Edit: Ape Num Create Colony AA Used Edit: Lab Base Research Edit: Lab Counter Edit: Lab Spawn Threshold Edit: Ape Bonus Priority Global Edit: Lab Day Counter Edit: Ape Total DestroyedLabs Edit: Ape Escape Flag Edit: Gen Sys Working Edit: Simian Narrative Path Edit: Colony DNA Boost Edit: Colony Infection Boost Edit: Drone Attack Flag Edit: Ape Human Response Edit: Ape Colony Bonus Points Edit: Ape Slow Death Flag Edit: Ape Infectiousness Bonus Flag Edit: Lab Destroy Dna Flag Edit: Reduced Lab Research Flag Edit: Drone Threshold Edit: Ape Total Population Notes ------- THIS GAME CREATES CODE ON THE FLY. YOU MUST BE INGAME AND YOU MUST HAVE GAINED SOME DNA POINTS BEFORE ACTIVATING THE TRAINER. PRESS F1 TO ACTIVATE AND LISTEN FOR THE SECOND 'TRAINER ACTIVATED'. ITS RECOMMENDED TO SWITCH TO WINDOW MODE FOR EASY USAGE OF THE EDITOR. IF YOU GET 'CANNOT FIND CODE' MESSAGE AND THE TRAINER MATCHES TO YOUR GAME VERSION, (RE)INSTALL .NET FRAMEWORK 4.5 AND TRY AGAIN. ALL EDITOR OPTIONS ARE TAKEN BY THE GAME'S CODE (VARIABLES). THERE IS NO EXPLANATION FOR THEM UNLESS YOU'RE GOING TO TEST ALL 200 OPTIONS IN ALL POSSIBLE CIRCUMSTANCES AND WRITE THEM DOWN. THEREFORE ITS RECOMMENDED TO TEST OPTIONS WHERE YOU DOWN KNOW THE EFFECT ON A TEST GAME ONLY. Customize Hotkeys ------- Select the hotkey you want to change and press your desired key or key combination. To reset all hotkeys at once toggle 'Use Controller' twice. Controller hotkeys are not customizable. Controller Support ------- Open 'Controller HowTo' tab at the trainer interface for a detailed instruction on how to use a controller. Don't forget to activate 'Use Controller' at the main page. Troubleshooting ------------------ The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above. http://www.cheathappens.com/trainer_troubleshooting.asp