-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHEATHAPPENS.com Presents: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dungeonmans Trainer ==================================== GET UPDATES FOR THIS TRAINER AT WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM Using this Trainer ------------------ READ FURTHER! Options (Trainer) ------- Numpad 1: Freeze Health Numpad 2: Freeze Stamina Numpad 3: Freeze Mana Options (Editor) ------- Edit: M_id Edit: I Texture Edit: B Draw As Character Edit: B Facing Right Edit: B Block Tile Entry Edit: B Block Same Archetype Edit: B Remove Edit: B Suspend Game While Exists Edit: B Need Post Load Cleanup Edit: Location Edit: Location_2 Edit: Character Color Edit: Sprite X Variance Edit: Health Edit: Max Health Edit: Base Health Edit: I Money Edit: I Light Radius Edit: Glow Effect Timer Edit: Assigned Room Edit: I Vertical Offset From Bottom Of Sprite Edit: I Horizontal Offset From Left Of Tile Edit: I Rounds Till Chatter Edit: I Self Decay Timer Edit: Sprite Rotate Speed Edit: Sprite Rotation Rads Edit: F Actor Shake Edit: F Actor Draw Scale Edit: Polymorhpic Sprite_random Number Edit: I Revealed Despite L O S Rounds Edit: F Juke Offset Edit: Dir Juke Edit: Juggle_f Velocity Edit: Juggle_f Height Edit: B Debug Mode Edit: B Can Take Damage Edit: B Killed And Need To Handle Dead Event Edit: B Dead Edit: B In Suspended Death Cinema State Edit: B Move Thru Creatures Edit: B Dont Draw Me Edit: B Skip Drawing This Update Edit: B Dont Save Edit: B Block L O S Edit: B Champion Glow Effect Edit: B Invisible Edit: B Is Moving Smoothly Edit: B In Forced Movement Edit: B Processed Ambient Update This Game Round Edit: B Dont Swap With Hero Edit: B Can Never Be Tossed Edit: B Draw Under Fog Of War Edit: B Draw Only Border Edit: B Sprite Should Rotate Edit: Polymorphic Sprite_cant Be Matched Edit: Polymorphic Sprite_b Is Polymorphic Edit: B Booping Not Juking Edit: Juggle_b Juggle Engaged Edit: Juggle_b Flip Dirs Edit: Glow Effect Color Edit: Pre Special Movement Location Edit: Pre Special Movement Location_2 Edit: Smooth Movement Edit: Smooth Movement_2 Edit: Smooth Movement_3 Edit: Smooth Movement_4 Edit: Smooth Movement_5 Edit: Smooth Movement_6 Edit: Edge Shader Color Edit: Current Equipped Edit: Proficient Equippable Types Edit: I Flat Distance From Hero Edit: I Room Num Edit: I Level Edit: F Footstep Delay Edit: Monster Knowledge Type Edit: Base Defeat Armor Edit: Base Defeat Parry Edit: Base Defeat Block Edit: Stamina Edit: Max Stamina Edit: Mana Edit: Max Mana Edit: Ire Value Edit: Max Ire Edit: F Rage Decay Per Second While Burning Edit: F Rage Decay Per Second O O C Edit: F Timer Till O O C Edit: I Bonus Damage To Next Attack Edit: I Deadpulses Edit: I Max Deadpulses Edit: I Generated Threat Edit: Gender Edit: I Current A P Edit: Base A P Gain Per Turn Edit: I A P Gain This Turn Edit: Enabled Class Features Edit: I Bend Like A Reed Rounds Edit: I Ranger Focus Rounds Edit: I Polearm Reach Attacks Edit: I Reactive Linens Rounds Edit: I Bulwark Rounds Edit: I Take Them With You Rounds Edit: I Mad Thirsty Charges Edit: I Secondary Ranged Attacks Edit: I Secondary Melee Attacks Edit: I Rounds In Same Place Edit: F Too Close Distance Edit: I Anchor Actor Load I D Edit: I Anchor Leash Range Edit: I Champion Tier Edit: I Turns Until Natural H P Regen Edit: I Turns Until Natural Stam Regen Edit: I Turns Until Natural Mana Regen Edit: I Blindness Counter Edit: I Flee Value Edit: I Ticks To Remain Fleeing Edit: I Rage Value Edit: I Ticks To Remain Raging Edit: I Ticks To Remain Paralyzed Edit: F Natural Creature Stun Immunity Percent Edit: F Knockback Immunity Percent Edit: I Ticks To Remain Dazed Edit: F Editor Health Mod Edit: F Editor Hit Mod Edit: F Editor Armor Mod Edit: F Editor Block Mod Edit: F Editor Dodge Mod Edit: F Editor Parry Mod Edit: F Editor Defeat Armor Mod Edit: F Editor Defeat Block Mod Edit: F Editor Defeat Dodge Mod Edit: F Editor Defeat Parry Mod Edit: I Turns To Force Creature To Skip Turn For Scripts Edit: F Wavey Draw Time Edit: B Cant Find Path Edit: B Have Fired Activation Bark Edit: B Resting Edit: B Should Interrupt Rest Edit: B Game Won If Killed Edit: B Powers Loaded Edit: B Is Raging Edit: B Bonus Damage Added This Round Edit: B Is Mired Edit: B Serving Refreshments Edit: B Last Attack Missed Edit: B Can Ranged Attack Edit: B Was Critically Hit This Round Edit: B Never Move Unless Told To By Someone Else Edit: B Only Aggro In Anchor Range Edit: B Is Fleeing Edit: B Is Pinned Edit: B Is Dazed Edit: B Inanimate Object Edit: Goal Location Edit: Goal Location_2 Edit: Desired Location Edit: Desired Location_2 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_2 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_3 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_4 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_5 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_6 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_7 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_8 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_9 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_10 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_11 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_12 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_13 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_14 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_15 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_16 Edit: Ranged Attack Sprite_17 Edit: Last Round Location Edit: Last Round Location_2 Edit: Anchor Location Edit: Anchor Location_2 Edit: Chambered Start Loc Edit: Chambered Start Loc_2 Edit: Chambered End Loc Edit: Chambered End Loc_2 Edit: I Current Floor Edit: Target Reason Edit: I Current X P Edit: I X P To Next Level Edit: I Unspent Mastery Points Edit: Dialog Reason Edit: Engaged With Bosses Edit: I Ticks Till Encounter Chance Edit: Overworld Encounter Start Condition Edit: B Is In Overworld Edit: B Undying Edit: B Wargod Edit: B Never Left Academy Edit: B Heard Introductory Talk Edit: B Roll Credits Now Edit: B In Auto Pathing Mode Edit: Draw Area Map Anchor Edit: Draw Area Map Anchor_2 Edit: Draw Area Map Anchor_3 Edit: Draw Area Map Anchor_4 Notes ------- THIS GAME CREATES CODE ON THE FLY BECAUSE IT'S WRITTEN IN .NET YOU MUST ACTIVATE THE TRAINER INGAME(!) WHEN YOUR HEALTH IS VISIBLE AND NOT AT THE MAIN MENU. Customize Hotkeys ------- Select the hotkey you want to change and press your desired key or key combination. To reset all hotkeys at once toggle 'Use Controller' twice. Controller hotkeys are not customizable. Editor ------- Double click on a value to open the inline editor. Simple type your desired value and press return key. Pressing SPACE key will freeze the current value which indicates a 'X' symbol next to the description. The category 'TYPE' is showing you how the value is stored in the memory. For more information visit: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ya5y69ds.aspx Controller Support ------- Open 'Controller HowTo' tab at the trainer interface for a detailed instruction on how to use a controller. Don't forget to activate 'Use Controller' at the main page. Troubleshooting ------------------ The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above. http://www.cheathappens.com/trainer_troubleshooting.asp