 - Bolivia
 - Peru
 - Japan
 - West Africa
 - Kazakhstan
 - England
 - Nepal
 - Bolivia redux
 - Croft Manor
Time Trial Tips


Please note that each of these cheat codes must be unlocked by performing the required task in parentheses in order to enter them. Enter these codes anytime during actual gameplay while moving around with Lara.


Textureless Mode
Xbox: Hold L, then press Black, A, B, A, Y, R
Xbox 360: Hold LT, then press: LB, A, B, A, Y, RT
PS2: Hold L1, then press L2, X, Circle, X, Triangle, R1
PC: Hold Backspace, then press 1
(Beat the game)

Draw Enemy Health
Xbox: Hold L, then press X, B, A, Black, R, Y
Xbox 360: Hold LT, then press X, B, A, LB, RT, Y
PS2: Hold L1, then press Square, Circle, X, L2, R1, Triangle
PC: Hold Backspace, then press 2
(Finish Bolivia's Time Trial and beat the game)

Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo
Xbox: Hold Black, then press A, B, A, L, X, Y
Xbox 360: Hold LB, then press A, B, A, LT, X, Y
PS2: Hold L2, then press X, Circle, X, L1, Square, Triangle
PC: Hold Backspace, then press 3
(Finish Japan's Time Trial and beat the game)

Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo
Xbox: Hold Black, then press L, Y, R, B, L, X
Xbox 360: Hold LB, then press LT, Y, RT, B, LT, X
PS2: Hold L2, then press L1, Triangle, R1, Circle, L1, Square
PC: Hold Backspace, then press 4
(Finish Kazakhstan's Time Trial and beat the game)

Infinite Shotgun Ammo
Xbox: Hold Black, then press R, B, X, L, X, A
Xbox 360: Hold LB, then press RT, B, X, LT, X, A
PS2: Hold L2, then press R1, Circle, Square, L1, Square, X
PC: Hold Backspace, then press 5
(Finish Ghana Time Trial and beat the game)


Infinite SMG Ammo
Xbox: Hold Black, then press B, Y, L, R, A, B
Xbox 360: Hold LB, then press B, Y, LT, RT, A, B
PS2: Hold L2, then press Cicle, Triangle, L1, R1, X, Circle
PC: Hold Backspace, then press 6
(Finish Peru Time Trial and beat the game)

Xbox: Hold L, then press A, R, Y, R, X, Black
Xbox 360: Hold LT, then press A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB
PS2: Hold L1, then press X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, L2
PC: Hold Backspace, then press 7
(Finish England Time Trial and beat the game)

One Shot Kill
Xbox: Hold L, then press Y, A, Y, X, Black, B
Xbox 360: Hold LT, then press Y, A, Y, X, LB, B
PS2: Hold L1, then press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, L2, Circle
PC: Hold Backspace, then press 8
(Finish Bolivia Redux Time Trial and beat the game)


Wield Excalibur
Xbox: Hold Black, then press Y, A, B, R, Y, L
Xbox 360: Hold LB, then press Y, A, B, RT, Y, LT
PS2: Hold L2, then press Triangle, X, Circle, R1, Triangle, L1
PC: Hold Backspace, then press 9
(Finish Nepal Time Trial and beat the game)

Wield Soul Reaver
Xbox: Hold Black, then press A, R, B, R, L, X
Xbox 360: Hold LB, then press A, RT, B, RT, LT, X
PS2: Hold L2, then press X, R1, Circle, R1, L1, Square
PC: Hold Backspace, then press 0
(Complete game 100%, finish all time trials, and beat the game)

Unfortunate Mishaps Video
(Beat the game)

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