Space Haven Message Board  STATUS: ACTIVE - Trainers are still being considered and updated for this title as patches are released. There is no guarantee that a trainer can be made or updated but it will be reviewed by our staff.

Our Space Haven Trainer is now available for version 03.14.2024 and supports STEAM. Our Space Haven message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Space Haven Trainer
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    Send a message to Caliber
    Caliber posted on Sep 29, 2019 3:07:30 PM - Report post

    game is written in JAVA, so that comes with the following issues

    1) code is created on the fly and only when something sets off the compiler

    2) code is created in random memory and not in any order and also not in any module in the game.

    3) code is used then left in place and may be created again and again, so when you click the storage module for instance, code is created that reads what is in it. Then you close the module, then open it again and new code is created, but old code is left in place. Effectively this means injecting into the game at a spot to catch anything becomes impossible.

    4) code that is created is java ****ted. which means that registers, addresses, offsets, stack, etc. all are pretty much random and dependent on the memory and state of the game at the time you do 'whatever' that would normally set it off.

    this following code is an example of code created when clicking a storage module

    202EDF7B0CA - 42 8B 4C 85 10 - mov ecx,[rbp+r8*4+10]
    202EDF7B0CF - 44 8B 41 08 - mov r8d,[rcx+08]

    202EDF7B08A - 44 8B 53 0C - mov r10d,[rbx+0C]
    202EDF7B08E - 45 8B 43 0C - mov r8d,[r11+0C]
    202EDF7B092 - 45 3B C2 - cmp r8d,r10d
    202EDF7B095 - 0F8D 33F3FFFF - jnl 202EDF7A3CE
    202EDF7B09B - 8B 6B 0C - mov ebp,[rbx+0C]
    202EDF7B09E - 44 3B C5 - cmp r8d,ebp
    202EDF7B0A1 - 0F8D 4A1A0000 - jnl 202EDF7CAF1
    202EDF7B0A7 - 45 85 C9 - test r9d,r9d
    202EDF7B0AA - 0F84 591A0000 - je 202EDF7CB09
    202EDF7B0B0 - 8B 6B 14 - mov ebp,[rbx+14]
    202EDF7B0B3 - 45 8B C8 - mov r9d,r8d
    202EDF7B0B6 - 41 FF C1 - inc r9d
    202EDF7B0B9 - 45 89 4B 0C - mov [r11+0C],r9d
    202EDF7B0BD - 44 8B 4D 0C - mov r9d,[rbp+0C]
    202EDF7B0C1 - 45 3B C1 - cmp r8d,r9d
    202EDF7B0C4 - 0F83 03170000 - jae 202EDF7C7CD
    202EDF7B0CA - 42 8B 4C 85 10 - mov ecx,[rbp+r8*4+10]
    202EDF7B0CF - 44 8B 41 08 - mov r8d,[rcx+08]
    202EDF7B0D3 - 41 81 F8 99D50520 - cmp r8d,2005D599 { 537253273 }
    202EDF7B0DA - 0F85 4D1D0000 - jne 202EDF7CE2D
    202EDF7B0E0 - 48 8B 54 24 20 - mov rdx,[rsp+20]
    202EDF7B0E5 - 44 8B 52 44 - mov r10d,[rdx+44]
    202EDF7B0E9 - 45 8B 4A 60 - mov r9d,[r10+60]
    202EDF7B0ED - 45 8B 41 30 - mov r8d,[r9+30]
    202EDF7B0F1 - 48 8B F1 - mov rsi,rcx
    202EDF7B0F4 - 8B 5E 0C - mov ebx,[rsi+0C]
    202EDF7B0F7 - C5F22A4E 10 - vcvtsi2ss xmm1,ecx,[rsi+10]
    202EDF7B0FC - 45 8B 48 0C - mov r9d,[r8+0C]
    202EDF7B100 - 4D 8B EA - mov r13,r10
    202EDF7B103 - 45 85 C9 - test r9d,r9d
    202EDF7B106 - 0F8E 90F1FFFF - jng 202EDF7A29C
    202EDF7B10C - 4C 89 6C 24 58 - mov [rsp+58],r13
    202EDF7B111 - 41 8B E9 - mov ebp,r9d
    202EDF7B114 - 89 5C 24 50 - mov [rsp+50],ebx
    202EDF7B118 - 48 89 74 24 48 - mov [rsp+48],rsi
    202EDF7B11D - 44 89 44 24 44 - mov [rsp+44],r8d
    202EDF7B122 - 44 89 54 24 40 - mov [rsp+40],r10d
    202EDF7B127 - 4C 89 5C 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],r11

    unfortunately that iteration of code will never be created just like that again... each time will be different.

    so a trainer for this game is pretty much not going to be made. Maybe someone has a java interpreter or can modify the scripts of the game (outside the running game). that's beyond my knowledge and expertise.

    My feeling also is that games made with java are 1) made by newbs or people who just refuse to pick a more game ready and game performance type language and are forcing themselves to code with java for whatever reason 2) won't be a AAA game and likely this will fizzle at some point.
    Trainer Creator
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    Send a message to Lord-Xanthor
    Lord-Xanthor posted on Oct 05, 2019 5:57:38 PM - Report post
    To save you some headache, I been working myself on the source code and data of this game ever since I joined into the beta in the beginning. I know almost the entire game inside and out, and to be honest, a Trainer to do everything to this game that is beneficial with all the options there are now, is not just time consuming, it's pointless as everything is constantly changing which each update and addition to Space Haven. I myself have made an entire city, 20 times larger than the normal ship. Made 80 crew members with stats that prevent accidents, speed up production, explore beyond normal areas, larger storage, unlimited items, etcetc, things our Trainers normally do, but instead of a trainer, or memory manager, Im using a regular text editor as if you look at the code, just about everything you see is self explanatory, at least for most it is. Since I'm heavily invested into this game, I can do one of my step by step tutorials, explains what each item is, what they do, their effect, where found, what not to do, etcetc. Only thing that might cause issues, is some of what is needed to be in the post sets off the protections of the website. I can email my instructions/notes to you or another staffer for them to put up if they have higher access where posting wont set off the protections. Let me know what you think @Caliber
    P.S. Forgot to mention, just like editing a disk with hex editor, you need to edit the data and core files, then load them in. I have a huge list of what does what, and can also put up already modified save files if needed. I tried to do pastbin, but sadly, all files are above 500k, and its been almost a year since I keep seeing the out of pro accounts message, and no work from staff. Makes one wonder if the sites running itself now.

    [Edited by Lord-Xanthor, 10/6/2019 12:53:26 AM]
  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to Lord-Xanthor
    Lord-Xanthor posted on Oct 06, 2019 9:10:51 PM - Report post
    Im enclosing a rar file of some random screenshots for the mods to look over. Again I can do two things, one make a tutorial on how to edit this game with pictures, and/or include a link to a save game that has everything in it, including 50 modified crew and unlimited supplies. Just reply or pm me if any of the info is helpful.
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    Send a message to KeeperUsiel
    KeeperUsiel posted on Feb 06, 2020 12:28:55 PM - Report post
    I would definitely be interested in a tutorial on how to edit the game data as a trainer is implausible.
    "No matter where you go...there are you are." -Buckaroo Banzai
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    Send a message to Samuraiddc
    Samuraiddc posted on May 21, 2020 6:45:04 PM - Report post
    Aw, really? wait people were playing it in 2019?

    If I use cosmo can I then change something in the current game or does the code change even when you're playing?
  • Current rank: 2.5 Stars. Next Rank at 2000 Posts.
    Send a message to Ashar
    Ashar posted on May 21, 2020 7:43:22 PM - Report post
    im sure i will get told off, but you can easily edit teh save files to max all your crew stats, far beyond normal, so they never need to eat, or sleep, always happy, zip around fast and insta build. You can set the game mode to sandbox, which doesnt change anything except you can spawn in resources. Given the trouble in making a trainer for this, the edits seem the easist solution.
  • Premium Plus
    Send a message to Samuraiddc
    Samuraiddc posted on May 22, 2020 2:21:47 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Ashar

    im sure i will get told off, but you can easily edit teh save files to max all your crew stats, far beyond normal, so they never need to eat, or sleep, always happy, zip around fast and insta build. You can set the game mode to sandbox, which doesnt change anything except you can spawn in resources. Given the trouble in making a trainer for this, the edits seem the easist solution.

    Any chance you could tell me how you edit the safe file to do that? Sorry, I am not a clever person.

  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to GraVe23
    GraVe23 posted on May 22, 2020 3:50:21 AM - Report post
    save a game go to your game folder

    something like*:\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceHaven
    there is a folder name "Savegames
    now look for the name of your game (Hint: its not the _temp folder)
    here you search the folder with the name "save" (or if you want the autosave folders)
    in there is a data with the name "game" open it with a editor (i recommend notepad++)
    there you go and can edit everything in the game (developer already said he will NOT encrypt it so far)
    for Sandbox mode, search for "sandbox" and set it from false to true

    i would really like to know how:
    - edit the asteroids to have more ressources
    - make more crewmembers
    if someone could tell me where/how thank you

    [Edited by GraVe23, 5/22/2020 3:53:42 AM]
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