intro . packages . rampages . bonus missions . unique jumps . assets . missions . downloads . credits
top fun . pizza boy . helicopter . firefighter . vigilante . paramedic . taxi . stadium . vehicle . robbery


If you steal or hijack a fire truck you can press Num + or Caps Lock (R3 for the PS2 and X for the X-Box) to activate bonus Firefighter missions. It allows you to put out cars that are on fire. You will get a certain amount of time to put out the fire or the car will explode. At later levels the fires will be harder to put out, like when you reach level 2 there will be people running away from the car that you also need to put out. Then there will be more than one person on fire, moving cars, multiple cars, etc.

Reward: If you get to level 12 you will become fireproof so you wont lose any health if you catch on fire.

You can find the parked fire truck at the Fire Station on the East Island.

  click on a bonus mission for detailed information


Top Fun

Pizza Boy






The Stadium

Vehicle Missions

Robbery Missions


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