intro . packages . rampages . bonus missions . unique jumps . assets . missions . downloads . credits
malibu . print works . film studio . kaufman . cherry popper . boatyard . sunshine autos . pole position


There arent any missions to do on this asset, but you will have to complete one task before you can collect any daily money. Once you have purchased this asset, go inside and head to the back rooms on the the left. Enter the first room on your left and a film sequence will start. You will have to spend $600 for this dance to complete the mission so note how much money you have and then leave the game like that for a while since it will take some time to complete.

You have completed this asset after the dance is complete and you can nowpick up $3.000 per day from the money icon outside the buidling.

  click on an asset for detailed information


The Malibu Club


Print Works


InterGlobal Film Studio


Kaufman Cabs


Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory




Sunshine Autos


Pole Position Strip Club



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