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Target Marks
Extras / Cheats

WALKTHROUGH - Mission 04 - Mountain Route 1

"Climb the first mountain route to reach the peak. You will find the way to the next area from there."



Several Spider Akrid will be lurking along the walls of the path ahead. Grapple up to the MACHINE GUN on the left then start blasting the hives and Spiders protruding from them. Once you reach area with a SHOTGUN, a giant moth will fly overhead and unleash several explosive eggs. Look above and try to avoid them or shoot them while continuing to fight off the current Spider Akrid around you. The giant moth will swoop by the valley quite a few times. There are some boulders on the side of the mountains above many of the hives that can be shot to take out the hives and a few Spiders. A Dongo will roll down the path as soon as you turn to the right, so be ready to shoot him with your shotgun. Look to the left right after the Dongo rolls and grapple up to the side of the mountain for a MACHINE GUN and a pickup of GUM GRENADES.

When you make another turn a DATA POST (1/4) will be on a raised area to the right. Pick up the MACHINE GUN nearby and shoot the boulders above the Akrid hive up ahead to keep them from spawning as much. There is another MACHINE GUN further ahead and to the left a bit followed by a ROCKET LAUNCHER under some snow at the end of the path. Drop down into the nearby hole near the dead Snow Pirate to escape the constant dive bomb of explosive eggs.



Don't automatically slide down into the building. Take a look around the area! Fire at the hives around the room (on the ceiling and floor) and destroy them all from the safety of your suspended cable. Aim for the explosive barrels and toss grenades down at them. Be sure to grab both pickups of GUM GRENADES, both MACHINE GUNS, the GATLING GUN, and the HAND GRENADES if needed. Walk into the hall up ahead where you'll find another MACHINE GUN. Grapple to the floor above and collect the PLASMA GRENADES near the corridor.

The corridor will lead to a big room with Snow Pirates. Find the Snow Pirate with the rocket launcher on the crane (in the middle) and kill him first. One enemy Vital Suit equipped with a rocket launcher will be to the right as you enter and another enemy Vital Suit equipped with a shotgun will appear from behind the crates in the left corner. Throw plasma grenades at the enemy Vital Suits and hit them with rockets while they are stunned. Two Dongos will roll down the middle part of the room toward the Snow Pirates when you get near the stack of crates. Activate the DATA POST (2/4) near the left set of crates when the coast is clear. Several item pickups are lying around the room including: GUN GRENADES, HAND GRENADES, MACHINE GUNS, and SHOTGUNS. Don't forget to shoot the large black tanks in the room for some extra T-ENG as well.


Enter the small corridor through the doorway on the top of the raised area on the right side. Turn the corner at the end of the corridor and the giant moth outside will fly by and break the windows. The air gust will always knock you back even you move back down the corridor. Drop to the floor below the broken window. Trilid Akrid will start to swoop down at you at this point. A few Snow Pirates will also shoot from a ledge on the right side. If you have a rocket launcher then use that to kill them quickly and take out the Trilid nests as well. Use the MACHINE GUN to the side to thin out of a few of the Trilids. Fall down to the metal lift on the right side and it will start automatically. Shoot at the Snow Pirates and Trilid while moving if there are any left. The lift will eventually get damaged by some of the Explosive Akrid, so you'll need to grapple to the snowy ledge to the right side in order to continue. The lift will always fall so grappling to the mountain ledge is necessary to continue.

Blast the Explosive Akrid from the safety of the ledge and try to destroy the remaining Trilid hives (there's two of them) while moving up the mountainside. You'll come across a metal doorway at the top of the mountainside. Ready a shotgun and blast the Trilid as they dive out of the doorway in a group. Finish off any remaining Trilid once you get inside of the room through the doorway then activate the DATA POST (3/4) off to the left. Pick up the MACHINE GUN then get inside of the Vital Suit. This is a GTB-22 model that has the ability to double jump (A after normal jump), long jump (Y; then Y to cancel while in the air), and lay out a smoke screen (X). Grab the LASER RIFLE before long jumping up to the platform above.


Clear out the Trilids up ahead then look up and shoot the Explosive Akrid and other Trilids up above. Get out of the VS and pick up the MACHINE GUN and GUM GRENADES if needed then use the VS to long jump up the platforms. You'll find an ENERGY GUN on the platform above and a pickup of GUM GRENADES if you go across the narrow ledge. On the ledges above there will be 2 GATLING GUNS, 2 ROCKET LAUNCHERS, 2 MACHINE GUNS, HAND GRENADES, PLASMAS GRENADES, and a VS ROCKET LAUNCHER. Stand on the very top platform, right above the VS rocket launcher pickup and long jump through the hole in the roof. Step toward the Data Post off to the side. An avalanche will happen that will bury the hole in the roof that you just jumped through.


Get out of your VS and activate the DATA POST (4/4). Dig up the VS and the LASER RIFLE from the two mounds of snow. It comes equipped with a missile launcher and a gatling gun, which will be perfect for the upcoming boss battle. Jump on top of the boulders that fell on the rooftop exit then jump up the side of the mountain. You will see a big open area with plenty of item pickups in the distance along with a steep hill in the middle. Walk toward the new area.



Boss - Giant Wasp


Shoot the middle glowing section of the wasp to damage it. You can actually shoot this boss' wings with a gatling gun and make him fall to the ground so that you can unload on his heat source, but I would suggest taking nearly half of his HP bar before trying this since he will get extremely aggressive when he only has half of his life left. Concentrate on one side of his wings and the boss' wings will start to show signs of damage on that side. He will eventually fall to the ground and land on his back, exposing his heat source in full view. He will regenerate his wings, but it takes him about 15 seconds.

In order to defeat this boss you must learn his patterns of attack. Here is a list of his attacks:

1) The boss will fire down a vertical line of fireballs.

How to avoid: Move to the sides.

2) The boss will fire down a horizontal line of fireballs.

How to avoid: Move away from the boss or jump. Sometimes moving toward him will cause them to fly over you.

3) The boss will release some explosive flying insects that will fly directly toward you in a group.

How to avoid: Double jump when they are about midways toward you.

4) The boss will start to fly backward then suddenly lunge straight toward you.

How to avoid: Double jump as soon as the boss is about to lunge.

If you can learn to avoid all of those attacks, you will be fine for the first half of the battle. While on foot, a single roll to the side will dodge all of his attacks mentioned above. To hit him while he flies, you must wait until he attacks. He will always stop and float in the air for each of the above attacks. The only catch is to not attack him while he prepares his lunge attack or you will be eating his back end through your Vital Suit. Take about half of his life then start to work on one set of wings with the gatling gun to make him fall. Try as much as you can to finish him off while he remains on the ground. He will hover in place for a few seconds after getting up with regenerated wings as well.

Once half of his life is taken he will perform his lunge attack (attack #4 above). He will take quite a while to recover from the lunge attack so take that time to fill him full of charged laser blasts and missiles. When he recovers from the lunge attacks he is about to go crazy with his attacks and bombard you with fireballs. During this wave of attacks it is best to keep moving toward him no matter where he flies to. Stay moving toward him and many of his attacks will go right over your VS or fall behind it. The wasp will perform a move where he will send a single fireball into the air and that fireball will explode into a bunch of smaller fireballs and rain down upon your VS - keep moving toward him and the fireballs should land behind you. He also still sends out the flying insects occasionally. He will eventually stop during his aggressive attacks and spend quite a while hovering in the air to recover from his onslaught and that is when you should nail him.

This boss is very hard outside of the VS that you enter this area with. There is a standard VS suit to the side, but it is much slower, so you will wind up getting hit a bunch while using it. You can also jump back down to the VS down the mountainside that you left. He can still be taken out on foot, but you will have to roll constantly, especially when he gets super aggressive toward the end of the battle. Listen for the sounds that he will make before he does each attack if your camera ever loses him then roll immediately. Use VS weapons while on foot to blast him when he has to recover.

Boss - Giant Wasp (EXTREME MODE)

Try to bring the very first GTB-22 Vital Suit with you for this fight since the missile launcher on the other cannot be detached. Have a gatling gun on one side and a VS shotgun on the other. The VS shotgun should be on the left side of the area as you make your way to the boss fight open area. Keep blasting one set of wings on either of boss' sides with a gatling gun until he falls. Make sure to stay near him when you think he is about to fall. Run over to him and blast his heat source with continuous VS shotgun blasts and gatling gun blasts until he flies away. Don't forget that you can still hit him while he hovers right before flying away. The blasts will severely damage him or possibly kill him. Don't forget to shoot the tanks around the area and also remember that you can move back down the mountainside and get the VS in the snow.

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