intro . packages . rampages . bonus missions . unique jumps . assets . missions . downloads . credits
malibu . print works . film studio . kaufman . cherry popper . boatyard . sunshine autos . pole position


Mission 1: Spilling The Beans
Reward: $2.000
Objective: Get information about print plates from a boat captain.

First get to the Malibu club and talk to Kent Paul. It is a good idea to get some armor and guns before continuing. Now drive to the boat yard and get on the boat. Try not to be seen by the guards or they will alarm more guards to come after you. Get the information you need from the boss. You will now have a two stars wanted level. Get off the boat and drive back to the Print Works to complete the mission.

Mission 2: Hit The Courier
Reward: $5.000
Objective: Kill the courier and get the print plates.

Go back to the docks to start this mission. The courier will arrive in a helicopter. Take out as many guards as you can. The courier who is carrying the plates has an arrow on top of her head. She will get into a car and try to escape. Follow her and take out her car then when she gets out, kill her and pick up the plates. You will get a two stars wanted level. Get back to the Print Works to complete the mission.

Now you have completed the Print Works missions and can pick up $8.000 per day from the money icon outside the buidling.

  click on an asset for detailed information


The Malibu Club


Print Works


InterGlobal Film Studio


Kaufman Cabs


Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory




Sunshine Autos


Pole Position Strip Club



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